The genetic relationship between Habo alkaline intrusion and its surrounding deposits,Yunnan Province,China:geological and S-Pb isotopic evidences

2016-11-21 02:09:46ZhongnengMengQianZhangLinYeYupinLiuJiangboLanDapengWang
Acta Geochimica 2016年4期

Zhongneng Meng·Qian Zhang·Lin Ye·Yupin Liu· Jiangbo Lan·Dapeng Wang

The genetic relationship between Habo alkaline intrusion and its surrounding deposits,Yunnan Province,China:geological and S-Pb isotopic evidences

Zhongneng Meng1,2·Qian Zhang1·Lin Ye1·Yupin Liu1· Jiangbo Lan1·Dapeng Wang1

The Habo alkaline intrusion,which is located in the south of the Sanjiang area,Yunnan Province,China,is a typical Cenozoic alkaline intrusion.There are a series of small to medium-sized Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits around this intrusion.Those deposits are spatially associated with the Habo alkaline intrusion.(1)The δ34S values of sulfides from Au deposits range from-1.91‰to 2.69‰,which are similar to those of Pb-(Zn)deposits(-3.82‰ to -0.05‰)and both indicate a much greater contribution from magma.(2)The Habo alkaline intrusion has relatively homogeneous Pb isotopic compositions with206Pb/204Pb ranging from 18.608 to 18.761,207Pb/204Pb from 15.572 to 15.722 and208Pb/204Pb from 38.599 to 39.110.These Pb isotope ratios are similar to those of Au deposits,whose206Pb/204Pb range from 18.564 to 18.734,207Pb/204Pb from 15.582 to 15.738 and208Pb/204Pb from 38.592 to 39.319. Pb ratios in both the intrusion and Au deposits suggest that Pb mainly derived from the depth,probably represents a mixture of mantle and crust.Pb-(Zn)deposits,however,show a decentralized trait,and most of them are similar to that of the alkaline intrusion with206Pb/204Pb ranging from 18.523 to 18.648,207Pb/204Pb from 15.599 to 15.802,and208Pb/204Pb from 38.659 to 39.206.(3)In the plumbotectonic diagram207Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb,almost all of Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits have the same projection area with the Habo alkaline intrusion,which indicates that thosedeposits almost share the same source with the alkaline intrusion.(4)Isotopic age of the Habo alkaline intrusion is 36-33 Ma,which is similar to that of Beiya,whose orerelated alkaline porphyries age is 38-31 Ma and molybdenite Re-Os age is 36.9 Ma.Therefore,along with S-Pb isotope traits,we suggest that the Habo Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits should be typically Ailaoshan-Red RiverCenozoicalkaline-related deposits and ore-forming ages of these deposits should be later than that of the Habo alkaline intrusion.

✉ Qian Zhang

1State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry,Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guiyang 550081,China

2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China

The Habo Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits·Alkaline intrusion·Ore genesis·S-Pb isotope analyses·Source materials

1 Introduction

As a typical alkaline intrusion in the south of the Ailaoshan-Red River alkaline intrusion belt(Bi et al. 2005),the Habo alkaline intrusion has gradually become a research focus recently(Zhu et al.2009,2013;Zhao et al. 2009).Meanwhile,a series of porphyry deposits(such as the Habo Cu-Mo deposit),fracture hydrothermal vein type Au deposits(such as the Habo Au deposit,the Hageng Au deposit,and the Shapu Au deposit),and fracture hydrothermal vein type deposits[such as Shee Pb-(Zn)deposit,Adong Pb-(Zn)deposit,and Duojiao Pb-(Zn)deposit],which are spatially associated with the Habo alkaline intrusion,have begun to attract the attention of scholars.Zhu et al.(2013)suggested that the formation of the Habo Cu-Mo deposit should be a continuous process that occurred as a response to regional tectonic movements. The Habo deposit may also represent the southeasterly extension of the Yulong porphyry metallogenic belt.Zhaoet al.(2009)suggested that the genesis of the Habo Au deposit belong to volcanic sedimentary hydrothermal reformation type deposit.This conclusion,however,needs more reliable geochemistry evidence.Studies on other Au deposits and Pb-(Zn)deposits,however,are extremely weak.Therefore,the origin and genetic relationship between Habo alkaline intrusion and Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits are still unclear and worth studying.

A lot of research show that S-Pb isotopes can effectively trace the source of the metal elements within the metallogenic system (Ohmoto 1972;Rey and sawkins 1974;Ohmoto et al.1990;Zheng and Hoefs 1993;Seal 2006;Basuki et al.2008;Zhou et al. 2010,2013a,b,2014,2016).Based on the detailed description of the geological features of the Habo alkaline intrusion and the Habo Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits,this paper systematically studies Pb isotope compositions of this intrusion and S-Pb isotope compositions of those deposits to tackle the above academic issues.

