
2017-01-27 02:46中国高速铁路的发展与技术创新
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年14期








来源出版物:高速铁路技术,2014, 5(1): 1-7






来源出版物:机车电传动, 2014, (6): 10-15

坚持自主创新道路 积极推进中国标准动车组研制




来源出版物:中国铁路, 2014, (8): 1-5



摘要:结合京沪高速铁路黄渡线路所2号岔位42号无砟道岔处发生的“晃车”问题,运用多体动力学分析软件NUCARS进行列车—道岔耦合系统的仿真分析,研究高速铁路道岔尖轨降低值对高速列车运行平稳性的影响机理。研究表明:高速列车过岔时出现晃车的原因是该道岔尖轨的实际降低值超差(比设计值偏大2.3 mm);当道岔尖轨降低值超差时,高速列车直向过岔时的轮对横移量显著增大,导致轮缘持续贴靠尖轨工作边运行,使得轮轨水平力显著增大,导致车体的横向加速度显著增大,从而发生“晃车”现象。现场通过更换合适厚度的基本轨下橡胶垫板和尖轨下滑床台调整尖轨降低值,使之满足高速铁路无砟轨道道岔铺设技术条件的规定,解决了“晃车”问题,进而使动车组从限速160 km·h-1恢复常速运行。


来源出版物:中国铁道科学, 2014, 35(3): 28-33



摘要:建立空气弹簧的气动流体力学模型,并推导空气弹簧垂向特性与其回滞曲线几何特征的关系式。基于该气动模型,通过静态及动态仿真试验,着重研究橡胶气囊体积、附加空气室体积及节流孔直径三个结构参数与空气弹簧垂向静态刚度、动态刚度及阻尼特性的关系。在此基础上,使用包含该空气弹簧气动模型的高速动车组整车动力学模型,进一步研究空气弹簧结构参数对车辆垂向平稳性的影响规律。计算结果表明,增大橡胶气囊体积可有效改善车辆垂向平稳性;附加空气室体积达到一定值时,进一步增大对提高车辆垂向平稳性作用不大,应保证附加空气室容积至少为35 L;随着节流孔直径的增大,车辆垂向平稳性指标首先快速减小然后缓慢增大,说明节流孔直径存在一较优取值范围,约为15~25 mm,使车辆垂向平稳性达到最佳。


来源出版物:机械工程学报, 2015, 51(10): 129-136





来源出版物:中国工程科学, 2015, 17(4): 98-112





来源出版物:科技导报, 2015, 33(18): 13-19





来源出版物:机车电传动, 2015, (6): 18-21





来源出版物:机械工程学报, 2015, 51(10): 129-136



摘要:随着国内高铁行业的不断发展,其技术水平及创造能力已经达到世界无法企及的高度,截止2015年,中国高铁通车及运营总里程已经超过8887 km,到2020年总里程数会增加至30000 km;结合“一带一路”建设,洽谈的国外高铁项目多达 20个。国家在大力发展高铁工程建设同时,提出“专用材料国产化”目标,为新型化工材料领域发展提供良好的发展契机。主要结合高铁行业新材料应用实践,从轨道原料、线缆原料以及机车用化学品等方面进行应用综述分析,力求为推动相关领域的实践发展进行有益的尝试。


来源出版物:化工新型材料, 2016, 44(4): 47-48





来源出版物:铁道建筑, 2016(4): 134-138



摘要:传统测算可达性的方法较为单一,缺乏多层面、多角度的综合研究和对比分析。基于时间、经济与重心视角利用可达性模型并结合Arc GIS空间分析手段探究高铁通车前后沿线城市可达性的动态变化;利用综合变异系数、层级分析法和改进的哈夫模型分析高铁可达性空间演变特征及规律,构建高铁可达性评价体系并结合熵权法定量评估各高铁可达综合实力。研究表明:京广、京沪可达综合实力最强,沪昆、杭福深次之,沪汉蓉、哈大、青太再次之,郑西、兰新可达实力最弱;全国高铁可达性强弱变化呈明显地带性规律,东、中部高铁可达性强于东北,东北强于西部,纵向高铁强于横向;经济潜力的增加率明显高于加权平均旅行时间的减少率,可达性重心偏移驱使不同等时圈蔓延交叠;高铁以“核心—核心”逐步向“核心—网络”空间链接模式过渡,产生上海、北京、广州、深圳4个高铁“国家服务中心”,天津、武汉、重庆等6个“大区域服务中心”,形成“多中心”高铁服务格局以及日益庞大而复杂的高铁特质空间集群;高铁网络影响下的中国区域空间格局的渐变与重塑日趋复杂,“T”型轴带呈现出由空间极化向空间均衡转变,跨城流动性特征突显,加速空间对接与同城化进程。


