菲利浦·K·迪克(Philip K. Dick, 1928~1982)出生于美國伊利诺州的芝加哥市,父母离婚后他由母亲独立抚养成人,1949年考入加州大学的伯克利分校,因为患焦虑症等而半途退学,其后在一家唱片店工作。20世纪60年代,他积极参与加州的反文化运动,反对越战,提倡和平,还为此受到了美国联邦调查局的监控。迪克的写作生涯始于20世纪50年代,陆续有作品在科幻杂志发表。1963年他凭借《高堡奇人》(The Man in the High Castle)获得了雨果奖,这奠定了他在美国科幻小说新浪潮中的先驱者地位。他的代表作还有《仿生人会梦见电子羊吗?》(Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)、《尤比克》(Ubik)以及《心机扫描》(A Scanner Darkly)等。他的作品凭借对未来社会富有想象力的构想、对科技本质的深刻反思以及对什么是真实等哲学问题的关注而赢得了批评家、小说家以及普通读者的推崇。
A merry little surge of electricity piped2) by automatic alarm from the mood organ3) beside his bed awakened Rick Deckard. Surprised—it always surprised him to find himself awake without prior notice—he rose from the bed, stood up in his multicolored pajamas, and stretched. Now, in her bed, his wife Iran opened her gray, unmerry eyes, blinked, then groaned and shut her eyes again.
“You set your Penfield4) too weak,” he said to her. “Ill reset it and youll be awake and—”
“Keep your hand off my settings.” Her voice held bitter sharpness. “I dont want to be awake.”
He seated himself beside her, bent over her, and explained softly. “If you set the surge up high enough, youll be glad youre awake; thats the whole point. At setting C it overcomes the threshold5) barring6) consciousness, as it does for me.” Friendlily, because he felt well-disposed7) toward the world—his setting had been at D—he patted her bare, pale shoulder.
“Get your crude cops hand away,” Iran said.
“Im not a cop.” He felt irritable, now, although he hadnt dialed for it.
“Youre worse,” his wife said, her eyes still shut. “Youre a murderer hired by the cops.”
“Ive never killed a human being in my life.” His irritability had risen now; had become outright hostility.
Iran said, “Just those poor andys8).”
“I notice youve never had any hesitation as to spending the bounty9) money I bring home on whatever momentarily attracts your attention.” He rose, strode to the console of his mood organ. “Instead of saving,” he said, “so we could buy a real sheep, to replace that fake electric one upstairs. A mere electric animal, and me earning all that Ive worked my way up to through the years.” At his console he hesitated between dialing for a thalamic10) suppressant11) (which would abolish his mood of rage) or a thalamic stimulant12) (which would make him irked enough to win the argument).
“If you dial,” Iran said, eyes open and watching, “for greater venom13), then Ill dial the same. Ill dial the maximum and youll see a fight that makes every argument weve had up to now seem like nothing. Dial and see; just try me.” She rose swiftly, loped to the console of her own mood organ, and stood glaring at him, waiting.
He sighed, defeated by her threat. “Ill dial whats on my schedule for today.” Examining the schedule for January 3, 2021, he saw that a businesslike professional attitude was called for. “If I dial by schedule,” he said warily, “will you agree to also?” He waited, canny14) enough not to commit himself until his wife had agreed to follow suit.
“My schedule for today lists a six-hour self-accusatory15) depression,” Iran said.
“What? Why did you schedule that?” It defeated the whole purpose of the mood organ. “I didnt even know you could set it for that,” he said gloomily.
“I was sitting here one afternoon,” Iran said, “and naturally I had turned on ‘Buster Friendly and His Friendly Friends and he was talking about a big news item hes about to break and then that awful commercial came on … And so for a minute I shut off the sound. And I heard the building, this building; I heard the—” She gestured.
“Empty apartments,” Rick said. Sometimes he heard them at night when he was supposed to be asleep. And yet, for this day and age a one-half occupied conapt16) building rated high in the scheme of population density; out in what had been before the war the suburbs, one could find buildings entirely empty … or so he had heard. He had let the information remain secondhand; like most people he did not care to experience it directly.
“At that moment,” Iran said, “when I had the TV sound off, I was in a 382 mood; I had just dialed it. So although I heard the emptiness intellectually, I didnt feel it. My first reaction consisted of being grateful that we could afford a Penfield mood organ. But then I realized how unhealthy it was, sensing the absence of life, not just in this building but everywhere, and not reacting—do you see? I guess you dont. But that used to be considered a sign of mental illness; they called it ‘absence of appropriate affect. So I left the TV sound off and I sat down at my mood organ and I experimented. And I finally found a setting for despair.” Her dark, pert17) face showed satisfaction, as if she had achieved something of worth. “So I put it on my schedule for twice a month; I think thats a reasonable amount of time to feel hopeless about everything, about staying here on Earth after everybody whos smart has emigrated, dont you think?”
1. 節选部分选自小说开头,主要描写了为得赏而缉拿逃犯的男主人公里克·德卡德(Rick Deckard)和妻子艾伦(Iran)因情绪调控仪而引发的争吵。
2. pipe [pa?p] vt. (尤指用无线电、电话等)传送,播送(音乐、谈话等)
3. the mood organ:情绪调控仪,小说中出现的一种能调节人的情绪的仪器。
4. Penfield:在小说中指情绪调控仪的名称。
5. threshold [?θre??h??ld] n. 界限;临界值
6. bar [?bɑ?] vt. 阻止;禁止
7. well-disposed [?weld??sp??zd] adj. 友好的;乐于助人的
8. andys:在小说中指一类仿生机器人。
9. bounty [?ba?nti] n. 奖金;赏金
10. thalamic [θ?'l?mik] adj. 丘脑的
11. suppressant [s??pres(?)nt] n. (抑制某种反应或效果的)抑制物
12. stimulant [?st?mj?l?nt] n. 刺激物;激励物
13. venom [?ven?m] n. 愤恨,怨恨
14. canny [?k?ni] adj. 精明的,谨慎的,机灵的
15. self-accusatory:自责的
16. conapt:本文作者Philip K. Dick根据condominium + apartment造的词,指共管式公寓。
17. pert [p??(r)t] adj. 小巧的;矫健的