Technology—The Most Important Investment for Schools
Teachers want more technology in their classrooms—and fast.
A new study from DonorsChoose.com, a1)nonprofit organizationthat lets teachers request items for their classes so2)donorscan fulfill their requests, found that teachers rank technology as the most important3)expenditurefor schools, followed by school supplies and books.
“In recent years,” DonorsChoose says,“teachers’ requests for4)tabletshave increased5)dramaticallyon the site—and educators say they’re the piece of technology they need the most.”
However, not all teachers request technology products to the same degree. Those who work in schools with more rich students are more likely to request help with bringing technology to their students. Teachers who work in lower-income schools are more6)desperatefor basic school supplies.
After books, tablets are the next mostrequested item in low-poverty school districts, while paper and “7)paper crafts” are the next most-requested item in high-poverty schools.
1) nonprofit organization 非营利性组织
2) donor [΄dəʊnə] n. 捐赠者
3) expenditure [ek΄spendɪtʃə] n. 经费,开支
4) tablet [΄tæblɪt] n. 平板电脑
5) dramatically [drə΄mætɪkəlɪ] adv. 剧烈地,显著地
6) desperate [΄despərət] adj. 极度渴望的
7) paper crafts 纸制工艺品
Exposure to technology in school can be especially important for students without access to computers or the internet at home. About 75 percent of8)householdsreported internet use, according to the U.S. Census.
The richest schools are being9)outfittedwith the fastest internet connections. About 39 percent of schools with rich students have high-speed internet, compared to 14 percent of schools with a low-income student population.
An educator from10)lowasaid she raised $3,500 through the site to buy classroom supplies, including reading games and number charts, for her first-grade class.
“Our students are hungry. They become hungry for food, and hungry for love, and hungry to learn,” the educator told The Huffington Post at the time. “They need us to make school entertaining for them. They have so many other things on their minds.”
8) household [΄haʊshəʊld] n. 家庭,户
9) outfit [΄aʊtfɪt] v. 配备,供应
10) Iowa [΄aɪəwə] n. 衣阿华州(美国中北部的州)