(中国社会科学院 农村发展研究所,北京 100732)
(中国社会科学院 农村发展研究所,北京 100732)
1.1 学科建设的含义
1.2 学科建设的层次
1.2.1 验证
1.2.2 改进
现有的理论与方法并非没有瑕疵,并非没有拓展空间。例如,刘易斯推出的二元经济模型是可以改进的,屠呦呦做出的青篙素的纯度和药效是可以提高的,高锟发明的光导纤维是可以做产业化推进的。这是绝大多数科研人员一生的工作。袁隆平院士是其中的佼佼者。学科体系会在不断改进的过程中变得越来越完美,包括表述更简洁、概念更精准、理论更严谨、方法更有效、工具更灵巧、用途更广阔,等等。具体地说,改进有质疑、改善、更新和拓展4个切入点。 质疑
做学问的人一定要有质疑意识,而不宜总是采取全盘接受的态度。例如,我在云南下乡期间,一名上海知青在栽橡胶苗时未按照橡胶树栽植技术规程的要求将橡胶苗的嫁接处置于背风面,而是将它置于迎风面。由于采用这种栽植方式的橡胶树长势更好,于是农场进行了较大规模的对比试验。结果表明,将嫁接处置于迎风面的橡胶树的长势显著好于将嫁接处置于背风面的橡胶树的长势。由此得出广东(当时包括海南)垦区为应对台风而总结出的橡胶树栽植技术规程并不适合于没有台风影响的云南垦区的结论。再如,我在学习政治经济学这门课时,对生产资料生产优先增长规律有异议。理由是:假如生产资料生产增长总是快于消费资料生产增长,那么生产资料产值占社会总产值的份额就会越来越大,生产单位消费资料所需的生产资料就会随着时间推移变得越来越多,两大部类的关系就一定会失衡。我的质疑经历了三个阶段。最初认为,既然生产资料生产优先增长规律是建立在演算基础上的,倘若把消费资料生产增长更快、消费资料生产与生产资料生产增长一样快等其他结果演算出来,便能以生产资料生产优先增长不具有唯一性来否定这个规律。演算结果表明:上述三种情形都能成立;所不同的是,生产资料生产增长更快时资本有机构成提高较快,消费资料生产增长更快时资本有机构成提高较慢,生产资料生产与消费资料生产增长一样快时资本有机构成提高速度介于它们之间(这篇文章发表在《经济科学》1981年第2期上)。这种质疑方式显然有局限性。针对演算方法的不足,我利用所学的计算机知识编了一个程序,就生产资料生产增长快于消费资料生产增长的状况能否保持下去进行模拟。程序设计的原则是:生产资料生产增长必须快于消费资料生产增长,为了尽可能长地保持这种状况,生产资料生产增长只要略快于消费资料生产增长即可。结果表明:在步长保持不变的情形下,维持这一状态所需迭代的次数一年比一年多,最多能维持22年,由此得出生产资料生产增长更快只能维系一段时间而无法长期持续下去的结论(这篇文章发表在《中国社会科学》的内刊《未定稿》1983年第11期上)。生产资料生产优先增长规律肯定是根据观察到的经济现象概括出来的,而不是凭空想象出来的,所以接下来要回答的问题是:生产资料生产优先增长究竟是哪个发展阶段的特有现象?我通过经济史的研究给出了解释:在工业化之前,人类的经济活动以生产消费资料为主。这个阶段即便生产资料生产增长更快,也会因为它占社会总生产的份额太小而难以被识别出来。在工业化时期,生产资料生产迅猛增长,其占社会总生产的份额快速增大成为显而易见的现象。生产资料生产优先增长规律显然是根据这个阶段的经济现象概括出来的。工业化完成后,第三次产业迅猛发展,虽然生产资料生产仍在增长,但它占社会总生产的份额趋于下降,生产资料生产优先增长的命题就不成立了。因此得出结论:经济发展的过程是产业结构高度化的过程,生产资料生产优先增长是产业结构高度化第一阶段的经济现象,这种经济现象会随着产业结构高度化第二阶段的到来而消失,将特定阶段的经济现象称之为规律显然是不适宜的(这篇短文发表在《经济研究》1987年第7期上)。 改善
中国林业科学研究院的邵青还研究员介绍过国外的船迹理论。该理论的主要含义是:虽然特定森林的经营都会瞄准特定的目标,但实际上不仅能得到目标效应,还会得到一系列其他效应。鉴于船迹理论的概括不够直白,我就建议将其概括为更便于理解的旁侧效应理论。 更新
龙泉码价表是计算杉原条价格的工具。它的计量单位是码两,创立于17世纪30年代。这种根据眉高围(距杉原条大头1.7米处的围径)和木材长度两个指标计算杉原条价格的方法在中国南方木材市场上沿用了数百年。中国林学家认为它虽然是世界上第一个二元木材材积表,但因该表中的码两与材积的误差会随着杉原条的增大不断递增而于1954年将它弃之不用。为什么龙泉码价表中的码两和材积的误差会随着杉原条材积增大而递增?为什么这种木材价格计算方法会在木材市场上连续使用300多年?为什么龙泉码价表的编制同60根长短不同的丝线有关?我用287根眉高围和材长不同的杉原条的数据对这三个问题进行了研究,结果发现:用最小二乘法和杉原条数据做出的回归方程表明,龙泉码价表要解决的是不同规格的杉原条材积的可加性问题,而不是木材材积计算的问题,即龙泉码价表中的码两并不是杉原条的实际材积,而是可比性材积。码两随着实际材积增大不断递增,是为了体现大材大价的原则。这是龙泉码价能在木材市场上沿用数百年的主要原因。有关文献都提到龙泉码价表是用60根长短不一的丝线做出来的,却无人考证60根丝线与龙泉码价表的关系。我在网格纸上画各种规格杉原条的眉高围与单位材积码两值的曲线时发现,倘若将60根丝线看作是网格纸上的网线,就可以作出假设:龙泉码价表的创始人采用坐标系的方法,通过调整60根丝线的长度寻找一条反映各种规格杉原条眉高围与单位材积码两值关系的平滑曲线。龙泉码价表的创始人郭维经父女在1630年代用坐标系方法研究龙泉码价,同笛卡尔(1596-1650)提出坐标系方法在时间上是很相近的。笛卡尔采用坐标系方法只是弄清了相对位置,郭维经父女采用这种方法找到了计算可比性材积的办法,解决了不同规格木材的材积不宜简单相加的问题,显然是非常了不起的。中国林学家将其视为一般的二元木材材积表的认识是有偏差的,必须加以更新。 拓展
关于传统农户是否具有风险规避偏好,最初采用叙述偏好的方法来论证。具体的做法是:请农户在风险小、收益相对较低和风险大、收益相对较高的资源配置模式中做选择。我觉得这个问题也可以采用显示偏好的方式来论证。具体的做法是:将农户种植的作物分为收益相对较低的粮食作物和收益相对较高的经济作物,然后对山西省中阳县的360多个农户的2 000多块地的作物配置进行分析,结果发现好地大多种植收益相对较低的粮食作物(玉米),差地大多种植收益相对较高的经济作物(向日葵)。由此也得出了传统农户具有风险规避偏好特征的结论。
1.2.3 原创
1.2.4 升级
哲学有古典哲学和现代哲学之分。古典哲学重视解惑,提倡我思故我知;现代哲学重视质疑,提倡我思故我不知。古典哲学可以用上帝悖论(假如上帝只能创造其背得动的山而创造不了其背不动的山,那么上帝就不是万能的;假如上帝能创造其背不动的山而他又背不动,那么上帝也不是万能的)来解释,现代哲学可以用死亡悖论〔人在未死之前无法感知何为死(至今为止,包括心跳停止、呼吸消失和脑死亡,都是人给出的死的定义。现实中出现起死回生现象,说明这些定义是有缺陷的),死了以后又无法表达何为死〕来解释。经济学不像哲学那样深奥,但学科体系也需要升级。按照我的理解,林业经济学科体系的升级可能会表现在3个方面。 从木材可持续供给提升到生态服务可持续供给
最初的林业经济学以木材采运为中心,它的劳动对象是自然生态系统,除了追求利润最大化外,还追求天然林经营区内木材可持续产量的稳定性。它与农业相比有显著的独特性。近百年来,木材生产出现了速生丰产林和工业人工林对天然林的替代,它的劳动对象转为人工生态系统,它同农业的相似性提高,独特性下降。近些年尤其是今后,随着森林生态服务的重要性变得越来越高,它不同于农业的独特性会再次增强。面对如此显著的变化,林业经济学科建设必须与时俱进,从森林的木材可持续供给提升到森林的生态服务可持续供给,舍此就无法应对需求的变化。 从学科进展提升到学科展望
从纵向看,过去学科知识具有很强的稳定性,学科建设的重点是以选而不评、述而不作的方式梳理学科发展的历史沿革。现在学科知识的递增性越来越强,学科建设的重点是评述、甄别学术研究成果,把握学科体系进展。今后学科建设的重点可能是论述学科体系中的瑕疵和不足,为学界指明研究攻关方向,领引林业经济学科发展。 从中国数据提升到中国范式
1.3 学科建设的意义
1.3.1 甄别知识增量
1.3.2 把握学科前沿
1.3.3 提高教学质量
2.1 立足本土
2.1.1 引进国外论著方式的学科建设
2.1.2 博采众长方式的学科建设
2.1.3 本土化方式的学科建设
2.2 更新知识
2.3 创新方法
2.3.1 林业经济研究对象需要改进
2.3.2 林业经济研究方法需要改进
2.3.3 林业经济研究数据来源需要改进
3.1 要有学科建设规划
3.1.1 学科建设规划要有阶段性
3.1.2 学科建设规划要有优先序
3.1.3 学科建设规划要有可及性
3.2 要有学科建设团队
3.2.1 选好领军人物
3.2.2 细化团队结构
3.2.3 动态优化团队
3.3 要有学科建设机制
3.3.1 启动机制
3.3.2 评估机制
3.3.3 调整机制
Research on the Problem of Under-Forest Economic Development in Key State-Owned Forest Areas:Taking Yichun as an Example
MA Mingqin1,ZHENG Desheng2
(1.Department of Forestry Economics,Yichun Forestry Cadre School,Yichun,Heilongjiang 153000 China;2.Periodical Office of China Forestry Economy,Northeast Forestry University,Haerbin 150040 China)
Original Articlein马明芹,郑德胜.重点国有林区林下经济发展问题研究:以伊春为例 .林业经济问题,2017,37(3):1-9.
Under-Forest Economic Development Promoted the Economic Transformation of Forest Region?Take Heilongjiang State-Owned Forest Area for Example
WANG Yufang,GUO Juan,ZHOU Mei,LI Jue,ZHAO Mingxin
(College of Economics and Management,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040 China)
⑴ Background——With the implementation of Natural Forest Protection Project,the economic transformation of state-owned forest areas in Heilongjiang province has entered a new stage.In recent years,with the strong support of the state and local governments,the development of the under-forest economy in the state-owned forest in Heilongjiang Province has achieved some success.The economy of state-owned forest areas in Heilongjiang province has experienced rapid growth,which drive the growth of economic transformation of state-owned forest areas.However,does the development of under-forest economy continuously promote the complete transformation of the economy of state-owned forest areas in Heilongjiang province?
