Zhang Kunjiang
This article inclines to analyze the transformative relationship between “kingship” and “emperorship” from the Edo period to pre-WWII. By the term “turn”, this article illustrates that the Confucian notion of “kingship” had experienced the first wave of “turn” in the Edo period during which it had been infused with Shinto elements, becoming a synthesis of Shintoism and Confucianism. Then early modern Japan witnessed the second wave of “turn” by which the “kingship” was harmonized with the elements of “emperorship,” hence, an ultra-national theory transcending the original “kingship.” From the late Tokugawa period throughout the 1930s, the theory of “emperorship” also had the following three phases: first, during the late Tokugawa period, Mitogaku developed a “Confucianism-serving-Shintoism” theory, that is, Confucianism as an auxiliary assistance to Shintoism. This should be considered the “embryonic stage” of “emperorship;” second, with the Meiji Restoration, the Mikado’s authority was also reflected in the overseas colonial power through the national Shintoist power system, a triad of religious, political, and educational powers. The reign of Meiji was a time when royal power expanded to its utmost extension as ever in Japanese history. This we regard as the “incubation stage” of “emperorship;” last, once Manchukuo was proclaimed in 1932, through the stimulation of both prime minister Zheng Xiao-xu’s cry for a “paradise of kingship” and the Manchus’ expectation that Japanese “emperorship” served as the mentor of Manchu “kingship,” thus the “maturation stage” of “emperorship”came. Consequently, this article concludes that both “Shinto” and “emperorship” still need “kingship” to be a contrasted rationale, so apparently “kingship”remains an “origin” that nourishes or brews Shintoism or emperorship. Nevertheless, it was also transformed into the “prototype” of itself in early modern Japan.
Han Binna
The amount of research on ancient capital city of Japan is limited in academic area. The topic focused on Nagaokakyo is rare. As a new capital city for Emperor Kammu, Nagaokakyo was built in 784 and abolished in 794. Although the influence is less than other capital city, Nagakakyo carries historical reasons. The historical background, selecting standards, layout structure and politics in court should be discussed in academic area. In a word, Nagaokakyo has a special status in ancient capital city of Japan.
The“EastAsianCommunityTheory”Revisited: “Modernity”, “OvercomeModernity”and“SocialRevolution”inImperialDiscourse
Wang Li
During the expansion process of modern Japan, the discourse system for building the Imperial rule had been formed. However, the strategy of conquering China rapidly failed in the Sino-Japanese War indicated that not only the Japanese military had met its limit, but also the discourse system of Japanese Empire had faced crisis. For coping with this crisis, “East Asian Community theory” came up. Three representative “East Asian Community” scholars raised perspectives respectively from “modern”, “overcome modern” and “social revolution”, and tried to repair the discourse system of the Empire. However, the attempts did not overcome the dilemma of the Imperial Discourse in the end.
Li Yanzhi
The 1982 Constitution was made and enforced by Turkish military regime for effectively rectifying the society. Under this constitutional and political system frame, Turkish democracy is tutelary and limited. Different political forces centered on constitutional amendment to struggle for their own interest, which was a prominent issue in the process of Turkish national governance. When AKP came to power, it actively introduced a lot of constitutional amendments. The AKP government made the approval of constitutional amendment in 2007, constitutional amendment in 2010 and constitutional amendment in 2017 through Referendum. These constitutional amendments broke through the constitutional framework of the 1982 Constitution, and safeguarded basic civil rights and freedom in some sense. But it made AKP become a dominant party in Turkey and realize the transitionof government system from presidential to parliamentary. Referendum is an important supplement to representative democracy in Turkey. It not only exacerbates ideological differences and social divisions, but also deepens the ruling crisis of the AKP and makes Erdogan become an all-powerful ruler. This suggests the paradox of Turkish democratization and authority, which has profound implications for Turkish political change.
Li Xi
The sustainable development of Jordan is divided into five stages, the first stage since the beginning of 1999, with the economic and social reform which was the prelude to sustainable development. The second stage was the perfection and development with political reform as the core and the beginning of the National Agenda. The third stage is the proposal and implementation for the new sustainable development, when first proposed the harmonious development of nature and society people, capital, and both economy development and environmental protection and eco economic balance. The fourth stage was the reform within the period of upheaval in the Middle East to improve people’s livelihood. The fifth stage is the 2015—2025 vision, which relates the balanced development of the politics, social, economic and education, and vigorously promotes the green economy, which makes the Jordanian economy transition from the mode of sustainable consumption to production mode. This vision butts in with our strategic initiatives The Belt and Road, which makes Jordan play a fulcrum role, benefits to promoting this strategy in Arabia countries, to promoting the national modernization and national development in Jordan.
