⒈Rule number one: never make any promise. Rule number two: once you have made one, you must do whatever it takes to keep it.
⒉ Keeping a low pro file①is important. Do your job, and ignore②those comments. And someone will be your partner.
⒊ A rehearsal③must be conducted before something real in case of any emergency. Nobody will care about the so-called "accident",and they won't have the time and mood for your explanations.
⒋There must be only one relationship between people at one time. Otherwise, you will act impetuously④.
⒌ It is the most stupid thing to show off one's dignity⑤in front of money or love.
⒍The best revenge⑥is not hatred⑦, but the coldness from the bottom of your heart. Why bother hating someone who has nothing to do with you?
⒈第一, 永远不要做任何承诺。第二,一旦承诺了,就要信守承诺。
① keep a low pro fi le 保持低姿态;避免引人注目
② ignore 英 [ɪg'nɔː] 美 [ɪɡ'nɔr] vt. 驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬
③ rehearsal英 [rɪ'hɜːs(ə)l] 美 [rɪ'hɝsl]n. 排演;预演;练习;训练;叙述
④ impetuously[im'petjuəsli] adv. 性急地,激烈地
⑤ dignity 英 ['dɪgnɪtɪ] 美 ['dɪɡnəti] n. 尊严;高贵
⑥ revenge 英 [rɪ'ven(d)ʒ] 美 [rɪ'vɛndʒ] n. 报复;复仇vt. 报复;替……报仇;洗雪vi. 报仇;雪耻
⑦ hatred 英 ['heɪtrɪd]美 ['hetrɪd] n. 憎恨;怨恨;敌意