⑵ Methods——This paper based on time series data about the development of under-forest economy and economic transformation of state-owned forest region in Heilongjiang Province from 2000 to 2015.Established the VAR model base on Eviews 6.0 to test the co-integration relationship and analysis of dynamic response between under-forest economic development index and economic transformation index.Meanwhile,variance decomposition was used to test the contribution rate between the development of under-forest economy and the economic transformation of state-owned forest area.
⑶ Results——In this paper,the research results show that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between the development of under-forest economic and economic transformation of state-owned forest areas from 2000 to 2015.The development of under-forest economy has a certain role in promoting the economic transformation in state-owned forest.Analyzing the contribution rate which were collected from 4 industries,the biggest one is the forestry tourism and leisure service industry and its contribution rate is 35.45%;the second one is non-wood forest products manufacturing industry and its contribution rate is 2.07%;the third one is forest planting and mining industry and its contribution rate is 0.84%;the last one is the forest park and its contribution rate is 0.18%.In addition,the contribution of under-forest economic various industrial development to the economic transformation of state-owned forest areas is different.In order to realize the rapid success of the economic transformation in state-owned forest areas,state-owned forest areas need to abandon the timber harvesting and production to make full use of under-forest resources,meanwhile,state-owned forest areas should open up different ways and methods to speed up and promote the economic transformation of state-owned forest.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Through the analysis,it is concluded that the development of the under-forest economy has a certain effect on the economic transformation of the state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang province.The promotion effect is the order of the forest tourism and leisure service industry,the non-wood forest product processing and manufacturing industry,underground planting and forest parks.Above all,this paper suggest that:in the short term,the state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang province can develop the under-forest economy through forestry tourism,leisure service industry,the non-wood forest product processing,manufacturing industry,etc.The connotative development need to develop in the state-owned forest area.The less contribution to the economic transformation of the state-owned forest areas can not be ignored and must to rational use and development of other industries in the under-forest economy,while the state-owned forest areas need to vigorously introduce advanced technology and a large number of useful talents,to improve the state-owned forest industry value to speed up the economic transfer proposal.
Key words:under-forest economic;economic transformation;contribution;VAR model
Original Articlein王玉芳,郭娟,周妹,等.林下经济发展促进了林区经济转型吗?以黑龙江省国有林区为例.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):10-16.
Farmers’ Income Diversity and Its Influence on Forestland CirculationWillingness:An Empirical Study Based on Qingyuan County
SI Yaweia,LI Mina,b
(a.Economic and Management College,b.Post Doctoral Research Center of AgriculturalResources and Environment,Shenyang Agriculture University,Shenyang 110161 China)
⑴ Background——With the increasing degree of openness in China,the diversification of farmers’ production activities and the diversification of income sources are becoming increasingly prominent.In the process of changing farmers’ income pattern,the value and understanding of the land would inevitably change.Land transfer is one of the important ways to realize large-scale operation,promote income,collect urban and rural areas.Farmers’ income diversity have an impact on the forest land circulation behavior of farm.Therefore,it is necessary to study the impact of income diversity on forest land circulation.
⑵ Methods——Research methods of this paper include literature review method,field investigation interview method,statistical analysis method and econometric analysis method.Method of the random sampling was used to investigate farmers including 219 household in Qingyuan country of Fushun city.Building a theoretical framework of farmer forest land circulation to explore the impact of farmers’ income diversity on the transfer of forest land from an empirical perspective.Based on the cross analysis of farmers’ income diversity level and willingness of forest land transfer,this paper puts forward the theoretical analysis framework and research hypothesis,and establishes the Logit model of forest land circulation to carry on empirical analysis.