Yi Xiaoming
In Politics, Political security focuses on stabilization and legitimacy of political unit. As to the EU, the political model argued by Political Islam is quite different from the Occidental, and the latter has slamed western civilization frequently. International society historically was shaped by western tradition, and also is an important instrument for the Occidental to maintain influence over other part of the world. EU argues political Islam is challenging and denying international society, terrorist attacks to the Occidental launched by radical political Islam in reality have further confirmed this cognition. Although political Islam is one of the main political forces in the Middle East and to some extent could promote democracy, and at the same time, EU has claimed to promote democracy process in the region, whereas EU consider Political Islam as threaten to its political security, EU treats the bilateral relation negatively, sometimes even refuses to contact with it.
Tang Ke
“Natural Right” and “Natural Law” are two words which can often be found in Strauss’s writings. Through the study of their historical development, this paper analyzes Strauss’s core concepts in his political philosophy, “The quarrel between the ancients and the moderns” and “the quarrel between Athens and Jerusalem”, and points out the ideal of natural law in Christainity is absent in Leo Strauss’s thought, the “Jerusalem” that Strauss supported is not Christainity but Juaism. If “Jerusalem” is regarded as Christainity, both “the quarrel between Athens and Jerusalem” and “the quarrel between the ancients and the moderns”will became doubtful. Thus Strauss’s delimma was revealed when he faces Christainity,Moreover, the relation and contradiction between natural right and natural law are the keys to the evolution of Western civilization.
Zhu Junyi
Charlemagne’s coronation in 800 AD had a great impact on Byzantine emperors’ world suzerainty that inherited from ancient Rome emperors. From 476 AD to 800 AD, the most heads of kingdoms and church all revered Byzantine emperor as the nominal suzerain. Although Byzantine emperors still stubbornly adhered to their claims of world sovereignty since 800, the claims have not been acknowledged and respected in the west. So Charlemagne’scoronation was not a drama or a palace coup.It obliterated completely classical civilization political space of “a Roman emperor, a Roman empire”, and it led to the result of political alienation betweenthe Latin western world, and the Byzantine world and gradually forming an equal political and diplomatic relationship between the Latin western world,and the Byzantine world.
Meng Fanqing
There is a special political phenomenon in the political history of the Hellenistic period, which is the prevalence of queen’s participation in political. With the further studies of foreign scholars on the history of the Hellenistic period, the research achievements about women-power in this period have published constantly. Whether the books about Hellenistic history or relevant monographs about Hellenistic queen, which have in-depth analysis on queen’s political participation. In these studies, they all have detailed analysis to the reason for the prevalence of women-power, queen’s political participation, queen’s participation in military, queen’s deification and worship. These research materials, methods, results have important significance for our studies in the Hellenistic period.
Wang Liang
It is known that there were no law codes in ancient Egypt. However, we could not hereby say that Egyptian had no legal consciousness either. In fact, ancient Egyptian has already some basic law ideas since the early period of Egyptian civilization. Throughout the history of humankind, law has been still the most important factor and a state apparatus for ruling class in every country. This research was mainly focused on the evolution of the judicial system and then revealed legal consciousness of the Egyptian which was hidden behind the judicial system. We have to say that the legal consciousness caused ancient Egyptian to create a unique set of judicial system, thus laid a foundation for the development of ancient Egyptian civilization.
Lu Xin and Yin Yuantao
The Pentekontaetia, an excursus in Thucydides’ Book I, focuses on Greek history for almost half century between two great wars in Classical period. Thucydides selectively and technically records historical events by contrastive narrating on purpose, emphasising the aggressive growth of Athens and her rival Sparta’s response, aiming to reveal the truest reason of the Peloponnesian War. Although this excurse is lack of exact dating and detailed evidence, it obviously carries out its purpose of writing, and provides an excellent serve to historian’s narrative and explanation.
Jiang Lin and Li Zeng
In the 19thcentury England, the governess became the hot topic of newspapers, magazines, news and stories. The governess, whose profession has the distinct feature of times with specific marginal position and identity, aroused wide concern from the society and literature. Many writers described the life and growth of the governess as the heroine of the novel in this period, so that the governess novel turned into a popular genre. The rise, development, prosperity and decline of the governess novel all fall under the background of the 19thcentury. The social reform in the 19thcentury promoted women’s thought and education, and prompted the change of the economic situation, consequently governesses constituted a unique professional group of the society, in which case the governess novel gradually became a genre under such circumstances.