2 Geological setting

2.1Regional geology

Sanjiang area has suffered intense deformations caused by the collision between India and Asia continents since 65 Ma and a series of NW to NNW trending of strike-slip fault systems and fold belts are formed then.For instance,the Ailaoshan-Red River Fault Zone,the Chongshan Fault Zone and the Gaoligong-Shijie Fault Zone(Zhang et al. 1987,2009;Turner et al.1996;Chung et al.1997;Wang and Burchfiel 1997;Ji et al.2000;Yin and Harrison 2000;Hou et al.2003).A belt of one-thousand km long,50-80 km wide alkali-rich intrusive rocks(potassic igneous rocks)outcropped along with the formation of the Cenozoic strike-slip fault systems,which were controlled by the Cenozoic intracontinental strike-slip tectonic stress field(Hou et al.2006)and then distributed around this fault systems,which were named Ailaoshan-Red River Alkalirich Intrusive Rocks Belt(Bi et al.2005).Recent studies have shown that those alkali-rich intrusive rocks have close relationship with the formation of gold,copper and molybdenum mines and have formed a number of porphyry metallogenic systems.For instance,the Narigongma porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit and the Yulong porphyry copper deposit located in the north of the rocks and the Beiya alkaline porphyry Au deposit and the Machangqing porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit is located in the south(Fig.1),which has been called the Ailaoshan-Red River Cenozoic Ore System (Zhang and Xie 1997;Hu et al.2004;Wang et al.2001,2004;Hou et al.2003;Bi et al.2005).

The Ailaoshan-Red River Fault Zone has suffered multiphased sinistral strike-slip faulting since Cenozoic and,at the same time,led to the emplacement of several alkali-rich rocks.Most of those rocks occur as the shapes of rock stub and vein group,and they distribute on both sides of the Ailaoshan-Red River strike-slip fault system.These alkalirich rocks are controlled by the secondary fracture of Ailaoshan-Red River strike-slip fault,and the main rock types are granite porphyry,quartz monzonite porphyry and quartz syenite porphyry.It has been considered that most of these porphyries have close relations with the mineralization of Au,Cu,Mo,Pb and Zn,which makes many Scholars begin to focus on those porphyry rocks.Alkalirich rock groups that have been discovered till now are,according to their spatial distribution,Bengge-Jianchuan alkali-rich rock group,Ninglang-Yongsheng alkali-rich rock group,Beiya alkali-rich rock group,Yaoan alkali-rich rock group,Tongchang alkali-rich rock group and Habo alkali-rich rock group(Fig.1).

The Habo alkaline intrusion,which belongs to Habo alkali-rich rock group,emplaced on the Oumei fault in a nearly SN direction with an area of 26.2 km2and is composed of four rock units.They are,by their respective emplacement orders,Pingshan unit(EP),Sandaoban unit(ES),Ashu unit(EA)and Habonanshan unit(EH)(Fig.2). Our recent unpublished studies show that the constraints of these rock units are:(1)Pingshan unit distributed in south of Habo porphyry intrusion and it is mainly composed of biotite amphibole syenite,zircon grains of Pingshan biotite amphibole syenite yield a weighted mean206Pb/238U age of 36.48±0.45 Ma;(2)Sandaoban unit scattered in the intrusion and it is mainly composed of altered biotite amphibole syenite,zircon grains of Sandaoban altered biotite amphibole syenite yield aweighted mean206Pb/238U age of 35.41±0.34 Ma;(3)Ashu unit is the largest one that outcropped in the Habo alkaline intrusion. Its chief rock type is biotite pyroxene syenite,zircon grains of Ashu biotite pyroxene syenite yield a weighted mean206Pb/238U age of 36.88±0.65 Ma;(4)Habonanshan unit exposed in the centre of Ashu unit,and the chief rock types of this area are pyroxene syenite and quarts amphibole syenite,zircon grains of Habonanshan rocks yield a weighted mean206Pb/238U age of 33.53±0.35 Ma,which is consistent with previous studies(Zhu et al.2013).This intrusion is in uncomfortable contact with the middle Waimaidi formation of Paleozoic Madeng rock groups,Silurian and Triassic formations.Detailed descriptions of these formations are given in Table 1.The Paleozoic Madeng rock group,which is of extraordinary importance in this area,mainly consists of metamorphic rocks and has been divided into two formations,namely Waimaidi formation and Qihaiyan formation,and,at the same time,they are in comfortable contact with each other.The Waimaidiformation consists of three layers,including,from west to northeast,a,b,and c-section Waimaidi formation and they are in comfortable contact with each other.

