
2016-12-17 08:14:51林富祥
中国医药科学 2016年18期

黄 波 林富祥

1.广东省惠州市第三人民医院 广州医科大学附属惠州医院急诊科,广东惠州 516002;2.广东省惠州市卫生职业技术学院外科教研室,广东惠州 516002


黄 波1林富祥2▲

1.广东省惠州市第三人民医院 广州医科大学附属惠州医院急诊科,广东惠州 516002;2.广东省惠州市卫生职业技术学院外科教研室,广东惠州 516002

目的 比较丝线与薇乔线缝合急诊躯干及四肢裂伤的美容效果及并发症。 方法 这是一项随机对照试验,研究对象为2010年1月~2014年6月到我院急诊外科就诊患者,根据患者就诊先后顺序随机编为单双号,单号进入丝线组,双号进入薇乔线组。缝合后随访14d,隔天换药,丝线组于第14天均拆线,薇乔线组无需拆线,随访期间观察患者伤口感染及裂开情况,拆线后3个月嘱患者返院复诊,并由整形科医生使用100mm视觉模拟评分法对伤口美容效果进行评估。 结果 完成随访者中,两组在性别、年龄、创伤类型及裂口长度上均无差异。丝线组感染发生率较薇乔线组低(2.8% VS 5.3%,P=0.138),丝线组和薇乔线组均无伤口裂开,丝线组的100mm视觉模拟评分得分较薇乔线组稍高(53.2mm VS 52.6mm,P=0.900),统计检验表明,两组的美容效果和并发症发生率差异无统计学意义。 结论 在缝合急诊躯干及四肢裂伤时,薇乔线的美容效果和并发症发生率无差异,可以替代丝线使用。



1 资料与方法





图1 研究流程图




应用SPSS 17.0统计软件,计量资料组间比较采用t检验,计数资料用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果




在随访期间,丝线组和薇乔线组发生伤口感染分别为7例和13例(2.8% VS 5.3%,P=0.138),两组均无伤口裂开。丝线组和薇乔线组VAS评分分 别 为(53.2±10.6)(43.8~66.5)和(52.6±8.4)(45.6~67.2)(P=0.900),统计学检验证实两组在并发症及伤口美容效果无明显差异。见表2。

表1 丝线组及微乔线组完成随访的患者的一般情况比较

表2 丝线组及微乔线组完成随访的患者发生的并发症及VAS评分比较

3 讨论





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Clinical research on stitching laceration of trunk limbs with silk thread and vicryl

HUANG Bo1LIN Fuxiang2
1. Department of Emergency, the Third People's Hospital of Huizhou, Guangzhou Hospital Affiliated to Huizhou Medical University, Guangdong, Huizhou 516002, China; 2. Department of Surgery, Huizhou Career Technical College, Guangdong, Huizhou 516002, China

Objective To compare the cosmetic results and complications of silk thread and vicryl to stitch laceration of trunk limbs. Methods This was a randomized controlled trial. The patients cured in the department of surgery of our hospital from January 2010 to June 2014 were selected as the objects. According to the order of visiting, patients were randomly assigned to odd numbers and even numbers. Patients of odd numbers were silk group, and patients of even numbers were vicryl group. The patients were followed up for 14 days with next day dressing. Patients in silk group took out stitches on the fourteenth day. Patients in vicryl group were no stitches. Wound infection and rupture in patients should be observed during the follow-up period. Patients were asked to return to the hospital to visit 3 months after stitches. The cosmetic effect was evaluated by the plastic surgeon using the 100mm visual analogue scale. Results For patients complete followed up, there were no differences in sex, age, type of trauma and length of the gap between the two groups. Incidence of infection of silk group was less than that of vicryl group (2.8% VS 5.3%, P=0.138). No wound was split in the two groups. The 100mm visual analogue scale score of silk group was higher than that of vicryl group (53.2mm VS 52.6mm, P=0.900). Statistical tests showed that there was no significant difference in the cosmetic results and the incidence of complications between the two groups. Conclusion When the emergency trunk and extremities laceration suture, cosmetic effect and complication incidence of vicryl are no difference, which can replace the use of silk thread.

Absorbable line; Non absorbable line; Laceration; Cosmetic; Complication





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浙江医学(2017年8期)2017-01-13 06:57:26