⑶ Results——The rate of forest land circulation from sample farmers is low.The willingness of circulation is weakly,the circulation is not standardized,and the awareness of forestry policy is low in the process of forest land circulation.There were significant differences in the status of households’ forest land transfer desire in different regions.In the cross analysis of farmers’ income diversity and the willingness of forest land circulation,the results show that there is no difference between the farmers who with the willingness of land transfer and the farmers who without the willingness for the index of single income diversity.For the comprehensive index,farmers’ willingness is significantly lower than the farmers who do not have the willingness to transfer forest land.In terms of frequency or probability,the willingness of farmers with single income to forest land circulation is higher than those with various sources of income.In the econometric analysis of farmers’ income diversity and willingness to transfer land,the age of the head of household,the number of non-agricultural jobs,the number of forest land,and the degree of difficulty in obtaining the mortgage are negatively affected the willingness of forest land circulation.Whether the head of the household is a party member,the number of cultivated land and the acquisition of harvesting indicators are positively affected the willingness of the farmers’ forest land circulation.With the improvement of household income diversification level,the probability that it will be transferred to the forest land will become smaller,and this effect is mainly reflected in the transfer model.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——This paper propose 3 following recommendations in order to promote the circulation of forest land and realize the moderate scale economy of forest land:Firstly,government should improve rural infrastructure and attract young people return home to start business.Secondly,government should rational distribution of cutting indicators on the basis of controlling the logging targets strictly,and encourage them to carry out specialized production biased in favor of new business entities.Finally,government should encourage farmers to carry out specialized production and continue to train new business entities.
Key words:farmer;forest land circulation;income diversity;Logit model
Original Articlein司亚伟,李旻.农户收入多样性及对林地流转意愿的影响:基于辽宁省清原县的实证.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):17-22.
Performance Evaluation of State-Owned Forest Farm in Inner MongoliaBased on Three-Stage DEA Model
ZHENG Jie1,FENG Yan1,DAI Yongwu2
(1.School of Economics & Management,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083 China;2.School of Management,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002 China)
⑴ Background——As an important part of China’s forestry management entity,state-owned forest farms play a fundamental and irreplaceable role in improving China’s natural environment and improving the level of economic development,which is of great significance to the realization of national forestry modernization and the construction of ecological civilization.However,due to a variety of reasons,China’s state-owned forest farms in the operation of long-term business performance and other issues.Therefore,it is necessary to make an objective and accurate evaluation of the performance of China’s state-owned forest farms,and provide realistic and theoretical reference for the reform of state-owned forest farms in China.
⑵ Methods——Data is mainly from Inner Mongolia Forestry Statistical Yearbook which is published by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Forestry Department in 2015.Based on the three-stage DEA model,the production efficiency of 57 state-owned forest farms in 57 counties of Inner Mongolia was measured and analyzed.
⑶ Results——The production efficiency of state-owned forest farms in Inner Mongolia is influenced by environmental factors such as ecological location,traffic infrastructure,institutional environment and human capital.The better the ecological location,the more abundant the human capital of the state-owned forest,will help reduce the relaxation of its inputs;Improvements in the transport infrastructure will result in a reduction in the number of employed workers and the wasteland of forest land,while the improvement in investment in fixed assets and silvicultural production is not significant;The improvement of the institutional environment is conducive to improving the number of employees in employment,fixed assets and silviculture production,and the improvement of investment in forest area is not significant.After eliminating the environmental and stochastic factors,the comprehensive technical efficiency of the vast majority of state-owned forest farms has improved,the scale efficiency has also increased,but the pure technical efficiency has declined,the scale of the state to the decline in the scale of the main decline.Inner Mongolia state-owned forest farm as a whole the level of production efficiency is still low.From the spatial distribution situation,the comprehensive technical efficiency,pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency distribution of state-owned forest farms are basically the same,which shows that the efficiency value of the eastern region is relatively high,while the efficiency value of the central and western regions is relatively low.The state-owned forest farms with diminishing returns on scale show the spatial agglomeration effect,while the state-owned forest farms with increasing returns to scale are spatially distributed.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——The ecological location has a significant effect on the efficiency of the state-owned forest farms.Institutional environmental factors are an effective means to motivate the enthusiasm of employees.The improvement of infrastructure not only requires the investment of state-owned forest farms,but also requires strong financial support from local or central government.The improvement of infrastructure is necessary to improve the performance of state-owned forest farms.For the “double high” state-owned forest,it is necessary to optimize the allocation of resources in all aspects to achieve the further improvement of the efficiency of state-owned forest farms,and for the existence of scale efficiency and low efficiency of state-owned forest farms,we should strengthen the short board to increase the state-owned forest management level,the transformation of state-owned forest farms inefficient situation.
Key words:Inner Mongolia;state-owned forest farm;production efficiency;three-stage DEA model
Original Articlein郑洁,冯彦,戴永务.基于三阶段DEA模型的内蒙古国有林场绩效评价研究.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):23-29.
A Preliminary Study on the Development of Shareholding Family Forest Farm
LI Linsen1,WANG Yizhuo2,ZHANG Xurui3
(1.School of Accounting,Xijing University,Xi’an 710123 China;2.Department of Modern Service Management,Hebei Institute of Building Materials Technology,Qinhuangdao,Hebei 066004 China;3.School of Economics and Management,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100 China)
⑴ Background——Accelerating the fostering of new forestry management main body is necessary to change the way of forestry development.The effective way to promote the healthy development of modern forestry is taking the single-family households or households as a unit and then achieving the large-scale and intensive forest management and forest resources commercialization of the family forest.So the study of accelerating and promoting the development of shareholding family farms would be a subject worthy of further study.
⑵ Methods——Base on the method of literature analysis,this paper combed the fundamental sequence of origin and development of family forest,and explored the nature and characteristics theoretically of family forest farm.Then,exploring the family forest farm practically accorded to the actual research case.
⑶ Results——The mainly impacts of the shareholding system on the development of modern forestry are behaved in 3 aspects:the use of forest land resources and forest wood resources,land transfer and the construction of family forest farms.It can be concluded that shareholding family forest farm can combine the various types of forest land resources,formulate a unified plan and maximize the capabilities of forest land by analyzing the actual case.In meanwhile,implementing shareholding family forest farm can centralize the scattered forest wood resources,operate professionally and with large-scale,and then achieve the maximum value of forest resources market.The form of shareholding system allows the farmer to obtain the ultimate ownership of the share warrant and forest right certification.Consequently,implementing shareholding system in family forest farm would increase the farmers’ willingness of land circulation and the sense of participation.The internal organization system of shareholding family forest farm can not only ensure the decision-making efficiency of family management,but also allow investors to participate extensively.In this way,the investors can improve their enthusiasm and the decision-making accuracy.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——The shareholding family forest farm,as an effective combination of capital combination to gain significant scale merit,applies the effective management of industrial management model to manage forestry.Implementing shareholding family forest farm would greatly improve the efficiency of forestry development.The shareholding family forest farm leads a modest scale of operation and breaks through the strength of modern forestry development and the management system of the innovative forestry.This paper propose some policy recommendations for developing shareholding family forest:Firstly,government should trumpet the shareholding system to family forestry farm in order to promote and raise farmers’ awareness;Secondly,government should support the cultivation of new forestry management main body and expand the typical sample of shareholding family forest;Thirdly,government should clear the relevant laws;Finally,government should carry out new business experimental sites for operating the forest management.In addition,different regions of the forestry production functions and industrial management would result in different needs and ways of establishing shareholding family forest farm.So shareholding family forest farm should be implement in different functional areas of forestry,such as the collective forest area in the south,the state-owned forest area in northeast China and the public forest area in the northwest public welfare forest.Partitioning method will make research more targeted and make suggested measures more specific.