来源出版物:地理学报, 2016, 71(4): 591-604





来源出版物:西南交通大学学报, 2016, 51(2): 209-226





来源出版物:铁道运输与经济, 2017, 39(5): 27-35





来源出版物:铁道学报, 2017, 39(2): 1-9





来源出版物:隧道建设, 2017, 37(1): 11-17

来源出版物:Advanced Materials Research, 2012, (544):256-261


Measurements and analysis of propagation channels in high-speed railway viaducts

He, Ruisi; Zhong, Zhangdui; Ai, Bo; et al.

Abstract:This paper reports (i) a set of measurements of the wireless propagation channel at 930 MHz, conducted along the “Zhengzhou-Xian” high-speed railway of China in various railway viaduct scenarios, and (ii) an analysis and modeling of the small-scale and large-scale channel parameters based on those measurements. The environment can be categorized into four cases, covering viaducts with different heights and in different suburban environments.Small values of fade depth, level crossing rates, andaverage fade duration are observed. Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC)-based evaluation indicates that the Ricean distribution is the best to describe small-scale amplitude fading. An analysis of the envelope autocovariance function shows that the coherence distance is less than 10 cm. The Ricean K-factor is modeled as a piecewise-linear function of distance. Moreover, a breakpoint path loss model is developed and shadow fading is investigated using the same break point as for the distance-dependent K-factor model. The Suzuki distribution is found to offer a good fit for the composite multipath/shadowing channels.We find that the viaduct height H, together with the number of surrounding scatterers, significantly affects the smalland large-scale channel parameters. These results are applicable to both normal-speed and high-speed railways,and will be useful in the modeling of railway viaduct channels and the design of railway wireless communication systems.

Keywords:composite channels; fading behavior; highspeed railway; path loss; railway communications; ricean k-factor; shadowing; viaduct

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2013, 12(2): 794-805

Extended fuzzy logic controller for high speed train

Dong, Hairong; Gao, Shigen; Ning, Bin; et al.

Abstract:In this paper, two dynamic models of high-speed train are presented, namely a single-mass (SM) model and an unit-displacement multi-particle (UDMP) model. Based on the former, a direct fuzzy logic controller is designed,and on the latter, a new fuzzy controller incorporating the implication logic is designed. Three sets of relevant numerical simulation are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control schemes through comparison.

Keywords:automatic train operation (ATO); train dynamic model; high speed train; fuzzy logic control; speed and displacement tracking

来源出版物:Neural Computing & Applications, 2013,22(2): 321-328

Theoretical and experimental investigation on bridge-borne noise under moving high-speed train

Zhang Xun; Li Xiaozhen; Liu Quanmin; et al.

Abstract:Bridge-borne noise pollution caused by traininduced bridge vibration has attracted more and more attentions due to its low-frequency characteristic. In order to investigate the numerical simulation technique of bridge-borne noise and noise reduction methods, a simply supported prestressed concrete (PC) box-girder bridge is adopted for study. Based on train-track-bridge interaction theory, the dynamic response of the bridge under a moving high-speed train is calculated in time-domain and assumed as the sound source of bridge-borne noise.Then bridge-borne noise is estimated according to boundary element method (BEM) in frequency-domain.The time-frequency transform is conducted by fast Fourier transformation (FFT). The validity of the numerical simulation technique is verified through comparison with field measurement results. Furthermore, noise reduction methods are proposed and corresponding effects are discussed. Results show that the proposed numerical simulation method is feasible and accurate in assessing bridge-borne noise. The dominant frequencies of bridge vibration and bridge-borne noise range from 40 Hz to 125 Hz and from 31.5 Hz to 100 Hz, respectively. The peak frequency of bridge-borne noise near the bottom plate is 63 Hz. Increasing the thickness of deck plate, adjusting the inclination of webs to 0A degrees-12A degrees,strengthening the boundary constraints and adding a longitudinal clapboard are very effective noise control measures.

