An Art of Auspiciousness
There is a catchy formula for a New Year picture creation: “Drama within a painting is always intriguing, auspicious words are always enchanting, and aesthetic fi gures are always seductive.” Drawing is just the fi rst step to the woodblock New Year picture creation. The entire process also involves the primary steps of engraving and printing, and each step is considered a craft in and of itself.
Text by Zhang Meng Photos by Wang Yuanchang Translation by Sonia
Draft drawing is the fi rst step when woodblock New Year picture creation. This step involves drawing creation, tracing, and color separation. After selecting a good theme and determining the content, the idea is then drafted on paper. After the draft is formulated, numerous revisions are required to establish the fi nal draft and start the tracing process. The outlines of the painting are then properly traced, and the color fi lling plates are drawn. One color fi lling plate must be drawn for each different color of the original painting. To facilitate the engraving work, the outlines of the draft must be clearly distinguishable. The lines must also be smooth, straightforward, clear detailed, concise, and straightforward.
创作年画画稿有一个朗朗上口的口诀 :“画中要有戏,百看才不腻;出口要吉利,才能合人意;人品要俊秀,能得人欢喜。”画稿只是木版年画制作的第一步,还须经刻版和印刷等主要工序,且每道工艺都有自己的讲究。
Engraving starts after the draft has been completed. The wooden frame is fi rst sawn into the appropriate specifi cation according to the size of the painting frame layout, and the thickness must be strong enough to withstand the work. No matter the type of wood, the frame must be shaved fl at, cleaned, and then polished using water sandpaper. The next step, draft positioning, is critical and can determine the life of the painting. The artist fi rst places the outline draft fi rmly and steadily onto the wooden frame to determine the position, uses a pencil to mark the four corners, remove the draft, apply a thin and even coat of glue onto the frame, and next comes the crucial step – quickly affi x the draft onto the frame based on the position marks. The artist then holds the draft with the left hand and uses a small brown brush to lightly and evenly brush from the center outwards in all directions until the draft is smoothly affi xed onto the frame without any bumps or folds.
The quality of the New Year picture is closely related to the engraving process. Good engraving can signifi cantly enhance the charm of the New Year picture, especially the line expressions for the faces and hands of the fi gures in the painting. So artists must stay very careful and focused once the engraving process has started.
After the artist has prepared the picture outline and color process drafts, the next step is to affi x and press hundreds of sheets of white papers onto the printing project. The artist would place the drafts on the edges of the paper, used the hand to fl ip the paper, and glue each paper fi lled with color onto the New Year picture frame. Finally, the artist uses the left hand to hold the paper and the right hand to fl atten the paper onto the frame using a brown brush. After all of the papers for one color have been affi xed, change to another color and repeat this process until printing is completed for all of the colors.
Wooden frames:
Fine grain, uniform, smooth, degummed, dry, and non-cracking wooden panels made out of pearwood, ashtree wood, etc., are generally selected for New Year picture frames.
Engraving tools:
Engraving tools mainly comprise of chisel knives. Fist and oblique knives are the common tools used to engrave the main patterns. These knives must be thin and sharp, and sharpened on both edges. Auxiliary tools include round knife, triangle knife, flat knives of all sizes, curved chisel, flat chisel, chisel pin, and cutting chisel; and these knife tools are mostly made by the artists themselves.
Color pigments:
The inks used for the outlines are made and mixed by the artists themselves, and deckleedge or rice papers are generally adopted for printing. There is a sequential order to color printing, and the ink outline generally starts first.
Water-based plant and mineral pigments were used during the early days, but the traditional Chinese painting color pigments are mostly used today.