
2017-01-16 09:01:02
国际人才交流 2017年1期


北京西站试行“刷脸”进站Beijing Railway Station Tests Face-ID System


The Beijing West Railway Station has adopted an automatic face-recognition system to help passengers get into the station more quickly as the Spring Festival travel rush. Passengers getting through the checkpoint within 10 seconds by placing their tickets on top of their identification cards and letting the machine scan the tickets’ QR code. After the cameras record their faces and the system verifies the ID information, passengers are allowed to enter the station. The Beijing West Railway Station has adopted the automatic system since November and may expand its usage if everything goes well during the forthcoming Spring Festival travel rush.

全美26%新企业由中国投资China Invests in over 26% of US Startups

据一份报道显示,随着美国风险投资的低迷,中国的钞票正涌入硅谷,目前来自中国的投资者们撑起了美国26%的新企业。据纽约一家投资研究公司CB Insights指出,在支持美国新企业的32个投资者中,诸如阿里巴巴和腾讯等中国互联网巨头以及中国风投资本家占主导地位。自从2014年以来,中国投资者每季度都要参与超过40起美国技术交易,2015年更是涉足了和优步、Lyft、AirBnB与其他企业的大型融资交易,单单是2015年投资在技术领域的资金就达到了100亿美元。

China is flooding Silicon Valley with cash, as 26 percent of U.S. unicorns are currently backed by investors from Greater China, while venture capital investment in U.S. companies is down, according to a report. Among the 32 investors that have backed U.S. startups, Chinese internet giants like Alibaba and Tencent, as well as Chinese venture capitalists, are dominant, noted CB Insights, a New York-based investment research firm. Chinese investors have participated in over 40 American tech deals per quarter since 2014, and joined in major 2015 financing deals with the likes of Uber, Lyft and AirBnB among others, involving nearly $10 billion in U.S. tech funding for 2015 alone.

中国成全球留学生最多国家China Has Become the Single Largest Source of Overseas Students


In 2015, a total of 1.26 million Chinese students studied abroad, accounting for about 25 percent of all international students worldwide. According to an annual report by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), China has become the single largest source of overseas students.According to CCG’s research, China is the largest source of overseas students in English-speaking countries including the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia. It is also the top source for Asian countries including Japan, South Korea and Singapore. Statistics show that Chinese students account for more than 30 percent of total overseas students in the U.S. and Canada, and about 62 percent of international students in South Korea in 2015.

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