I Dare You

2017-03-06 21:10李茁
新东方英语·中学版 2017年3期


I can remember a time when I was so afraid

When even my shadow wouldnt follow me

So I, I, I'm picking up my sword

To shatter all the pieces that I was before

Cause I, I, I'm worth fighting for

For, for, for


☆ put me in a cage

Lock me in a room

Throw away the key

I dare you

I'll break down the walls

A higher wrecking ball

And I won't let you tear me down, no

Oh, oh

Throw away the key

I dare you

Oh, oh

And I won't let you tear me down, no ☆

I had an opinion, but I never spoke my mind

And I wouldn't argue, even when I knew I was right

But I, I, I'm not that girl anymore

Yeah, I lost the battle but I won the war

Cause I, I, I'm worth fighting for

For, for, for


(Refrain ☆)

I just kept on running, running, running

Trying to find out who I was

I would go the distance but it wasn't far enough

But now I'm standing straight and know exactly who I am

Yeah, yeah

I can remember a time when I was so afraid

(Refrain ☆)

I won't let you tear me down, no

I won't let you tear me down, no


(推荐者:山东 李梦竹)


这首歌曲的演唱者是美国歌手、演员Beatrice Miller。她出生于1999年,因为在2012年参加音乐选秀节目《X音素(美国版)》(The X Factor US)第二季而为人所熟知。在比赛中,她获得了第九名的好成绩,通过出彩的演唱成为青少年组的一颗新星。虽然年纪不大,但她已經发行了个人专辑《不是道歉》(Not an Apology)并参演了多部影视作品。这个18岁的姑娘富有灵性,浑身上下都充满了朝气和能量,“I Dare You”这首歌就仿佛是为她量身定做的。贯穿整首歌曲的流行摇滚风非常吸引人,副歌部分的密集旋律充分展现出了流淌在“我”血液中的勇气。虽然曾经的“我”非常胆怯,但如今的“我”却无畏无惧,敢于直面他人对自己的各种诋毁、突破外界对自己的层层束缚,敢于发表自己的见解,勇敢地做自己。Miller对“I dare you”这句歌词处理得十分出彩,一字一顿,铿锵有力,仿佛是在毫不畏惧地宣誓:“我什么都不怕,尽管来吧。”

歌词里写道:“我不再是从前那个女孩了(I'm not that girl anymore)”,这一句歌词发人深思,让我们不由自主地回想起自己是如何从那个稚气未脱的少年成长为一个富有担当的大人的。也许是从温室的天顶被划开一道道裂痕的那一刻起,我们就开始满怀勇气地直面风雨雷电,而那些裂痕同时也是清晨第一缕阳光照进来的地方,我们也因此得以成长。

全球增长:世界经济潜在的新裂痕 精读
Music for dying will
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