
2017-02-04 23:15朱凤娟
文化交流 2017年1期

















在楠溪江畔,茗岙梯田成为摄影家眼中的绝美中国仙境,林坑、苍坡、芙蓉等古村落让他们见证了中国古老的耕读文化,美国BBC电台旅游编辑Anne Banas对茗岙的田园风光赞不绝口,她说这里太美了,尤其喜欢梯田,因为美国没有水稻梯田。


在瑞安东源村,看完遗存下来的木活字印刷工艺展示,来自加拿大的作家、摄影师Janet Gyenes抢先体验了印刷术的操作过程。体验过不同风情的温州神奇山水之旅,嘉宾们收获满满,不仅有美景和美味,也有当地村民的热情和友善,温州山水给了他们一种纯美的意境和享受。

加拿大FIG Artistic Gymnostics World Champlonships的Magalie兴奋地说道:“雁荡山非常美,我喜欢这种青山、流水、绿树的风景。如果以后有机会,还会带着我的家人和朋友一起来雁荡山做客。”


前美国加州旅游局公关主任John Pomiree说:“本次温州年会,是我曾参加所有大型活动中办得最出色的。这是一次无懈可击的具有国际水准的大型活动。”

The curtain of the 2016 Wenzhou Annual Meeting of American Travel Writers Association descended on October 28, 2016. Themed “Share the Beauty of Wenzhou with the World”, the years well-designed event successfully showed the diversity and depths of the tourism of Wenzhou to an American audience and made all participants fall in love with the city at first glance. The cultural gala brought all guests a memorable experience of a splendid China. Wenzhou is a port city in southern Zhejiang.


This 2016 event was a truly global one. The two highlights of the 2016 annual meeting were China-America Tourism Development Forum that provided a platform for insiders to brainstorm about the tourism future of Wenzhou, and a photography exhibition featuring the works of 18 travel writers and photographers who through their lens recorded the beauty of Nantang, a riverside residential and commercial district that goes back to the Southern Song (1127-1279).

The 2016 Wenzhou annual meeting served as a powerful footnote to the unique tourism resources of Wenzhou and rich cultural connotations. It also helps expand cultural collaboration possibilities between Wenzhou and the rest of the world. The success of the event also shows the self-confidence of the city in its tourism promotion on a global stage.

At the forum, Zhejiang Tourism Administration vice director Xu Peng noted some American tourists preferred regional culture and history to scenic attractions. The guests taking part in the annual meeting enjoyed a variety of tailor-made cultural activities that demonstrated the splendid cultural tradition of Wenzhou and the charm of its representative Ouyue Culture.

A Taste of Wenzhou Flavors

Participants of the annual meeting had a taste of the cultural treasures of Wenzhou at various cultural spots such as Wenzhou South Opera Museum, Wenzhou Martial Arts Hall and Wenzhou Arts and Crafts Museum. The cultural immersion culminated on the night of October 26 when American guests had a good time at Tian Yi Jiao, the citys most famous “food paradise”.

“Wenzhou is an amazing city full of surprises,” said Liang Zhangqiu, chair of the 2016 annual meeting.

Wenzhou is one of the most fabulous representatives of traditional Chinese landscape aesthetics. The uniqueness is embodied in an array of state-level scenic spots highlighted by the World Geopark at the Yandang Mountain area, the gorgeous landscape of the Nanxi River and the mesmerizing beauty of the terraced farms at Mingao.

After relishing the beauty of the mist-enveloped Fangdong, one of the American guests gasped in admiration: “I saw something I have no chance to see in my home country, and the scene of the local fishermen catching jumping fish on the mudflat excited me.”

At Zeya, everyone was enthralled by the ancient paper-making craftsmanship of the locals.

For Canadian writer and photographer Janet Gyenes who had a great time trying the ancient movable type printing in Dongyuan Village, the trip was rewarding not only scenically. The friendliness and kindness of the locals also added greatly to the wonderful cultural enjoyments.

“The beauty and historical riches of the city and its countryside made me excited because it is something I dont have a chance to appreciate in America, a country that is much younger than China. For me, the experiences in Nanxi River are truly memorable. There is a story behind every scenic and cultural spot here and the trip brought me lots of new inspirations,” remarked Merl Pearlstein, a New York-based writer.

“The annual meeting held in Wenzhou is the best one of its kind I have ever taken part in. It is an impeccably arranged mega-event of a truly international quality,” commented John Pomiree, PR manager of Tourist Administration of California.
