
2017-01-26 14:05:50
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年12期






来源出版物:生态学报, 2014, 34(2): 294-306



摘要:利用重庆市主城区近地面臭氧及前体物、气象因子的连续监测资料,重点分析了主城区夏季典型日臭氧质量浓度时空变化规律,以及臭氧与 NO、NO2和 CO等前体物及气象因素的相关性。结果表明,近地表臭氧质量浓度具有主城核心区域较低而周围地区较高的空间分布特征;臭氧质量浓度日分布呈“单峰型”,最高小时质量浓度出现在午后16时左右,与太阳辐射强度、温度等气象因素呈显著的正相关关系,同时与NO、NO2和CO等前体物呈负相关关系;高质量浓度臭氧污染易出现在高压天气系统中,即太阳辐射强度大、微风、相对湿度低且气温较高的天气下;臭氧质量浓度升高与大气压下降幅度密切相关,大气压下降超过0.4 kPa时,臭氧质量浓度较高。


来源出版物:重庆大学学报, 2014, 34(2): 294-306



摘要:利用美国 EPA开发的区域多尺度空气质量模式CMAQ对2008年8月发生在深圳地区的臭氧污染过程进行模拟,运用源敏感性识别工具DDM-3D分析深圳本地排放源及周边地区排放源对深圳地区臭氧污染形成的敏感性。研究表明,VOCs人为源排放对深圳臭氧形成敏感度高,控制深圳臭氧污染的关键在于控制 VOCs人为源排放,控制重点应放在化学品/橡胶/塑胶、印刷、电子产品制造、家具、玩具、制鞋、建筑涂料使用、家用溶剂等方面;深圳的臭氧污染具有区域特征,在不利天气条件下,需与周边城市协调控制才能达到8 h平均浓度120 μg/m3的目标。


来源出版物:中国环境科学, 2014, 34(6): 1390-1396





来源出版物:科技导报, 2014, 32(33): 75-78



摘要:为研究长三角地区城市 O3污染特征及其影响因素,对长三角地区25个城市2013年国家环境监测点位和国家气象台数据进行了统计分析。结果表明:除淮安外,其余24个城市均存在不同程度的O3日超标现象,超标率在1.6%~15.1%之间,平均为5.8%,低于珠三角地区(8.9%)和京津冀地区(9.7%)。5—8月是长三角地区 O3污染最为严重的月份,而这一时期颗粒物污染相对较轻,因此,O3与颗粒物污染在时间上呈相反的态势。从空间分布看,长三角地区 O3污染呈现较为明显的连片分布特征,上海及周边城市 O3污染较重。机动车数量影响城市 O3污染:各城市民用汽车保有量与各城市NO2年均浓度、O3超标天数有显著的相关性,相关系数分别为0.672和0.56;每日O3小时浓度高峰值与车流量高峰基本吻合。高温、长时间日照容易出现 O3浓度的高值;随着相对湿度、风速的增加,O3超标频率和浓度均值都表现为先升后降的规律。


来源出版物:环境科学学报, 2015, 35(8): 2370-2377





来源出版物:中国环境科学, 2015, 35(2): 356-363



摘要:秋季是珠三角臭氧污染最严重的季节,选取2004年秋季珠三角典型臭氧污染过程,运用臭氧来源解析技术等分析手段,研究珠三角臭氧污染特性,分析并量化各排放源区各类源对受体点的臭氧贡献。结果表明,东莞市对珠江口地区的臭氧峰值有重大贡献,下午2—3点东莞市前体物的臭氧贡献最大可达40 ppb;而广州市区的前体物排放主要影响顺德区和南海区。在珠三角,排放源区一般对下风向40 km范围内的地区臭氧贡献最大。秋季大多数情况下珠三角西部(江门东湖)臭氧受中部主要排放源区臭氧前体物排放与输送的影响很大,广州和佛山地区对江门东湖的臭氧峰值贡献达50 ppb左右。交通尾气排放对珠三角各受体点的臭氧贡献最大,交通源对重污染区受体点臭氧的贡献最高可达40~50 ppb。


