
2016-12-29 11:44:34阮光萍刘菊芬李自安王金祥吕燕波庞荣清潘兴华
西南国防医药 2016年12期







1 材料与方法

1.1 试剂 CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro慢病毒和底物D-荧光素钾盐购自上海吉满生物技术有限公司,化学发光成像仪为上海天能科学仪器厂生产 (型号:Tanon 5200);树鼩购自中科院昆明动物所,实验动物生产许可证号为SCXK(滇)K2013-0005,实验动物使用许可证号为SYXK(滇)K2013-0012。

1.2 树鼩脐带间充质干细胞的分离培养 收集进行剖腹产的树鼩的脐带,用盐水冲洗,用青、链霉素双抗浸泡,用小剪刀尽量将脐带剪碎,放入培养瓶中贴壁培养。第2 d可见单个细胞从组织块爬出贴壁,第7 d左右细胞长满可传代;传代后为第1代细胞,第7 d左右细胞再次长满,可传代为第2代细胞;第3代细胞用于CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro慢病毒转染。

1.3 CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro慢病毒转染树鼩脐带间充质干细胞 200 μl CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro慢病毒,滴度2×107TU/ml,每瓶4×106个树鼩脐带间充质干细胞,加入50 μl(1×106TU)CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro慢病毒,转染 3 d后,加入嘌呤霉素2~3 μg/m l。加入嘌呤霉素后,只有转染成功的细胞能够存活。待细胞筛选成功后,取5×105个细胞接种6孔板,共接种3个孔。

1.4 化学发光仪成像观察慢病毒转染干细胞结果

接种后第2 d、细胞贴壁后,6孔板每孔有2 ml培养基,3个孔依次加20 μl D-荧光素钾盐(15 mg/ml),先在A1孔加入20 μl底物D-荧光素钾盐,化学发光仪检测生物发光度;再在A2孔加入20 μl底物D-荧光素钾盐,化学发光仪检测生物发光度;最后在A3孔加入20 μl底物D-荧光素钾盐,化学发光仪检测生物发光度。3个孔依次加入底物,可以证明生物发光的特异性。用仪器自带软件进行活体成像合成,最后可观察到6孔板中的发光现象。

1.5 慢病毒转染成功的树鼩脐带间充质干细胞的体内实验 将一只10 w的树鼩背部用脱毛膏脱毛,将树鼩麻醉后,背部皮下注入3.7×106个慢病毒转染成功的树鼩脐带间充质干细胞,同时尾静脉注射1.3 ml底物D-荧光素钾盐,化学发光仪成像拍照检测树鼩背部皮下的生物发光,用仪器自带软件进行活体成像合成。树鼩的背部用脱毛膏脱毛,方便观察结果。

2 结果

2.1 树鼩脐带间充质干细胞的生长与形态 原代培养的树鼩脐带间充质干细胞从剪碎的组织块爬出,贴壁生长(图1A)。随着培养时间的延长,贴壁生长的细胞越来越多,呈长梭形,长满后可传代(图1B)。

图1 树鼩脐带间充质干细胞的生长与形态

2.2 细胞生物发光检测结果 A1孔加入20 μl底物后,化学发光成像仪拍照观察到生物发光(图2)。

图2 细胞生物发光检测结果

A2孔加入20 μl底物后,化学发光成像仪观察到A1和A2孔均发光,新加入底物的A2孔发光更强(图3)。

图3 化学发光成像仪观察结果

A3孔加入20 μl底物后,化学发光成像仪观察到A1、A2和A3孔均发光,新加入底物的A3孔发光更强,而A2孔发光强于A1孔(图4)。

图4 化学发光成像仪观察结果


2.3 树鼩皮下化学发光成像 在树鼩皮下注射慢病毒转染成功的树鼩脐带间充质干细胞、静脉注射底物后,化学发光成像仪观察到生物发光,用软件合成后类似活体成像(图5)。

3 讨论


图5 树鼩皮下活体成像结果



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Chemiluminescence imaging of conditions after tree shrews UC-MSCs are transfected with CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro lentivirus

Ruan Guangping,Liu Jufen,Li Zi'an,Wang Jinxiang,Lv Yanbo,Pang Rongqing,Pan Xinghua Cell Biological Therapy Center, Kunming General Hospital of Chengdu Military Command,Kunming,Yunnan,650032,China;National Joint Engineering Laboratory of Stem Cells and Immune Cells and Biological Medicine Technology,Kunming,Yunnan,650032,China;Key Laboratory of Cell Therapy Technology and Translational Medicine of Yunnan Province,Kunming,Yunnan,650032,China;Yunnan Stem Cell Engineering Laboratory,Kunming,Yunnan,650032,China;Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine of Kunming, Kunming,Yunnan,650032,China

Objective To study the feasibility of chemiluminescence imaging instead of living imaging for observing the conditions after tree shrews umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells(UC-MSCs)are transfected with CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro lentivirus.MethodsThe tree shrew UC-MSCs transfected with CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro lentivirus were screened with puromycin of optimum concentration.The survival cells were cultured with three holes of six-hole plate.Upon adherence,the substrate d-luciferin potassium salt was successively added to the three holes.A picture was taken by chemiluminescence imager,after which living imaging conversion was conducted.The cells successfully transfected were injected under the skin of postanesthetic tree shrew,which were injected with substrate by intravenous injection.ResultsUpon the addition of substrate,the cells had bioluminescence;the luminousintensity weakened with the extension of substrate action time.Subcutaneous luminous cells were also observed under the skin of tree shrew.ConclusionCMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro lentivirus may successfully transfect tree shrews UC-MSCs.Successfully transfected cells used for the treatment of animal models can undergo living imaging to observe the distribution of cells in the animal body.

tree shrew;UC;MSC;CMV-Luciferase-PGK-Puro lentivirus;transfection;chemiluminescence imaging

R 318.1








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