Fig.1 Distributions of Cenozoic alkaline rocks and related Au deposits in the western Yunnan Province

Fig.2 Distributions of Habo four rock units and Cu-Mo,Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits around the Habo alkaline intrusion.(Redrawn after Yunnan No.2 Geological Survey)

The Habo Cu-Mo,Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits are situated in the south of the Ailaoshan-Red River Cenozoic Ore System and are located between the Red River Fault and the Jiujia Fault.Fractures in this study area are a series of NW trending faults and cut by NE trending secondary faults(Fig.2).Major faults in this study area are the Oumei Fault,the Dapai Fault,the Shapu Fault,the Yidong Fault and the Huangchaoling Fault.Deposits in this area are spatially associated with the Habo alkaline intrusion(Fig.2).Among them,(1)the Habo porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is hosted by the Habo granite pluton,which was emplaced into Paleozoic and Silurian metamorphic rocks(Zhu et al.2009),and its ore-controlling structures are secondary faults of the Oumei Fault(this deposit is not the focus of this paper);(2)the Habo Au deposit occurs at the north exocontact of the Habo alkaline intrusion.Its wall rock is the b-section Waimaidi formation of Paleozoic Madeng rock groups and the ore bodies are controlled by the secondary faults of the Yidong Fault;(3)the Hageng Au deposit is situated in east 2 km of the Habo Au deposit and occurs at the NE margin of the alkaline intrusion.And the host rock of this deposit is the b-section Waimaidi formation and its orecontrolling fractures are secondary faults of the Yidong Fault;(4)the Shapu Au deposit is located in the east margin of the exocontact of the intrusion,and the wall rock of this deposit is the b-section Waimaidi formation and its ore-controlling fractures are secondary faults of the Shapu Fault;(5)the Shee Pb deposit occurs at the north exocontact of the Habo Habo alkaline intrusion.Its wall rock is the b-section Waimaidi formation and the ore bodies are controlled by a series of NE trending secondary faults;(6)the Adong Pb-(Zn)deposit occurs at the northwest of the Habo alkaline intrusion.Its wall rock is the b-section Waimaidi formationand the ore bodies are controlled by a series of NE-SW trending secondary faults;(7)the Duojiao Pb-(Zn)deposit occurs at the east of the Habo alkaline intrusion.Its wall rock is the c-section Waimaidi formation of Paleozoic Madeng rock groups and its ore bodies are controlled by a series of NESW trending secondary faults of the Yidong Fault.

Table 1 Characteristic of stratums distributed around the Habo alkaline intrusion

2.2Ore deposit geology of Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits

Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits are all distributed around the Habo alkaline intrusion.Rocks exposed are a,b sections Waimaidi formation.Detailed deposits descriptions are given in Table 2.

2.2.1Au deposits

The three studied Au deposits,Habo,Hageng and Shapu,are fracture hydrothermal vein type deposits and are located within the b-section of the Waimaidi formation. Those deposits share several similar characteristics.They are positioned close to the Habo alkaline intrusion,which is about 1 km to the S in the case of Habo,1 km to the W of Hageng,and 2 km to the W of Shapu(Fig.2).The orebearing rocks are composed of Py-forming limestone,banded siliceous rock,sericite quartz phyllite,banded sericite phyllite,quartz phyllite,quartz sandstone,phyllitic slate and quasi-mylonite.In general,the ore bodies occur as bedded,veined and lenticular(Figs.3 and 4),and all are faults controlled.Among them,(1)the thickness of ore bodies of Habo ranges from 2.51 to 3.99 m,with lengths varying from 52 to 600 m,and relatively steep dip(Fig.3a).Ore minerals in ores are pyrite,limonite,sphalerite,galena,arsenopyrite,chalcopyrite and malachite(Fig.4a-c).Gangue minerals in ores are quartz and sericite,followed by chlorite and feldspar.Among the metal minerals,pyrite occur in forms of both panidiomorphic-hypidiomorphic cubic and anhedral crystal aggregations and the size ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 mm.The cubic pyrite appears as spots or disseminations.The anhedral pyrite,however,appears as veinlets or masses,spots and dissemination.Sphalerite and galena occur as non-panidiomorphic crystals with tiny sizes and appear as veinlets(Fig.4b,c).According to the field and laboratory identification,it can be concluded that the minerals sequences maybe are:pyrite(main Au-forming mineral)-arsenopyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite-galena-limonite.(2)The thickness of ore bodies of Hageng ranges from 0.25 to 1.00 m,with lengths varying from 30 to 50 m,and relatively steep dip(Fig.3b).Major ore minerals is pyrite(Fig.4e),followed by chalcopyrite,limonite and galena(Fig.4f).Gangue minerals are quartz andsericite,followed by chlorite and feldspar.Among the ore minerals,pyrite occurs in form of bulky cubic crystals and distributes along in minerals.Chalcopyrite and galena appear as spots and distribute in the edge or gaps of pyrite or limonite.The minerals sequences maybe are:pyritechalcopyrite-galena-limonite.The wall-rock alterations that have deep relations with Au-mineralization mainly are silicification,pyritization,limonitization and sericitization.(3)The thickness of ore bodies of Shapu ranges from 1.5 to 10 m,with lengths varying from 55 to 168 m,and relatively steep dip(Fig.3c).Major ore minerals is pyrite(Fig.4d),followed by limonite.Gangue minerals are quartz and sericite,followed by chlorite and feldspar. The wall-rock alterations that have deep relations with Au-mineralization mainly are silicification,pyritization,limonitization and sericitization.