Key words:shareholding system;family forest farm;modest scale;main body of new forestry management
Original Articlein李琳森,王毅卓,张旭锐.股份制家庭林场发展初探.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):30-34.
Study on the Development Level of County’s State-Owned Forest Farms: Taking Hebei Province as an Example
WANG Meili,CHEN Wenhui
(School of Economics and Management,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083 China)
⑴ Background——The state-owned forest farms play an important role in the construction of ecological civilization.With the promotion of forestry status and the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,it is meaningful and urgent to estimate the development level of state-owned forest farms in Hebei province.Because the regional distribution differences of forest resources, state-owned forest farms are mostly located in remote districts or mountainous areas,this research,focusing on the overall development of state-owned forest farms from the county level,can not only help researchers further understand regional differences about forest farms development,but also provide a way to explore development characteristics of regional forest farms.
⑵ Methods——From the perspective of forest sustainable development,a county-level index system,aiming to determine the development level of state-owned forest farms,is set up,covering the target layer,system layer,index layer three levels of infrastructure.The index system includes 5 aspects,which are infrastructure condition system,self-development potential system,forest resource status system,social contribution system,economic development system,and 23 indicators.The data used in this paper come from the state-owned forest database.Based on index system and data,weights are designed by methods of expert scoring and entropy weight.Furthermore,the indexes are also processed by improved efficacy coefficient method and the total efficacy coefficient is calculated by linear weighted evaluation method to make sure the results are more reliable and valid.
⑶ Results——On the whole,the average development score of state-owned forest farms in Hebei province is 63.845,while the number of excellent forest farms is small.Therefore,demonstration forest farms with modern forest management need to set up in order to drive the forest farms’ development.Notably,the self-development potential system in these five aspects is the most ideal,with the score of 77.072,which shows that forest farms have great development potentials.Under the impetus of the reform of the state-owned forest farms,the workers’ wage and social insurance have been guaranteed,and the development potential of the forest farms will be further improved after the financial input and the stability of the forest get promoted.However,the social contribution system and the score relatively of forest resources status system are low,which suggests it’s necessary to improve the quality of forest resources to perform ecologically and socially in a better way.From a regional perspective,there is a significant difference in the scores of state-owned forest farms among different counties with a score range of 26.573.It is necessary to develop the demonstration function of the forest farm system,strengthen the exchange of forest farm management experience,and promote the coordinated development of the region.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——In conclusion,this paper studied the overall development of state-owned forest farms in Hebei Province from the county level,and applies the state-owned forest database’s data,revealing certain practical significance and innovation.Although the study of index system is relatively complete and scientific,and applied in most of Hebei state-owned forest farms,this research still has the following problems:On the one hand,the application of efficacy coefficient method can only relatively estimate the development level of state-owned forest farms in Hebei Province,but not evaluate it from the absolute sense;On the other hand,the system can only be used to calculate the development level of the ecological public welfare state-owned forest farms,but not the commercial forest farms.All these problems are needed to be further studied.
Key words:state-owned forest farms;index system;county;efficacy coefficient method
Original Articlein王美力,陈文汇.县域国有林场发展水平测定研究:以河北省为例.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):35-40.
Forest Tourism Development is Integrated into National Forest CityConstruction Research:Take the City of Ji’an in JiangxiProvince as an Example
(Tourism and Air Services College,Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,Tongliao,Inner Mongolia 028000 China)
⑴ Background——Urban forest play an important role in urban ecosystem and it is an important organic carrier of urban ecological service function.Through scientific planning and development of urban forest,taking forest resources as an important carrier,a comprehensive optimization of urban tourism layout has become a sustainable goal for city.Based on the background of establishment of national forest city in Ji’an city,this paper makes a scientific evaluation of forest city construction and puts forward relevant countermeasures to develop the urban forest tourism.
⑵ Methods——Based on the relevant evaluation criteria and norms of the national forest city construction,the base statistic data which came from statistical yearbook data,China knowledge network database,forest resource inventory data,wetland resource survey data,wild animal and plant monitoring data,urban development planning and so on were used to evaluate the status of green space,the status of urban wetland resources,the status of biodiversity conservation,ecological footprint,etc.
⑶ Results——The urban green area of Ji’an city is 34.88 million m2;the greening area is 39.00 million m2;the green area of the park is 10.49 million m2;the rate of green land is 37.6%;the rate of green coverage is 42.1%;and the per capita park green space is 11.4 m2.Above-mentioned indexes are achieved the basic conditions for the creation of national forest city.The total area of wetlands in Ji’an city is 676.33 million m2and the wetland rate is 2.7%.Besides,the protected area of wetland is 234.53 million m2and the protection rate of wetland is 34.7%.There are more than 4 000 kinds of plants and over 1 000 species of wild animals in Ji’an city.Moreover,the construction of various nature reserves provide a good habitat for various animals and plants,and the establishment of various nature reserves play a great significance role in the construction of national forest city.Through the evaluation of ecological footprint,ecological deficit per capita of various land types are expressed in the order of descending:fossil energy land,cultivated land,grassland,water area,construction land.And the forest land is in surplus.Construction of national forest city could significantly improve the quality of urban ecological environment,optimize the urban ecological space structure,etc.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——The results of this study show that the integrity and systematization are absent from the urban green space system in Ji’an city.Firstly,the planning of urban green space system does not combine closely with urban landscape,tourism resources and ecological culture.In addition,the comprehensive function of urban green space system and city comprehensive service function and contribution has not been fully reflected.Secondly,urban green space systems fall short of the conservation of biodiversity,landscape diversity and species diversity.Finally,the countermeasures for the development of forest tourism are put forward according to the background of national forest city construction:it is necessary to build a number of forest tourism demonstration destinations,perfect a number of forest tourism demonstration facilities,develop demonstration sites and enhance forest tourism service system project.In the process of creating national forest city,Ji’an city needs to rely on the construction of large urban data platform,integrate scientifically into the polity,ecology,economy,culture,society and other elements of science,so as to construct an urban and rural ecological network system,and ultimately to achieve construction goals of being national forest city.
Key words:forest city;wetland resources;urban green space;construction evaluation;forest tourism
Original Articlein张颖.森林旅游业发展融入国家森林城市建设研究.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):41-45.
Research on Content Validity in Recreation Value of Forest Scenic Spots Using Contingent Value Method:A Case Study of National Forest Park in Fuzhou
DING Zhenmin,HUANG Xiujuan,ZHU Jiajia
(School of Management,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 35002 China)
⑴ Background——Contingent value method(CVM)is an evaluation method based on virtual market for the value of public goods,but researchers lacked trust to the validity of CVM,so the accuracy of its assessment results is the focus of widespread controversy.Content validity,as an important aspect of CVM validity,aims to examine whether the question in the questionnaire can represent the content or subject remaining to be measured.Protest payment,which use for measuring interviewees’ understanding degree of questionnaire content,has gradually became one aspect of the research on the content validity of CVM.To some extent,protest payment can judge the content validity of CVM,when the authentic protest payment could be identified through effective methods and the probability of inconsistency of response to related question in the questionnaire could be determined.