Keywords:bridge-borne noise; train-induced vibration;sound radiation; elevated bridge; numerical simulation;noise reduction

Multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head

Yu, Meng-ge; Zhang, Ji-ye; Zhang, Wei-hua

Abstract:With the continuous improvement of the train speed, the dynamic environment of trains turns out to be aerodynamic domination. Solving the aerodynamic problems has become one of the key factors of the high-speed train head design. Given that the aerodynamic drag is a significant factor that restrains train speed and energy conservation, reducing the aerodynamic drag is thus an important consideration of the high-speed train head design. However, the reduction of the aerodynamic dragmay increase other aerodynamic forces (moments),possibly deteriorating the operational safety of the train.The multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head was proposed in this paper, and the aerodynamic drag and load reduction factor were set to be optimization objectives. The automatic multi-objective optimization design of the high-speed train head can be achieved by integrating a series of procedures into the multi-objective optimization algorithm, such as the establishment of 3D parametric model, the aerodynamic mesh generation, the calculation of the flow field around the train, and the vehicle system dynamics. The correlation between the optimization objectives and optimization variables was analyzed to obtain the most important optimization variables, and a further analysis of the nonlinear relationship between the key optimization variables and the optimization objectives was obtained.After optimization, the aerodynamic drag of optimized train was reduced by up to 4.15%, and the load reduction factor was reduced by up to 1.72%.

Keywords:high-speed train; multi-objective optimization;parametric model; aerodynamic drag; load reduction factor

来源出版物:Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A,2013, 14(9): 631-641

Robust sampled-data cruise control scheduling of high speed train

Li, Shukai; Yang, Lixing; Li, Keping; et al.

Abstract:This paper investigates the robust cruise control scheduling of high speed train based on sampled-data.The dynamics model of a high speed train is modeled by a cascade of cars which are connected by flexible couplers, and is subject to rolling mechanical resistance,aerodynamic drag and wind gust. The robust cruise controller is designed for high speed train based on sampled-data. By using the method of converting the sampling period into a bounded time-varying delay, the addressed problem is transformed to the problem of stability analysis of time-varying delays system. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, sufficient conditions for the existence of robust sampled-data cruise control scheduling are given in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI), under which the high speed train can track the desired speed, the relative spring displacement between the two neighbouring cars is robustly stable at the equilibrium state, and a prescribed H-infinity disturbance attenuation level with respect to the wind gust is guaranteed, which ensures the safety and comfort of the operating of high speed train. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Keywords:high speed train; robust cruise control;sampled-data control; linear matrix inequality (LMI)

来源出版物:Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, 2014, 46: 274-283

Empirical models for extra propagation loss of train stations on high-speed railway

Guan, Ke; Zhong, Zhangdui; Ai, Bo; et al.

Abstract:Train stations are one of the largest and most unavoidable obstructions for electromagnetic wave propagation on a highspeed railway. They can bring about severe extra propagation loss, and therefore, lead to poor coverage or handover failure. However, their influence has been rarely investigated before. Based on rich experimental results of 930 MHz measurements conducted on train stations of high-speed railway in China, this paper proposes two empirical models for the extra propagation loss owing to train stations for the first time. The extra loss depends on four conditions: the distance between the transmitter (Tx) and the train station, the type of the train station, the track carrying the train, and the propagation mechanism zones. Hence, the models are established for every case of all the combinations of these four conditions.The validation shows that the proposed models accurately predict the extra propagation loss and support an effective way to involve the influence of the train station in the simulation and design of the signaling and train control communications systems.

Keywords:High-speed railway; propagation modeling;railway communications; train station

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2014, 62(3):1935-1408

Real-time high-speed train rescheduling in case of a complete blockage

Zhan, Shuguang; Kroon, Leo G; Veelenturf, Lucas P; et al.

Abstract:This paper focuses on real-time rescheduling of railway traffic on a high speed railway line in case of a complete blockage of the railway infrastructure. Due to the disruption, all tracks in a railway segment are out of orderfor a certain period of time. In the situation that we consider, trains that are blocked by the disruption do not return to their origin by taking over train services in the opposite direction, but wait inside the stations until the disruption is over. Thus the main decisions to be taken are the following: in which stations do trains have to wait, in which order do they have to leave when the disruption is over, and which trains have to be canceled? A Mixed Integer Programming model is formulated to minimize the total weighted train delay and the number of canceled trains, while adhering to headway and station capacity constraints. Most instances can be solved in a single optimization run, but for the most complex instances we propose a two-stage optimization approach to improve the computational efficiency. The model is tested on real-world instances of the Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway line.The results show that the model is promising for reducing the effect of a disruption on passenger service, especially in comparison with a heuristic method used in practice.