Fig.3 Representative profiles through the Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits


Fig.4 Hand specimens and EPMA images from the studied deposits that distributed around the Habo alkaline intrusion.a,b and c are from the Habo Au deposit;a massive structure,major ore mineral is pyrite,b sphalerite aggregations and chalcopyrite spots,c replacement of sphalerite by limonite,replacement of galena by sphalerite,arsenopyrite enclosed by sphalerite,d is from Shapu Au deposit: massive sutructure,major ore mineral is pyrite,e is Hageng Au deposit:massive structure,major ore mineral is pyrite,f is from Hageng Au deposit:pyrite and galena spots,replacement of sphalerite by limonite,g is from Shee Pb deposit:disseminated structure,major ore mineral is pyrite,h is from Adong Pb-(Zn)deposit:vein structure,major ore mineral is sphalerite,major gangue mineral is quartz,i is from Adong Pb-(Zn)deposit:galena spots enclosed by sphalerite and pyrite,pyrite associated with sphalerite,j is from Shee Pb deposit: brecciated structure,major ore mineral is pyrite,major gangue mineral is quartz,k is from Duojiao Pb-(Zn)deposit:brecciated structure,major ore mineral is sphalerite,major gangue mineral is quartz,l is from Duojiao Pb-(Zn)deposit:sphalerite enclosed by limonite,replacement of chalcopyrite and galena by sphalerite

The three studied Pb-(Zn)deposits,Shee,Adong and Duojiao,are fracture hydrothermal vein type deposits and are located within b and c-section of the Waimaidi formations.Those deposits share several similar characteristics. They are positioned distal to the Habo alkaline intrusion,which is about 2 km to the S in the case of Shee,3 km to the S of Adong,and 4 km to the W of Duojiao(Fig.2).The orebearing rocks are composed of Py-forming limestone,banded siliceous rock,sericite quartz phyllite,banded sericite phyllite,quartz phyllite,quartz sandstone,phyllitic slate and quasi-mylonite.In general,the ore bodies occur as bedded,veined and lenticular(Figs.3 and 4),and all are faults controlled.Among those deposits,(1)The thickness of ore bodies of Shee ranges from 1.00 to 2.5 m,with lengths varying from 5 to 150 m,and relatively steep dip(Fig.3d). Ore minerals of the Shee are cerusite,anglesite,hemimorphite,limonite,sphalerite,chalcopyrite and pyrite(Fig.4g,j).Gangue minerals are calcite and quartz(Fig.4j),followed by little barite and biotite.Among the gangue minerals,calcite occurs in the form of plate aggregation and often appears in the high-level mineralization areas as veins.Wallrock alterations,for instance,silicification,pyritization,limonitization and carbonatization,are well-developed in the crushed zone.(2)The thickness of ore bodies of Adong ranges from 1.00 to 3.55 m,with lengths varying from 10 to 200 m,and relatively steep dip(Fig.3e).Major ore mineral of this deposit is sphalerite(Fig.4h),followed by galena and pyrite(Fig.4i).Gangue minerals are calcite and quartz(Fig.4h),followed by little barite.Among the gangue minerals,calcite occurs in the form of plate aggregation and often appears in the high-level mineralization areas as veins. Mineral phases and Electron probe analyses show that pyrite occurs as euhedral-big crystals and distributes among galena with spots.Chalcopyrite occurs in the cracks of quarts-veins as anhedral or distributes in galena and sphalerite as microinclusions.Galena and sphalerite often occur as anhedral and big crystals(0.1-1 mm).In conclusion,the minerals sequences maybe:pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite-galena.(3)The thickness of ore bodies of Duojiao ranges from 1.00 to 2.00 m,with lengths varying from 5 to 40 m,and relatively steep dip(Fig.3f).Ore minerals are sphalerite,galena,and limonite(Fig.4k,l).Sphalerite is often associated with quartz(Fig.4k).Gangue mineral is quartz(Fig.4k).Mineral phases and Electron probe analyses show that the minerals sequences maybe:chalcopyrite-galena-sphalerite-limonite. Alterations,for instance,limonitization,silicification and quartzite,are widely distributed in the contact zone.

