2016-11-14 22:32:16
CHINA TODAY 2016年11期




Complete the Process of Building a Moderately Well-off Society in All Respects

Deng Xiaoping created the vision of a moderately well-off society in the late 1970s and early 1980s, while the blueprint for China’s economic and social development was being crafted. The concept has since been enriched and deepened in an evolving process of social-economic development with Chinese characteristics.

In consideration of the fact that the goal of a markedly improved life for Chinese people had basically become a reality by the end of the 20th century, the CPC Central Committee called for a continued push to build a moderately well-off society in all respects in its report to the 16th National Congress. New and more ambitious elements were subsequently added to this already expanded concept at the Party’s 17th National Congress (held in 2007). In view of the current status and future characteristics of China’s social-economic development, the CPC Central Committee announced in its report to the 18th National Congress the goal of completing the process of building a moderately well-off society in all respects by the year 2020 on the basis of what had been achieved since the Party’s previous two major gatherings.

Specifically, the goal calls for: (1) making major progress in transforming China’s growth model; (2) doubling China’s 2010 GDP and the per capita income of both urban and rural residents; (3) promoting innovation and pursuing innovation-driven development; (4) basically completing the process of industrialization, markedly expanding access to information technology, achieving better urbanization management, and making notable progress in agricultural modernization and rural development; (5) establishing a mechanism for coordinated development across all regions; and (6) opening up further and notably improving China’s international competitiveness.



Targeted Approach to Alleviating Poverty

At the conclusion of the Central Economic Work Meeting on December 11, 2014, the central leadership foated the idea of a targeted approach to alleviating poverty. On June 18, 2015, during his visit to Guizhou Province, Xi Jinping once more raised the subject, which he believes is pivotal to the success of the poverty alleviation drive. It has subsequently become a hot topic amongst the general public. In its Proposal for Formulating the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, released in November 2015, the 18th CPC Central Committee specifed targeted measures to be taken in the coming fve years.

The targeted efforts are designed to ensure that average income statistics do not mask the actual living conditions of those living in hardship. Such efforts require attention to detail. Greater emphasis will be laid upon identifying low-income groups in need of assistance in order that they may receive due attention and their basic standard of living guaranteed.

The central leadership proposed such a targeted approach at a time when China faces a daunting challenge in its efforts to eliminate the final pockets of poverty across the country. To ensure the effectiveness of poverty reduction efforts, Xi Jinping called for assistance policies and programs that are tailored to the needs of individual families in conjunction with targeted funding and village-specifc expert support, and pursued with a results-oriented focus.

Editor’s note: In this column we present to you the phrases used every day in the media and by Chinese government, so providing a succinct overview of China’s political thinking, its policies and ongoing reforms and transitions.

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