服装热阻是影响人体热舒适的重要因素之一,夜间睡眠状态下的被服系统总热阻包括人体所穿服装热阻与整个床褥系统热阻。针对低气压环境,目前,尚缺乏被服热阻实验数据,也没有可参考的被服系统总热阻的理论计算模型。以人体睡眠状态被服系统总热阻计算方法为依据,引入气压修正项对相关参数进行修正,建立了适用于低气压环境的被服系统总热阻的修正计算模型,并用模型计算了冬夏典型被服系统总热阻,分析了气压减小对总热阻的影响,发现冬夏季被服系统总热阻均随大气压力降低而升高,增加百分比最大值均为42%,且均出现在被子覆盖率为23.3%的条件下,当海拔低于3 000 m时,由被子覆盖率引起的被服系统总热阻增加系数不超过0.05。
Clothing thermal resistance is a key factor that affects the thermal comfort of human body. The total thermal resistance of bedding and clothing system in sleeping at night includes the clothing system resistance and the body of the mattress system. In the low pressure environment, there is still a lack of experimental data and calculation model of thermal resistance, with no reference to theory models. In this paper, based on calculation method of the total thermal resistance of bedding and clothing system in sleeping, the calculation model of total thermal resistance in low pressure environment is established by the introduction of pressure correction of related parameters. The typical total thermal resistance both summer and winter is calculated using the model. The variation rules of total thermal resistance caused by the pressure reducing is obtained. At altitude of less than 3000m, the increasing coefficient of total thermal resistance of bedding and clothing system caused by the coverage ratio of blanket is not more than 0.05. The total thermal resistances both winter and summer increase with atmospheric pressure decreasing. There is a same maximum percentage of 42% under the condition of 23.3% of blanket coverage.
low pressure environment; patients; total thermal resistance; pressure correction; calculation model
由以上计算结果分析可知,在相同被子覆盖率条件下,冬夏季被服系统总热阻均随大气压力降低而升高,且冬夏季被服系统热阻随大气压力降低的增加百分比最大值都出现在被子覆盖率为23.3%的条件下,均为42%;同一气压条件,冬夏季被服系统总热阻均随覆盖率的增加而增加,但增加系数随覆盖率的增加而降低,且增加百分比的极值差均不超过0.1。在海拔低于3 000 m的条件下,由被子覆盖率引起的被服系统总热阻增加系数不超过0.05,即可以认为海拔不超过3 000 m的条件下被子覆盖率对被服系统总热阻变化的影响很小。
2)通过该模型计算得到了冬夏两季不同海拔高度下两种典型被服系统组合在不同被子覆盖率条件下的被服系统总热阻。通过分析计算结果,得出了不同大气压力下的被服系统总热阻的变化规律:在海拔低于3 000 m的条件下,被子覆盖率对被服系统总热阻变化的影响很小。冬夏季被服系统总热阻均随大气压力降低而升高,增加百分比最大值均为42%,且均出现在被子覆盖率为23.3%的条件下。
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