
2016-12-06 03:59:30设计横向工作室CS设计
世界建筑 2016年11期

设计:横向工作室 + CS设计


设计:横向工作室 + CS设计

1 夜晚全景/Overall view at night


在闲置时,跷跷板自动恢复到水平状态,发光亮度也保持在较低的模式。当被使用并处于倾斜状态时,这些连接了LED灯和音响的跷跷板会增加亮度并发出一个声音序列。这30台跷跷板在节日广场的长边上依序排开,随着竖向的运动形成起伏的光与声的波浪。“脉冲”是一件持久变幻的城市装置。(张裕翔 译)

The Place des Festival in Quartier des Spectacles –Montreal's Arts District – is transformed into a space of urban play through a series of thirty interactive acoustic illuminated see-saws that respond and transform when in motion. The seesaws form repetitive units of light and sound that can be activated and played by the public to create a temporal, ever-changing event. Impulse embodies ideas of serialism, repetition, and variation to produce zones of intensity and calm.

When not in use, the see-saws stabilize to the horizontal and remain at a lower glowing level. When activated by users and inclined, the see-saws, wired to LED lights and a speaker, will augment in light intensification and emit a sound sequence. The 30 see-saws shift along the length of the Place des Festival in plan, while their vertical motion creates a dynamic light and sound wave. Impulse is an everchanging urban instrument.

2 各个游戏状态分析图/Diagrams of different states of play ©Lateral Office

3 脉冲单元剖面/Section drawings of Impulse unit ©Lateral Office

4 雪天景观/View after snow

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 阔特德斯派克特克区/Quartier des Spectacles建筑师与合作设计师/Architect & Co-Designer: Lateral Office (Mason White, Lola Sheppard, Alex Bodkin)

灯光设计与合作设计师/Lighting Design & Co-Designer: CS Design (Conor Sampson, Anne-Marie Paquette)

结构工程师/Engineering: EGP Group

制造商/Fabrication: Generique Design

音效设计/Sound: Mitchell Akiyama

交互设计/Interactive: Robocut

视频/Video: Iregular, Maotik

摄影/Photos: Ulysse Lemerise

5 脉冲单元/Impulse unit




GUO Yimin: It is an interesting facility made in such a simple way! It is surprising how these more or less raunchy luminous tubes connect people and people, people and thing, thing and site and even the city, together. With the glittering and jumping lights, the fun of playing is connected with the hustle and bustle of the city, and eventually the connection between people and city is realized.


QING Feng: Seesaws are suitable for children and for the elderly. It needs the cooperation between the two sides–as one end goes up, the other goes down–hence seesaws are instruments for communication in local communities. My son made several friends on the playground saddling on seesaws, and I became acquainted with their parents as well. To help us interact and socialize with other people is one of the most valuable functions of seesaws. Thus it is very wise of the architect to adopt several ways to enhance the interactive effects. To be honest, after seeing many experimental interactive devices, these giant illuminated and soundproducing seesaws are the first worthy of the name. In the heavy white snow, the seesaws remind us of Jedi's lightsabers from Star Wars. Any effort to attract people to these seesaws is worthwhile.

Impulse, Montreal, Canada, 2015

Designers: Lateral Office + CS Design

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