Keywords:high speed railway; segment blockages; train rescheduling; real-time control

来源出版物:Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 2015, 78: 182-201

Channel characteristics in high-speed railway a survey of channel propagation properties

Chen, Binghao; Zhong, Zhangdui; Ai, Bo; et al.

Abstract:In this article, we give an overview of recent research on propagation properties in high-speed railways(HSRs). The channel fading in HSRs is a big challenge for wireless access. It is essential to understand the channel-fading behavior before the system design. The novel results of propagation and channel models are presented. The details of channel characteristics, such as path loss, shadow fading, and Ricean K-factor, are discussed in each scenario. A comprehensive picture of propagation and channel-modeling research in railways is shown.

来源出版物:IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2015,10(2): 67-78

Empirical geometry-based random-cluster model for high-speed-train channels in UMTS networks

Yin, Xuefeng; Cai, Xuesong; Cheng, Xiang; et al.

Abstract:In this paper, a recently conducted measurement campaign for high-speed-train (HST) channels is introduced, where the downlink signals of an in-service Universal Mobile Terrestrial System (UMTS) deployed along an HST railway between Beijing and Shanghai were acquired. The channel impulse responses (CIRs) are extracted from the data received in the common pilot channels (CPICHs). Within 1318 km, 144 base stations(BSs) were detected. Multipath components (MPCs)estimated from the CIRs are clustered and associated across the time slots. The results show that, limited by the sounding bandwidth of 3.84 MHz, most of the channels contain a single line-of-sight (LoS) cluster, and the rest consists of several LoS clusters due to distributed antennas,leaking cable, or neighboring BSs sharing the same CPICH. A new geometry-based random-cluster model is established for the clusters’ behavior in delay and Doppler domains. Different from conventional models, the time-evolving behaviors of clusters are characterized by random geometrical parameters, i.e., the relative position of BS to railway, and the train speed. The distributions of these parameters, and the per-cluster path loss, shadowing,delay, and Doppler spreads, are extracted from the measurement data.

Keywords:geometry-based stochastic model; high speed train; random cluster model; time-variant channel;Universal Mobile Terrestrial System

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, 16(5): 2850-2861

A measurement-based stochastic model for high-speed railway channels

He, Ruisi; Ai, Bo; Zhong, Zhangdui; et al.

Abstract:The high-speed railway (HSR) propagation channel has a significant impact on the design and performance analysis of wireless railway control systems.This paper derives a stochastic model for the HSR wireless channel at 930 MHz. The model is based on a large number of measurements in 100 cells using a practically deployed and operative communication system. We use the Akaike information criterion to select the distribution of the parameter distributions, including the variations from cell to cell. The model incorporates the impact of directional base station (BS) antennas, includes several previously investigated HSR deployment scenarios as special cases,and is parameterized for practical HSR cell sizes, whichcan be several kilometers. The proposed model provides a consistent prediction of the propagation in HSR environments and allows a straightforward and time-saving implementation for simulation.

Keywords:akaike information criteria (AIC); directional antenna; high-speed railway (HSR); intercell variations;large-scale fading; path loss; railway communications;small-scale fading

来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 16(3):67-78

Numerical calculation of the slipstream generated by a CRH2 high-speed train

Huang, Sha; Hemida, Hassan; Yang, Mingzhi; et al.

Abstract:Slipstreams caused by high-speed train movement through the atmosphere pose a safety risk to passengers, trackside workers and track infrastructure. The improved delayed detached eddy simulation (IDDES)approach, an improved version of the detached eddy simulation method, is adopted in this paper to calculate the slipstream of a four-coach 1/25 th-scale model of the CRH2 high-speed train. Slipstream velocities and pressures at various lateral distances from the centre of rail (COR)position and vertical distances from the top of rail (TOR)position at trackside are calculated. Numerical results are compared with measurements obtained in a full-scale test and good agreement is obtained, which verifies the effectiveness and potential of the less costly IDDES method. It is found that the velocity and pressure distributions are similar to those obtained using different train types but with different peak values related to the difference in shapes. The peak velocities in the slipstream along the length of the train are found at the tail and in the near wake region. The magnitude of the peak decreases with an increasing distance from the COR and shows a relatively high value at about two thirds of the train height from the TOR. The maximum pressure coefficients are found in the upstream and nose regions. The results show that the value of these coefficients decreases with an increasing distance from the COR and TOR. Based on the suggested safe slipstream velocity in China, the IDDES results show that for a CRH2 high-speed train at a speed of 350 km/h, the safe standing distance should be greater than 3.4 m in the lower part of the train’s slipstream (up to about half of the train height from the ground) and 2.4 m for the top part of the train’s slipstream (above half the height of the train from the ground).

