The Francophonie Festival
This year in China, the 22nd Francophonie Festival is organized in cooperation with 20 embassies and diplomatic offi ces. It celebrates the multifaceted francophone culture of Northern Africa. In around 20 Chinese cities, through WeChat and in more than 11 000 KTVs, the French language will be celebrated via a series of cultural events and student contests.
An offi cial language of the UN, the EU and the Olympic Games, French is the fifth most spoken language in the world, the third language of international affairs, the fourth language on the internet. Around 300 million speakers share with the French language its values of solidarity, respect and tolerance.
This year, the Francophonie Festival Ambassador is Jingxing.NIHAO is the national media partner of the festival.
®Tony Frank 《赛尔日 · 甘斯布肖像》摄影展
®Christophe Vootz《爱情和偶遇的游戏》
第22届法语活动节由20所驻华使馆或外交代表处共同组织,今年的法语活动节将通过多种形式向马格里布法语文化致意:突尼斯电影、摩洛哥美食以及阿尔及利亚文学等主题。今年法语活动节中,将有众多文化活动和学生青年比赛在全国20多座城市、11000个卡拉OK以及通过微信线上游戏进行。其中有两大新的亮点 : 精彩绝伦的马里沃戏剧和甘斯布歌曲的首届法语戏剧大赛,以及足球主题的系列活动。