From geological descriptions above,it can be concluded that the ore-bearing rock series,morphology of ore bodies,and characteristics of ores are similar to those Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits.

3 Sampling and analytical methods

(1)Fourteen igneous rock samples were collected from different unit of the Habo alkaline intrusion.Among them,four were taken from Sandaoban unit,five from Habonanshan unit,three from Pingshan unit and two from Ashu unit.Those samples were,respectively,crushed to 60-to 80-mesh sizes and then 5.0 g pure feldspars were selected under a microscope.Those selected samples,then,were crushed to about 200-mesh size in an agate mortar.(2)31 sulfur samples were collected from six deposits distributed around the Habo alkaline intrusion.Among them,6 were collected from Habo Au deposit,7 from Hageng Au deposit,5 from Shapu Au deposit,5 from Shee Pb deposit,7 from Adong Pb-(Zn)deposit and 2 from Duojiao Pb-(Zn)deposit.Those samples were,respectively,crushed to 60-to 80-mesh sizes and then 5.0 g pure sulfur samples were selected under a microscope.After that,those selected samples were crushed to about 200-mesh size in an agate mortar and then were divided into two parts.

One partofthe 31 sulfursampleswasused to analyze sulfur isotope compositions at the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry,Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences.The analytical instrument was a MAT252 gas mass spectrometer.The measured data are expressed by using international standard sulfur isotope CDT(Canyon Diablo Troilite)values and sulfur isotope standards GBW04414(Ag2S,δ34SCDT=-0.07‰±0.13‰)and GBW04415(Ag2S,δ34SCDT=22.15‰±0.14‰)as follows:δ34S(‰)=[(34S/32S)sample/(34S/32S)standard-1]× 1000.The analysis uncertainty was less than±0.2‰(2σ).

Fourteen igneous rock samples,along with the other part of the 31 sulfur samples,were sent to Wuhan Geological Survey Center,Chinese geological Survey to analyze Pb isotope compositions.The analytical instrument was a MAT-261 mass spectrometer.The measured ratio(2σ)of international standard sample is207Pb/206Pb=0.91455± 0.00020,and this is in accordance with the recommended value(0.91464±0.00033).

4 Analytical results

4.1S isotopic compositions

This study collected 31 sulfides,including pyrite,galena and sphalerite,from Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits.Test results are listed in Table 3,which indicates that those deposits have similar S isotopic compositions:(1)the δ34S values of Au deposits range from-1.91‰ to 2.69‰ with Habo from-0.52‰ to 0.46‰ (mean value=-0.05‰),Hageng from-0.21‰to 2.69‰(mean value=1.13‰),and Shapu from-1.91‰to0.41‰(mean value=-0.98‰);(2)the δ34S values of Pb-(Zn)deposit range from-3.82‰to 0.05‰with Shee from-3.04‰to-0.05‰ (mean value=-1.42‰),Adong from -3.82‰ to-0.47‰ (mean value=-2.72‰),andDuojiao from-3.45‰ to-3.37‰(mean value= -3.41‰).

Table 3 Sulfur isotopic compositions of pyrite,sphalerite and galena of Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits around the Habo alkaline intrusion

4.2Pb isotopic compositions

This study collected 14 feldspars from The Habo alkaline intrusion and 31 sulfides,including pyrite,galena and sphalerite,from Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits surrounding the Habo alkaline intrusion.Test results are listed in Table 4. The major findings are as follows.(1)Feldspar samples have relatively homogeneous isotopic compositions with206Pb/204Pb ranging from 18.608 to 18.761,207Pb/204Pb from 15.572 to 15.722 and208Pb/204Pb from 38.599 to 39.110.μ values of feldspar samples range from 9.37 to 9.67(mean value=9.50).(2)The sulfide samples from Au deposits have relatively homogeneous isotopic compositions and they are,on the whole,similar to that of the alkaline intrusion feldspars within206Pb/204Pb ranging from 18.564 to 18.734,207Pb/204Pb from 15.582 to 15.738 and208Pb/204Pb from 38.592 to 39.319.μ values of Au deposits ranging from 9.41 to 9.70(mean value=9.48).(3)The sulfide samples from Pb-(Zn)deposits show a decentralized trait,and most of them are similar to that of the alkaline intrusion feldspars within206Pb/204Pb ranging from 18.523 to 18.648,207Pb/204Pb from 15.599 to 15.802 and208Pb/204Pb from 38.659 to 39.206.μ values of Pb-(Zn)deposits ranging from9.44to9.84(mean value=9.64).