Keywords:high-speed train; IDDES method; slipstream velocity; slipstream pressure; safe standing distance

来源出版物:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2016,230(1): 103-116

Adaptive coordinated control of multiple high-speed tra ins with input saturation

Li, Shukai; Yang, Lixing; Gao, Ziyou; et al.

Abstract:This paper investigates the adaptive coordinated control of multiple high-speed trains with input saturation and uncertain parameters. The motion of an ordered set of high-speed trains is modeled by a multi-agent system, in which each train adjusts its speed dynamically by communicating with its neighboring trains. For the uncertainties in systems and the possible actuator saturation, based on the LaSalles invariance principle, a new adaptive coordinated control algorithm for each train is designed to track the desired speed, and meanwhile under the control algorithm, the headway distances of each train with its neighboring trains are stabilized at stationary distances in a safety range, which ensures safe and efficient operation of high-speed trains. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Keywords:high-speed train; actuator saturation;coordinated control; multi-agent system

来源出版物:Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83(4): 2157-2169

Robust QoS-aware cross-layer design of adaptive modulation transmission on OFDM systems in high-speed railway

Gao, Qian; Zhu, Gang; Lin, Siyu; et al.

Abstract:In this paper, we consider an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing communication system that adopts frame-by-frame transmission in high-speed railway (HSR) scenario. Due to the increase in demand for the QoS sensitive services, an efficient QoS-aware transmission strategy that improves the system performance is required urgently. Many efforts have been devoted to addressing this problem with the assumption of block fading channel in a frame duration. However, due to the frequent channel quality variation in a frame duration andserious inter channel interference in HSR scenario, the throughput of the QoS sensitive services degrades severely.Hence, a robust cross-layer transmission strategy that combines adaptive modulation (AM) scheme with truncated automatic repeat request protocol is proposed. In this cross-layer formulation, the normalized average throughput is optimized subject to the average power and the packet loss rate (PLR) requirements. First, we derive the closed form average bit error rate that represents the PLR requirement at the physical layer. Second, we obtain the solution of robust AM scheme and power allocation policy in the case of continuous rate. Third, we present the adaptive bits and power allocation scheme in the case of discrete rate, which can be implemented in practice.Finally, the performance of the proposed transmission strategy is evaluated by extensive simulations. Comparing with the constant transmit power AM scheme, the throughput increases by 20%, which demonstrates that the proposed robust cross layer design is suitable for the HSR communication systems.

Keywords:adaptive modulation; fast time-varying fading channel; high-speed railway; OFDM systems; packet loss rate; QoS; robust cross-layer design

来源出版物:IEEE Access, 2016, 4: 7289-7300

Modulation MIMO in high-speed railway

Cui, Yaping; Fang, Xuming

Abstract:For high-speed railway (HSR), an essential characteristic of the propagation channels is the specific spatial-temporal correlation caused by a dominant strong line-of-sight (LOS) component. Multiple-antenna gain is therefore far from being achieved due to this strong channel correlation. However, it is interesting to note that if the resulted intermarried interference (ICI) is elaborately controlled, high mobility may decrease the channel correlation. Spatial modulation (SM) is one of the promising multiple-antenna technologies for wireless communication systems, which needs only the activation of one transmit antenna to convey information bits implicitly through the index of the active transmit antenna, in addition to conveying information bits through modulation symbols during transmission. In SM, ICI is avoided, which therefore helps in the implementation of the idea of decreasing channel correlation by increasing the velocity in an HSR scenario. In this paper, the performance of massive SM multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) over a spatialtemporal correlated Rician fading channel is investigated under an HSR scenario. The impacts of velocity, Rician factor K, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are discussed. In addition, the correlation factor and the correlation comparison function are defined as metrics of channel correlation. We theoretically find out that higher velocity makes the impact of temporal correlation more dominant,which weakens the influence of spatial correlation. In other words, spatial correlation can be weakened by high mobility. Our theoretical analysis and simulations further demonstrate that, with an appropriate scheme, massive SM MIMO outperforms Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time (VBLAST), except at a lower SNR region with high velocity (usually more than 360 km/h).Consequently, massive SM MIMO is a promising solution within an appropriate range of velocity for HSR wireless communication systems.

