来源出版物:世界科技研究与发展, 2007, 29(5): 81-86
摘要:美国西屋公司AP1000技术是我国引进的第三代核电技术,由于其设计寿命提高到60年,其主管道制造采用整体锻造技术。接管嘴要求与主管一体锻造而成,而且整根管道(包括弯管部分)不允许有环焊缝,属于典型的形状复杂的异形件锻造,制造难度大。本文阐述了主管道材料和成形制造技术的发展情况,根据 AP1000核电主管道整体锻造的要求,较为详细地叙述了国内外主管道整体成形制造技术的发展状况和研究展望。
来源出版物:锻压装备与制造技术, 2011, 1: 13-17
来源出版物:地震工程与工程振动, 2012, 32(1): 1-10
来源出版物:腐蚀与防护, 1997, 18(3): 3-7
摘要:本文阐述了中共中央政治局常务委员会决定从美国西屋公司引进 AP1000核电技术和合作建造 4台AP1000核电机组,是实现我国第三代核电自主化的战略决策。从安全性、成熟性、经济性、放射性排出物以及科技含量等方面说明第三代AP1000非能动核电厂是一种更简化、更安全、更经济和有持续发展前途的核电厂堆型。本文也扼要地介绍了AP1000非能动核电厂的先进数字化仪表控制系统。无论在设计理念上,还是在具体的系统设计方面,AP1000核电厂的仪表控制系统与第二代压水堆核电厂有较大的不同,使核电厂的运行和安全性能都得到很大的改善。
来源出版物:自动化博览, 2009 (8): 32-35
摘要:国外的核电厂数字化仪表与控制(I&C)系统已经取得显著成绩,我国尚处在起步阶段。中国核动力研究设计院采用国内外成熟的工业控制技术和设备研究开发出数字化反应堆保护系统样机、数字化反应堆控制系统样机、先进控制室研究开发平台、高精度实时核蒸汽供应系统仿真机及相关的17个计算机软件,获得了进一步研究开发的经验,具备了中外合作研制核电厂数字化 I&C系统的条件,也为在新一代压水堆核电厂实现数字化I&C系统国产化奠定了坚实基础。
来源出版物:核动力工程, 2002, 23(A02): 66-69
来源出版物:锻压装备与制造技术, 2009, 44(3): 13-18
摘要:简要叙述了世界核电技术发展的历程和展望。着重阐述了国际上对第 3代核电机组安全性和经济性的要求和为满足这些要求所采取的措施;第 3代压水堆AP1000和EPR为预防和缓解严重事故后果的安全设计特点;第4代核能系统的开发规划和工作路线图;我国核电技术的发展。
来源出版物:发电设备, 2007, 21(5): 325-331
来源出版物:国防科技工业, 2007 (5): 35-37
来源出版物:水泵技术, 2009 (4): 1-8
来源出版物:The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields, 2003, 27(3): 331-374
Preliminary estimation of release amounts of131I and137Cs accidentally discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into theatmosphere
Chino, M; Nakayama, H; Nagai, H; et al.
Abstract:The initial estimation of release amounts of131I and137Cs accidentally discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant into the atmosphere is presented. For the source term estimation, environmental monitoring data on air concentrations of iodine and cesiumwere mainly used. The System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) network system) operated by MEXT was used for calculating air concentrations and dose rates. The simulation results were furnished from NSC for the purpose of the source term estimation. To estimate the total amounts of131I and137Cs discharged into the atmosphere, the ‘Duration’ is roughly estimated by assuming that the release with a certain release rate continued from/to the middle times between released times of sampled air.
关键词:release amounts;131I;137Cs; atmosphere; Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant; accident; monitoring data; air concentrations; atmospheric dispersion simulation; SPEEDI; WSPEEDI-II
来源出版物:Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2011, 48(7): 1129-1134
Nuclear-powered millisecond pulsars and the maximum spin frequency of neutron stars
Chakrabarty, D; Morgan, EH; Muno, MP; et al.
Abstract:Millisecond pulsars are neutron stars that are thought to have been spun-up by mass accretion from a stellar companion. It is not known whether there is a natural brake for this process, or if it continues until the centrifugal breakup limit is reached at submillisecond periods. Many neutron stars that are accreting mass from a companion star exhibit thermonuclear X-ray bursts that last tens of seconds, caused by unstable nuclear burning on their surfaces. Millisecond-period brightness oscillations during bursts from ten neutron stars (as distinct from other rapid X-ray variability that is also observed) are thought to measure the stellar spin, but direct proof of a rotational origin has been lacking. Here we report the detection of burst oscillations at the known spin frequency of an accreting millisecond pulsar, and we show that these oscillations always have the same rotational phase. This firmly establishes burst oscillations as nuclear-powered pulsations tracing the spin of accreting neutron stars, corroborating earlier evidence. The distribution of spin frequencies of the 11 nuclear-powered pulsars cuts off well below the breakup frequency for most neutron-star models, supporting theoretical predictions that gravitational radiation losses can limit accretion torques in spinning up millisecond pulsars.
