“我英语不好。英语口语好难,但我想在哥伦比亚大学读书,所以我正努力提高英语水平。我是因为《阿甘正传》而决定来美国的,这部电影我已经看过5遍了,我非常喜欢阿甘。阿甘很单纯,他认定一件事,就会坚持下去。我年轻的时候觉得阿甘很傻,但现在我的看法不同了。我觉得人们太复杂,他们什么事都抱怨。阿甘就从不抱怨,他选定一件事就会坚持下去。 我上个月就看了这部电影来鼓励自己。我的日子过得很艰难,因为大家根本不知道我在说什么。但想到阿甘我就觉得好多了,阿甘他搞定了一切,就因为他一直在坚持。”
"My English is not good. Spoken English is very difficult. But I want to study at Columbia so I am trying to improve. I decided to come to America because of Forrest Gump. I've watched the movie five times. I like Forrest very much. Forrest is very simple. He picks one thing, and he keeps going①. When I was young, I thought Forrest was stupid, but now I have a different view. I think people are too complicated. They complain about everything. Forrest never complains②.Forrest chooses one thing and he keeps going. I watched the movie last month to encourage me. My life is hard because people don't ever know what I'm saying. But when I just think of Forrest, I feel better. Forrest figured everything out because he just kept going."
① keep going 继续;维持下去
② complain 英 [kəm'pleɪn] 美 [kəm'plen]vi. 投诉;发牢骚;诉说 vt. 抱怨;控诉