Keywords:massive multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO); Rician fading channel; spatial correlation; spatial modulation (SM); temporal correlation

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2016, 65(11): 8925-8932

Parametric design and optimization of high speed train nose

Yao, SB; Guo, DL; Sun, ZX; et al.

Abstract:Aiming at shortening the design period and improve the design efficiency of the nose shape of high speed trains, a parametric shape optimization method is developed for the design of the nose shape has been proposed in the present paper based on the VMF parametric approach, NURBS curves and discrete control point method. 33 design variables have been utilized to control the nose shape, and totally different shapes could be obtained by varying the values of design variables.Based on the above parametric method, multi-objective particle swarm algorithm, CFD numerical simulation and supported vector machine regression model, multi-objective aerodynamic shape optimization has been performed.Results reveal that the parametric shape design method proposed here could precisely describe the threedimensional nose shape of high speed trains and could be applied to the concept design and optimization of the nose shape. Besides, the SVM regression model based themulti-points criterion could accurately describe the non-linear relationship between the design variables and objectives, and could be generally utilized in other fields.No matter the simplified model or the real model, the aerodynamic performance of the model after optimization has been greatly improved. Based on the SVR model, the nonlinear relation between the aerodynamic drag and the design variables is obtained, which could provide guidance for the engineering design and optimization.

Keywords:parametric design; aerodynamic shape; SVM model; PSO; multi-objective optimization; high speed trains

来源出版物:Optimization and Engineering, 2016, 17(3):505-630

Aerodynamic design on high-speed trains

Ding, Sansan; Li, Qiang; Tian, Aiqin; et al.

Abstract:Compared with the traditional train, the operational speed of the high-speed train has largely improved, and the dynamic environment of the train has changed from one of mechanical domination to one of aerodynamic domination. The aerodynamic problem has become the key technological challenge of high-speed trains and significantly affects the economy, environment,safety, and comfort. In this paper, the relationships among the aerodynamic design principle, aerodynamic performance indexes, and design variables are first studied,and the research methods of train aerodynamics are proposed, including numerical simulation, a reduced-scale test, and a full-scale test. Technological schemes of train aerodynamics involve the optimization design of the streamlined head and the smooth design of the body surface. Optimization design of the streamlined head includes conception design, project design, numerical simulation, and a reduced-scale test. Smooth design of the body surface is mainly used for the key parts, such as electric-current collecting system, wheel truck compartment, and windshield. The aerodynamic design method established in this paper has been successfully applied to various high-speed trains (CRH380A,CRH380AM, CRH6, CRH2G, and the Standard electric multiple unit (EMU)) that have met expected design objectives. The research results can provide an effective guideline for the aerodynamic design of high-speed trains.

Keywords:high-speed train; aerodynamic design;optimization design; smooth design

来源出版物:Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2016, 32(6): 215-232

Conceptual design of high-speed semi-low-floor bogie for train-tram

Jeong, Nak-Tak; Wang, Maosen; Yoo, Sehoon; et al.

Abstract:Train-tram railway vehicles implement the connection between urban tramlines and the surrounding railway network. Train-tram railway vehicles, which use existing infrastructure, can help to avoid large investments in new railways or tramlines and make interchanges between city center and surrounding cities unnecessary.However, present train-tram rail vehicle cannot carry out the integration of operating by means of high speed in intercity railways with operating on small radius of curvature in inner city tramlines. This paper aims to develop a new model for solid wheelsets train-tram railway vehicles, which will not only pass the curve of 25mR radius of curvature traveling on inner city tramlines with the speed of 18 km/h, but also can travel on straight railway with 200 km/h high speed between intercity. In this paper, a new train-tram model, including five car-body and five motor bogies with ten traction motors, is addressed.Expect as a real rail vehicle testing, this study prefer virtual simulation, which is an effective way to show the rail vehicle performance, such as ride stability, ride comfort and ride safety, by means of evaluating the dynamic characteristics of rail vehicle. Moreover, Design of Experiment (DOE) method is used to optimize solid wheelsets bogie system on improving passenger comfort,safety and stability of train-tram. Parameters of components of bogie system are tuned to minimize the derailment coefficient and the ride comfort index. The results shows that the best comfort index for passenger and minimum derailment coefficient are found. The results also show that this optimized new train-tram model is reliable and practical enough to be applied on real rail vehicle design.

