
2016-11-03 10:31ENDFVIINextgenerationevaluatednucleardatalibraryfornuclearscienceandtechnology
中国学术期刊文摘 2016年18期

ENDF/B-VII.0: Next generation evaluated nuclear data library for nuclear science and technology

Chadwick, M. B.; Oblozinsky, P; Herman, M; et al.

Design and development of the AHWR: The Indian thorium fuelled innovative nuclear reactor

Sinha RK; Kakodkar A

Deliberately small reactors and the second nuclear era

Ingersoll, D. T.

Economic potential of modular reactor nuclear power plants based on the Chinese HTR-PM project

Zhang, Zuoyi; Sun, Yuhang



大型集成多功能中子学计算与分析系统Visual BUS的研究与发展










截至2016年 8月 26日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“核能(nuclear energy)”“核安全(nuclear safety)”“核安全文化(nuclear safety culture)”“核应急(Nuclear emergency)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1166条、9617条。本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。







根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“核能(nuclear energy)”“核安全(nuclear safety)”“核安全文化(nuclear safety culture)”“核应急(Nuclear emergency)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。


根据Web of Science统计数据,以“核能(nuclear energy)”“核安全(nuclear safety)”“核安全文化(nuclear safety culture)”“核应急(Nuclear emergency)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP50文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。


来源出版物:Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2004, 83(1): 57-77

ENDF/B-VII.0: Next generation evaluated nuclear data library for nuclear science and technology

Chadwick, M. B.; Oblozinsky, P; Herman, M; et al.

Abstract: We describe the next generation general purpose Evaluated Nuclear Data File, ENDF/B-VIL0, of recommended nuclear data for advanced nuclear science and technology applications. The library, released by the U.S. Cross Section Evaluation Working Group(CSEWG)in December 2006, contains data primarily for reactions with incident neutrons, protons, and photons on almost 400 isotopes, based on experimental data and theory predictions. The principal advances over the previous ENDF/B-VI library are the following:(1) New cross sections for U, Pu, Th; Np and Am actinide isotopes, with improved performance in integral validation criticality andneutron transmission benchmark tests;(2) More precise standard cross sections for neutron reactions on H,6Li,10B, An and for235,238U fission, developed by a collaboration with the IAEA and the OECD/NEA Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation(WPEC):(3) Improved thermal neutron scattering:,(4) An extensive set of neutron cross sections on fission products developed through a WPEG collaboration;(5) A large suite of photonuclear reactions;(6) Extension of many neutron-and protoninduced evaluations up to 150 MeV:(7) Many new light nucleus neutron and proton reactions;(8) Post-fission beta-delayed photon decay spectra:,(9) New radioactive decay data:,(10) New methods for uncertainties and covariances, together with covariance evaluations for some sample cases; and(11) New actinide fission energy deposition. The paper provides an overview of this library,consisting of 14 sublibraries in the same ENDF-6 format as the earlier ENDF/B-VI library. We describe each of the 14 sublibraries, focusing on neutron reactions. Extensive validation, using radiation transport codes to simulate measured critical assemblies, show major improvements:(a) The Ion-standing underprediction of low enriched uranium thermal assemblies is removed;(b) The238U and208Pb and9Be reflector biases in fast systems are largely removed;(c) ENDF/B-VI.8 good agreement for simulations of thermal high-enriched uranium assemblies is preserved;(d) The underprediction of fast criticality of235,238U and239Pu assemblies is removed; and(e) The intermediate spectrum critical assemblies are predicted more accurately. We anticipate that the new library will play an importanrole in nuclear technology applications,including transport simulations supporting national security, nonproliferation, advanced reactor and fuel cycle concepts, criticality safety, fusion, medicine, space applications, nuclear astrophysics, and nuclear physics facility design. The ENDF/B-VII.0 library is archived at the National Nuclear Data Center, BNL, and can be retrieved from www.nndc.bnl.gov.

来源出版物:Nuclear Data Sheets, 2006, 107(12): 2931-3059

Design and development of the AHWR: The Indian thorium fuelled innovative nuclear reactor

Sinha RK; Kakodkar A

Abstract: India has chalked out a nuclear power program based on its domestic resource position of uranium and thorium. The first stage started with setting up the Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors(PHWR) based on natural uranium and pressure tube technology. In the second phase, the fissile material base will be multiplied in Fast Breeder Reactors using the plutonium obtained from the PHWRs. Considering the large thorium reserves in India, the future nuclear power program will be based on thorium-233U fuel cycle. However, there is a need for the timely development of thorium-based technologies for the entire fuel cycle. The Advanced Heavy Water Reactor(AHWR) has been designed to fulfill this need. The AHWR is it 300 MW, vertical, pressure tube type, heavy water moderated, boiling light water cooled natural circulation reactor. The fuel consists of(Th-Pu)O2and(Th-233U)O2pins. The fuel cluster is designed to generate maximum energy out of233U, which is bred in situ from thorium and has a slightly negative void coefficient of reactivity. For the AHWR, the well-proven pressure tube technology has been adopted and many passive safety features, consistent with the international trend, have been incorporated. A distinguishing feature which makes this reactor unique,from other conventional nuclear power reactors is the fact that it is designed to remove core heat by natural circulation. under normal operating conditions, eliminating the need of pumps. In addition to this passive feature,several innovative passive safety systems have been incorporated in the design, for decay heat removal under shut down condition and mitigation of postulated accident conditions. The design of the reactor has progressively undergone modifications and improvements based on the feedbacks from the analytical and the experimental R&D. This paper gives the details of the current design of the AHWR.

