博闻公司(UBM plc) 取得UFI认证的展览包括:亚太区美容展、时尚汇集、亚太区皮革展、印度国际可再生能源展、土耳其国际珠宝首饰手表及设备展、马来西亚国际家具展、亚洲食品配料展、中国国际光电博览会 (中国光博会)、世界制药原料展、食品配料欧洲展。除此以外,UBM博闻的许多垂直平台,不论是自己培育的展览项目,还是合资公司的品牌展览会,如:九月香港珠宝首饰展,中国孕婴童、童装展,中国国际家具展览会,中国国际海事会展,中国国际皮革展等等,在行业内均居于龙头地位。
博闻的发展离不开团队的支持,我们在中国内地有很庞大的组织(超过700名员工)。博闻的员工有很多职业发展机遇, 甚至可以到博闻的海外办事处任职。博闻的“会展为先”策略要求我们要在所有方面都做到最好。因此,我们在培训、辅导、软件工具等都进行了大量的投入,让所有员工都能从专业的环境中得益。我们推行“博闻的承诺”,与全球员工积极履行企业社会责任,支持环保及可持续发展。今年,博闻连续第二年成为全球FTS4E指数达标的少数会展公司之一;中国孕婴童、童装展的“关注自闭症儿童”的慈善项目入选 “2016 UFI 可持续发展奖”最佳范例。
UBMs UFI approved events include the followings:Cosmoprof Asia,Fashion Access,APLF Leather & Materials,Renewable Energy India Expo,Istanbul Jewelry Show,Malaysian International Furniture Fair,Fi Asia,China International Optoelectronic Exposition,CPhI Worldwide,Fi Europe. We have leadership position not only in these events but also in other events that we organise on our own or with our joint venture partners, e.g. September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair, CBME China (Children, Baby, Maternity Expo), Furniture China, Marintec China and All China Leather Exhibition.
We are passionate about all the sectors we serve across Asia. Our Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair and Marintec China both have over 30 years of history. Other market leading events have also been serving sectors like furniture, pharma, hospitality and beauty for over 20 years. In the past five years, we have also entered new sectors, e.g. children/maternity, optoelectronics and lighting. And we are launching Licensing Expo China in Shanghai in July 2017, further expanding the sectors we serve in the China market under our Events First strategy. Geographically we have also grown our footprint in mainland China including in 2nd tier cities such as Guzhen, Shenyang, and Chengdu.
UBM is the worlds second largest B2B event organiser with operations in over 20 countriescollaboration between these operations allows us to more effectively target international exhibitors and visitors. This is particularly true of event brands which have been geo-adapted around the worldsuch as CPhI, CBME and Jewellery & Gem.UBM recently announced launching China Licensing Expo which will be co-located with CBME China in 2017.In addition, as part of our Events First strategy, we are in the process of introducing a common CRM system globally which will further enhance this process.
The opportunity is that China is still a huge and growing market where quality events still have a lot of potential to grow. Not only in first tier, but increasingly also in second and third tier cities. The challenge is the increasing competition which still puts pressure on pricing and limits investments in comprehensive visitor promotion and overall customer experience.
Our greatest reward is that we have now a fantastic business with great partners and people. Together with them, we earn a great reputation in delivering high quality and professional events which effectively serve the needs of each of the sectors we serve.
The big advantage we have is that we have a large organisation in mainland China (over 700 people), so that there are ample opportunities for career improvement. Even to other UBM offices overseas. Our Events First strategy crocuses us on being the best in everything we do, so we make a lot of investments in training, coaching, software tools etc. Our colleagues can all benefit from the professional environment.
Under the “UBM Commitments”, the company and all our staff are fully committed to corporate social responsibilities and sustainable development. In 2016, UBM achieved FTSE4Good Index for the second year. CBMEs charity programme,“Guard Children of the Stars”, was selected by UFI as an example for best practices in the field of sustainability.