⑵ Methods——This paper designs 3 non-protest payments of discrimination conditions.If each of the discrimination conditions can identify different type of “zero payment” and not be affected by other key variables,the type of“protest payment”can be identified well to some extent,and we can judge the content validity of CVM on assessment of forest recreation value.The Multinomial logistic model was applied for identification and inspection of protest payment,and then it was the logistic model that was made use of reasonable forecast about it based on the sample with only “zero payment”collected just at evaluation recreation value of scenic forest using CVM.
⑶ Results——The results showed that the types of “zero payment” can be effectively identified by the key variables and not be affected by other key variables.So we can infer that the content of the questionnaire can be well understood by the tourists and there is no indication that the visitors response questionnaire inconsistently for the majority.CVM has good content validity in the evaluation of the recreation value of Forest Scenic spot from a certain perspective.Individual characteristics of tourists have different effects on the payment of protest such as income,distance,sex and age.In the Logit model,the level of income has a significant positive impact on the level of “protest payments” at 10% significance level,because the high income earners bear more tax compared with others,and take it for granted that the government should pay for the improvement of the environment in forest park.Distance plays a negative impact on “protest payments” at 5% significance level,namely the closer to the forest park,the easier to choose to “protest payment” for tourists.But the correct probability of prediction of is 69.4% using logistic model which point out that the important factors that influence the protest payment remain to be further identified and verified.In terms of content validity,CVM can be introduced into the evaluation of recreational value of forest scenic spots,but other validity of CVM should also be considered.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Although we never deny that CVM has good content validity in the evaluation of the recreation value of Forest Scenic spot from a certain perspective,there are some improvements in the design of the questionnaire though our research.Therefor we can make the following improvements to the questionnaire according to the results of the study.In the course of the design of the questionnaire,we can design the “tax rate” or “tax amount” option,which is used to judge whether the deep reason of the protest payment for high income earners due to their sensibility to personal income tax.
Key words:contingent value method;forest scenic spot;recreational value;sample of non-payment;protest payment;Multinomial logistic model
Original Articlein丁振民,黄秀娟,朱佳佳.CVM在评价森林景区游憩价值内容效度的检验:以福州国家森林公园为例.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):46-50.
Forest Right Mortgage,Credit Constraint and Farmers’ Credit Availability:Based on a Static Game Model
JIN Yinliang
(1.College of Economics and Management,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037 China;2.Taizhou College,Nanjing Normal University,Taizhou,Jiangsu 225300 China)
⑴ Background——Forest right mortgage is an important measure to enhance the level of forestry management,promote the efficiency of forestry management and increase the income of farmers.As a small-scale farmers,the credit transmission mechanism is not perfect,the risk of forestry management is high,so the credit constraint which simply using the forest resources as the mortgage is difficult to improve.And most banks have set up stringent conditions on forest mortgages,thus common farmers still obtain loans difficultly.
⑵ Methods——Assuming that the participated subjective is rational,the information is complete,the obtaining process has no cost and the delivery procedure is full and correct,thus the objective function of bank consider the security of the loan in order to maximize the benefits.The income function of forest farmers is to obtain loans.If the assumed conditions meet the requirements,the game could be balanced(lending,repayment).In the single-stage game model,banks can not raise interest rates to obtain high returns.Therefore,banks are forced to develop a lower level of the interest rate and select the forest farmers with better credit in order to encourage them to invest the loans into forestry.In the dynamic and repeated game,the speed and quality of information transmission has been further enhanced,banks and farmers will form a long-term cooperative relationship.
⑶ Results——Banks and other financial institutions put limitations on forest farmers loans in order to reduce their own business risks.If without interest rate control,banks can not refuse forest farmers(low credit level)to apply loans by increasing interest rates.So this practice would enhance the reverse selection and moral hazard.Forest resources can be used as collateral,which could improve the information transmission mechanism and credibility of forest farmers,reduce the level of credit constraints,but it must be built on the corresponding policies issued by government and other institutions.The effect would not be obvious if they simply rely forest resources as asset collateral to ease credit constraints.The paper makes certain definitions of forest mortgage and credit policy,weather they belong to the market behavior or welfare behavior.If they belong to the market behavior,we should focus on increasing the quantities of rural financial products that supply to small and medium financial institutions,designing credit products,controlling interest rates and so on.In addition,we should define the threshold set for rural small and medium financial institutions and liberalize the interest rate market.If they belong to welfare behavior,we should improve the loan mechanism especially the micro-loans system and emphasize the inclusive and non-profitability of micro-loans.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——The rural financial market needs improvement in scale,convenience and the ability of monitoring.The conditions of loans that applicable to enterprises may not be able to develop in the rural market.However,compared with the urban areas,the social nature of rural acquaintances have increased the quality and speed of transmission of some information.Therefore,it is possible to construct a group loan model,with the core of social capital,which builds on the funds organizations and credit guarantee institutions of banks and cooperation between credit and loans.Therefore,it would alleviate the credit constraints of rural financial markets.The government’s role in the credit market can not be ignored.The government should continue to play a role in the provision of public resources such as forest resource assessment,evaluation,forest fire insurance,forest road, and so on.If we transfer part of the risks that beard by the banks and other financial institutions to government departments,it will strengthen the willingness and encouragement of the supply of bank credit resources.
Key words:forest rights mortgage;credit constraint;credit availability
Original Articlein金银亮.林权抵押、信贷约束与林农信贷可得性:基于一个静态博弈模型的分析.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):51-54.
Policy Evolution and Prospects of China’s Policy Forestry Insurance:Based on the Central Document of No.1
LI Wenhui,ZHANG Liangang
(School of Economics and Management,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224 China)
⑴ Background——Forestry is an important industry for national economy,but it is full of risks at the same time.In China,forestry insurance began to pursue in 1982.Forest is the protective object for forestry insurance,meanwhile,forest is a quasi-public object with external effects.If the market of forestry insurance was only adjusted by means of the market economy condition,the phenomenon of market failure would be appeared.Therefore,the government needs to intervene and give certain subsidies for forestry insurance.So policy forestry insurance appeared in China.
⑵ Methods——This paper analyzed the achievements of policy forestry insurance by means of collecting and arranging the documents.In addition,in order to realize the rapid development of forestry,based on the perspective of central document of No.1,this paper combed the contents from 13 central documents of No.1 and found out the tendency of China’s policy forest insurance.
