QI Chunyan,ZHANG Hui,LI Baode
(College of Mathematics and System Sciences,Xinjiang University,Urumqi Xinjiang 830046,China)
Abstract: Let A be an expansive dilation and ϕ:Rn×[0,∞)→[0,∞)an anisotropic p-growth function with p∈(0,1].Let (Rn)be the anisotropic weak Hardy space of Musielak-Orlicz type defnied via the grand maximal function.In this article,by using the atomic decomposition of (Rn),the authors obtain the boundedness of the anisotropic Littlewood-Paley Lusin-area function,the anisotropic g-function and the anisotropic -function from (Rn)to weak Musielak-Orlicz-type space.Moreover,the range of λ in the boundedness of the anisotropic -function associated to(Rn)coincides with the known best conclusions in the case when(Rn)is replaced by the classical Hardy space or its weighted variant,the Musielak-Orlicz Hardy space or the anisotropic Musielak-Orlicz Hardy space,respectively.
Key words:anisotropic;expansive dilation;Muckenhoupt weight;Musielak-Orlicz function;weak Hardy space;Littlewood-Paley function;atom
Let Aq(Rn)withq∈ [1,∞]denote the class ofMuckenhoupt weightsand φ be agrowth function(see[1])which means that φ :Rn× [0,∞)→ [0,∞)is a Musielak-Orlicz function such that φ(x,·)is an Orlicz function and φ(·,t)is a Muckenhoupt A∞(Rn)weight.It is known that Musielak-Orlicz functions are the natural generalization of Orlicz functions that may vary in the spatial variables(see,for example,[1,2]).Recently,Ky[1]introduced a newMusielak-Orlicz HardyspaceHφ(Rn),via the grand maximal function.It is worth noticing that some special Musielak-OrliczHardy spaces appear naturally in the study of the products of functions inBMO(Rn)andH1(Rn)(see[3–5]),the endpoint estimates for the div-curl lemma and the commutators of singular integral operators(see[3,5]).
Let ϕ :Rn×[0,∞)→ [0,∞)be an anisotropic growth function(see[6,Defniition 3]).Recently,in order to fnid a appropriate general space including weak Hardy space of Fefferman and Soria[7],weighted weak Hardy space of Quek and Yang[8]and anisotropic weak Hardy space of Ding and Lan[9]as special cases,we introduced the anisotropic weak Hardy space of Musielak-Orlicz type(Rn)via the grand maximal function in a submitted drift,and obtained some maximal function characterizations of(Rn).
Let ϕ be an anisotropicp-growth function withp∈ (0,1],which is also a particular anisotropic growth function ϕ(see Defniition 3 below).The aim of this article is to prove the boundedness of the anisotropic Littlewood-Paley Lusinarea function,the anisotropicg-function and the anisotropic-function from(Rn)to weak Musielak-Orlicz-type space(see Theorems 1 and 2 below).Here,we point out that the atomic decomposition characterization ofand the superposition principle adapted to the weak Musielak-Orlicz-type space(see[10,Lemma 3.5]),which is an extension of Stein,Taibleson and Weiss in[11],play an important role in the proofs of the boundedness of the anisotropic Littlewood-Paley Lusin-area and the anisotropicg-function on these spaces(see Theorem 1 below).
This article is organized as follows.In Section 1,we frist recall some notations and defniitions concerning Musielak-Orlicz functions,expansive dilations,anisotropic Muckenhoupt weights andp-growth function.Then we introduce the anisotropic weak Hardy space of Musielak-Orlicz type,(Rn),via the grand maximal function,and establish the boundedness of the anisotropic Littlewood-Paley Lusin-area function,the anisotropicg-function and the anisotropic-function,the proofs of which is given in Section 2 and Section 3.
