A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of Emma Based on Cooperation Principles
This paper focuses on a comparative analysis between Pan Hualing’s version and Sun Zhili’s version of Emma based on Cooperation Principles, to find out which version is more loyal to the source text and considers the readers in specific socio-cultural background.
cooperation principles; Emma;Chinese versions
Nowadays, new versions of Emma emerge in a large number, and the new translation version of Emma by Pan was publicized in 2011.It is necessary to investigate this translation version for the readers’ sake.Grice put forward Cooperation Principles, including quality, quantity,relevance and manner maxims.[1]The translation should be faithful to the original text even if the original text flouts the cooperative principles and it is necessary to reflect the conversational implicature.
The analyses are carried out as follows.
Source text:
“You have made her too tall, Emma,” said Mr.Knigthley.
Emma knew that s he had, but would not own it; and Mr.Elton warmly added,
“oh no! Certainly not too tall; not in the least too tall.Consider,she is sitting down—which naturally presents a different—which in short gives exactly the idea—and the proport ions must be preserved, you know.Proportions, fore-shortening.—Oh no! It gives one exactly the idea of such a height as Miss Smith’s.Exactly so indeed!”
Pan’s version:
Sun’s version:
Emma intended to make matches between Mr.Elton and H arriet.She hers elf misunderstood Mr.Elton liked Harriet.After finis hing this picture of Harriet, Mr.Woodhouse, Mrs.Weston and Mr.Knightley made comments about it.T his utterance is from Mr.Knightley.He s aid the Harriet is too tall in this picture.At that time, Mr.Elton showed his disagreement with Mr.Knightley that this picture is perfect.What he said flouts the quality m axim, becaus e the truth is what Knightley s aid, and even Emma herself admitted it at the bottom of her heart.What Mr.Elton uttered was not true.Therefore, the conversational implicature occurs that Mr.El ton liked Emma, that’s why he praised Emma extremely.What he said can reflect his exaggeration and compliment towards Emma, for example, “oh no! Certainly not too tall; not in the least too tall; which in short gives exactly the idea; exactly so indeed”.
As for the two translation versions, there are some differences.First,Pan translated “Consider, she is sittin g down—which naturally presents a different” into “考虑到她采取的是坐姿,自然看上去不同”,while Sun translated it into “想想看,她是坐着的——这当然与站着不一样啦”.
Elton knew that Em ma was not good at drawing, and this picture was tall for sure, but he still praised Emma’s pi cture and find out excuse or insufficient evidence.His i ntension to flatter Emma was self-evident.Therefore, the trans lation should better reflect Elton’s exaggerated expression.By contrast,“想想看,当然,啦” sound more unquestioned than“考虑到,自然看上去不同” in expression and tone, and further embodies the illocutionary meaning.
Compare Pan’s version “它给人的高度印象正好和史密斯小姐一样” with Sun’s version“画的就是史密斯小姐的身高,分毫不差”, the former is similar to the source text in language and sentence pattern, which is called literal trans lation, but Sun’s version changes the sentence pattern, adjusts the word order.Sun adopts free translation which is more suitable to the target readers’ thinking and expres sive model.In terms of the expressive effect, “分毫不差” is better than “正好” in expressing Mr.Elton’s exaggerated idea on Emma’s picture.
Example 2
Source text:
“I think her beautiful, quite beautiful.”
“Very nicely dressed, indeed; a remarkably elegant gown.”
Pan’s version:
Sun’s version:
This dialogue happened between Em ma and Harriet talking about Mrs.Elton.Mrs.Elton got m arried to Mr.Elton recently whom s he intended to make match with Harriet.Mrs.El ton is ve ry proud and tends to boast.Emma hates her.When Harriet praised Mrs.Elton was very beautiful, Emma just said her dress was beautiful.Emma flouts the relevance maxims and produces the im plicature that s he did not think Mrs.Elton was beautiful and she did not like her.
Both the two trans lation versions are loyal to the s ource text in linguistic, se mantic and pragmatic aspe cts.They did not mention the potential meaning that Mrs.Elton is not beautiful by saying “的确穿得很讲究,那件长裙特别漂亮” and “衣着确实很好看,那件长裙显得特别漂亮”, which can reflect Emma’s dislike of Mrs.Elton to a large degree by flouting the relevance maxim and give the target readers the same humorous effect as the source text readers.
To sum up, both P an’s and Sun’s vers ions reflect the illocutionary meaning and the conversational implicature.By contrast,Pan’s version is more faithful and equivalent with the source text in linguistic and s emantic as pect, whereas, Sun’s version focuses much more on the pragmatic effect which makes the target readers understand the potential meanings with fewer efforts.
[1]Grice, Paul."L ogic and Conversation".Cole, P.&Morgan J.L Syntax and Semantics (Vol.3):Speech Acts.New York: Academic Press,1975.41-58.
[2]Hatim, Basil&Ia n, Mason.Discourse and the Translator.London:Longman Press, 1990.93.