来源出版物:环境污染与防治, 2015, 37(1): 25-30





来源出版物:世界科技研究与发展, 2015, 37(1): 21-25





来源出版物:环境科学与管理, 2016, 41(3): 58-62


李敏辉,朱云,Carey Jang,等



来源出版物:环境科学学报, 2016, 36(11): 2297-2304



摘要:为研究京津冀区域的臭氧(O3)污染情况及其时空分布特征,对2013—2015年京津冀区域13个城市80个国家环境空气监测点位的监测数据进行了统计分析。结果表明:2013—2015年,京津冀区域O3污染状况整体呈加重趋势,其中2014年污染状况最为严重。13个城市中 O3污染最严重的城市为北京和衡水,连续 3年均超标,且处于上升态势中。区域内不同城市 O3污染趋势并不相同。京津冀区域 O3浓度变化呈明显的季节变化特征,春末和夏季的O3污染最严重。O38 h(臭氧日最大8 h均值)年均值的高值区主要分布在北京中北部、承德和衡水等,2013—2015年第90百分位O38 h的高值区均集中分布在北京。O3的浓度峰值时间要晚于NOx25 h。O3在春、夏季呈单峰分布,白天15 : 00左右出现最大值,在秋、冬季浓度较低,全天波动不大。


来源出版物:中国环境监测, 2017, 33(1): 14-21

来源出版物:American Journal of Epidemiology, 2014, 180(1):15-28

Global distribution and trends of tropospheric ozone: An observation-based review

Cooper, OR; Parrish, DD; Ziemke, J; et al.

Abstract:Tropospheric ozone plays a major role in Earth’s atmospheric chemistry processes and also acts as an air pollutant and greenhouse gas. Due to its short lifetime, and dependence on sunlight and precursor emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources, tropospheric ozone’s abundance is highly variable in space and time on seasonal, interannual and decadal time-scales. Recent, and sometimes rapid, changes in observed ozone mixing ratios and ozone precursor emissions inspired us to produce this up-to-date overview of tropospheric ozone’s global distribution and trends. Much of the text is a synthesis of in situ and remotely sensed ozone observations reported in the peer-reviewed literature, but we also include some new and extended analyses using well-known and referenced datasets to draw connections between ozone trends and distributions in different regions of the world. In addition, we provide a brief evaluation of the accuracy of rural or remote surface ozone trends calculated by three state-of-the-science chemistry-climate models, the tools used by scientists to fill the gaps in our knowledge of global tropospheric ozone distribution and trends.

来源出版物:Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 2014, 2: 000029

China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States

Lin, Jintai; Pan, Da; Davis, Steven, J; et al.

Abstract:China is the world’s largest emitter of anthropogenic air pollutants, and measurable amounts of Chinese pollution are transported via the atmosphere to other countries, including the United States. However, a large fraction of Chinese emissions is due to manufacture of goods for foreign consumption. Here, we analyze the impacts of trade-related Chinese air pollutant emissions on the global atmospheric environment, linking an economicemission analysis and atmospheric chemical transport modeling. We find that in 2006, 36% of anthropogenic sulfur dioxide, 27% of nitrogen oxides, 22% of carbon monoxide, and 17% of black carbon emitted in China were associated with production of goods for export. For each of these pollutants, about 21% of export-related Chinese emissions were attributed to China-to-US export. Atmospheric modeling shows that transport of the exportrelated Chinese pollution contributed 3%-10% of annual mean surface sulfate concentrations and 0.5%-1.5% of ozone over the western United States in 2006. This Chinese pollution also resulted in one extra day or more of noncompliance with the US ozone standard in 2006 over the Los Angeles area and many regions in the eastern United States. On a daily basis, the export-related Chinese pollution contributed, at a maximum, 12%-24% of sulfate concentrations over the western United States. As the United States outsourced manufacturing to China, sulfate pollution in 2006 increased in the western United States but decreased in the eastern United States, reflecting the competing effect between enhanced transport of Chinese pollution and reduced US emissions. Our findings are relevant to international efforts to reduce transboundary air pollution.

关 键 词 :input-output analysis; emission control; international collaboration

来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111(5): 1736-1741

Evidence of widespread ozone-induced visible injury on plants in Beijing, China

Feng, Zhaozhong; Sun, Jingsong; Wan, Wuxing; et al.

