
2017-03-17 18:50彭凡王樑肖健胡绚韦冰峰2
湖南大学学报·自然科学版 2017年2期


摘 要:基于加速度频响函数矩阵反演频域动载荷是病态逆问题,反求的结果精度差,对数据的小扰动敏感,基于Tikhonov正则化方法,提出一种反演途径,将测点响应与待求激励进行归一化变换,在此基础上引入变换后的频响函数矩阵和正则化泛函进行求解,应用广义交叉验证准则选取最优正则化参数.考虑简支矩形薄板上的4个动载荷的识别问题,分析激励点和响应测点的不同位置以及动载荷大小之间相差程度不同的4个算例,将本文方法与不采用归一化变换的正则化求解结果进行2种相对误差的均方根比较.结果表明,利用归一化变换可提高动载荷反演精度,增强正则化方法的抗噪能力,当测点之间的响应以及各动载荷大小相差较大时,明显改善了识别精度.


中图分类号:O326;O347.1 文献标志码:A

A Regularization Approach of Dynamic Load Identification

in Frequency Domain by Acceleration Responses

PENG Fan1 ,WANG Liang1,XIAO Jian2,HU Xuan1 , WEI Bingfeng2

( 1. College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;

2. Research Institute of Beijing Structure and Environment Engineering,Beijing 100076, China)

Abstract:Load identification based on acceleration frequency response matrix is an ill-conditioned problem. The identification accuracy can obviously be affected by small perturbations of the response data. Based on Tikhonov regularization method, a new approach is proposed in which both the response data at measured points and the loads to be identified are normalized, the transformed frequency response matrix and regularization function are introduced, and the corresponding problem of functional minimum is solved to obtain the loads. The optimal regularization parameters are determined by generalized cross validation criterion. The identification of four transverse dynamic loads on a rectangular thin plate with simply supported edges is performed. Four numerical examples are designed to have different application locations of loads and measured points as well as different magnitude ratio of dynamic loads in frequency domain. The results show that the new approach of dynamic load identification in frequency domain is effective to improve the identification accuracy and the noise resistance. Particularly, the errors of the identification can be significantly reduced in the cases where the large difference between the magnitudes of dynamic loads in frequency domain exists, or when excitation positions are close to structural boundaries.

Key words:dynamic loads; frequency response function; inverse problem; regularization; normalization


2 算例及讨论

2.1 算例设计及误差定义

2.2 算例1

对于表1所示位置组合Ⅰ的动载荷,考虑加载条件Ⅰ,分别采用不经归一化处理和经过归一化处理的正则化方法反求载荷,结果如图2所示.由图2可知, 4个反演载荷均在低频范围内波动大,在较高频段内,反求值与实际值相差很小.这是因为基于加速度反求的逆运算项之模值随频率减小而显著增加,随频率增加而减小,故在低频段,频响函数矩阵求逆的条件数较大,导致较大的误差与波动.图2表明,归一化变换后的正则化求解能提高识别精度,尤其在低频段内,效果明显.而在大于二阶基频(约45 Hz)的频率段,两种反演途径给出的结果接近相同.


2.3 算例2

分析位置组合Ⅱ,首先考虑载荷条件Ⅰ,误差结果如表5所示.比较表5与表3可见, F4的误差减小,而F1的误差有所增加,主要原因是此位置组合中的F4作用点靠近板中部,从而激发了较强的响应,而F1相对其余3个载荷更靠近边界.归一化变换改善了反求的总体精度,且明显降低了F4的相对误差.


3 结 论





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