新目标英语九年级Unit 4 STEP BY STEP随堂通

2016-11-16 01:12
中学生英语 2016年10期

新目标英语九年级Unit 4 STEP BY STEP随堂通

Step 1


1.The car is running with its l______on.

2.The woman s______to be a teacher.

3.My sister used to be q______,but now she's very outgoing.

4.Bill used to be short,but now he g______ tall.

5.I don't like d______color.

6.Liu Yang's parents take p______in their son.

7.Do you want to c______your plan?

8.Mr.Green s______two dollars buying the white shirt.

9.I have read several novels,but n______of them is funny.

10.I hate t______by train.It often makes me tired.


()1.I have bought a house______a small garden in front of it.

()2.Most of us are afraid______animals like tigers and snakes.

()3.—She didn't come to school yesterday,did she?

—______,though she was not feeling very well.

A.No,she didn't

B.Yes,she didn't

C.No,she did

D.Yes,she did

()4.Jack hardly read this English magazine yesterday,______?

()5.—Don't you think his radio is too noisy?

—______.Let's ask him to turn it down.

()6.It______Yang Liwei about 21 hours _____the earth 14 times in his spaceship.



C.spent;to circle

D.took;to circle

()7.Liu Mei,a policewoman,was always very busy.She had little time to spend ______her family.

()8.Ms.Li will never forget her first visit to the Great Wall,______?

()9.—Our country______very fast.—Yes,I hope it will be______.

A.has changed;better and better

B.is changed;better and better

C.is changing;stronger and stronger

D.has changed;more and more strong

()10.No one likes him______.

Ⅲ.用used to或be used to的正确形式完成句子。

1.What games______you______(play)when you were a child?

2.Jack______(be)a waiter.Now he's the manager of a hotel.

3.When I was a child,I never______(eat)vegetables,but now I eat them a lot.

4.They______(live)near a market,but they moved to another city a few days ago.

5.He______(get up)at seven thirty.But now he______(get up)early and going to bed early.

Step 2


1.His mother couldn't a______to pay for her children's education.

2.My son used to be a______of spiders.

3.Did you use to p______the piano?

4.Can you work out this math p______?

5.Are you s______Mrs.Smith is coming this evening?

6.Would you m______my smoking here?

7.Listen,this is a r______story.

8.The mother seemed w______about her son.

9.I will give you two days to c______the plan over.

10.Do you know what c______the fire?


1.To________(we)surprise,he got an A in the English exam.

2.Parents should let their children make their own________(decide).

3.The teachers are always________(pride)of everything good the students do.

4.The girl has really________(change).Now she is hard-working at all her subjects.

5.Can you hear her________(introduce)clearly?

6.Many people miss Lei Feng because he was so________(help).

7.We don't know much about________(Africa)culture.

8.The shy girl is afraid of giving a________(speak)in front of so many students.

9.—Did you use to________(walk)to school?—Yes,I did.

10.Many of us are used to________(live)in the countryside.The air here is very clean.


()1.You______go to school tomorrow.

()2.He______150 dollars______the bike.

()3.Children should______their food well.

()4.Today he does not have to______ making a living.

()5.He showed______in English last year.And he is______in English now.

A.interest;much interested

B.interest;more interested

C.interesting;much interest

D.interesting;more interested

()6.He used to be tall,______?

()7.I said it would happen,and it______ did.

()8.—He hasn't paid for the shoes,has he?

—______.His father will pay for him.

()9.Mary spent three years______Chinese before she came to China.

()10.She saved much money______a new computer.

Step 3


1.It s______that my old classmate has changed a lot.

2.Mr.Li was ill yesterday.So I took the class i______of him.

3.Did you used to c______gum a lot?

4.I must a______that phone.I'll be back soon.

5.Old people enjoy staying in the same place q______.

6.My grandparents used to be afraid of being a______.

7.Computers are more and more important for our______(日常的)life.

8.Congratulations to you on______(加入)the League!

9.Some of the children like to read______(连环画)in the newspapers.

10.Many people enjoy______(怀念)the life in the old days.


()1.It's raining hard now.Mary's parents ______her at home.

()2.I like the Internet because I can______ my friends and make a lot of new friends online.

()3.It's said that______is good for our teeth.

()4.______study in Beijing University?

A.Did you used to

B.Did you use to

C.Do you used to

D.Do you use to

()5.The little girl is afraid of the dark.She always goes to sleep______the light ______.

()6.It______that he has been ill for a long time.

()7.I bought a present for my brother,but he didn't like it______.

()8.They______eating hot food now.

()9.Don't worry!We can get to the railway station in time and we______the early train.

()10.They can't do it very well,please ______instead.

A.have Lily to do it

B.make Lily to do

C.let Lily to do it

D.make Lily do it


1.be terrified of...____________________


3.be used for..._______________________

4.be on the school volleyball team________________

5.gym class________________






Step 4


Some people believe that schools will no longer be necessary in the future.They said that because of the Internet and other new technology,thereisnoneedforschool buildings,classes or teachers.

Perhaps this will be true one day,but if the world has no schools,I can'timagine(想像)how our society will be.

In fact,we should learn how to use new technology to make schools better.We should invent a new kind of school that is linked to libraries,museums,science centers,labs and evencompanies.Technologicalcompaniesshould create(创造)learning programs for schools. Scientists or professors could give talks through the Internet.TV networks and local stations could develop programs about things students are actually studying in school.Labs could set up websites to show new technology so that students could see it on the Internet.

Is this a dream?No.There are already many cities where this is beginning to happen. Here the whole city is linked to the Internet,and learning can take place at home,at school,and in the offices.Business provides programs for the schools and the society.The schools provide computer labs for people without their own computers at home.Because everyone can be on the Internet,older people use it as much as younger ones.And everyone can visit distant libraries and museums as easily as nearby ones.

How will this new kind of school change the usual way of learning?It is too early to be sure,but it is very exciting to think about it. Technology will change the way we learn;schools will change as well;and we will all learn something from the Internet.

()1.All the people think that schools will no longer be necessary in the future.

()2.We should learn how to use new technology to make schools better.

()3.There are already many cities which are linked to the Internet.

()4.Business doesn't provides programs for the schools and society.

()5.Everyone can visit distant libraries and museums as easily as nearby ones.


If you don't use your arms or your legs for some time,they will become weak.When you start using them again,they willgradually(逐渐地)become strong again.Everybody knows this.Yet many people do not seem to know that it is the s1with memory.When someone says that he hasn't a good memory,he really means that he d2give it enough chance to become stronger.

If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak,we k3that it is his ownfault(过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory,many of us think that his p4are to be blamed(责备),and f5of us know that it is just his own fault.

Have you e6found some people who can not readorwritehave b7 memory?This is b8they can not read or write and they h9to remember things. They can not write them down in a little notebook.They must remember dates,names,songsandstories,sotheirmemoryis exercised all the time.

So if you want a good memory,l10 from these people:Practice remembering.

Unit 1 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A
Unit 2 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A
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Step Ⅲ
Step Ⅱ
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