James Corner Field Operations
JCFO(James Corner Field Operations)是一家城市设计、景观建筑与公共区域设计事务所,总部位于纽约市。该事务所在业界处于领先地位,享有崇高声誉,擅长设计各种类型、各种规模的现代项目(从大型城区和复杂的工业基地,乃至精细的设计项目)。事务所致力于设计充满生机与活力的公共区域,在人与自然之间形成生态互动。
Field Operations荣膺过各类专业设计大奖:史密森尼库伯-休伊特国家设计博物馆2010年国家设计奖;纽约市艺术委员会杰出设计大奖;美国艺术文学学会设计大奖;英国D&AD黑铅笔奖(金牌);戴勒姆-克莱斯勒创新设计奖;纽约建筑联盟设计大奖。Field Operations在全球各地举办过展会,包括威尼斯国际艺术双年展;里斯本建筑三年展;巴黎ArchiLAB建筑展;伦敦皇家艺术学院;纽约现代艺术博物馆以及库伯-休伊特国家设计博物馆。Field Operations被“快公司”杂志评为全球最具创新力的公司之一(2012年),被时代周刊誉为最具影响力的设计事务所之一(2010年)。
Field Operations 对项目地点和场地的细节、客户与项目以及社区和环境开展详尽调研,在全球范围内为富有活力的户外区域提供无与伦比的智能设计。
从理念乃至实施,Field Operations 设计、开发和交付了各类规划、城市设计、景观建筑与公共区域项目,包括全面项目管理服务、政府和机构审批以及公众参与。
Field Operations的设计基于分析、公共参与以及可持续发展原则,旨在契合设计项目的独特性。从几何与形式表达到社会用途与项目,从材料制作和细节到生态功能与绩效,创新始终贯穿于他们所开展的每一个项目之中。
Field Operations旨在打造将生态、项目、人和创新设计等要素集于一身的美观公共区域。他们深信,出色的公共区域也可以创造价值。此类区域能够在战略上维系各类城市要素,焕发城市活力,进而创造价值。它们能给人们留下与众不同且难以忘怀的持久印象。它们的灵感来自于周围环境和文化历史,能够提供休闲娱乐设施,加强生态多样性,是人们津津乐道且乐于前往的集体活动场所。
Field Operations深知,现代化都市是不断演变的复杂体系,依赖于自然生态和全球经济,大量交通与可持续资源,活跃的社会区域以及富有成效的商业项目。此类体系并非相独立,而是相互依赖——形成能够调整完善的城市矩阵。他们并不认为开放区域只是楼宇和开发区之间的住宅和公共区域,而是认为公共开放区域能够在实际和社交方面将城市景观与周边环境维系在一起。
Field Operations的设计基于分析、公共参与以及可持续发展原则,旨在契合设计项目的独特性。从几何与形式表达到社会用途与项目,从材料制作和细节到生态功能与绩效,创新始终贯穿于他们所开展的每一个项目之中。
Field Operations所采用的全面设计方法涉及详尽分析与自然和城市资源优化,旨在实现最高水平的生态绩效(包括土壤、风、太阳、水、栖息地、景观与连接性、社交生活、商业、交通与项目组合)。他们着眼于长期维护与运营,研发能够改善生活品质的智能技术。
Field Operations制定兼具多样性与稳定性的花草种植设计方案,旨在提高生物多样性,稳定和保护周围环境,明确并完善项目区域。他们制定创新的雨水管理规范,旨在改善用水品质,保护下游渠道,减少洪水发生率,将灌溉需求降至最低程度。
在Field Operations的总体设计流程中,融入了公共流程。他们在公共咨询会议中获取公众客户的看法与观点。他们能够激励公众积极参与,因为他们以富有意义的方式组织开展由公众参与的研讨会与活动议程,他们的演示作品具有卓越品质,使与会者能够充分了解他们所提议的活动类型、便利设施以及设计品质。
拥有宏伟愿景的大型复杂项目需要时间才能完全实现。Field Operations认为,确定并实施提早行动的项目将会提早斩获成功,带来发展动力并创造可观价值。此类项目相对易于完成,且具有较高的影响力,将会促使公众实现大型场所的潜力,并给人们留下与众不同且难以忘怀的持久印象。
James Corner
James Corner Field Operations is a leading-edge urban design, landscape architecture and public realm practice based in New York City. The practice is renowned for strong contemporary design across a variety of high profile project types and scales,from large urban districts and complex post-industrial sites, to small well-crafted, detail design projects. There is a special commitment to the design of a vibrant and dynamic public realm, informed by the interactive ecology between people and nature.
Comprising over 50 professionals, many with cross-disciplinary backgrounds in landscape architecture, urban design, planning, architecture and communication art,our mandate is to respond with clarity and imagination to the unique circumstances of each project, crafting ecologically smart and culturally significant built works of lasting distinction. The office has a particular flair with urban situations, public spaces and large-scale, multi-disciplinary projects, with a focus on developing high quality, innovative solutions for modern day cities, landscapes and social places. The ultimate aim is to bring beauty, engagement, health and vitality to the different kinds of environments in which people live and interact.
Field Operations’ work has been recognized by the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 2010 National Design Award; the New York City Arts Commission Award for Excellence in Design; the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award for Design; the D&AD Black Pencil Award (Gold Medal), London; the Daimler-Chrysler Award for Design Innovation; the Architectural League of New York Design Award; and other professional design awards and prizes. Field Operations has published and exhibited internationally, including at the Venice Biennale; the Lisbon Triennale; ArchiLAB, Paris; the Royal College of Art, London; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; and the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum. Field Operations was named one of the world’s most innovative companies by Fast Company (2012) and one of the most influential design firms by Time (2010).