⑶ Results——In China,the central document of No.1 which related to policy forestry insurance was recorded in 2004.The contents about policy forest insurance on the central documents of No.1 mainly involve the following aspects.Firstly,the government should expand the scope of premium subsidies.From 1982 to 2016,forest insurance policy had mainly reflected in 3 aspects included the scope of subsidies keep on expanding,the increasing subsidies in Midwest China and the increased forest insurance subsidies by encouraging all levels of governments.Secondly,the policy forestry insurance has adopted the approach of pursuing policy forest insurance after setting pilot.Policy forestry insurance had developed rapidly from 2009 to 2016 with the No.1 central document implemented and the related policy guided,which promoted the implementation of policy forestry insurance.Thirdly,the government should explore the establishment of catastrophe risk diversification mechanism.From 2007 to 2016,the contents about the establishment of catastrophe risk diversification mechanism on the central documents of No.1 had mainly reflected in 2 aspects which included established the reinsurance system of forestry insurance,and a catastrophe risk diversification mechanism which was established by governments at all levels subsidizing forestry insurance.Finally,the government should explore mutual insurance.The application of mutual insurance in forestry make the common interest relationship among members form a mutual supervision mechanism.This mutual supervision mechanism would help to prevent the occurrence of moral hazard and adverse selection,and cut the information cost and supervision cost.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Some policy implications are derived in this paper.Firstly,the government should strengthen the construction of information sharing mechanism.It can take corresponding preventive measures to protect the forest resources and the interests of forest farmers.Secondly,the government should strengthen the construction of supporting measures of policy forestry insurance such as technically training organization,forestry exploration organization,etc.Thirdly,the government should perfect the subsidy policy of forestry insurance in 2 aspects included compensated costs of insurance companies,expanded the scope of subsidies.Finally,the government should perfect the mechanism of catastrophe risk dispersion.The effective dispersing mechanism of catastrophic risk should disperse the pressure of catastrophic risk losses and promote sustainable development of forestry.
Key words:policy forest insurance;the central document of No.1;policy evolution
Original Articlein李文会,张连刚.中国政策性森林保险的政策演进与展望:基于中央“一号文件”的政策回顾.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):55-59.
Policy Recommendations of Break through Barriers to ForestryFinance Development in China
DING Jianchen,ZHAO Dandan
(University of International Business and Economics,School of Banking & Finance,Beijing 100029 China)
⑴ Background——Forestry has 5 functions,includes ecology function,economy function,society function,carbon sink function and culture function.The experience of domestic and abroad shows that forestry financial service is the essential for developing forestry economy.At present,there are many problems in forestry finance in China,such as lack of system,institutional bias,shortage of funds,limited financial tools and low quality of service,which have seriously affected the development and progress of forestry.So it is very urgent to put forward relevant policy recommendations.
⑵ Methods——Based on both the theory and data analysis,this paper introduces main barriers to the forestry finance development in China.From the perspective of institutional economics,this paper puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations to develop China’s forestry finance.The research data mainly comes from forestry development reports released by the State Forestry Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
⑶ Results——Firstly,the ability to serve the real forestry economy is limited.The funds needed for the forestry tending was 450 billion yuan in 2009,but the shortage of funds for agriculture and forestry was about 200 billion yuan.The funding gap for forestry tending,ecological protection,and forestry stability construction is huge.Secondly,forestry finance has congenital weakness which result in difficulties in attracting social investment.The weakness of forestry finance mainly includes the shortage of forestry financial institutions,the lack of forestry financial tools,and the abnormalities of forestry financial market.The forestry finance is seriously disengaged from the forestry economy.Thirdly,the defects of forestry financial system design are obvious.Since the financial system in New China was constructed with the center of rural land reform,and the support from government for forestry finance is less.Fourthly,the operating targets of forestry financial institutions have been deviated.There is a vacancy in specialized forestry financial institutions for a long time,in meanwhile,a large number of relevant financial institutions withdrawn.Fifthly,the environment of forestry financial market steadily deteriorated.The foreign investment in forestry industry is 6.369 billion yuan,accounting for only 0.87 percent of the foreign direct investment.Up to July 2016,there are merely 3 forestry companies listed of the top 30 listed agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery companies.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——This paper puts forward the policy recommendations for the development of China’s forestry finance.Firstly,innovation of forestry finance system in China should be accelerated.The innovation measures for forestry finance system include strengthening the basic work of government on the transfer payment to forestry finance,and establishing fair and inclusive forestry financial system.Secondly,the project of policy forestry financial construction should be started.So the government should promote the policy forestry insurance pilot,improve the forestry financial trading environment,etc.Thirdly,in order to effectively reduce the risk of banking and forestry investors,the government should improve anti-risk ability of forestry enterprises and farmers.Fourthly,the government should deal with the relationship between ecological protection and the interest of forest farmers with establishing the compensation mechanism of ecological protection,and reasonably compensating the rights of forestry owners.Fifthly,the government should actively set up the forestry development fund in China.Based on the successful experience of foreign countries’ forestry development,it is necessary for China to actively set up the forestry development fund to improve the allocation efficiency of forestry resources under the background of market economy,which is by all means to promote the healthy and sustainable development of forestry.
Key words:forestry finance;barriers;policy recommendations
Original Articlein丁建臣,赵丹丹.突破中国林业金融发展壁垒的政策建议.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):60-62.
Status and Characteristics of China’s Wooden Forest Products Trade Development
ZHANG Shaobo,TIAN Minghua,YU Haoliang,HU Mingxing,WANG Chunbo,LIU Yi
(School of Economics and Management,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083 China)
⑴ Background——With the increasing economic development,China has became a major countries of wooden forest products trade in the world.Mastering the developmental status and characteristics of China’s wooden forest products trade are propitious to work out relevant industry policy and trade policy.
⑵ Methods——The data for this paper were main from China Forestry Development Report 2016 which published by State Forestry Administration and FAO Yearbook of Forest Products 2014 which published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO).This paper analyzed the trade actualities and characteristics of China’s wooden forest products through the methods of comparative analysis,concentration ratio,net barter terms of trade,etc.
⑶ Results——Based on the data of China’s wooden forest products trade,China’s wooden forest products trade has the following characteristics.Firstly,the annual growth rate of wooden forest products imports and exports in China from 1993 to 2015 are 12.52% and 18.45% much higher than in world.Secondly,the scale of wood forest products import and export in China are large and account for a high proportion in the world.Thirdly,China’s wooden forest products trade has undergone a process from a trade deficit to a trade surplus.The trade surplus began to expand in 2008 and reached $8.883 billion in 2014,then rose to $14.636 billion in 2015,which shows fairly large compared with other countries.Fourthly,importing raw materials and exporting manufactured goods are obviously characteristics of China’s wooden forest products trade.Fifthly,the product structures of import and export are highly concentrated.The imports of wooden forest products in China were mainly paper pulp,round wood,sawn wood,recovered paper,paper and paperboard.The products of paper pulp,round wood,sawn wood,recovered paper,paper and paperboard accounted for 90.46% of the total imports of China’s wooden forest products in 2015.The exports of wooden forest products in China were mainly furniture,paper and paperboard,woodwork,plywood and fiberboard.The products of furniture,paper and paperboard,woodwork,plywood and fiberboard accounted for 98.11% of the total exports of China’s wooden forest products in 2015.Sixthly,the market structures of import and export are also concentrated at a relatively high level.The top 5 import trade partners(included the United States,Canada,Russia,Brazil,Indonesia)for China accounted for 50.15% of total imports,and the top 5 export trade partners(included the United States,Japan,Hong Kong,Britain,Australia)accounted for 48.22% of total exports in 2015.Seventhly,due to the price of imported products rising,the terms of import trade tends to deteriorate.The import products as wood pulp,round wood,sawn wood,recovered paper account for 80.72% of total imports in 2015.Meanwhile,due to the value of export products reducing,the terms of export trade tends to deteriorate.Products with low added value,such as furniture,plywood,fiberboard,account for 54.77% of total exports in 2015.Products with deteriorating terms of export trade,such as furniture,plywood,fiberboard,paper and paperboard,accounted for 86.23% of total exports in 2015.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——China should appropriately control the trade growth rate and trade scale of wooden forest products,and pay attention to the trade balance of wooden forest products.The current mode of processing trade should be changed,because the profits were very little and China was accused of destroying the world’s forest resources.China should improve the domestic supply of timber resources,and scatter the supply channels of imported timber.The import and export product structure and market structure also should be optimized.The quantity competition and price competition should be replaced with the quality competition and brand competition.China should take the connotation development path with benefit first.
