Edible, but Ugly

2016-11-25 07:02:09Track
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年3期

Track 3

by Erik Olsen


Edible, but Ugly


Track 3

by Erik Olsen


挑选水果或蔬菜时,你是不是只挑好看的,那些长得丑的蔬果你连看都不看一眼?嗯,这很正常,毕竟这是一个看脸的时代。然而事实上,这些“丑”蔬果吃起来和普通的没什么区别,有的甚至更美味。只因长得丑,它们在超市、菜市场里乏人问津,慢慢腐烂,最后只能被丢弃在垃圾堆里。为了减少这样的食物浪费现象,Ben Chesler、Ben Simon和Ron Clark成立了一家名为“Imperfect Produce”的农产品公司,专门售卖“丑”蔬果。看来,“歪瓜裂枣”的春天到了!

Ben Chesler: Ugly fruits and vegetables are the 20% of the fruits and vegetables that are grown on farms that don’t1)make it to supermarkets each year, and that’s usually for small2)cosmetic reasons like too big, it’s too small, or it’s the wrong shape, size or colour.

Ben Simon: Imperfect buys the3)produce from farmers for about 50% cheaper than the farmers would normally sell it to4)grocery stores for.

Chesler: Food waste is a huge problem. It’s one of the leading5)solids6)by weight in our nation’s7)landfill system, and when it

8)rots in those landflls, it9)releases10)methane, which is really bad for the environment.

Simon: This is perfectly11)nutritious, delicious produce. There is nothing wrong with them12)in terms of, you know,13)bruising or health issues or14)pest infestations or anything like that.

Staff: The carrots are looking real cool this week.

Chesler: So we’re still really new. We just15)launched about five weeks ago, but I would say16)on a weekly basis we go through about 5 to 6,000 pounds of produce right now. And, hopefully, by the end of the year that number will be closer to 30 to 40,000 pounds of produce on a weekly basis.

Ron Clark: Let’s roll, baby!

Chesler: We are serve…17)currently serving about 500 customers in our first five weeks, so it’s all18)skyrocketed, all, you know, just from19)word of mouth.

(Chesler talks to the customers)

Chesler: …Produce. Do you want to go inside? This is what…this is what we have. Take a look there. Got some greens.

Customer: I thought it was a really cool idea that people are using produce that isn’t considered perfect. John Oliver注1did, like, a bit about it a couple weeks ago.

John Oliver: Americans are throwing out a third or more of our food, and the amount we throw out has increased by around 50% since the 1970s. At this rate, in 40 years, when you order pizza from Dominos注2, they’ll just20)deliver it straight to the nearest21)dumpster, as they should, but that’s not the point here…

Simon: I think Americans are becoming more aware of the issue of food waste. The U.S. Government just eh, just this past week actually set a…a major goal on reducing food waste. Actually there’s a lot of people saying that 2015 is the year of ugly fruit.

注1:约翰·奥利佛,英国著名喜剧演员,同时也是美国著名脱口秀《上周今夜秀》(Last Week Tonight with John Oliver)的主持人。


1) make it to somewhere 到达某地

2) cosmetic [kɒz'metIk] adj. 装饰性的,美容性的

3) produce [prə'djuːs] n. 产物,农产品

4) grocery store(食品)杂货店

5) solid ['sɒlId] n. 固体

6) by weight 按重量计算

7) landfll ['lændfIl] n. 垃圾填埋场

8) rot [rɒt] v. 腐烂

9) release [rI'liːs] v. 释放

10) methane ['miːθeIn] n. 甲烷,沼气

11) nutritious [njuː'trIʃəs] adj. 有营养的

12) in terms of 在……方面

13) bruising [bruːzIŋ] n.(水果、植物等的)伤痕

14) pest infestation 虫害

15) launch [lɔːntʃ] v. 开始,投放市场

16) on a weekly basis 每周

17) currently ['kʌrəntlI] adv. 当前,通常地

18) skyrocket ['skaIrɒkIt] v. 火箭式地上升,猛涨

19) word of mouth 口头宣传,口口相传

20) deliver [dI'lIvə] v. 递送

21) dumpster ['dʌmpstə] n. 大垃圾桶














Meet Evelyn Eggplant“丑丑茄”伊芙琳有话说

Oh, hello. Are you looking at me? You are?

My name is Evelyn Eggplant[茄子]. What’s your name?

You don’t think I’m ugly, do you? Oh, you do! I know you do!

I know I’m ugly. It’s no wonder that no one wants to look at me.

I wish I were beautiful like those other beautiful and long eggplants. I want to be pretty and desirable[令人喜爱的]! Wahaha!

But what can I do about it? Nothing, so I might as well just accept my misfortune[不幸].

It’s not like it’s my fault that I look like this. You know, the reason for my fat, bumpy[隆起的]body is because I didn’t get enough moisture[水分]and the temperature was too high while I was still growing.

My ugly shape doesn’t mean that I have a bad favor though. I bet I’m as tasty as those beautiful eggplants. Actually, I bet I taste even better. But no one will know because they don’t want an ugly eggplant!(Sob[啜泣])

Wait…You are looking at me. Would you give me a chance? Would you be okay with an ugly eggplant?

Actually I’m not too terribly ugly. Look, I am a very pretty purple. My skin might not be perfectly smooth but it does have a nice gloss[光彩]to it. Don’t you think?

Oh, please give me a chance! Please! You won’t regret it. I promise.












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