Asymptotics of the finite-time ruin probability of a delayed risk model perturbed by diffusion with a constant interest rate

2017-05-15 00:37GAOMiaomiaoWANGKaiyongCHENLameiQIANHaojun

GAO Miaomiao,WANG Kaiyong,CHEN Lamei,QIAN Haojun

(School of Mathematics and Physics,SUST,Suzhou 215009,China)

Asymptotics of the finite-time ruin probability of a delayed risk model perturbed by diffusion with a constant interest rate

GAO Miaomiao,WANG Kaiyong*,CHEN Lamei,QIAN Haojun

(School of Mathematics and Physics,SUST,Suzhou 215009,China)

This paper investigated a delayed and dependent risk model perturbed by diffusion with a constant interest rate,in which the claim sizes and inter-arrival times have some dependent structures,and the claim arrival times constitute a delayed quasi renewal counting process.When the distribution of the claim sizes is heavy-tailed,the asymptotics of the finite-time ruin probability of the above risk model has been obtained.

dependent risk model;constant interest rate;finite-time ruin probability;asymptotics

1 Introduction

In this paper,we consider a delayed and dependent risk model perturbed by diffusion with a constant interest rate.In this model,the claim sizes,Xn,n≥1,form a sequence of identically distributed random variables(r.v.s)with common distribution F and the inter-arrival times,Yn,n≥1,form a sequence of r.v.s.The times of successive claims,,constitute a quasi renewal counting process

where IAis the indicator function of the set A.Denote the renewal function by λ(t)=EN(t),t≥0 and assume that λ(t)<∞ for all t≥0.The total amount of premium accumulated up to time t≥0,denoted by C(t)with C(0)=0 and C(t)<∞ almost surely(a.s.)for every t>0,is a nonnegative and nondecreasing stochastic process.As a perturbed term,B(t),t≥0,is a standard Brownian motion with volatility parameter σ≥0.Assume that{Xn,n≥1},{Yn,n≥1},{C(t),t≥0}and{B(t),t≥0}are mutually independent.Let δ≥0 be the constant interest rate,that is to say,after time t a capital y becomes yeδt.Let x≥0 be the initial capital reserve of the insurance company. Then the total reserve up to time t≥0,denoted by U(x,t),satisfieswhereis the total amount of claims up to time t≥0 with S(t)=0 when N(t)=0.Hence,the ruin probability within a finite time t>0 is defined by

When the claim sizes,Xn,n≥1,are independent and identically distributed(i.i.d.),the inter-arrival times,Yn,n≥1,are also i.i.d.and σ=0,the ruin probabilities of this risk model have been investigated by many researchers[1-8].Recently,more attention has been paid to some dependent risk model[9-11].

Wang et al[12]introduced a new kind of dependence structure and investigated the ruin probability of a dependent risk model with this dependence structure.

Definition 1For the r.v.s{ξn,n≥1},if there exists a finite real sequence{gU(n),n≥1},satisfying for each n≥1 and for all xi∈(-∞,∞),1≤i≤n

then we say that the r.v.s{ξn,n≥1}are widely upper orthant dependent(WUOD);if there exists a finite real sequence{gL(n),n≥1}satisfying for each n>1 and for all xi∈(-∞,∞),1≤i≤n

then we say that the r.v.s{ξn,n≥1}are widely lower orthant dependent(WLOD).

Recall that when gL(n)=gU(n)≡1 for any n≥1 in(2)and(3),the r.v.s{ξn,n≥1}are called negatively upper orthant dependent(NUOD)and negatively lower orthant dependent(NLOD),respectively,and say that the r.v.s{ξn,n≥1}are negatively orthant dependent(NOD)if{ξn,n≥1}are both NUOD and NLOD[13-14].Say that the r.v.s{ξn,n≥1}are pairwise negatively quadrant dependent(NQD)or pairwise NOD,if for all i≠j,r.v.s ξiand ξjare NOD[15].So the WUOD and WLOD structures contain some common negatively dependent r.v.s.Wang et al[12]notes that these structures also contain some positively dependent r.v.s and some other r.v.s.Proposition 1.1 of [12]presents a property about the WUOD r.v.s.

Proposition1If{ξn,n≥1}are nonnegative and WUOD,then for each n≥1

In particular,if{ξn,n≥1}are WUOD,then for each n≥1 and any s>0

In this paper,we mainly investigate the claim sizes with the heavy-tailed distributions.In the following,some common heavy-tailed distribution classes will be introduced.

For a proper distribution V on(-∞,∞),let V(x)=1-V(x),x∈(-∞,∞)be its tail.Say that a distribution V on(-∞,∞)is a heavy-tailed distribution,if for any λ>0,;otherwise,say that V is a lighttailed distribution.An important subclass of heavy-tailed distribution class is the dominated varying distribution class,denoted by D.Say that a distribution V on(-∞,∞)belongs to the class D,if for any 0<y<1

A related class is the long-tailed distribution class L.Say that a distribution V on(-∞,∞)belongs to the class L,if for any y>0

Say that a distribution V on[0,∞)belongs to the subexponential distribution class,denoted by V∈S,if

holds for some(or,equivalently,for all)n≥2,where V*ndenotes the n-fold convolution of V.When V is supported on(-∞,∞),we say that V belongs to the subexponential distribution class if V(x)I{x≥0}belongs to this class. It is well known that the following proper inclusion relationships hold


In the above risk model,when the inter-arrival times Yn,n≥1,are identically distributed r.v.s and σ=0,Wang et al[12]obtained the following asymptotics of the finite-time ruin probability.Before giving their result,we first introduce a notation of Tang[7].Define Λ={t:λ(t)>0}with t=inf{t:λ(t)>0}=inf{t:P(Y1≤t)>0}.It is clear that Λ=[t,∞]if P(Y1=t)>0;or Λ=(t,∞]if P(Y1=t)=0.