Key words:wooden forest products;international trade;processing trade;product structure;market structure
Original Articlein张少博,田明华,于豪谅,等.中国木质林产品贸易发展现状与特点分析.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):63-69.
Impact of Countervailing Duty Investigation and Antidumping Duty Investigation on Chinese Wood Flooring Exports Enterprises:An Empirical Analysis
JIANG Hongfei,CHEN Yong
(Research Institute of Forestry Policy and Information,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091 China)
⑴ Background——Since 2010,the US initiated countervailing duty(CVD)investigation and antidumping duty(AD)investigation of wood flooring from China.AD/CVD laws are administered jointly by the US International Trade Commission and the US Department of Commerce.Since 2010 until the paper release,the investigations have gone through the process of prosecution,filing,preliminary ruling,verification and arbitration,administrative review,etc.The final determinations for total duties rate for the first time issued in October 2011 is below 5%,while the following results of annual review of total duties rates alleged from July 2015,doubled compared with results of 2011 and kept upward trend.
⑵ Methods——In this paper,a computable general equilibrium(CGE)model,the Global Trade Analysis Project(GTAP)model and GTAP Database were used to simulated the unfavorable impact for Chinese wood flooring producer after the duties rates alleged,such as the increase in cost of production.Based on standard GTAP static model,four scenarios like 5%,10%,15% and 20% increase of the duties rates alleged on Chinese wood products were simulated.
⑶ Results——The simulation results show that,the duties rates alleged can lower the Chinese domestic prices of wood products to reduce the supply of Chinese wood products to the US,cause China unfavorable trade balance with US.As the higher level of the duties rates alleged,the more negative effect of shocks on the export,the domestic production and the prices of Chinese wood products kept downward trend.When the duties rate reach 20%,it can effectively reduce the exports,the domestic production and the domestic prices of Chinese wood products by 8%,17% and 0.6%,and can lower the American import of Chinese wood products by 1.8%,Chinese trade deficit with US can reach 9.4 billon USD.After the analysis of comparison between the decline in margin of Chinese domestic production and Chinese export based the same level of duties rates alleged,the simulation results indicated the China rely the most on trade with the US.Since China and the US as the largest developing country and developed countries in the world,and as the largest two trade bodies in the world in addition to the European Union,the change of the behavior of production and consumption between the two countries could also have a deep global impact.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Because of the low brand awareness and serious product homogeneity in a part of Chinese wood flooring exports enterprises,even lack of sustainable profitability,and some profit growth of enterprises depends on state financial support or price support like the export tax rebate,they can easily become the target or object of CVD and AD investigations.It was suggested that based on a better understanding on the determinants international trade rules,Chinese wood flooring producers should pay attention to the value of products and brand innovation,enhance the competitiveness of products,meanwhile they should establish a due diligence system and keep the supply chain of legality and traceability in response to the similar trade investigations,then the trade relationship of wood products between China and US could become more free and active.
Key words:CVD and AD investigations;wood flooring;the United States;GTAP model
Original Articlein蒋宏飞,陈勇.中国输美木地板企业遭遇双反调查的影响实证分析.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):70-73.
Heterogeneous Factors from Family Effect Tea Oil Purchase Behavior of City Residents
LU Sulan1,HUANG Peifeng2
(1.College of Economics,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002 China;2.School of Management,Fujian University of Technology,Fuzhou 350118 China)
⑴ Background——Social basis and demographic characteristics of tea oil(CamelliaoleiferaAbel.)purchasing,teaoilisoneofthemainwoodyplantsedibleoil,hascausedwideconcerninscholars.Currentresearchresultsaboutteaoilpurchasingstilllackofrepresentationandpersuasion.Teaoilisusuallypurchasedbyhouseholdslikeasotheroils,butinalongtimefewresearchpaidattentiontotheimpactoffamilyheterogeneityonteaoilpurchasebehavior.
⑵ Methods——Independent-sample T-test,variance analysis and Scheffe multiple comparison procedure were adopted to analyze the data of field survey.The data was collected from household questionnaire surveys on tea oil purchase behavior in Guangzhou,Changsha and Fuzhou by the research group which following the significant research subject“Demand and Supply Change Investigation on Main Woody Grain and Oil”issued by State Forestry Administration in 2015.Restricted by various factors,the research group has to select Changsha,Fuzhou and Guangzhou 3 city from 14 provinces to carry out household surveys on tea oil purchase behavior.
⑶ Results——Analyzing the effect of heterogeneous factors from family on tea oil purchase behavior,the results suggest that 4 factors as number of family members,severe illness history,whether there are 60 or above elderly people in the family and the education level of the main purchasers in the family have no obvious difference in tea oil purchase behavior;and 5 factors as whether there are children under 12 years old in the family,the age of family purchaser,gender of family purchaser,family income and family types have significant difference in tea oil purchase behavior.The method of Scheffe multiple comparison procedure was used to further analyze the effect of heterogeneous factors from family on tea oil purchase behavior.The results show that there is significant difference between gender and purchase behavior.Women were more likely to choose tea oil than men.The reason for this phenomena is probably that women are mainly responsible for the daily life in Chinese family,they would spend more time in collecting food information,pay more attention to the price of oil and the nutrition level,makes women more likely to choose to tea oil.The mean value of oil consumption in residents of different ages was a inverted U-shaped distribution where groups of 31 to 40 years old and 41 to 50 years old more favored tea oil.The principal reason for this phenomena is that the group of 31-50 years old is the groups of highest income,and most of them have children that they would more concern about their children’s health.Family type showed significant differences in tea oil purchasing.The ratio of multi-generation family in tea oil purchasing was significantly higher than families of three,families of two and those living alone.Compared with residents with higher income,families with per capita annual income less than 5 000 yuan and between 5 000 yuan and 10 000 yuan were less likely to buy tea oil.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Tea oil purchasing behavior shows family feature with obvious Chinese characteristics.To master these family feature would help tea oil relevant enterprises to develop and carry out marketing strategy,publicity and education to families especially focusing on multi-generation families.Because multi-generation families pays great attention to their children’s health,and their strong purchasing ability were strong,so they were the main group of tea oil purchasing.Relevant business management should implement targeted marketing plan and support.Moreover,women as well as the group of 30 to 50 years old should not be neglected.
Key words:heterogeneous factors from family;city residents;tea oil;purchases
Original Articlein卢素兰,黄培锋.家庭异质性因素对城市家庭茶油购买行为的影响.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):74-80.
Impacts of the Aging Labor Force on Technical Efficiency of BambooProduction
YANG Shuisheng1,XU Xiuying1,2,FU Jiaoyan1,XU Jinhan1
(1.School of Economic and Management,Zhejiang A&F University,Lin’an,Zhejiang 311300 China;2.Rural Development Research Center of Zhejiang,Lin’an,Zhejiang 311300 China)
⑴ Background——With the acceleration of urbanization process in China,structure of rural labor force has undergone tremendous changes.The accelerated outflow of rural youth labor force result a large number of old labor force engaged in agricultural production in rural areas.The aging of labor force has an important influence on the development of rural economy.So it is necessary to improve forestry production technical efficiency through clarify the relationship between the aging of labor force and forestry production.
