
2017-02-17 23:14马豆子
意林(绘英语) 2017年10期


Dear Dad,

The real you — not the person everyone has seen on TV. Just, my dad.

One of the things I admire most about you is that you don't really care what other people think. People can have whatever opinions they want about who you are as a person, but they'll never have all the facts. They'll never know you like I do.

They weren't there when you cleared out our living room so that my brothers and I would have room to play games and just be kids.And they weren't there when you were making sure that①I always took care of business in the classroom and graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA. But you were.

This probably won't surprise anybody, but for as long as I can remember you've always been the loudest person in the gym.When I was in middle school,I started dreaming of one day making it to the NBA. I wanted to be a point guard②, just like Magic Johnson.

You agreed to show me how to get there. You made your living training athletes — you still do — so I put my trust in you. And in return, you made me put in the work.

I still have your schedule ingrained in my mind. I probably always will.

Every day, no matter what, you'd take my brothers and me around the corner from our house in Chino to run up and down that hill in the heat before bringing us back home to do sit-ups.

The ride to a game was always a party, but the mood on the ride home,well, that all depended on how the game had gone.

You've never told me, "Great game," and just left it at that. Win or lose,you've always been able to fi nd something that I could improve. Some people are thrown off by your tone, but I've always known to internalize③what you say rather than how you say it. Because when you unpack④everything, there's always truth in what you tell me.

I'll never forget the game we played against a travel team from New York a few years back. They were all older than us, and we were completely out sized.

It was the type of game that most teams probably would have gone into knowing they were going to lose. In fact, most teams probably would have been satisfied with keeping the score within 20. Not our family, though.

We went out there and we ran those kids off the court. We rained threes on them and pressed the entire game. And we won. That was a really good ride home.

A lot of people ask if I ever get sick of⑤you talking about me.

What they don't realize is all of the stuff that you've said about me in public is the same stuff you've been telling me privately⑥my whole life. And a lot of the time, you've been right.

People may not see it, but I possess the very same con fidence that you have. In fact,when I think about it, con fi dence is the most important thing that I inherited from you.

The difference is, I've internalized it.Everything you've told me, I've absorbed and used on the court. That's where I do my talking.

The confidence that you have in me makes me feel so strong. It's helped me to never back down from a challenge and to stay true to myself.

So regardless of what anyone else thinks of you, I'm just incredibly⑦thankful to have you as my dad.

I can't think of anything else that you could ask for from a dad.

Thank you for teaching me how to play this game. Thank you for teaching me how to be a man. And thank you for never apologizing for being you.

Love you.






他们未曾看到,是你确保了我在课堂上不落人后,以GPA 4.0的成绩从高中毕业。他们未曾看到,但是你,一直都在。




















① make sure that(把……)查明,(把……)弄清楚;确信,有把握 ②point guard 控球后卫,组织后卫

③ internalize 英 [ɪn'tɜːn(ə)laɪz] 美 [ɪn'tɝnəlaɪz]vt. 使(习俗等经吸收同化而)内在化;使藏在心底

④ unpack 英 [ʌn'pæk] 美 [,ʌn'pæk]vt. 卸下……;解除……的负担 vi. 打开包裹

⑤ get sick of对……厌恶

⑥ privately 英 ['praɪvɪtli] 美 ['praɪvɪtli] adv. 私下地;秘密地⑦ incredibly 英 [ɪnˈkredəblɪ] 美 [ɪn'krɛdəbli] adv. 难以置信地;非常地

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