Finally,we make some conventions on notations.Let N:={1,2,...}and Z+:={0}∪N.For any α :=(α1,...,αn)∈:=(Z+)n,|α|:= α1+ ···+αnThroughout the whole paper,we denote byCapositiveconstantwhich is independent of the main parameters,but it may vary from line to line.Thesymbol DFmeans thatD≤CF.IfDFandFD,we then writeD∼F.IfEis a subset of Rn,we denote by χEitscharacteristic function.For anya∈R,adenotes themaximal integernot larger thana.If there is no special instructions,any space X on Rnis denoted simply by X.Denote by S thespace of all Schwartz functionsand Sthespace of all tempered distributions.For any setEandt∈(0,∞),let ϕ(E,t):=Eϕ(x,t)dx,and,for any measurable functionfandt∈(0,∞),let{|f|>t}:={x∈Rn:|f(x)|>t}.
First we recall the notion ofexpansive dilationson Rn;see[12,p.5].A realn×nmatrixAis called anexpansive dilation,shortly adilation,if minλ∈σ(A)|λ|>1,where σ(A)denotes the set of alleigenvaluesofA.Let λ−and λ+be twopositive numberssuch that
In the case whenAis diagonalizable over C,we can even take λ−:=min{|λ|:λ ∈ σ(A)}and λ+:=max{|λ|:λ ∈ σ(A)}.Otherwise,we need to choose them sufficiently close to these equalities according to what we need in our arguments.
It was proved in[12,p.5,Lemma 2.2]that,for a given dilationA,there exist a numberr∈(1,∞)and a set∆ :={x∈Rn:|Px|<1},wherePis some nondegeneraten×nmatrix,such that∆ ⊂r∆ ⊂A∆,and one can and do additionally assume that|∆|=1,where|∆|denotes then-dimensional Lebesgue measure of the set∆.LetBk:=Ak∆ fork∈Z.ThenBkis open,Bk⊂rBk⊂Bk+1and|Bk|=bk,here and hereafter,b:=|detA|.Throughout the whole paper,let σ be theminimum integersuch thatrσ≥2 and,for any subsetEof Rn,letE:=RnE.Then,for allk,j∈Z withk≤j,it holds true that
whereE+Fdenotes the algebraic sums{x+y:x∈E,y∈F}of setsE,F⊂Rn.
Definition 1 Aquasi-norm,associated with an expansive matrixA,is a Borel measurable mapping ρA:Rn→[0,∞),for simplicity,denoted by ρ,satisfying
(i)ρ(x)>0 for allx∈ Rnhere and hereafter, 0n:=(0,...,0);
(ii)ρ(Ax)=bρ(x)for allx∈Rn,where,as above,b:=|detA|;
(iii)ρ(x+y)≤Hρ(x)+ρ(y) for allx,y∈Rn,whereH∈[1,∞)is a constant independent ofxandy.
In the standard dyadic caseA:=2In×n,ρ(x):=|x|nfor allx∈ Rnis an example of homogeneous quasi-norms associated withA,here and hereafter,In×nalways denotes then×n unit matrixand|·|the Euclidean norm in Rn.
It was proved in[12,p.6,Lemma 2.4]that all homogeneous quasi-norms associated with a given dilationAare equivalent.Therefore,for a given expansive dilationA,in what follows,for convenience,we always use thestep homogeneous quasi-normρ defined by setting,for allx∈ Rn,
By(1)and(2),we know that,for allx,y∈Rn,
In what follows,we always let B:={z+Bk:z∈Rn,k∈Z}.
Definition 2 Letq∈ [1,∞).A function ϕ :Rn×[0,∞)→ [0,∞)is said to satisfy theuniform anisotropic Muckenhoupt conditionAq(A),denoted by ϕ ∈ Aq(A),if there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for allt∈ (0,∞)andB∈B,whenq∈(1,∞),
Define A∞(A):=1≤q<∞Aq(A)and,for any ϕ∈ A∞(A),
If ϕ ∈ A∞(A)is independent oft∈ [0,∞),then ϕ is just an anisotropic Muckenhoupt A∞(A)weight in[13].Obviously,q(ϕ)∈ [1,∞).Moreover,it is known(see[6])that,ifq(ϕ)∈ (1,∞),then ϕ Aq(ϕ)(A)and there exists a ϕ∈(∩q>1Aq(A))A1(A)such thatq(ϕ)=1.