来源出版物:Nature, 2003, 424(6944): 42-44被引频次:205
Neutrino-oscillation experiments at the Gösgen nuclear power reactor
Zacek, G; Vonfeilitzsch, F; Mossbauer, RL; et al.
Abstract:A search for neutrino oscillations has been conducted at the 2800-MW (thermal) nuclear power reactor in Gösgen (Switzerland), providing 5×1020electron antineutrinos per second. The energy spectrum of the antineutrinos was measured at three distances, 37.9, 45.9, and 64.7 m, from the reactor core. The detection of the neutrinos is based on the reaction ν¯e+p→e++n. Roughly 104 antineutrinos were registered at each of the three measuring positions. The measured spectra are analyzed in terms of a two-neutrino oscillation model and the results are represented as exclusion plots for the oscillation parameters Δm2and sin22θ. Two analyses are performed: Analysis A relies exclusively on the data measured at the three different distances; analysis B combines the measured data with additional information, in particular with the reactor antineutrino spectrum as derived from independent β-spectroscopic measurements. Both analyses show that the data are consistent with the absence of neutrino oscillations, and rule out large regions of parameters (Δm2, θ). The resulting limits on the oscillation parameters are Δm2<0.019 eV2(90% C.L.) for maximum mixing and sin22θ<0.21 (90% C.L.) for Δm2>5 eV2.
来源出版物:Physical Review D, 1986, 34(9): 2621-2636
Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: Determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition
Stohl, A; Seibert, P; Wotawa, G; et al.
Abstract:On 11 March 2011, an earthquake occurred about 130 km off the Pacific coast of Japan’s main island Honshu, followed by a large tsunami. The resulting loss of electric power at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant developed into a disaster causing massive release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. In this study, we determine the emissions into the atmosphere of two isotopes, the noble gas xenon-133 (133Xe) and the aerosol-bound caesium-137 (137Cs), which have very different release characteristics as well as behavior in the atmosphere. To determine radionuclide emissions as a function of height and time until 20 April, we made a first guess of release rates based on fuel inventories anddocumented accident events at the site. This first guess was subsequently improved by inverse modeling, which combined it with the results of an atmospheric transport model, FLEXPART, and measurement data from several dozen stations in Japan, North America and other regions. We used both atmospheric activity concentration measurements as well as, for137Cs, measurements of bulk deposition. Regarding133Xe, we find a total release of 15.3 (uncertainty range 12.2–18.3) EBq, which is more than twice as high as the total release from Chernobyl and likely the largest radioactive noble gas release in history. The entire noble gas inventory of reactor units 1–3 was set free into the atmosphere between 11 and 15 March 2011. In fact, our release estimate is higher than the entire estimated133Xe inventory of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, which we explain with the decay of iodine-133 (half-life of 20.8 h) into133Xe. There is strong evidence that the133Xe release started before the first active venting was made, possibly indicating structural damage to reactor components and/or leaks due to overpressure which would have allowed early release of noble gases. For137Cs, the inversion results give a total emission of 36.6 (20.1–53.1) PBq, or about 43 % of the estimated Chernobyl emission. Our results indicate that137Cs emissions peaked on 14–15 March but were generally high from 12 until 19 March, when they suddenly dropped by orders of magnitude at the time when spraying of water on the spentfuel pool of unit 4 started. This indicates that emissions may not have originated only from the damaged reactor cores, but also from the spent-fuel pool of unit 4. This would also con- firm that the spraying was an effective countermeasure. We explore the main dispersion and deposition patterns of the radioactive cloud, both regionally for Japan as well as for the entire Northern Hemisphere. While at first sight it seemed fortunate that westerly winds prevailed most of the time during the accident, a different picture emerges from our detailed analysis. Exactly during and following the period of the strongest137Cs emissions on 14 and 15 March as well as after another period with strong emissions on 19 March, the radioactive plume was advected over Eastern Honshu Island, where precipitation deposited a large fraction of137Cs on land surfaces. Radioactive clouds reached North America on 15 March and Europe on 22 March. By middle of April,133Xe was fairly uniformly distributed in the middle latitudes of the entire Northern Hemisphere and was for the first time also measured in the Southern Hemisphere (Darwin station, Australia). In general, simulated and observed concentrations of133Xe and137Cs both at Japanese as well as at remote sites were in good quantitative agreement. Altogether, we estimate that 6.4 PBq of137Cs, or 18 % of the total fallout until 20 April, were deposited over Japanese land areas, while most of the rest fell over the North Pacific Ocean. Only 0.7 PBq, or 1.9 % of the total fallout were deposited on land areas other than Japan.
来源出版物:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 12(5): 2313-2343
Impacts of the Fukushima nuclear power plants on marine radioactivity
Buesseler, K; Aoyama, M; Fukasawa, M; et al.