Keywords:train-tram; dynamic simulation; critical speed;derailment coefficient; ride comfort index; DOE

来源出版物:International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2017, 18(3): 523-533

Directivity-beam width tradeoff of massive MIMO uplink beam forming for high speed train communication

Chen, Xuhong; Lu, Jiaxun; Li, Tao; et al.

Abstract:High-mobility adaption and massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) application are two primary evolving objectives for the next generation high-speed train(HST) wireless communication system. In this paper, we consider how to design a location-aware beam forming for the massive MIMO system in the high traffic density HST network. We first analyze the tradeoff between beam directivity and beam width, based on which we present the sensitivity analysis of positioning accuracy. Then, in order to guarantee a high efficient transmission, we derive an optimal problem to maximize the beam directivity under the restriction of diverse positioning accuracies. After that,we present a low-complexity beam forming design by utilizing location information, which requires neither eigendecomposing (ED) the uplink channel covariance matrix (CCM) nor ED the downlink CCM. Finally, we study the beam forming scheme in the future high traffic density HST network, where a two HS Ts encountering scenario is emphasized. By utilizing the real-time location information, we propose an optimal adaptive beam forming scheme to maximize the achievable rate region under limited channel source constraint. Numerical simulation indicates that a massive MIMO system with less than a certain positioning error can guarantee a required performance with satisfying transmission efficiency in the high traffic density HST scenario and the achievable rate region when two HSTs encounter is greatly improved as well.

Keywords:HST wireless communication; massive MIMO;location-aware low-complexity beam forming; positioning accuracy; achievable rate region

来源出版物:IEEE Access, 2017, 5: 5936-5946

Analysis and comparison of modular railway power conditioner for high-speed railway traction system

Xu, Qianming; Ma, Fujun; He, Zhixing; et al.

Abstract:With the rapid development of modern electrified railway, negative-sequence current minimization is one of the most important considerations in the highspeed railway traction system. In the past, many multiple or multilevel topologies with high compensation capacity have been introduced for railway power conditioner (RPC).This paper presents a simplified quantitative comparison of five previous modular RPC topologies for negative sequence compensation in V/V and SCOTT traction systems, aiming for an optimal selection of the compensators. Performance criteria such as transformer requirement, voltage stress and current stress of a power switch, numbers of the power switches and capacitor are derived by analytical methods. Moreover, the numerical comparison of operating controllers is completed for modular RPCs. In addition, power losses of five modular RPCs are obtained by theoretical analysis, IPOSIM calculation as well as PSIM simulation. These calculations are validated via simulations results in PSIM. The main conclusion is that presented modular RPCs can be divided into general purpose RPC and special purpose RPC in terms of the behavior and efficiency. It is helpful to choose the appropriate topology for specific applications.

Keywords:high-speed railway traction; modular multilevel converter (MMC); negative-sequence current (NSC); power losses; railway power conditioner (RPC)

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2017, 32(8): 6031-6048


Research of high speed train carbody structure vibration behaviors and structure fatigue strength characteristic technology

BR Miao; WH Zhang; GH Huang; et al.

The hybrid simulation method based on Multibody Simulation (MBS) and finite element method(FEM) were proposed here and applied to study the relation between carbody structure vibration behaviors and structure fatigue strength characteristic. The detailed steps include: Firstly, rigid-flexible couple vehicle multibody system dynamic model was created and performed to obtain the load time histories corresponded to the typical load cases. Secondly, the carbody structure stresses was calculated through Finite Element (FE) quasi-static stress method. Finally, with the material fatigue property and some uncertainty factors, carbody fatigue damage distribution and life was calculated and evaluated. And the conclusions can be understood that the mechanism between the full vehicle dynamic property and structure damage distribution. The results are also shown that the hybrid simulation technology could be applied into the carbody structure fatigue design.

carobody; dynamic stress analysis; finite element method (fem); multibody system; structure fatigue