Responding to the particularities of site and place, client and program, community and context, we create intelligent, beautiful designs for vibrant outdoor spaces around the world.
We design, develop and deliver critically acclaimed planning, urban design,landscape architecture and public realm projects from concept through implementation, including full project management services, government and agency approvals and public engagement.
Our designs are calibrated to the peculiarities of the place, rooted in analysis, public participation and sustainable principles. Innovation is expressed in every project we undertake; from geometrical and formal expression to social uses and program; from material craft and detail to ecological function and performance.
We aim to create beautiful and compelling public spaces that integrate ecology,program, people, and innovative design. We believe that great public spaces create value. They strategically link, activate, and regenerate. They create a strong, memorable, distinct and lasting impression. They are inspired by context and cultural history. They provide recreational amenity. They enhance ecological diversity. They are collective spaces appreciated by all, places where groups large and small engage in a city’s civic life.
We understand contemporary cities to be complex and evolving systems that are reliant on natural ecologies and global economies; mass transportation and sustainable resources; active social spaces and productive commercial programs. These systems should not be considered mutually exclusive, but co-dependent-producing an urban matrix capable of adaptation. Rather than considering open space as the residual and left over areas between buildings and at the development edge, we believe public open space can be a primary organizing device to physically and socially connect sites to their surrounding context.
Our designs are calibrated to the peculiarities of the place, rooted in analysis, public participation and sustainable principles. Innovation is expressed in every project we undertake; from geometrical and formal expression to social uses and program;from material craft and detail to ecological function and performance.
Parks and open space provide intrinsic environmental, aesthetic and recreation benefits to our cities. They also support expressions of civic engagement and improve quality of life. Less well known is their power to generate revenue and stimulate local economic growth. These benefits are not only evident, but measurable. Well designed urban spaces can help to catalyze and accelerate new investment, development and urban life.
Great public spaces have a variety of activities, uses and programs that change throughout the year, season and even week encouraging people to return again and again. They are vibrant, dynamic, diverse, robust and resilient. They are defined by the range of experiences offered; the vivacity of activity on site; and the exceptional quality of life provided.
Our holistic approach involves careful analysis and optimization of natural andurban site assets to reach the highest levels of ecological performance including soil, wind, sun, water, habitat, views and connectivity, social life, commerce, transit and program mix. We develop smart techniques to improve quality of life with an eye towards long-term maintenance and operations. We develop diverse and robust planting designs to increase biodiversity, stabilize and restore site conditions, and shape and define program areas. We develop innovative stormwater management practices to improve water quality, protect downstream channels, reduce flooding,and minimize irrigation requirements.
The public process is integrated in our design process as a whole. We receive exceptional reviews from public clients on our leadership of public consultation meetings. We are able to encourage enthusiastic participation because we develop workshops and agendas that engage the public in thoughtful and interesting ways and because the quality of our visuals is very high, and allows participants to readily imagine the kinds of activity, amenity and physical design qualities we propose.
Large, complex projects with ambitious and bold visions take time to be fully realized. We believe in identifying and implementing early action projects to provide early successes, build momentum and create value. These projects are relatively easy to do and have a high impact. They excite and motivate the public to help realize the larger site’s potential and create strong, memorable, distinct and lasting impressions.
ASLA | NY Honor Award: The Underline Master Plan, Miami
ASLA | NY Merit Award: Philadelphia Navy Yards Central Green
Architizer A+Awards, People’s Choice, Landscape & Planning: Public Park:Philadelphia Navy Yards Central Green
PBS, 10 Parks That Changed America: High Line
APA National Planning Achievement Award: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Urban Land Institute (ULI) Award Finalist: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
MIPIM Awards, Special Jury Award: South Park Plaza at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, UK
ASLA | NY Honor Award: High Line at the Rail Yards
OSA Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn Design Award: Domino Sugar Factory OSA Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn Design Award: Greenpoint Landing
Architizer A+Awards, People’s Choice, Landscape & Planning: Public Park: High Line at the Rail Yards
Architizer A+Awards, Jury Selection, Landscape & Planning: Public Park: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
AIA | NEW YORK STATE Award of Excellence, Unbuilt Category: Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, Michigan, with Rice +Lipka Architects
AIA | LA General Design Category: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
AIA | CC Urban Design Merit Award: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Westside Urban Forum’s “Westside Prize” Design Award, Open Space Category:Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Westside Urban Forum’s “Westside Prize” People’s Choice Award, Open Space Category: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
State of California’s “Assembly” Prize: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
ASLA | NY Merit Award: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
City Parks Alliance, Frontline Parks Award: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Los Angeles Business Council Architectural Award, Landscape Architecture: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
American Public Works Association’s Public Works Project of the Year: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
American Public Works Association | Southern California BEST Project of the Year:Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Westside Urban Forum, Open Space Design Award: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square Sunset Magazine, Best of the West: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
APA California Award of Excellence: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
APA Los Angeles Award of Excellence: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Design Build Institute of America | Western Pacific Region, Design Excellence Award: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Design Build Institute of America | Western Pacific Region, Regional Award: Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square
Public Design Commission of the City of New York, Award for Excellence in Design:Cornell Tech Campus