CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition (2017) to Make its Appearance

2017-03-20 11:39:00WrittenbyLiYizhiTranslatedbyXuZhiliang
中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2017年3期

Written by Li Yizhi / Translated by Xu Zhiliang

CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition (2017) to Make its Appearance

Written by Li Yizhi / Translated by Xu Zhiliang

The cultural industry including electronic games is booming. (Photo: A photographer is taking a picture of role players at Singapore Toy Game and Comic Convention.)

CAEXPO Cultural Exhibition (2017) is set to be held in Nanning, China on April 13-15, 2017, during which, except for the exhibition itself, three signif i cant activities, namely China-ASEAN Cartoon & Animation Festival, China-ASEAN Short Film Festival and China-ASEAN International Children’s Culture & Art Festival will also be available to the public, according to China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat. By engaging in various brilliant relevant activities, both Nanning’s citizens and travelling merchants to be present will personally get access to extensive, attractive cultures of China and ASEAN, as well as the relevant industries.

New opportunities for cultural industry

As China’s economy and society develops, the market potential of China-ASEAN cultural industries will be further released.

Currently, the tertiary industry, represented by cultural items, is reportedly becoming a new highlight for the upgrading of China’s consumption pattern and economic growth, thus expediting the transformation from material consumption to spiritual, cultural one. As for ASEAN, driven by the booming growth of middle-class and young groups and by the up-and-coming advantage of science and technology, its cultural realm, particularly games, cartoons and animation, shows great promise for the future.

A wealth of cultural products like classic publications and fi lms are said to be displayed at the exhibition, together with operating agencies of news releasing and media, as well as radios & televisions. Moreover, not only will the participants see cultural products, creative designs and tourism culture presented by ASEAN and beyond, but also they will witness China’s exhibits, such as special cultural images of provinces and cities, intangible cultural heritages, traditional handicrafts, and cultural tourism items.

A more popular exhibition mode

The sponsor of this exhibition hopes that a wide range of cultural exhibits and performances, including China-ASEAN Tea-art Fairies Contest, will appeal to all the attendees. During the exhibition, not only will network short films, film & television devices, etc. be shown at the China-ASEAN Short Films Festival, but also an experience area for VR and aerial photograph will be set up; exhibits of cartoon, animation and games will be displayed at China-ASEAN Cartoon & Animation Festival; and there will also be fascinating performances by children’s art troupes, colorful children’s carnivals and so on at China-ASEAN International Children’s Culture & Art Festival.

Improvement of cultural soft power

Cultural soft power, as a core competitiveness, is now playing an increasingly pivotal role in national strength as world multipolarization deepens. Against this backdrop, the exhibition is designed to serve as both a platform for the sharing of business opportunities and a chance for people’s mutual understanding. Through diversif i ed patterns of manifestation, the participants to attend the promotions of cultural products will focus more on cultures of China and ASEAN countries, and have a better understanding of each other, and thus to lay a solid foundation for people-to-people exchanges between the two sides in the future.