St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah

2016-11-25 07:02:17Track
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年3期

Track 8

by Andrea Six


St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah


Track 8

by Andrea Six


童鞋们听说过圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick’s Day)吗?每年3月17日的圣帕特里克节也叫做“绿帽子节”,这是为了纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克而设立的节日。这一节日于公元5世纪末起源于爱尔兰,如今已经成为了爱尔兰的国庆节。随着爱尔兰后裔渐渐遍布世界各地,现如今,圣帕特里克节已经在其他的一些国家成为节日。美国是从1737年的3月17日开始庆祝圣帕特里克节的。在美国,一到每年的3月17日,人们就会尽情地庆祝这个节日,把一座座城市变成绿色的海洋。人们通常会举行游行、教堂礼拜和聚餐等活动,佩戴着三叶草,身穿绿色衣服,头戴各式各样的绿帽子。本期小编将带着童鞋们走进美国历史名城萨凡纳的绿帽子节,一起来感受一下这个被绿色环绕的节日。

St. Patrick’s Day is1)officially celebrated on the2)anniversary of the saint’s death on March 17th, began as a3)religious holiday. It4)pays tribute to the5)patron saint of Ireland, St.Patrick(AD385–461), who brought Christianity to the Irish people. It became an official6)Christian festival in the 17thcentury. It is said that St. Patrick used the shamrock, a threeleafed7)clover, to explain the Holy Trinity注1(the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to pagans注2. The shamrock remains as a8)prominent symbol of Ireland.

注1:Holy Trinity即基督教术语里的“三位一体”。基督教徒认为上帝是圣父、圣子和圣灵三者合而为一的真神。


The day has also come to9)commemorate the Irish culture in general with all of its fantasy,10)lore and general11)merry-making. The color green has12)been associated with Ireland since at least the early 1600s. People can see the green spreads across the country. The wearing of the green has become a tradition of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations around the world. And wearing strange costumes has become a part of the fun of the day.

Celebrations13)aren’t just confined to St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah. They’re rocking the city all month, which is the reason why March is one of the most popular times to visit Savannah. The14)azaleas are blooming, the weather is beautiful and the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are15)in full swing.

St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah is the most exciting time of the year in the city. It has all kinds of events to invite guests to16)grab their green, get out and have some fun. This17)monumental popularity didn’t just come over night, it took 190 years of the famous St. Patrick’s Day18)Parade to get Savannah19)on the map. And now Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day is one of the hottest in the nations, with Savannah’s third largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade in the world.

There are all kinds of great St. Patrick’s Day events in Savannah, from traditional Irish20)ceremonies and those21)family-friendly festivals to outdoor

1) offcially [ə'fIʃəlI] adv. 正式地,官方地

2) anniversary [ænI'vʒːsərI] n. 周年纪念

3) religious [rI'lIdʒəs] adj. 宗教的

4) pay tribute to 称赞,歌颂

5) patron saint 守护神

6) Christian ['krIstʃən] adj. 基督教的,信基督教的

7) clover ['kləʊvə] n. 三叶草

8) prominent ['prɒmInənt] adj. 突出的,杰出的

9) commemorate [kə'meməreIt] v. 纪念,庆祝

10) lore [lɔː] n. 传说,学问

11) merry-making n. 尽情欢乐,举行欢庆活动

12) be associated with 和……联系在一起

13) be confned to 局限于,受限于

14) azalea [ə'zeIlIə] n. 杜鹃花

15) in full swing 全面展开,达到高潮

16) grab [græb] v. 抓取

17) monumental [mɒnjʊ'mentəl] adj. 纪念碑的,不朽的

18) parade [pə'reId] n. 游行,列队行进

19) on the map 出名的

圣帕特里克(St. Patrick,天主教译为圣博德)(约385—461年)出生于威尔士,是爱尔兰主保圣人、天主教圣人。他在少年时期被绑架到爱尔兰成为了奴隶,后来成功逃脱。他冒着生命危险回到爱尔兰传播天主教,成为爱尔兰的主教,后又成为圣人。


基督教(Christianity)是一种信仰一神和天国的宗教,发源于中东的巴勒斯坦地区。在人类发展史上,基督教具有十分重要的地位(尤其是对于中世纪的欧洲而言)。基督徒相信人类具有原罪,而耶稣作为神(天主或上帝)的圣子,通过牺牲自己成为了人类的救世主弥赛亚(即基督)。基督教与伊斯兰教、佛教并列为当今世界的三大宗教。parties, celebrations on River Street and the famous St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Savannah, be sure to check them out!

22)Kick off St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah right with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. This main event brings everything together—family, friends and fun. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Savannah is the second largest in the U.S., right behind New York. More than 300,000 people are expected to visit and enjoy the city-wide festivities.

Pick a spot on the parade route, settle in and watch as bands,23)floats, horses,24)carriages, cars and all kinds of groups march in the parade. This green celebration lasts for a few hours, so visitors have plenty of time to make their way over to see it. Just make sure you have planed how you’re going to get there, because parking can be pretty crazy with over 300,000 visitors in town.

Out of all of the festivals and events on River Street and in City Market, none is bigger, better or greener than their St. Patrick’s Day Festival. Not only do25)vendors line the street with gifts and candies, but bands perform live music on stages all over downtown Savannah. Guests can have a good time with a drink and enjoy the fun by the Savannah River.









20) ceremony ['serImənI] n. 典礼,仪式

21) family-friendly adj. 适合家庭的

22) kick off 开始

23) foat [fləʊt] n. 彩车,花车

24) carriage ['kærIdʒ] n. 四轮马车

25) vendor ['vendə] n. 卖主,小贩

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