Why Are They Volunteering

2016-11-25 07:02:14byJulieSchwietert
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年3期

by Julie Schwietert


Why Are They Volunteering


by Julie Schwietert



Yes, volunteering makes you feel good. Yes, you learn from other people. But there are many other reasons people volunteer, too. And here are ten from1)Matador members who are2)experienced volunteers.

“I volunteer because it takes me out of my daily life. Because I have3)expertise that is really easy for me to teach, and yet makes a big difference to those I teach. Because it reminds me how lucky I am. Because I have been given so much in life and believe it’s important to give as well.”

Leigh volunteers at a local church, serving lunch to school children and helping kids with their English homework.

“I volunteer because it5)continuously teaches me something new about people, about6)cooperation, about7)compassion, and about myself. In helping others, I feel that we are all in this together and we need to support each other. Life has so much to offer if we can look beyond ourselves.”

Juliane volunteers at the Berkeley Free8)Clinic.

1) matador ['mætədɔː] n. 斗牛士

2) experienced [Ik'spIərIənst] adj. 富有经验的

3) expertise [ekspʒː'tiːz] n. 专门知识,专门技能

4) contributing editor 特约编辑

5) continuously [kən'tInjʊəslI] adv. 连续不断地

6) cooperation [kəʊɒpə'reIʃən] n. 合作

7) compassion [kəm'pæʃən] n. 同情,怜悯

8) clinic ['klInIk] n. 诊所


Make a (big) difference to/in... 表示“对……产生(重大的)影响,对……起(重要)作用,产生(很大的)不同”。通常,这些影响、作用或不同都是指好的方面。例如:

1) Changing schools made a big difference to my life.(转学对我的人生产生了很大的影响。)

2) The teacher’s words made a difference.(老师的话起作用了。)

“I volunteer because I love my city and I need to give back something to it other than tax dollars. Also, my soul needs10)redemption.”

Candice volunteers with an animal11)rescue organization.

“I volunteer because I want to not just see the world, but make a difference to it.”

Abbie has volunteered at United Planet注1.

“I volunteer because I have the time. I recognize that time is something I can give, if not money. I regret that I never volunteered before I left America. I don’t know how much I make a big difference in the lives of the kids that I work with, but I do know that I can take some pressure off of those that are able to14)devote more time. Sometimes that’s just got to be enough.”

Kate volunteers in15)Buenos Aires.

“I volunteer because: 1) I truly like helping people. 2) I feel called to volunteer and share my talents and time with others. 3) I enjoy meeting different people from different backgrounds and cultures while volunteering. 4) It’s a lot of fun!”

Heather plans to volunteer while on a16)RTW starting this month.

“I volunteer to learn something new or to17)acquire a skill that I18)lacked. I couldn’t go out and get a job to learn that skill, but I could volunteer and learn it.”

Pamm has volunteered as an19)investigator, a20)conference organizer, and a21)knitter—knitting sweaters for children in an22)orphanage outside of Lhasa, Tibet.

“I volunteer because I can’t stand seeing any animal23)suffering and because it makes me feel alive.”

Nola has volunteered with Care for Dogs in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

“I volunteer not so much to help others, but to gain some24)perspective about my own life. But in the end, I get both.”

Jamie has volunteered with Catalytic Communities, CIACAC, and Calle注2.

“I volunteer because I can. It’s as simple as that. If you could do something to help the world around you, why wouldn’t you?”

Kelsey volunteers at a25)hospice.



9) associate editor 副主编

10) redemption [rI'dempʃən] n. 救赎

11) rescue ['reskjuː] v. 营救

12) intern ['Intʒːn] n. 实习生

13) co-editor 合作编辑

14) devote [dI'vəʊt] v. 献身

15) Buenos Aires ['bwenəs 'aIərIz] n.(阿根廷首都)布宜诺斯艾利斯

16) RTW=Round the World 环游世界

17) acquire [ə'kwaIə] v. 获得

18) lack [læk] v. 缺乏

19) investigator [In'vestIgeItə] n. 调查员

20) conference organizer 会议组织者

21) knitter ['nItə] n. 编织员knit [nIt] v. 编织

22) orphanage ['ɔːfənIdʒ] n. 孤儿院

23) suffer ['sʌfə] v. 受苦,受难

24) perspective [pə'spektIv] v. 看法,远景

25) hospice ['hɒspIs] n. 临终关怀医院












“我做志愿者是因为:1) 我真心喜欢帮助人们;2) 我感受到志愿服务对我的召唤,感受到与他人分享天赋与时间的渴望;3) 我很享受在志愿服务的过程中认识有着不同文化背景的人们;4) 做志愿者很有趣!”










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