Abstract:Despite the high ozone levels measured in China, and in Beijing in particular, reports of ozoneinduced visible injury in vegetation are very scarce. Visible injury was investigated on July and August 2013 in the main parks, forest and agricultural areas of Beijing. Ozone injury was widespread in the area, being observed in 28 different species. Symptoms were more frequent in rural areas and mountains from northern Beijing, downwind from the city, and less frequent in city gardens. Among crops, injury to different types of beans (genera Phaseolus, Canavalia and Vigna) was common, and it was also observed in watermelon, grape vine, and in gourds. Native species such as ailanthus, several pines and ash specieswere also symptomatic. The black locust, the rose of Sharon and the Japanese morning glory were among the injured ornamental plants. Target species for broader biomonitoring surveys in temperate China have been identified.

关键词:air pollution; ozone; visible injury; bioindicator plants

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution, 2014, 193: 296-301

Ozone levels in European and USA cities are increasing more than at rural sites, while peak values are decreasing

Paoletti, Elena; De Marco, Alessandra; Beddows, David C. S.; et al.

Abstract:Ground-level ozone (O3) levels are usually lower in urban centers than nearby rural sites. To compare trends in O3levels during the period 1990-2010, we obtained monitoring data from paired urban and rural sites from the European Environment Agency and the US Environmental Protection Agency. Ozone peaks decreased at both station types, with no significant differences between urban and rural stations. Ozone annual averages increased at both urban and rural sites, with a faster rate of increase for urban centers. The overall trend was for convergence between urban and rural O3data. Ozone levels exceeded the criteria established for the protection of human and vegetation health at both urban and rural sites.

关键词:air quality; urban air pollution; tropospheric ozone; protection of human health; protection of vegetation

来源出版物:Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2014, 192: 295-299

Impacts of acid deposition, ozone exposure and weather conditions on forest ecosystems in Europe: An overview

De Vries, W; Dobbertin, M. H; Solberg, S; et al.

Abstract:In 1994, a “Pan-European Programme for Intensive and Continuous Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems” started to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of air pollution, climate change and natural stress factors on forest ecosystems. The programme today counts approximately 760 permanent observation plots including near 500 plots with data on both air quality and forest ecosystem impacts. This paper first presents impacts of air pollution and climate on forests ecosystems as reported in the literature on the basis of laboratory and field research. Next, results from monitoring studies, both at a European wide scale and related national studies, are presented in terms of trends and geographic variations in nitrogen and sulphur deposition and ozone concentrations and the impacts of those changes in interaction with weather conditions on (i) water and element budgets and nutrient-acidity status, (ii) forest crown condition, (iii) forest growth and carbon sequestration and (iv) species diversity of the ground vegetation. The empirical, field based forest responses to the various drivers are evaluated in view of available knowledge. Analyses of large scale monitoring data sets show significant effects of atmospheric deposition on nutrient-acidity status in terms of elevated nitrogen and sulphur or sulphate concentrations in forest foliage and soil solution and related soil acidification in terms of elevated aluminium and/or base cation leaching from the forest ecosystem. Relationships of air pollution with crown condition, however, appear to be weak and limited in time and space, while climatic factors appear to be more important drivers. Regarding forest growth, monitoring results indicate a clear fertilization effect of N deposition on European forests but the field evidence for impacts of ambient ozone exposure on tree growth is less clear.

关键词:nitrogen deposition; climate change; ozone exposure; monitoring; element budgets; forest condition; forest growth; ground vegetation

来源出版物:Plant and Soil, 2014, 380(1-2): 1-45

The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale

Lelieveld, J.; Evans, JS; Fnais, M; et al.

Abstract:Assessment of the global burden of disease is based on epidemiological cohort studies that connect premature mortality to a wide range of causes, including the long-term health impacts of ozone and fine particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 2.5 micrometres (PM2.5). It has proved difficult to quantify premature mortality related to air pollution, notably in regions where air quality is not monitored, and also because the toxicity of particles from various sources may vary. Here we use a global atmospheric chemistry model to investigate the link between prematuremortality and seven emission source categories in urban and rural environments. In accord withthe global burden of disease for 2010, we calculate that outdoor air pollution, mostly by PM2.5, leads to 3.3 (95 per cent confidence interval 1.61-4.81) million premature deaths per year worldwide, predominantly in Asia. We primarily assume that all particles are equally toxic, but also include a sensitivity study that accounts for differential toxicity. We find that emissions from residential energy use such as heating and cooking, prevalent in India and China, have the largest impact on premature mortality globally, being even more dominant if carbonaceous particles are assumed to be most toxic. Whereas in much of the USA and in a few other countries emissions from traffic and power generation are important, in eastern USA, Europe, Russia and East Asia agricultural emissions make the largest relative contribution to PM2.5, with the estimate of overall health impact depending on assumptions regarding particle toxicity. Model projections based on a business-as-usual emission scenario indicate that the contribution of outdoor air pollution to premature mortality could double by 2050.

