
2017-06-05 15:02ByMaryShelley
疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年4期

⊙ By Mary Shelley



⊙ By Mary Shelley




不过,玛丽之所以能在文学史上留下属于自己的独特印记,还得归功于《弗兰肯斯坦》(一译《科学怪人》)。这本小说出版于1818年,全名为《弗兰肯斯坦:现代普罗米修斯的故事》(Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus),讲的是科学家弗兰肯斯坦的故事。他一直醉心于人工生命研究,有一天晚上,他用雷电将一个用尸块拼凑出来的人形怪物成功激活,岂料噩梦由此开始……



Morning,1)dismaland wet, at length dawned and discovered to my sleepless and2)achingeyes the church of Ingolstadt, its white3)steepleand clock, which indicated the sixth hour. The4)porteropened the gates of the court, which had that night been my5)asylum, and I6)issuedinto the streets, pacing them with quick steps, as if I sought to avoid the7)wretchwhom I feared every turning of the street would present to my view. I did not dare return to the apartment which I8)inhabited, but felt9)impelledto hurry on, although10)drenchedby the rain which poured from a black and comfortless sky.

I continued walking in this manner for some time,11)endeavouringby bodily exercise to ease the load that weighed upon my mind. I12)traversedthe streets without any clear conception of where I was or what I was doing. My heart13)palpitatedin the sickness of fear, and I hurried on with14)irregularsteps, not daring to look about me.

Continuing thus, I came at length opposite to the inn at which the various15)diligencesand carriages usually stopped. Here I paused, I knew not why; but I remained some minutes with my eyes fixed on a16)coachthat was coming towards me from the other end of the street. As it drew nearer I observed that it was the Swiss diligence; it stopped just where I was standing, and on the door being opened, I17)perceivedHenry Clerval, who, on seeing me, instantly18)sprungout. “My dear Frankenstein,”19)exclaimedhe, “how glad I am to see you! How fortunate that you should be here at the very moment of my20)alighting!”

1) dismal [5dIzm(ə)l] adj. 抑郁的,阴暗的

2) aching [5eIkIŋ] adj. 痛的,疼痛的

3) steeple [5sti:pl] n. [建]尖顶,尖塔

4) porter [5pɔ:tə(r)] n. 守门人,门房

5) asylum [ə5saIləm] n. 避难所,庇护所

6) issue [5Isju:] v. 流出,排出

7) wretch [ret∫] n. 不幸的人,此处指怪物。

8) inhabit [In5hæbIt] v. 居住

9) impel [Im5pel] v. 推动,驱使

10) drench [drent∫] v. 湿透

11) endeavour [In5devə(r)] v. 努力,尽力

12) traverse [5trævз:s] v. 走过,经过

13) palpitate [5pælpIteIt] v. 心跳,悸动

14) irregular [I5reɡjʊlə(r)] adj. 不稳定的

15) diligence [5dIlIdʒəns] n. 驿站马车

16) coach [kəʊt∫] n. 四轮大马车

17) perceive [pə5si:v] v. 察觉,发觉

18) spring [sprIŋ] v. 跳,跃起,过去分词为sprung。

19) exclaim [Iks5kleIm] v. 呼喊,大声说

20) alight [ə5laIt] v. 从车(马)上下来

21) recollection [7rekə5lek∫ən] n. 回忆,往事

Nothing could equal my delight on seeing Clerval; his presence brought back to my thoughts my father, Elizabeth, and all those scenes of home so dear to my21)recollection. Igrasped his hand, and in a moment forgot my horror and misfortune; I felt suddenly, and for the first time during many months, calm and22)serenejoy. I welcomed my friend, therefore, in the most23)cordialmanner, and we walked towards my college. Clerval continued talking for some time about our24)mutualfriends and his own good fortune in being permitted to come to Ingolstadt. “You may easily believe,” said he, “how great was the difficulty to persuade my father that all necessary knowledge was not25)comprisedin the noble art of book-keeping; and, indeed, I believe I left him26)incredulousto the last, for his constant answer to my27)unwearied28)entreatieswas the same as that of the29)Dutchschoolmaster in The Vicar of Wakefield: ‘I have ten thousand30)florinsa year without Greek, I eat heartily without Greek.’ But his

词组:at length

这个选段出现了很多带有at length的句子,大家能将这些句子都找出来吗?虽然本文中的at length都是“最终,终于”的意思,但这个词组其实有着多种含义,在平时的使用当中还可以表示“详尽地”或是“长久地,啰唆地”,在理解词组时要具体情况具体分析,如:

●At length, we began to understand what he wanted. (最后,我们总算搞懂他想要什么了。)

● She talkedat lengthabout her work and her family. (她详尽地介绍了自己的工作和家庭情况。)

● He spokeat lengthabout nothing at all. (他说了半天,但根本没说出什么名堂。)affection for me at length overcame his dislike of learning, and he has permitted me to undertake a voyage of discovery to the land of knowledge.”

“It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left my father, brothers, and Elizabeth.”

“Very well, and very happy, only a little uneasy that they hear from you so31)seldom. By the by, I mean to32)lectureyou a little upon their account myself. But, my dear Frankenstein,” continued he, stopping short and33)gazingfull in my face, “I did not before remark how very ill you appear; so thin and34)pale; you look as if you had been watching for several nights.”

“You have guessed right; I have lately been so deeply35)engaged inone occupation that I have not allowed myself36)sufficientrest, as you see; but I hope, I sincerely hope, that all these employments are now at an end and that I am at length free.”

22) serene [sI5ri:n] adj. 平静的,安宁的

23) cordial [5kɔ:dIəl] adj. 热诚的,衷心的

24) mutual [5mju:tjʊəl] adj. 共同的

25) comprise [kəm5praIz] v. 包括,包含

26) incredulous [In5kredjʊləs] adj. 不相信的

27) unwearied [ʌn5wIərId] adj. 孜孜不倦的,不屈不挠的

28) entreaty [In5tri:tI] n. 恳求,哀求

29) Dutch [dʌt∫] adj. 荷兰的

30) forin [5flɒrIn] n. 弗罗林,旧时用于欧洲国家的一种货币。

31) seldom [5seldəm] adv. 不常,很少

32) lecture [5lekt∫ə(r)] v. 教训,训斥

33) gaze [ɡeIz] v. 凝视,注视

34) pale [peIl] adj. 苍白的

35) engage in 从事于,参加

36) suffcient [sə5fI∫(ə)nt] adj. 足够的,充足的









第25章 终极嘱托
Chapter 25 The final wish 第25章 终极嘱托