(华东交通大学 软件学院,江西 南昌,330013)
(华东交通大学 软件学院,江西 南昌,330013)
复杂疾病是一类由多种因素导致且形成机制尚未明晰的人类健康杀手,如精神失常、多发性硬化症及肿瘤等常见疾病,而肿瘤是复杂疾病中最为常见的疾病之一。据中国肿瘤登记年报最新统计结果显示,全国每分钟约有6人被确诊为癌症,并且患者已呈现出年轻化趋势,因此,肿瘤对国民生活质量造成了巨大威胁。单核苷酸多态性(SNP)是一类DNA序列层次的遗传变异,其可能导致调控元件、基因、蛋白质结构等生物分子发生重大改变,使得个体患肿瘤风险增加。目前,全球研究者针对不同肿瘤开展了全基因组关联分析(GWAS),已准确识别了部分重要SNP并已收录至GWAS Catalog[1]。但随着深入分析发现,传统GWAS存在研究结果难以重现,可解释性低及遗传力缺失等不足。缺乏深入理解易感位点之间相互作用(上位性)及孤立地考察SNP数据是导致这些不足的关键因素,从计算机学科角度可大致可归结为三点:第一,全基因组SNP数据中包含有上百万个位点,对生物信息处理中计算方法及硬件资源带来巨大挑战,难以深入挖掘[2];第二,对肿瘤等复杂疾病缺乏系统、完整的认知,导致其定义存在模糊性甚至歧义性,使得病例样本中呈现多种不同的遗传结构(异质性),一定程度上掩盖了遗传变异与肿瘤不同亚型之间相关性[3];第三,肿瘤发生、发展涉及多种生物分子相互作用,仅分析某一层次组学数据将加剧偏离真实疾病模型,从而难以发现真实完备的风险因素,导致遗传力缺失[4]。
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Methods for mining omics data of complex diseases
LI Xiong
(School of Software,East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang 330013,China)
At present, for a single type of omics data, part of the real genetic and environmental factors associated with the tumor has been excavated, but some still may only be hidden in the complex genetic mechanism behind the tip of the iceberg, The key reason to lead to the limitations may be that the disease model is too simplistic, namely, to ignore the interrelationships between multi-level histological data. Studies thank that deepening the understanding of genome SNP data, further integrating omulti-source histological data, deeply understanding epistasis, heterogeneity and other phenomena, and thereby enhancing the ability of cancer risk assessment, is conducive to the realization of personalized medical goals. This paper analyzes the present data mining methods of complex diseases from the perspective of SNP data and multi-source data analysis.
SNP;genome-wide association study;system biology;machine Learning