Situated in Ruicheng County, Shanxi Provice, the Temple of Five Dragons Temple is the oldest Taoist temple to date. Modern irrigation techniques has replaced the rite for praying rain, and thus turning the Five-Dragons Temple from a spiritual center to rubbish. The design of the environment uplift for the Five-Dragons Temple has turned the temple into an open museum of Chinese architecture history.□
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 芮城县旅游文物局/Ruicheng Tourism and Heritage Bureau
地点/Location: 山西省运城市芮城县/Ruicheng, Yuncheng, Shanxi
主创建筑师/Principal Architect: 王辉/WANG Hui
设计团队/Project Team: 邹德华,杜爱宏,闻婷,Anne Van Stijn,李晓芬,李永才/ZOU Dehua, DU Aihong, WEN Ting, Anne Van Stijn, LI Xiaofen, LI Yongcai
策划与执行/Executive Team: “龙·计划”团队(丁长峰,侯正华,曹江巍,李晓玫,董丽娜,吕建仓,张晓康,王辉,韩家英)/"Long·Plan" Group (DING Changfeng, HOU Zhenghua, CAO Jiangwei, LI Xiaomei, DONG Lina, LYU Jiancang, ZHANG Xiaokang, WANG Hui, HAN Jiaying)施工图配合/Construction Documents Collaborators: 清华
大学建筑设计研究院有限公司,loma陆玛景观规划设计有限公司/Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd.; Loma Landscape Co., Ltd.
展示设计/Exhibition Design: 韩家英设计有限公司/Han Jiaying Design & Associates Co., Ltd.
建筑面积/Floor Area: 267m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2013-2015
建造时间/Construction Time: 2015-2016
摄影/Photos: 杨超英,阴杰/YANG Chaoying, Jerry Yin
The Environmental Enhancement of the Five-Dragons Temple, Ruicheng, China, 2016
Architect: WANG Hui/URBANUS
1 外景/Exterior view2 序庭与斗拱庭/Court of Entry and Court of Dougong3 思庭与晋南古建展廊/Court of Meditation and South Shanxi Province Ancient Building Exhibition4 轴测图/Axonometric drawing