Abstract:The impacts on the ocean of releases of radionuclides from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants remain unclear. However, information has been made public regarding the concentrations of radioactive isotopes of iodine and cesium in ocean water near the discharge point. These data allow us to draw some basic conclusions about the relative levels of radionuclides released which can be compared to prior ocean studies and be used to address dose consequences as discussed by Garnier-Laplace et al. in this journal. The data show peak ocean discharges in early April, one month after the earthquake and a factor of 1000 decrease in the month following. Interestingly, the concentrations through the end of July remain higher than expected implying continued releases from the reactors or other contaminated sources, such as groundwater or coastal sediments. By July, levels of137Cs are still more than 10000 times higher than levels measured in 2010 in the coastal waters off Japan. Although some radionuclides are significantly elevated, dose calculations suggest minimal impact on marine biota or humans due to direct exposure in surrounding ocean waters, though considerations for biological uptake and consumption of seafood are discussed and further study is warranted.
来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology, 2011,
45(23): 9931-9935
Study of reactor antineutrino interaction with proton at Bugey nuclear power plant
Declais, Y; Dekerret, H; Lefievre, B; et al.
Abstract:We report on a high precision measurement at15 m from a 2800 MWth reactor in which 300000 events of electron antineutrino interactions with proton have been detected using an integral method. The cross section of the neutron inverse beta-decay process has been measured with an accuracy of 1.4%. The ratio of measured cross section to the expected one in the standard V-A theory of weak interactions is: σƒ/σV−A= 98.7% ± 1.4% ± 2.7% = 0.987 ± 0.030.
来源出版物:Physics Letters B, 1994, 338(2-3): 383-389
Remote material analysis of nuclear power station steam generator tubes by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Whitehouse, AI; Young, J; Botheroyd, IM; et al.
Abstract:We report on a novel design 75-m length umbilical fiber-optic LIBS (FOLIBS) system suitable for remotely determining the copper content of 316H austenitic stainless steel superheater bifurcation tubing within the pressure vessels of Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (AGR) nuclear power stations. The system was deployed during the routine reactor outage programs for Hunterston ‘B’ and Hinkley Point ‘B’ stations during the summer of 1999 and used successfully to determine the copper content of the bifurcations over the range 0.04%<Cu<0.60% (by mass). Measurement times per bifurcation were typically less than 3 min and measurement accuracy was approximately ±25%.
关键词:laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS); fiber-optic LIBS (FOLIBS); semi-quantitative elemental analysis; remote inspection; advanced gas cooled reactor (AGR); nuclear power station
来源出版物:Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2001, 56(6): 821-830
Depth distribution of137Cs,134Cs, and131I in soil profile after Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Kato, H; Onda, Y; Teramage, M
Abstract:Soil, vegetation and other ecological compartments are expected to be highly contaminated by the deposited radionuclides after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident triggered by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and the resulting tsunami on 11 March 2011. However, there is no field measurement data on the depth distributions of radiocaesium and131I concentrations in soil profile. In this study, the depth distribution of the deposited radionuclides in the cultivated soil profile was investigated in one of the most contaminated area after FDNPP accident. The result of this study demonstrated that greater than 86% of total radiocaesium and 79% of total 131I were absorbed in the upper 2.0 cm in the soil profile. The relaxation mass depth (h0) derived from the depth distribution of radiocaesium and 131I in the soil profile at the study site were 9.1 kg m-2and 10.4 kg m-2, respectively. The h0of137Cs in the studied soil profile was greater than those for the cultivated soils nearby the Chernobyl NPP. The positive relationship was found between clay content of topsoil and the h0 of137Cs. However, further analysis is required to clarify the effect of clay content on the initial penetration depth of deposited137Cs in soil profile.
关键词:Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident;137Cs,134Cs,131I; depth distribution; soil profile
来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2011, 111(S1): 59-64
Search of neutrino magnetic moments with a high-purity germanium detector at the Kuo-Sheng nuclear powerstation
Wong, HT; Li, HB; Lin, ST; et al.
Abstract:A search of neutrino magnetic moments was carried out at the Kuo-Sheng nuclear power station at a distance of 28 m from the 2.9 GW reactor core. With a high purity germanium detector of mass 1.06 kg surrounded by scintillating NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl) crystals as anti-Compton detectors, a detection threshold of 5 keV and a background level of 1kg−1keV−1day−1near threshold were achieved. Details of the reactor neutrino source, experimental hardware, background understanding, and analysis methods are presented. Based on 570.7 and 127.8 days of Reactor ON and OFF data, respectively, at an average Reactor ON electron antineutrino flux of 6.4×1012cm−2s−1, the limit on the neutrino magnetic moments of μνe<7.4×10−11μBat 90% confidence level was derived. Indirect bounds on theradiative decay lifetimes were inferred.
来源出版物:Physical Review D, 2007, 75(1): 012001
Search for neutrino oscillations on a long base-line at the CHOOZ nuclear power station
Apollonio, M; Baldini, A; Bemporad, C ; et al.
This final article about the CHOOZ experiment presents a complete description of the (v) over bar (e) source and detector, the calibration methods and stability checks, the event reconstruction procedures and the Monte Carlo simulation. The data analysis, systematic effects and the methods used to reach our conclusions are fully discussed. Some new remarks are presented on the deduction of the confidence limits and on the correct treatment of systematic errors.