来源出版物:Nature, 2015, 525(7569): 367

Why does surface ozone peak before a typhoon landing in southeast China

Y. C. Jiang; T. L. Zhao; J. Liu; et al.

Abstract:A high O3episode with the large increases in surface ozone by 21–42 ppbv and the nocturnal surface O3levels exceeding 70 ppbv was observed in the region between Xiamen and Quanzhou over the southeastern coast of China during 12–14 June 2014, before Typhoon Hagibis landing. Variations in the surface O3, NO2, CO and meteorology during Typhoon Hagibis event clearly suggest a substantial impact of the peripheral downdrafts in the large scale typhoon circulation on such an O3episode with excluding the contributions of photochemical production and the horizontal transport. The influence of vertical O3transport from the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) region on high surface O3levels is further confirmed by a negative correlation between surface O3and CO concentrations as well as dry surface air observed during the O3episode. This study provides observational evidence of typhoon-driven intrusion of O3from the UTLS region to surface air, revealing a significant effect of such a process of stratosphere–troposphere exchange (STE) of O3on tropospheric O3and ambient air quality

来源出版物:Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics Discussions, 2015, 15(17): 24623-24642

An overview of the 2013 Las Vegas Ozone study (LVOS): Impact of stratospheric intrusions and long-range transport on surface air quality

Langford, AO; Senff, CJ; Alvarez, RJ; et al.

Abstract:The 2013 Las Vegas Ozone Study (LVOS) was conducted in the late spring and early summer of 2013 to assess the seasonal contribution of stratosphere-totroposphere transport (SIT) and long-range transport to surface ozone in Clark County, Nevada and determine if these processes directly contribute to exceedances of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in this area. Secondary goals included the characterization of local ozone production, regional transport from the Los Angeles Basin, and impacts from wildfires. The LVOS measurement campaign took place at a former U.S. Air Force radar station similar to 45 km northwest of Las Vegas on Angel Peak (similar to 2.7 km above mean sea level, asl) in the Spring Mountains. The study consisted of two extended periods (May 19-June 4 and June 22-28, 2013) with near daily 5-min averaged lidar measurements of ozone and backscatter profiles from the surface to similar to 2.5 km above ground level (similar to 5.2 km asl), and continuous in situ measurements (May 20-June 28) of O3, CO, (1-min) and meteorological parameters (5-min) at the surface. These activities were guided by forecasts and analyses from the FLEXPART (FLEXible PARTticle) dispersion model and the Real Time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS), and the NOAA Geophysical Research Laboratory (NOAA GFDL) AM3 chemistry-climate model. In this paper, we describe the LVOS measurements and present an overview of the results. The combined measurements and model analyses show that STT directly contributed to each of the three O3exceedances that occurred in Clark County during LVOS, with contributions to 8-h surface concentrations in excess of 30 ppbv on each of these days. The analyses show that long-range transport from Asia made smaller contributions(<10 ppbv) to surface O3during two of those exceedances. The contribution of regional wildfires to surface O3during the three LVOS exceedance events was found to be negligible, but wildfires were found to be a major factor during exceedance events that occurred before and after theLVOS campaign. Our analyses also shows that ozone exceedances would have occurred on more than 50% of the days during the six-week LVOS campaign if the 8-h ozone NAAQS had been 65 ppbv instead of 75 ppbv.

关键词:background ozone; stratosphere-to-troposphere transport; long range transport; Asian pollution; surface ozone; NAAQS; exceedances

来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 109: 305-322

Understanding high wintertime ozone pollution events in an oil- and natural gas-producing region of the western US

Ahmadov, R.; McKeen, S; Trainer, M; et al.

