2017-04-10 02:39:18
空中之家 2017年3期


La La Land

Douban Rating: 9.1 IMDb Rating: 8.9

From the seven-time Golden Globe Awards winner to the thirteen-time Academy Awards nominee, La La Land became the winner of the box offi ce since it was released in China in February, and gossip about the fi lm on all social media platforms has also aroused people's attention and discussion, receiving high appraisal from both the public and critics.

The fi lm is about a jazz lover, who wants to open a jazz club to save jazz music. He is an idealist but makes a hard living in a club by playing guitar. The girl in the fi lm is a waitress in a restaurant, who dreams about becoming an actress one day, but she has accomplished almost nothing after so many auditions. They start to get to know each other because of their enthusiasm for the arts, infl uencing and encouraging each other, and realising their dreams in the end. The relationship however doesn't have a happy ending, although both of them make an unforgettable mark on the other's life. The director of La La Land Damien Chazelle impressed the world three years ago with his talented work Whiplash.


豆瓣9.1 IMDb 8.9


故事的男主是一个爵士爱好者,立志要开一家爵士俱乐部来挽救爵士乐,实则是一个理想主义者,在一家酒吧弹琴果腹。女主是一位餐厅服务员,却梦想成为演员,试镜无数均未果。二人因对艺术的喜好相识相知,互相影响、鼓励、成就彼此的梦想,感情虽没有开花结果,却在各自生命留下不可抹灭之印记。本片的导演是三年前凭借《爆裂鼓手》一片惊艳全世界的天才Damian Chazelle。



豆瓣6.9 IMDb 7.2

Douban Rating: 6.9 IMDb Rating 7.2

It's said that Allied is the World War II version of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The two lead actors fall in love with each other on a mission, and their fates are intertwined thereafter. Allied is simply structured with sincere feelings to narrate a sorrowful love story.

Manchester by the Sea


Douban Rating 8.8 IMDb Rating 8.5 Manchester by the Sea is nominated for 6 awards by the Academy. The story in the fi lm is simple: a property maintenance worker Lee (Casey Affl eck) drives back to his hometown of Manchester from Boston to take care of the funeral after he gets the news of his brother's death. In Manchester, he is asked to be the guardian for his nephew Patrick according to the will of his brother. The fi lm tells how Lee gradually opens his heart to Patrick and how they start to get to know each other a little bit, as well as illustrating and narrating Lee's bitter past in Manchester through interspersed fl ashbacks.

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