Now let us recall some notations for Orlicz functions;see,for example,[1].A function φ :[0,∞) → [0,∞)is called anOrlicz functionif it is nondecreasing,φ(0)=0,φ(t)>0 ift>0 and limt→∞φ(t)= ∞.Observe that,different from the classical Orlicz functions being convex,the Orlicz functions in this article may not be convex.
Given a function ϕ :Rn×[0,∞)→ [0,∞)such that,for anyx∈ Rn,ϕ(x,·)is an Orlicz function,ϕ is said to be ofuniformly type pwithp∈(−∞,∞)if there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for allx∈Rnandt,s∈(0,∞),
Now,we introduce the notion of anisotropicp-growth functions.
Definition 3 Letp∈(0,1].A function ϕ:Rn×[0,∞)→[0,∞)is called ananisotropic p-growth functionif
(i)The function ϕ is an Musielak-Orlicz function,that is,
(a)the function ϕ(x,·):[0,∞)→ [0,∞)is an Orlicz function for allx∈ Rn,
(b)the function ϕ(·,t)is a Lebesgue measurable function for allt∈ [0,∞);
(ii)the function ϕ belongs to A∞(A);
(iii)the function ϕ is of uniformly typep.
is an anisotropicp-growth function ifwis a classical or an anisotropic Muckenhoupt A∞weight([13])and Φ of uniformly typepfor somep∈ (0,1].Moreover,it is easy to see that if ϕ is an anisotropicp-growth function for somep∈(0,1],then ϕ is also an anisotropic growth function(see[6,Definition 3]).
Throughout the whole paper,we always assume that ϕ is an anisotropicp-growth function.Recall that theweak Musielak-Orlicz-type space Lϕ,∞is defined to be the set of all measurable functionsfsuch that,for some λ ∈ (0,∞),
with the weak(quasi-)norm
In what follows,for φ∈S,k∈Z andx∈Rn,let φk(x):=bkφ(Akx).
Forf∈S,thenon-tangential grand maximal functionoffis defnied by setting,for allx∈Rn,
where ϕ is ap-growth function andq(ϕ)as in(3),then we writef∗instead of.
Defniition 4 For anym∈N,p∈(0,1]and anisotropicp-growth function ϕ,theanisotropic weak Hardy spaceof Musielak-Orlicz type,,is defnied to be the set of allf∈Ssuch that∈Lϕ,∞with the(quasi-)norm:=Whenm:=m(ϕ),is denoted simply by.
Remark 1 (i)Observe that,whenA:=2In×nand ϕ is as in(5)with a Muckenhoupt(A∞(A))weightwand an Orlicz function Φ,the above weak Hardy spacesare just weak weighted Hardy spaces which include classical weak Hardy spaces of Fefferman and Soria[7](Φ(t):=tfor allt∈[0,∞)and ω≡1 in this context)and classical weak weighted Hardy spaces of Quek and Yang[8](Φ(t):=tpfor allt∈[0,∞)in this context).
(ii)When ϕ is as in(5)with Φ(t):=tpfor allt∈ [0,∞)and ω ≡ 1,the weak Hardy spacesbecome anisotropic weak Hardy spaces,which was introduce d by Ding and Lan[9].
Defniition 5 Let ψ∈S satisfyingRnψ(x)dx=0.For anyf∈ Sand λ∈ (0,∞),theanisotropic Littlewood-Paley Lusin-area function S(f),theanisotropic g-function g(f)and the(f),associated to ψ,are defnied,respectively,by setting,for allx∈Rn,
We now present our main results as follows.
Theo rem 1 Letp∈ (0,1],ϕ be an anisotropicp-growth function as in Defniition 3,m(ϕ)as in(6)and ψ ∈ S satisfying ψ(x)xαdx=0 for any|α|≤m(ϕ).Iff∈,thenS(f):=Sψ(f)∈Lϕ,∞andg(f):=gψ(f)∈Lϕ,∞and,
Rnmoreover,there exists a positive constantCindependent offsuch that
Theorem 2 Letp∈ (0,1],ϕ be an anisotropicp-growth function as in Definition 3,q(ϕ)as in(3),λ ∈(2q(ϕ)/p,∞),m(ϕ)as in(6)and ψ ∈ S satisfyingRnψ(x)xαdx=0 for any|α|≤m(ϕ).Iff∈,then(f)∈Lϕ,∞and,moreover,there exists a positive constantCindependent offsuch that
In this section,we prove Theorem 1 by borrowing some ideas from[14,Theorem 1.1].Firstly,we need some lemmas.
