
2017-04-21 00:24廖立杨鹏志
魅力中国 2016年41期


摘 要:SCR脱硝技术是火电站使用的较为成熟的脱硝方法。本文中,以SCR反应器出口NO浓度为研究目标,采用Langmuir吸附层模型和E-R反应机理建立反应模型,运用现场运行数据和辨识技术获得了模型特征参数,并假设NO反应速率指前因子KNO是一个随反应过程氨氮比变化的变量。通过电站实际运行中动态、稳态过程进行验证分析。仿真试验表明:1)辨识参数及对于KNO的的假设具有合理性,模型能够反应运行过程中NO出口浓度变化过程。2)反应温度,进口NO浓度,供氨量、烟气流速对于催化反应有着重要的影响。3)运行过程中,及时控制供氨量、保证氨氮比变化率是防止排放超标的有效手段。


Modeling and simulation of SCR reaction in a power plant

Liao Li, Yang Pengzhi

Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technologies and Systems, Chongqing University, Ministry of Education, Chongqing 400044, PR China

Abstract: The SCR (selective catalytic reduction) technique is an advanced way to removal NOx from the flue gases in coal-fired power plants. Based on the Langmuir adsorption-desorption model and Eley-Rideal reaction mechanism, a dynamic mathematical model is established in this paper to focus on the nitrogen monoxide concentration at the outlet of the SCR reactor . In additional, identification technique is applied to obtain the exact value of certain kinetic parameters based on the data from a power plant and the assumption that the pre-exponential factor for the DeNOx reaction KNO is a variable which is affected by the NH3/NO concentration ratio at the inlet of the SCR reactor. The SCR model is tested in static state situation and dynamic state situation in different loads in the power plant .The result of simulation suggests that: A)these parameters gained from identification and the SCR model can suit the real SCR reaction in this power plant .B) Temperature, ammonia concentration, nitrogen monoxide concentration as well as gas velocity play crucial roles in SCR reaction .C)In the power plant, the amount of ammonia supply, the control of NH3/NO concentration ratio are effective methods to ensure the nitrogen monoxide concentration at the outlet of the SCR reactor stays in an appropriate range especially in the load up process or load down process.

Keywords: SCR; modeling and simulation; identification; power plant operation



选取机组某500MW时稳定状态时的参数值。 图7中,5s时刻,进口NO浓度突然升高至962mg/m3,出口NO的浓度相应的增大至68mg/m3 。 15s时刻,突然增加进口烟气温度至385℃,催化效应增加,出口NO浓度减小,直至25s处,保持温度385℃,进口NO浓度降至924 mg/m3。此时可见出口NO浓度减小至56 mg/m3。 变化过程和趋势符合实际的变化。


1依据Langmuir吸附层模型、E-R反应机理、建立反应器出口NO浓度变化的模型,其中未知参数采用多次辨识的方法获得,假设KNO是一个与氨氮比变化率有关的函数,通过拟合得到关系式 。仿真过程的关键是确定不同阶段的负荷时起始修正系数 ,负荷变化时根据前后时间段氨氮比变化率乘以相应 。模型能够较为真实的反应机组运行时出口NO浓度的变化趋势和相应数值,最大误差控制在25%以内。




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廖立,男,1986.7.1,羌族,四川绵阳人,重庆大学动力工程學院在读硕士研究生 研究方向:火电站脱硫脱硝