Theorem1In the above risk model,assume that σ=0,the claims sizes Xn,n≥1,are WUOD r.v.s with common distribution F∈L∩D and the inter-arrival times Yn,n≥1,are identically distributed and WLOD r.v.s. Also suppose that for any ε>0

We will extend and improve the above result from the following aspects.

1.We will consider a risk model with a perturbed term,i.e.we will consider the case of σ>0.In practice,the perturbed term can be interpreted as an additional uncertainty of the aggregate claims or the premium income of an insurance company.

2.We will consider a delayed risk model, this risk model,Yn,n≥2 are identically distributed,but Y1and Y2are not identically distributed.In this case,N(t),t≥0 is a delayed quasi renewal counting process.

The following is the main result of this paper.

Theorem1In the above risk model,assume that σ≥0,the claims sizes Xn,n≥1,are WUOD r,v,s with common distribution F∈L∩D,the inter-arrival times Yn,n≥1,are WLOD r.v.s and Yn,n≥2,are identically distributed.Also suppose that for any ε>0,(4)and(5)hold.Then for each finite t∈Λ,the relation(6)holds.

Remark 1①When σ=0,and the claims sizes Xn,n≥1 and the inter-arrival times Yn,n≥1 are i.i.d.r.v.s,respectively,Theorem 2.1 of[8]obtained the relation(6)for the case of F∈S.Theorem 2 extends the result of[8] to a dependent risk model with a perturbed term for the case of F∈L∩D.

②When σ=0,the claims sizes Xn,n≥1 are pairwise NOD,the inter-arrival times Yn,n≥1 are NLOD r.v.s and JF->0,[11]obtained the following result under the condition that F∈L∩D:for each finite t∈Λ

Theorem 2 extends the result of[11]to a dependent risk model with a more general dependent structure and with a perturbed term.

2 Proof of result

Before proving the main result,we first give some lemmas.The first lemma extends Lemma 2.1 of[12]to the delayed case.

Lemma1Consider the renewal counting process,n≥1.Suppose that Yn,n≥1 are WLOD r.v.s satisfying(5)and Yn,n≥2 are identically distributed.Also suppose that g(n),n≥1,is a sequence of positive numbers such that for any ε>0,.Then for any t∈Λ and any v>0,it holds that

It should be noted that when Yn,n≥1 are identically distributed and g(n)≡1,n≥1 this lemma is Lemma 2.1 of[12].

Proof.We will use the line of the proof of Lemma 2.1 of[12]to prove this lemma.If there exists a positive constant a>0 such that Y2=a a.s.then Yn,n≥1 are i.i.d..By Lemma 3.2 of[7],we know that(8)holds.In the follow,we will assume that Y2is not degenerate at any positive constant.Since λ(t)<∞ for any t≥0,we know that P(Y2=0)<1.In fact,assume that P(Y2=0)=1,then for any t≥0

Since for any t≥0,λ(t)<∞,we have for any t≥0,P(Y1≤t)=0,which yields that Y1=∞a.s..This contradicts with the definition of the r.v..By P(Y2=0)<1 and the proof of(2.2)in[12],we know that for any t∈Λ there exists T1∈Λ∩[0,T]such that P(Y2≤Y1)<1.Hence,by(9)-(11)we know that(8)holds.

By Lemma 1 and the proof of Lemma 2.4 of[12],we can similarly obtain the following result.

Lemma1In the above risk model,suppose that the claim sizes,Xn,n≥1 are WUOD r.v.s with common distribution F∈L∩D,the inter-arrival times,Yn,n≥1 are WLOD r.v.s and Yn,n≥2 are identically distributed. Also suppose that the relations(4)and(5)hold.Then for each finite t∈Λ

By Lemma 2 and F∈L∩D,we know that for each finite t∈Λ,the distribution of Dδ(t)belongs to L∩D.By(12),the dominated convergence theorem and Lemma 2,it holds that for each finite t∈Λ

For the asymptotic upper bound of ψ(x,t),t∈Λ,since,t≥0 is still a Brownian motion,it holds that the distribution ofis light-tailed.Therefore,it follows from Lemma 2 that for each finite t∈Λ

where in the last step,we have used F∈D and the distribution of,t≥0 is light-tailed.Thus,by(6) and Lemmas 1,Lemmas 3 and Lemmas 2,for each finite t∈Λ,we have


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(苏州科技大学 数理学院,江苏 苏州 215009)








O211.4MR(2010)Subject Classification:62P05;62E10;60F05