Lemma 1 Letp∈ (0,1]and ϕ be an anisotropicp-growth function as in Definition 3.Then,given a positive constantc,there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for any λ ∈ (0,∞),the inequality supt>0ϕ({|f|>t},t/λ)≤cimpliesfLϕ,∞≤Cλ.
Proof By the condition of Lemma 1,we have,for any λ∈(0,∞),
which,together with the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ,we obtain,for any λ ∈ (0,∞),
whereCpis a positive constant as in(4),and hence≤ (Cpc)1/pλ.Finally,Lemma 1 holds true by takingC=(Cpc)1/p.
The following Lemma 2 comes from[10,Theorem 2.6].
Lemma 2 Letp∈ (0,1]and ϕ be an anisotropicp-growth function as in Defniition 3.For anyf∈,there exist two positive constantsCandC1,and a sequence of bounded functions{fk}k∈Zwith the following properties:
(i)f=fkin SandfkL∞≤C2kfor everyk∈Z;(ii)eachfkmay be further decomposed asfk=also in S,where the functionssatisfy:
Conversely,iff∈Ssatisfying(i)and(ii),thenf∈.In addition,
In what follows,for any measurable functionfon Rn,q∈ [1,∞),ϕ ∈ Aq(A)and anyt∈ (0,∞),
By checking the proof of Theorem 3.2 in[15,pp.403-404],we obtain the boundedness of anisotropic Littlewood-Paley Lusin-area function on weighted Lebesgue spaces,which is the following Lemma 3.
Lemma 3 Let ϕ ∈ Aq(A)withq∈ (1,∞).Then there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for allf∈Lq(ϕ(·,t))andt∈(0,∞),
The following Lemma 4 comes from[16,pp.7-8].
Lemma 4 Letq∈[1,∞)and ϕ∈Aq(A).Then there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for allx∈Rn,k∈Z,E⊂(x+Bk)andt∈(0,∞),
By checking the proof of Lemma 2.16 in[17,pp.11-14],we have the following Lemma 5.
Lemma 5 Let σ ∈ Z+be as in(1),p∈ (0,1],ϕ an anisotropicp-growth function,m(ϕ)as in(6)and integersno less thanm(ϕ).Then,for any given functiona∈L∞with suppacontained in some dilated ballx0+Bkanda(x)xαdx=0 for any|α|≤s,there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for anyx∈x0+,
wherem∈ Z+satisfying ρ(x−x0)=bk0+σ+m.
The following Lemma 6 comes from[10,Lemma 3.5].
