
2016-11-23 01:21韩莉
中外会展 2016年11期



万耀企龙是UFI会员之一,早在2005年,旗下的中国国际地面材料及铺装技术展览会(DOMOTEX asia/ CHINAFLOOR)就获得了UFI认证。之后,公司的自创品牌展——亚洲宠物展(Pet Fair Asia)也通过了UFI的专业认证。

或许很少有人知道,我们与 UFI之间有着较深的渊源。曾有两位万耀企龙的前董事局主席——Arie Brienen先生和Ruud G. van Ingen先生,分别出任过UFI的全球主席。作为UFI大家庭中的一份子,万耀企龙一直都积极活跃于UFI的各项活动中,曾多次获得UFI年度专项大奖,有些已成为了万耀企龙展会服务中的重要特色,比如获得2011年度UFI营销大奖的Lead Marketing产品,一直深受展商、观众的好评。

我们十分看重UFI这一国际性的会展业交流平台,在这里,我们与世界知名展览企业分享成功案例和行业观点,了解国际会展业的发展趋势,并寻求国际间的合作。举例来说,始创于1997年的亚洲宠物展(Pet Fair Asia),伴随着中国宠物业的飞速发展,经过十九年的历练,已然成为中国宠物行业的标杆性展会。但如何在原有基础上进一步提升展会质量,扩大展会的国际影响力,曾一度成为我们遇到的难题。加入UFI后,一方面,展会在打造国际化专业展方面吸取了很多海外的成功经验,国际展商和观众比例大幅增长;另一方面,借助UFI的品牌影响力,展会也赢得了更高的国际知名度及更多展商和观众的认可和信心。



On 10 November, the Special Interest Groups meeting : AsiaPacific of 83rd UFI Congress will be moderated by David Zhong, President & CEO, VNU Exhibitions Asia (China).

As UFI member, VNU Exhibitions Asia (China) has two UFI Approved Events: DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR and Pet Fair Asia.

The story between VNU and UFI began long ago.Two former chairman of the directors board in VNU were the UFI President. As a member of the UFI family, VNU has been playing an active role in the activities of UFI. VNU has also got a number of UFI awards under its belt, some of them are now feature services in VNUs exhibitions. For example, the Lead Marketing, which won the 2011 UFI Marketing, has gained extensive recognition from exhibitors and visitors.

As this years moderator of the Special Interest Groups meeting: Asia-Pacific, David hopes to take advantage of the platform of UFI to discuss the future development of the exhibition industry of Asia-Pacific region with global professionals, and to find out a steady and sustainable way for the industrys development.

David thinks that in recent years, the importance of Asia Pacific region has become more evident in global economy, and the global exhibition industry have set their eyes in this region. Within the region,the Chinese exhibition market is most impressive and attracted industrial attention. The return of the UFI Congress to Shanghai is a good example of this. Now, the Chinese exhibition industry faces various opportunities and challenges. We will see more international brand exhibitions coming into here and more Chinese exhibitions brand extending abroad to seek even greater development space and the support of international resources. With further development, the influence of Chinese exhibition industry in the region will increase even more. Therefore, the global industry generally believe that the Asia Pacific exhibition industry will be more dynamic than that of the Europe and US, and that China as the regional example will display great vigor.