⑵ Methods——This research selected bamboo as the object of research,people above 60 years old as an indicator of the aging of labor force and 6 administrative villages in Anji County as the study area.Then 120 households were selected for questionnaires in July 2015,and 101 valid questionnaires were got.Among the valid questionnaires,243 bamboo plots were surveyed in detail.Subsequently,the translog stochastic frontier production function was measured by frontier software.This research discussed the following questions:Firstly,whether the aging of labor force affecting the bamboo production technical efficiency or not?Secondly,what are factors affecting the bamboo production technical efficiency?
⑶ Results——The results of likelihood ratio hypothesis testing imply that:The Cobb-Douglas production function is not suitable for this research,and the bamboo production technical efficiency changes were affected by some environmental variables.According to the results of the translog stochastic frontier production function,the input of labor factor,land factor and capital factor had a significant positive influence on the output of bamboo.Bamboo output capacity per unit area with high in Anji County,but there exists excess labor with the increasing labor input and capital use degree are not high.The error of stochastic frontier production function model was aroused mainly by technical efficiency loss,and the output elasticity of labor factor,land factor and capital factor were 0.249 2,0.358 9,0.252 8 respectively.According to the result of technical efficiency model,the bamboo production average technical efficiency was only 66.68%.If the elimination of technical efficiency loss,the bamboo production technical efficiency had 33.32% of the room for technical efficiency enhancement.Because of the aging effect of labor force exceeds the empirical effect,the aging of labor force had a significant negative influence on the bamboo production technical efficiency.In control variables,the proportion of bamboo income to total household income,family labor scale and the bamboo land was leased had different degrees of significant positive impact on the bamboo production technical efficiency;the number of bamboo plots had a significant negative impact on bamboo production technical efficiency.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——To summarize,3 suggestions are proposed referring to stimulate and improve the production efficiency in bamboo sector.Firstly,local government should actively guide farmers to increase capital investment in bamboo production so as to allocate bamboo production factors rationally.And extend the bamboo production chain,improve bamboo production technical efficiency so as to increase farmers’income.Secondly,local government should encourage farmers to transfer forestland in order to reduce the fragmentation of bamboo forestland and realize the scale of forestland management.Lastly,local government should increase the human capital investment of rural labor force and strengthen technical training for farmers’bamboo production,establish and improve rural social security system.
Key words:aging labor force;technical efficiency of bamboo production;trans-log stochastic frontier production function;Anji county
Original Articlein杨水生,徐秀英,符椒燕,等.劳动力老龄化对竹林生产技术效率的影响.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):81-87.
Reflections on the Discipline Construction of Forestry Economy
LI Zhou
(Rural Development Institute,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732 China)
⑴ Discipline construction goes hand in hand with scientific research.In a narrow sense,scientific research refers to explore increments of knowledge,correct understanding bias of knowledge,update knowledge,and improve and perfect the systems of knowledge within an existing discipline system.In a broad sense,scientific research in further refers to explain the phenomena and solve the problems in the real world by using the existing discipline knowledge.In terms of discipline construction,it is the activities to add the new understanding and achievements obtained from the scientific researches into the discipline system.The task of discipline construction is to perfect the discipline system,to precise the discipline knowledge,to make it possible to explain more economic phenomena and solve more economic problems,and to make it more understandable and easier to use.The driving force of discipline construction comes from the curiosity and responsibility of teachers and researchers.
⑵ The content of discipline construction includes testing and verifying,improving,updating and extending the existing knowledge,creating new knowledge,and upgrading knowledge system.For instance,upgrading the knowledge system from sustainable use of timber to the eco-function of forest system and the sustainable use of landscape and services;improving the scientific method from experience approach to experimental approach;improving the data use from predicting the future based on historic data to forecasting the future based on constantly updated big data;improving from induction of discipline progress to deduction of discipline outlook,and from China’s evidence to China’s experience and paradigm.
⑶ To carry out discipline construction,the first step is making a discipline construction scheme;the second step is organizing a discipline construction team,and the third step is establishing an incentive mechanism.The discipline construction must base on local practices.In Chinese contexts,many statements are similar,but the practices are quite different.By comparing those differences,one can gains various evidences,find various wisdoms,reach various conclusions,and draw various paradigms.
⑷ The phased,orderly and achievable of the discipline construction should be considered.The team leaders should be seriously selected.The team structure should be elaborated and the team should be dynamically optimized.The discipline construction tasks should be determined, pre-research subjects should be set up,literature reviews should be conducted,and methodologies should be evaluated.Discipline construction would be adjusted and readjusted,which include those in the scheme,plans,and paths of discipline construction and the team leaders and members of discipline construction.
⑸ At present,China has the largest team of professional staffs in the world conducting forestry economy research.Therefore,we should have the advantages to reach the target of discipline construction-innovation in the paradigm of forestry economy research.
Key words:forestry economy;discipline construction;scientific research
Original Articlein李周.林业经济学科建设的思考.林业经济问题,2017,37(3):88-96.
⑴ Background——Natural forest protection project was launched in 2000.Through establishing the “3+X” green industrial system,Yichun forest region promoted the adjustment of economic structure from resource consumption to ecological protection.After full stopping commercial logging of natural forests,forest leading industry occurred a “cliff-type”shrinking,so that the structure of forest economic needs to adjust quickly.Faced with the influence of double pressures from economic income reduction and economic transformation,developing under-forest economy has become an important measure and an inevitable choice for the economic transformation in Yichun forest region.
⑵ Methods——The research object is the developments of under-forest economy in Yichun.Internet,professional books,academic journals and other ways were used to collect the research data and to understand the research trends of under-forest economy development through reviewing the literature both at home and abroad.This paper analyzes the present situation,characteristics,constraints and countermeasures of under-forest economy development in Yichun forest region by using theoretical analysis and qualitative analysis methods based on the theories of modern forestry economics and other related theories.
⑶ Results——The diversified development mode,developing characteristic industries,the preliminary industrial chain,industrial layout be more reasonable,set up diversified production base,brand building with highlighted regional characteristics and popularizing technology around characteristic industries were the present situation and main characteristics of under-forest economy development in Yichun state-owned forest areas.Through analyzing the problems(include developing with smaller scale,relatively extensive management,shortage of talent,etc.)and the constraints(such as systems,policies,funds,raw materials,technology,and ideas)in developing under-forest economy,based on the strategic choice,this paper puts forward the following measures:firstly,developing the under-forest economy should adhere to the priority of ecological protection,take full account of the carrying capacity of forests and the environment according to the laws of ecological balance,and rationally exploiting and utilizing forest resources under the premise of strict protection of forest resources;secondly,government should carefully cultivate new business entities,improve the interests of the link mechanism,and constantly innovative production and management model;thirdly,government should strengthen scientific and technological support,establish a contingent of technical personnel;fourthly,strengthening the supervision of the whole industry chain to ensure product quality and safety,playing the role of government guidance,increasing policy support;enterprises should expand the brand effect,improv product brand influence;etc.
⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Under the premise of protecting the ecological environment,developing the under-forest economy,expanding the channels for the employment,increasing workers’ income and promoting the green transformation of the state-owned forest areas are effective ways to promote the sustainable development of the state-owned forest areas.In order to make these countermeasures more targeted,it is necessary to find out the existing problems through benefit analysis,and give further in-depth analysis and discussion by establishing a scientific and reasonable data model.
state-owned forest areas;under forest economy;economic transition;rational development;sustainable development