Abstract:Recent increases in oil and natural gas (NG) production throughout the western US have come with scientific and public interest in emission rates, air quality and climate impacts related to this industry. This study uses a regional-scale air quality model (WRF-Chem) to simulate high ozone (O3) episodes during the winter of 2013 over the Uinta Basin (UB) in northeastern Utah, which is densely populated by thousands of oil and NG wells. The highresolution meteorological simulations are able qualitatively to reproduce the wintertime cold pool conditions that occurred in 2013, allowing the model to reproduce the observed multi-day buildup of atmospheric pollutants and the accompanying rapid photochemical ozone formation in the UB. Two different emission scenarios for the oil and NG sector were employed in this study. The first emission scenario (bottom-up) was based on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Emission Inventory (NEI) (2011, version 1) for the oil and NG sector for the UB. The second emission scenario (top-down) was based on estimates of methane (CH4) emissions derived from in situ aircraft measurements and a regression analysis for multiple species relative to CH4concentration measurements in the UB. Evaluation of the model results shows greater underestimates of CH4and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the simulation with the NEI-2011 inventory than in the case when the top-down emission scenario was used. Unlike VOCs, the NEI-2011 inventory significantly overestimates the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), while the top-down emission scenario results in a moderate negative bias. The model simulation using the top-down emission case captures the buildup and afternoon peaks observed during high O3episodes. In contrast, the simulation using the bottom-up inventory is not able to reproduce any of the observed high O3concentrations in the UB. Simple emission reduction scenarios show that O3production is VOC sensitive and NOxinsensitive within the UB. The model results show a disproportionate contribution of aromatic VOCs to O3formation relative to all other VOC emissions. The model analysis reveals that the major factors driving high wintertime O3in the UB are shallow boundary layers with light winds, high emissions of VOCs from oil and NG operations compared to NOxemissions, enhancement of photolysis fluxes and reduction of O3loss from deposition due to snow cover.

来源出版物:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 15(1): 411-429

Ground-level O3pollution and its impacts on food crops in China: A review

Feng, Zhaozhong; Hu, Enzhu; Wang, Xiaoke; et al.

Abstract:Ground-level ozone (O3) pollution has become one of the top environmental issues in China, especially in those economically vibrant and densely populated regions. In this paper, we reviewed studies on the O3concentration observation and O3effects on food crops throughout China. Data from 118 O3monitoring sites reported in the literature show that the variability of O3concentration is a function of geographic location. The impacts of O3on food crops (wheat and rice) were studied at five sites, equipped with Open Top Chamber or O3-FACE (free-air O3concentration enrichment) system. Based on exposure concentration and stomatal O3flux response relationships obtained from the O3-FACE experimental results in China, we found that throughout China current and future O3levels induce wheat yield loss by 6.4%-14.9% and 14.8-23.0% respectively. Some policies to reduce ozone pollution and impacts are suggested.

关键词:China; crop yield loss; ozone concentration distribution; policy

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution, 2015, 199: 42-48

Trends and variability in surface ozone over the United States

Strode, Sarah A; Rodriguez, Jose M.; Logan, Jennifer A; et al.

Abstract:We investigate the observed trends andinterannual variability in surface ozone over the United States using the Global Modeling Initiative chemical transport model. We discuss the roles of meteorology, emissions, and transport from the stratosphere in driving the interannual variability in different regions and seasons. We demonstrate that a hindcast simulation for 1991-2010 can reproduce much of the observed variability and the trends in summertime ozone, with correlation coefficients for seasonally and regionally averaged median ozone ranging from 0.46 to 0.89. Reproducing the interannual variability in winter and spring in the western United States may require higher-resolution models to adequately represent stratosphere-troposphere exchange. Hindcast simulations with fixed versus variable emissions show that changes in anthropogenic emissions drive the observed negative trends in monthly median ozone concentrations in the eastern United States during summer, as well as the observed reduction in the amplitude of the seasonal cycle. The simulation underestimates positive trends in the western United States during spring, but excluding the first 4 years of data removes many of the statistically significant trends in this region. The reduction in the slope of the ozone versus temperature relationship before and after major emission reductions is also well represented by the model. Our results indicate that a global model can reproduce many of the important features of the meteorologically induced ozone variability as well as the emission-driven trends, lending confidence to model projections of future changes in regional surface ozone.

