曲祥君,朱 凯,唐 迪,李 青
曲祥君,朱 凯,唐 迪,李 青
考虑有厚度为 的弹性薄层固结刚性基底,如图1所示。半径为 的刚性圆球在外力 的作用下与薄层发生空间轴对称接触,接触半径为a,薄层产生深度为d的凹陷,圆球的最大压入深度为d。过球心作横截面,建立笛卡尔坐标系进行辅助求解,其中相对应的位移分量为
图1 刚性基底上固结弹性薄层与刚性球状压头的法向接触
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(责任编辑:朱 彬)
Axisymmetric Contact Problem of the Bonded Elastic Thin Layer (Ⅰ)
QU Xiang-Jun,ZHU Kai,TANG Di,LI Qing
(College of Engineering and Technology,Zunyi Normal College,Zunyi 563002,China)
The axisymmetric contact problem for the elastic thin layer bonded to rigid foundation is concerned on the basis of the Papkovich-Neuber potential function,using the Fourier transform to get the stress and the displacement expressions of the elastic thin layer. Considering the boundary conditions,the solution for the contact pressure is obtained by Fourier transforms.
Elastic thin layer;Fourier transform;Axisymmetric contact