Lemma 6 Assume that the function:Rn×[0,∞)→ [0,∞)is of uniformly typeqwithq∈ (0,1)and{fk}k∈Na sequence of measurable functions satisfying
Proof of Theorem 1 Letp∈ (0,1],ϕ be an anisotropicp-growth function as in Defniition 3 andf∈.In order to proveby Lemma 1 with λ=,it suffices to prove supt>0ϕ({|S(f)|>t},t/) 1.And,by the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ,we only need to prove
For any givent∈(0,∞),choosingk0∈Z such that 2k0≤t<2k0+1.For anyf∈,by Lemma 2,we can write
Letq(ϕ)be as in(3)andq∈(q(ϕ),∞).Firstly,we claim that the following inequality holds true:
Indeed,by Minkowski’s inequality,(a)and(b)of Lemma 2,t∼ 2k0,the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ andp/q−1<0,we obtain
Then,by Chebyshev’s inequality,Lemma 3 and(8),we obtain
Now,we estimate I2.Let=:+with some∈Rnand∈Z,and
We then further decompose I2as
Thus,by Lemma 4,t∼2k0,the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ and Lemma 2(ii),we have
I2,1=ϕx∈Ak0:|S(F2)(x)|>t/2 ,t≤ϕAk0,t
Thus,in order to prove(7),it remains to estimate I2,2.Letsbe an integer no less thanm(ϕ)withm(ϕ)being as in(6).For anyx∈,by Lemma 5 withx∈+andm∈Z+satisfying ρ(x−)=,and Lemma 2(ii),we obtain
Notice that,by the fact that(x,·)is nondecreasing uniformly for anyx∈ Rn,the uniformly typeq1property of,Lemma 4 with∈ Aqϕ(A)andqϕ Letak,i:=(x)for anyx∈Rn.Then,by the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ,the assumption of Lemma 2(ii)(a)andq1 Furthermore,by the uniformly typeq1property ofand(11),we have,for anyt∈ (0,∞), Thus,by Lemma 6 with(12)and(13),the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ,the assumption of Lemma 2(ii)(a),q1 From this and(10),it further follows that I2,2Combining the estimates of I1,I2,1and I2,2,we conclude that In this section,to prove Theorem 2,we first introduce the following variant of the anisotropic Lusin-area function and the anisotropic Hardy-Littlewood maximal function.For any fixedj∈ Z+and ψ ∈ S,f∈ S,thej-anisotropicLusin-area function and the anisotropic Hardy-Littlewood maximal function offare defined,respectively,by setting,for allx∈Rn, The following Lemma 7 is just[17,Lemma 3.12]. Lemma 7 Letq∈[1,∞),ϕ∈Aq(A),j∈Z+,Ebe an open set in Rnand σ ∈Z+as in(1).IfU:=U j:= MA(χE)>b−2σ−jis the set associated toE,then,there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for allf∈ Sand λ∈(0,∞), Lemma 8 Letq∈[1,∞),p∈(0,1]and ϕ∈Aq(A)be an anisotropicp-growth function as in Definition 3.Then there exists a positive constantCsuch that,for allj∈Z+andf∈S, Proof For any λ∈(0,∞)andj∈Z+,letEλ,j:={S(f)>λbj/2}and Then,by the weighted week type(q,q)of MAwithq∈[1,∞)and ϕ∈Aq(A)(see[13,Theorem 2.4]),we have From this,by Chebyshev’s inequality and Lemma 7 withE:=Eλ,jandU:=Uλ,j,it follows that To estimate I1,by the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ,we have I1bj(q−p/2)supλ∈(0,∞)ϕ({S(f)>λ},λ).To estimate I2,by the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ,we have,for all λ ∈ (0,∞), Combining the estimates of I1and I2and the arbitrariness of λ∈(0,∞),we finish the proof of Lemma 8. Lemma 9 Lett∈ (0,∞),p∈ (0,1]and ϕ be an anisotropicp-growth function as in Definition 3.SupposeT1andT2are two sublinear operators,fa measurable function andT2f∈Lϕ,∞{0}.Given a positive constantc,then there exists a positive constantCsuch thatimplies Proof Lett∈ (0,∞).by the assumption of Lemma 9 and the definition of ·Lϕ,∞,we have From this and Lemma 1,we deduce that which implies that,fort1:=tT2fLϕ,∞, which,together with Lemma 1,further implies thatT1fLϕ,∞T2fLϕ,∞.This finishes the proof of Lemma 9. Proof of Theorem 2 Letp∈ (0,1],q(ϕ)be as in(3),λ ∈ (2q(ϕ)/p,∞),m(ϕ)as in(6)and ψ ∈ S satisfyingRnψ(x)xαdx=0 for any|α|≤m(ϕ).For allf∈Sandx∈Rn,we have Letq∈ (q(ϕ),∞)close toq(ϕ)and ∈ (0,1)close to zero such that λ >2q/p+2 .Then,by(14),the uniformly typepproperty of ϕ,Lemma 8 andp−pλ/2+q<0,we have which,together with Lemma 9 and Theorem 1,we obtainThis finishes the proof of Theorem 2.3 Proof of Theorem 2