来 源 出 版 物 : Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2015, 120: 9020-9042

A study of aerosol optical properties during ozone pollution episodes in 2013 over Shanghai, China

Shi, Chanzhen; Wang, Shanshan; Liu, Rui; et al.

Abstract:Aerosol optical property is essential to the tropospheric ozone formation mechanism while it was rarely measured in ozone-rich environment for a specific study. With the retrieved products of the sun-photometer, a comparative investigation was conducted on aerosol optical depth (ADD), single scattering albedo (SSA) and size distribution during ozone-polluted episodes and clean background. Contrary to expectations, aerosol loading was found to be positively-correlated with ozone concentration: daily averaged ADD at 500 nm in ozone episodes (similar to 0.78) displayed 2.4 times higher than that in clean days (similar to 032). Large Angstrom exponent (similar to 1.51) along with heavy aerosol loading indicated a considerable impact of fine particles on optical extinction. The dynamic diurnal fluctuation of these parameters also implied a complex interaction between aerosols and photo-chemical reactions. The bimodal lognormal distribution pattern for aerosol size spectra exhibited in both ozone-polluted and clean days. The occurrence of maximum volume concentration (similar to 0.28) in fine mode (radius <0.6 mu m) was observed at 3 p.m. (local time), when ozone was substantially generated. Pronounced scattering feature of aerosol was reproduced in high-concentration ozone environment. SSA tended to increase continuously from morning (similar to 0.91 at 440 nm) to afternoon (similar to 0.99), which may be associated with secondary aerosol formation. The scattering aerosol (with moderately high aerosol loading) may favor the ozone formation through increasing solar flux in boundary layer. Utilizing the micro-pulse lidar (MPL), a more developed planet boundary layer (PBL, top height similar to 1.96 km) was discovered during ozone-polluted days than clean condition (similar to 1.4 km). In episodes, the maximum extinction ratio (similar to 0.5 km-1) was presented at a height of 12 km in the late afternoon. The humidity profile by sounding also showed the extreme value at this altitude. It suggested that optical extinction was mainly attributed to the aerosol in middle PBL, where the intense photochemical reactions and hydroscopic growth may occur.

关键词:aerosol; ozone pollution; optical property; extinction profile; Shanghai

来源出版物:Atmospheric Research, 2015, 153: 235-249

Ozone pollution in China: A review of concentrations, meteorological influences, chemical precursors, and effects

Wang, T; Xue, L; Brimblecombe, P; et al.

Abstract:High concentrations of ozone in urban and industrial regions worldwide have long been a major air quality issue. With the rapid increase in fossil fuel consumption in China over the past three decades, the emission of chemical precursors to ozone-nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds-has increased sharply, surpassing that of North America and Europe and raising concerns about worsening ozone pollution in China.Historically, research and control have prioritized acid rain, particulate matter, and more recently fine particulate matter (PM2.5). In contrast, less is known about ozone pollution, partly due to a lack of monitoring of atmospheric ozone and its precursors until recently. This review summarizes the main findings from published papers on the characteristics and sources and processes of ozone and ozone precursors in the boundary layer of urban and rural areas of China, including concentration levels, seasonal variation, meteorology conducive to photochemistry and pollution transport, key production and loss processes, ozone dependence on nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, and the effects of ozone on crops and human health. Ozone concentrations exceeding the ambient air quality standard by 100%-200% have been observed in China’s major urban centers such as Jing-Jin-Ji, the Yangtze River delta, and the Pearl River delta, and limited studies suggest harmful effect of ozone on human health and agricultural corps; key chemical precursors and meteorological conditions conductive to ozone pollution have been investigated, and inter-city/region transport of ozone is significant. Several recommendations are given for future research and policy development on groundlevel ozone.

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 575: 1582

Assessing the impact of local meteorological variables on surface ozone in Hong Kong during 2000–2015 using quantile and multiple line regression models

Zhao,W; Fan, S; Guo, H; et al.