5 Discussions

5.1The petrogenesis and tectonic setting

Previous work indicated that the most likely magma source mode of Ailaoshan-Red River Alkaline Rich Intrusive Rocks Belt is that in the process of paleotethys tectonic evolution,crust materials,which were brought in while formed the ancient subduction zone or ancient basement that came from ancient subduction slabs,and marine sediments were involved in the deep mixing action by recycle and formed the enriched mantle at the same time.After that,accompanied with the closure of neo-tethys and the consequent subduction and collision between India and Eurasia in latest cretaceous,the Tibetan plateau and its adjacent area(including western Yunnan area)lithosphere were significantly shortened and thickened.Magma source area,which was formed gradually and connected in the early Cenozoic,subjected partial melting when it rose up to crust-mantle mixing zone.Earlier studies have shown that Ailaoshan-Red River Alkaline Rich Intrusive Rocks are relatively rich in LILE(K,Rb,Ba and Sr,etc.)and loss in HFSE(Nb,Ta,P and Ti,etc.)and the ratios of La/Ce,Ce/ Nd and Sm/Nd respectively range from 0.40 to 0.63,1.88 to 2.81 and 0.11 to 0.20,which shows that the magma source has a crust-mantle mixing trait(Hou et al.2007).As the biggest intrusion located in the south of the Ailaoshan-Red Rive fault system,the Habo porphyry intrusion and its surrounding deposits should have similar geology andgeochemistry characteristics with those in the middle and north of the tectonic belt.Studies have shown that in the Ailaoshan-Red Rive fault system,except the fact that the mineralization of Mojiang gold deposit has a deep relation with ultrabasic rocks,almost all of the mineralization of gold deposits have deep space and genesis relations withthe Himalayan alkali rich porphyry(Bi and Hu 1998).The porphyry that have close relations with Au mineralization are a rock series ranging from basic to intermediate-acidic and show a alkali-rich with K2O+Na2O>8%.Those rocks,including Monzonite granite porphyry,Monzonite porphyry and a little Syenite porphyry,are occurred as the veins and shows a composite rock mass trait.In the rock mass,mineralization has a close relation with acidic porphyry that invaded in mid-late and the mineralization occurs at 3-1 Ma before the invasion of last ore-forming porphyry(Hou et al.2003).Rock types,from north to south,changed from Monzonitic granite porphyry to Syenite porphyry.Most of Alkali rich rocks occurred in this area at about 50-20 Ma and concentrated in time of 38-33 Ma,which is consistent with the time when mass Au-rich mineralization happened in this area(Wang et al. 2004).Our unpublished data,recently,has indicated that the Habo alkali rocks invaded at time 36-33 Ma,and the Habo porphyry intrusion shows a trait of Arc magma and its magma source mode is crust-mantle,which is in accordance with studies on regional.In conclusion,it can be seen from rock series,magma source and petrogenic age that the Habo alkaline intrusion is part of Ailaoshan-Red River Alkaline Rich Intrusive Rocks Belt and they should share the same mineralization geotectonic setting.

Table 4 Pb isotopic compositions of feldspars from the Habo alkaline intrusion and sulfides from Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits around the intrusion

5.2The source of ore-forming elements


The fractionation of sulfur isotopes widely exists in nature,so the sulfur isotopes are widely used to trace the source of ore-forming materials,and then the genesis of ore deposits can be discussed(Ohmoto 1986).Studies have shown that there are three isotopically distinct reservoirs of δ34S:(1)mantle-derived sulfur with δ34S values in the range 0±3‰ (Chaussidon and Lorand 1990);(2)seawater sulfur with δ34S today about+20‰,although this value has varied in the past,and(3)strongly reduced(sedimentary)sulfur with large negative δ34S values.

It can be seen from the sulfur isotopic data that almost all of the δ34S values range from-4.0‰to 4.0‰,which indicates,combined with the sulfur isotopes diagram(Fig.5),ore-forming elements mainly derived from magmatic fluids.This is consistent with the Beiya area(Li et al. 2001;Zhou et al.2016),which was typically a porphyry Au polymetallic deposits located in the north of the Habo alkaline intrusion.Most importantly,the decreasing trend of δ34S values among those deposits(Table 3)is as follows:1.13‰ to-0.05‰ to-0.98‰ to-1.42‰ to -2.72‰to-3.41‰,which may indicate that the source of ore-forming elements of Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits derived from the Habo alkaline intrusion,the fractionation effects of sulfur isotopes may lead to the decreasing trend happened during hydrothermal migration and ore formation process.