Abstract:The quantile regression (QR) method has been increasingly introduced to atmospheric environmental studies to explore the non-linear relationship between local meteorological conditions and ozone mixing ratios. In this study, we applied QR for the first time, together with multiple linear regression (MLR), to analyze the dominant meteorological parameters influencing the mean, 10th percentile, 90th percentile and 99th percentile of maximum daily 8-h average (MDA8) ozone concentrations in 2000–2015 in Hong Kong. The dominance analysis (DA) was used to assess the relative importance of meteorological variables in the regression models. Results showed that the MLR models worked better at suburban and rural sites than at urban sites, and worked better in winter than in summer. QR models performed better in summer for 99th and 90th percentiles and performed better in autumn and winter for 10th percentile. And QR models also performed better in suburban and rural areas for 10th percentile. The top 3 dominant variables associated with MDA8 ozone concentrations, changing with seasons and regions, were frequently associated with the six meteorological parameters: boundary layer height, humidity, wind direction, surface solar radiation, total cloud cover and sea level pressure. Temperature rarely became a significant variable in any season, which could partly explain the peak of monthly average ozone concentrations in October in Hong Kong. And we found the effect of solar radiation would be enhanced during extremely ozone pollution episodes (i.e., the 99th percentile). Finally, meteorological effects on MDA8 ozone had no significant changes before and after the 2010 Asian Games.

关 键 词 :ozone; meteorological variables; quantile regression; multiple linear regression; dominance analysis

来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 144: 182-193

Integrated studies of a regional ozone pollution synthetically affected by subtropical high and typhoon system in the Yangtze River Delta region, China

Shu, L; Xie, M; Wang, T; et al.

Abstract:Severe high ozone (O3) episodes usually have close relations to synoptic systems. A regional continuous O3pollution episode is detected over the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region in China during August 7-12, 2013, in which the O3concentrations in more than half of the cities exceeding the national air quality standard. The maximum hourly concentration of O3reaches 167.1 ppb. By means of the observational analysis and the WRF/CMAQ numerical simulation, the characteristics and the essential impact factors of the typical regional O3pollution is integratedly investigated. The observational analysis shows that the atmospheric subsidence dominated by Western Pacific subtropical high plays a crucial role in the formation of high-level O3. The favorable weather conditions, such as extremely high temperature, low relative humidity and weak wind speed, caused by the abnormal strong subtropical high are responsible for the trapping and the chemical production of O3in the boundarylayer. In addition, when the YRD cities at the front of Typhoon Utor, the periphery circulation of typhoon system can enhance the downward airflows and cause worse air pollution. But when the typhoon system weakens the subtropical high, the prevailing southeasterly surface wind leads to the mitigation of the O3pollution. The Integrated Process Rate (IPR) analysis incorporated in CMAQ is applied to further illustrate the combined influence of subtropical high and typhoon system in this O3episode. The results show that the vertical diffusion (VDIF) and the gas-phase chemistry (CHEM) are two major contributors to O3formation. During the episode, the contributions of VDIF and CHEM to O3maintain the high values over 10 ppb/h in Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Nanjing. On August 10-11, the cities close to the sea are apparently affected by the typhoon system, with the contribution of VDIF increasing to 28.45 ppb/h in Shanghai and 19.76 ppb/h in Hangzhou. When the YRD region is under the control of the typhoon system, the contribution values of all individual processes decrease to a low level in all cities. These results provide an insight for the O3pollution synthetically impacted by the Western Pacific subtropical high and the tropical cyclone system.

来源出版物:Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16(24): 15801-15819

The impacts of surface ozone pollution on winter wheat productivity in China: An econometric approach

Yi, Fujin; Jiang, Fei; Zhong, Funing; et al.

Abstract:The impact of surface ozone pollution on winter wheat yield is empirically estimated by considering socio-economic and weather determinants. This research is the first to use an economic framework to estimate the ozone impact, and a unique county-level panel is employed to examine the impact of the increasing surface ozone concentration on the productivity of winter wheat in China. In general, the increment of surface ozone concentration during the ozone-sensitive period of winter wheat is determined to be harmful to its yield, and a conservative reduction of ozone pollution could significantly increase China’s wheat supply.

关键词:surface ozone; winter wheat; yield; food security; dose-response function

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution, 2016, 208: 326-335

The climate benefits of high-sugar grassland may be compromised by ozone pollution

Hewitt, DKL; Mills, G; Hayes, F; et al.

Abstract:High sugar ryegrasses (HSG) have been developed to improve the uptake, digestion and nitrogen (N)-utilisation of grazing stock, with the potential to increase production yields and benefit climate by reducing methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from livestock farming. In this study, the effects of tropospheric ozone pollution on the seasonal growth dynamics of HSG pasture mesocosms containing Lolium perenne cv. AberMagic and Trifolium repens cv. Crusader were investigated. Species-specific ozone (O3) dose-response relationships (seasonal means: 35, 41, 47, 51, 59 & 67 ppb) based on the Phytotoxic Ozone Dose (PODy) were constructed for above and below ground biomass, injury, N-fixation and forage quality. The dynamics of effects of ozone exposure on HSG pasture changed over the course of a season, with the strongest responses occurring in the first 48 weeks. Overall, strong negative responses to ozone flux were found for root biomass, root nodule mass and N-fixation rates, and ozone adversely impacted a range of forage quality parameters including total sugar content and relative and consumable food values. These results indicate that increasing ozone pollution could decrease the N-use efficiency and reduce the sugar content of managed pasture, and thereby partially detract from some of the suggested benefits of HSG.

关键词:climate-smart grass; ozone; nodulation; clover; forage quality

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 565: 95-104

On the summertime air quality and related photochemical processes in the megacity Shanghai, China

Chan, Ka Lok; Wang, Shanshan; Liu, Cheng; et al.

Abstract:Summertime surface ozone (O3) and related secondary formation of fine particles are the major air quality concerns in the megacity of Shanghai. We performed mobile Cavity Enhanced Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (CE-DOAS) measurements to investigate the spatial distribution of on-road nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations along the Inner Ring Elevated Road (IRER) in Shanghai. The observations showa ratio of 4 between CE-DOAS averaged on -road NO2and the in-situ ambient measurements, illustrating the strong impact of vehicle emissions over the urban area. The air mass transport analysis suggests that the observed episodic ozone events arise from both the abundance of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) precursors in the sampled plume and the regional transport of ozone-rich air masses. Analysis of the sources of PM2.5shows that the secondary heterogeneous gas-to-particle conversion of sulfate and nitrate from sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) is the largest source of PM25contributing 44.8 ± 9.2% of the total PM2.5. Ozone-related photochemical formation of fine particles is estimated to contribute about (22.5 ± 11.9)% of the total PM2.5which is strongly facilitated by solar radiation in summer. According to our results, nitrous acid (HONO) is the major precursor of hydroxyl radicals (OH) accounting for 40% to 80% of the total OH production during daytime. A significant correlation is found between the HONO levels in the early morning and the daily O3and PM2.5levels. The summertime measurements indicate that the photolytic reaction of HONO after sunrise increased the abundance of daytime OH and oxidative capacity, resulting in an enhancement of ground level ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation. This study provides quantitative information to better understand photochemical formation of ozone and fine particles in Shanghai during summertime, which is useful for designing collaborative strategies to mitigate emissions of precursor pollutants.

关键词:HONO; PM2.5; O3; Photochemistry; DOAS

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 580: 974-983


Who is more affected by ozone pollution? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Bell, ML; Zanobetti, A; Dominici, F

Ozone is associated with adverse health; however, less is known about vulnerable/sensitive populations, which we refer to as sensitive populations. We systematically reviewed epidemiologic evidence (1988-2013) regarding sensitivity to mortality or hospital admission from short-term ozone exposure. We performed meta-analysis for overall associations by age and sex; assessed publication bias; and qualitatively assessed sensitivity to socioeconomic indicators, race/ethnicity, and air conditioning. The search identified 2091 unique papers, with 167 meeting inclusion criteria (73 on mortality and 96 on hospitalizations and emergency department visits, including 2 examining both mortality and hospitalizations). The strongest evidence for ozone sensitivity was for age. Per 10-parts per billion increase in daily 8-hour ozone concentration, mortality risk for younger persons, at 0.60% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.40, 0.80), was statistically lower than that for older persons, at 1.27% (95% CI: 0.76, 1.78). Findings adjusted for publication bias were similar. Limited/suggestive evidence was found for higher associations among women; mortality risks were 0.39% (95% CI: -0.22, 1.00) higher than those for men. We identified strong evidence for higher associations with unemployment or lower occupational status and weak evidence of sensitivity for racial/ethnic minorities and persons with low education, inpoverty, or without central air conditioning. Findings show that some populations, especially the elderly, are particularly sensitive to short-term ozone exposure.

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