5.2.2Metal elements

Pb isotopic compositions will not change so much except physical,chemical and biological processes caused by radioactive decay and maintain relative stability during ore-forming elements migration and precipitation,making Pb isotopic compositions a direct way to trace the source of ore-forming materials(e.g.Zhu 1995;Canals and Cardellach 1997).It is of an important way to trace the source of ore-forming materials by comparing the Pb isotopic compositions of ores,magmas and basement rocks(e.g.Zhang et al.2000;Wu et al.2004).Research indicates that radioactive Pb of sulfide ores can be neglected because it contains lower U and Th elements.Magmatic feldspars Pb isotopic compositions,however,can approximately represent the Pb isotopic compositions of magmas and ores,and Pb isotopic compositions should be similar to that of magmas if ores come from magmatic differentiation(e.g. Zhang et al.2000).

Data listed in Table 4 shows that the Habo alkaline intrusion,Habo Au deposit,Hageng Au deposit,Shapu Au deposit,Shee Pb deposit,Adong Pb-(Zn)deposit and Duojiao Pb-(Zn)deposit almost share the same Pb isotopic compositions,and the source materials of the Habo alkaline intrusion,Au,and Pb-(Zn)deposits belong to the crust-mantle mixed type,which are similar to that of Beiya(Li 2009;Kan 2013;Zhou et al.2016).In the plumbotectonic diagram (Fig.6),the Pb isotopic compositions of the Habo alkaline intrusion,Au,and Pb-(Zn)deposits are mainly located near the area of orogenic belt growth curve(Zartman and Doe 1981)and almost all of Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits have the same projection area with the Habo alkaline intrusion except that some samples of Adong Pb-(Zn)deposit slightly deviate from this area,which indicates that these Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits almost share the same source materials with the Habo alkaline intrusion.Besides,(1)the Th/U values of feldspars are slightly higher than that of the mantle in mainland China(mean value=3.60,Zheng and Zhou 2001)and are obviously lower than that of the lower crust of China(mean value=5.48,Zheng and Zhou 2001) with ranging from3.68to3.85(mean value=3.74),which suggests that the source materials of The Habo alkaline intrusion,whose feldspars characterized by lower μ values and Th/U values,belong to the crust-mantle mixed type.(2)The Th/U values of sulfides from Au deposits are almost similar to that of the Habo alkaline intrusion feldspars with Th/U values ranging from 3.69 to 3.88(mean value=3.77).3)The Th/Uvalues of sulfides from Pb-(Zn)deposits are slightly higher than that of the Habo alkaline intrusion feldspars with Th/U values ranging from 3.73 to 3.99(mean value=3.84).It can be seen that the Th/U values of these deposits are slightly higher than that of the mantle of mainland China and are obviously lower than that of the lower crust of China.

Fig.5 Histograms of sulfur isotopes of Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits around the Habo alkaline intrusion

Fig.6 Plot of207Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb for Habo alkaline intrusion and its surrounding Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits(Based on Zartman and Doe 1981).LC lower crust,M mantle,O orogene,UC upper crust

Otherwise,a large number of ore and rock Pb isotopic compositions of stduies show that the changes of Th-Pb and the mutual relationships between Th-Pb and U-Pb isotopic compositions can provide abundant information for geological process and source material.For the sake of highlighting the changing relationship between Pb isotopic compositions and eliminating the impact of time,we can describe three Pb isotopic compositions as relative deviations(Δα,Δβ andΔγ)between three Pb isotopic compositions and contemporary mantle Pb isotopic compositions and put forward the Δγ-Δβ genetic diagram of ore Pb isotopic compositions(Zhu 1998).We calculate relative deviations of Pb isotopic compositions of monominerals(feldspar and sulfides)and contemporary mantle Pb isotopic compositions(Table 4),and then project those data on Δγ-Δβ genetic diagram(Fig.7).It,firstly,can be seen that almost all of the data from the four rock units of Habo porphyry intrusion are located in the magmatism area(Fig.7a)except some samples from Pinshan unit.Secondly,almost all of the projection points of Au deposits are located in the magmatism area(Fig.7b),except part samples of Shapu slightly deviate from the magmatism area.Finally,almost all of the projection points of Pb-(Zn)deposits are located in the upper crust area(Fig.7b),except part samples of Shee are located in the magmatism area.It can be seen that the Au deposits almost share the same projection area,and this means that both of them share the same source materials.However,the continual linear distribution of the projection points,Au to Pb-(Zn)deposits,from magmatism to upper crust area(Fig.7b)may suggest that the Pb-(Zn)deposits share the same source ore-forming elements with Au deposits,and parts of sedimentary materials involved in during hydrothermal migrations and ore formation process.

Fig.7 The Pb isotope Δγ-Δβ genetic diagrams of Habo alkaline intrusion and its surrounding Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits(based on Zhu et al. 1998).(1)Mantle source area,(2)Upper crust source area,(3)The Subduction zone source area;(3a).Magmatism;(3b).Sedimentation,(4)Chemical deposition source area,(5)Submarine hydrothermal deposition source area,(6)Mid-level metamorphism source area,(7).Hypozonal metamorphism lower crust source area;(8)Orogene source area,(9)Old upper crust shale source area,(10)Regressive metamorphism source area

It may be wise to conclude from the sulfur and Pb isotopic composition data(Tables 3,4)and diagrams(Figs.5,6,7)that all of deposits almost share the same source materials with the Habo alkaline intrusion,and the sourcedifferences between some deposits,like Adong Pb deposit and Duojiao Pb deposit,and the Habo alkaline intrusion maybe some sedimentary materials involved in during hydrothermal migrations and ore formation process.It is,however,very hard but most important to distinguish what rock unit of this alkaline intrusion contributes the source materials with certain deposit so that it can guide prospecting,and this needs more researches in the future.

5.3Ore genesis and metallogenic series

Metallogenic series mainly study relations among deposits from the angle of deposit types.Cheng et al.(1979,1983)suggested that metallogenic series is a natural association of deposits,which included different minerals and types of deposits that formed in different metallogenic stages and geological structures,which genetically related with certain geological metallogenesis in certain geological tectonic unit and geological time.Zhai and Xiong(1987)emphasized relations between ore genesis and rock structure and proposed that metallogenic series is four-dimensional geological body that formed by a series of type deposits that genetically related with the same rock structure.Chen(1994)indicated that in order to better conduct comparison study among different deposits and understand common features and metallogenic rule of those deposits,it is reasonable to category those who share similar geological environment,metallogenic feature,and association of deposits as a metallogenic series though they formed in different geological time and unit.Chen(1997)further pointed out metallogeic series is a natural geological body,which was composed by a series genetically related deposits. The Habo ore field is a Cu,Mo,Fe,Au,Pb,and Zn polymetallic ore accumulated area and its ore genesis types are relatively complex.Though the differences of orecontrolling structures,occurrence positions,attitudes and scales,those deposits show a characteristic centered by the Habo alkaline intrusion,inside-out,formed a series of associations of deposits,which concretely showed as follows:(1)porphyry Cu-Mo deposits within the intrusion;(2)hydrothermal vein type Fe-Au deposits occurred in the exocontact fault structure zone and wall rock crack;(3)hydrothermal vein type Pb-(Zn)deposits occurred in the fault structure zone and wall rock crack away from the intrusion.Ore-forming materials studies showed that the source ore-forming elements of Cu-Mo(Zhu et al.2013),Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits are similar to that of the Habo alkaline intrusion.We,hence,suggest that the Cu-Mo,Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits in the Habo ore filed belong to a porphyry metallogenic series.This series includes porphyry Cu-Mo,magma-related fracture hydrothermal vein type Fe-Au,and magma-related fracture hydrothermal vein type Pb-(Zn)deposits.Otherwise,isotopic age of the Habo alkaline intrusion is 36-33 Ma(Zhu et al.2013;our unpublished data),which is similar to that of Beiya(a typical Cenozoicalkaline porphyries deposit in the Ailaoshan-Red River Cenozoic Ore System),whose orerelated alkaline porphyries age is 38-31 Ma and molybdenite Re-Os age is 36.9 Ma(Zhou et al.2016;He et al. 2013).Therefore,along with S-Pb isotope traits,we suggest that the Habo Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits are typically Ailaoshan-Red RiverCenozoicalkaline-related deposits and ore-forming ages of these deposits are later than that of the Habo alkaline intrusion.

6 Conclusions

(1) S-Pb isotopic data suggest that the Habo alkaline intrusion and Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits around it are genetically linked.

(2) The Habo Cu-Mo,Au,and Pb-(Zn)deposits belong to a porphyry metallogenic series.This series includes porphyry Cu-Mo,magma-related fracture hydrothermal vein type Fe-Au,and magma-related fracture hydrothermal vein type Pb-(Zn)deposits.

(3) The Habo Au and Pb-(Zn)deposits are typically Ailaoshan-Red River Cenozoicalkaline-related deposits and ore-forming ages of these deposits are later than that of the Habo alkaline intrusion.

Acknowledgments This study thanks Yunnan No.2 Geological Survey for providing plenty of field data.We are also grateful to State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry,Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wuhan Geological Survey Center,Chinese geological Survey for providing technical supports on isotopic analysis.

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of interest There is no Conflict of interest.


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27 May 2016/Revised:4 August 2016/Accepted:6 September 2016/Published online:22 September 2016

©Science Press,Institute of Geochemistry,CAS and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016