来源出版物: Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2006, 236(7-8): 683-700

Deliberately small reactors and the second nuclear era

Ingersoll, D. T.

Abstract: Smaller sized nuclear reactors were instrumental during the pioneering days of commercial nuclear power to facilitate the development and demonstration of early reactor technologies and to establish operational experience for the fledgling nuclear power industry. As the U.S. embarks on its “second nuclear era,” the question becomes: Will smaller sized plants have a significant role in meeting the nation’s needs for electricity and other energy demands?A brief review of our nuclear history is presented relativeto plant size considerations, followed by a review of several commonly cited benefits of small reactors. Several“deliberately small” designs currently being developed in the U.S. are briefly described, as well as some of the technical and institutional challenges faced by these designs. Deliberately small reactors offer substantial benefits in safety. security, operational flexibilities and economics,and they are well positioned to figure prominently in the second nuclear era.

Keywords: small medium reactors; deliberately small reactors; second nuclear era; nuclear renaissance; new reactor designs

来源出版物:Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2009, 51(4-5): 589-603

Economic potential of modular reactor nuclear power plants based on the Chinese HTR-PM project

Zhang, Zuoyi; Sun, Yuhang

Abstract: Modular reactors with improved safety features have been developed after the Three-Mile Island accident. Economics of small modular reactors compared to large light water reactors whose power output is 10 times higher is the major issue for these kind of reactors to be introduced into the market. Based on the Chinese high temperature gas-cooled reactor pebble-bed module(HTRPM) project, this paper analyzes economical potentials of modular reactor nuclear power plants. The reactor plant equipments are divided into 6 categories such as RPV and reactor internals, other NSSS components and so on. The economic impact of these equipments is analyzed. It is found that the major difference between an HTR-PM plant and a PWR is the capital costs of the RPV and the reactor internals. The fact, however, that RPV and reactor internals costs account for only 2% of the total plant costs in PWR plants demonstrates the limited influence of this difference. On the premise of multiple NSSS modules forming a nuclear power plant with a plant capacity equivalent to a typical PWR plant, an upper value and a target value of the total plant capital costs are estimated. A comparison is made for two design proposals of the Chinese HTR-PM project. It is estimated that the specific costs of a ready-to-build 2 × 250 MWth modular plant will be only 5% higher than the specific costs of one 458 MWth plant. When considering the technical uncertainties of the latter, a 2 × 250 MWth modular plant seems to be more attractive. Finally, four main points are listed for MHTGRs to achieve economic viability.

来源出版物:Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2007, 237(23): 2265-2274













根据有关研究部门的预测,2020年我国电力总装机将达到15亿kW,核电总装机容量将达到7000万kW,核电容量占总容量的4.6%,占总发电量的7.0%左右。考虑能源结构调整的要求,2030年我国总发电装机容量将达到20亿kW,核电总装机容量将达到2亿kW,核电装机容量占10%,占总发电量的15%。2050年我国将进入中等发达国家行列,以人均1.56 kW计算,总发电装机容量将达到25亿kW,核电总装机容量将达到4亿kW,核电占总装容量的16%,占总发电量的22%。


我国大陆投入商运的核电机组共有 11台,总装机容量为910万kW,机组负荷因子达85%~92%,各项运行指标均高于世界平均水准,处于世界中上等水平以上。在全球441座核电站中,大多进入前50~60名。即将建成的岭澳二期核电站和秦山核电二期扩建均进展良好,预期在2010—2011年将陆续投产发电。目前己有22台二代改进型压水堆核电站取得了路条,并己有7台机组浇灌了第一罐混凝土。主设备己实现了批量采购,有的制造厂己签订了数台或十余台长周期设备。而核电站设计的标准化规范化工作也正在积极进行当中。

当前我国二代改进型压水堆核电站己具备系列化规模化发展的有利条件。二代改进型压水堆属于成熟的堆型,设计经过验证,自主化程度较高。有相当丰富的自主建设和自主运行经验,平均建设周期小于5 a。设备国产化率超过70%,除主循环泵(目前己有3家制造厂在研制)外,主要的核电设备己具备坚实的国产化基础。我国己建成的核电站的运行经验表明,核电站的运行是安全的,没有温室气体和有害气体排放,放射性废物的排放远低于国家标准。










国际上大部分核电站建设在内陆。法国有65.1%的核电站建设在内陆,美国亦有75.7%的核电站建设在内陆。有些内陆国家,比如瑞士,5座核电站都在内陆的江河边上,5座核电站总发电功率为3220 MW,占总发电量的37%,其他将近60%的发电量由水电提供。因此,国外其他国家的经验表明,在内陆建核电站是完全可行的。


从安全和环保要求看,内陆核电站和沿海核电站没有本质的差别。目前成熟的核电站设计和建造技术完全可用到内陆核电。内陆江河流量多半不够大,可采用冷却塔闭式循环带走余热,以减轻温排水对环境的影响。目前,百万千瓦级核电站一机一塔要求塔高200 m,淋水面积16000 m2时,我国己能设计160 m,12000 m2冷却塔,正在开展超大型冷却塔的设计。因此按照核电规范选择的厂址是能够保证核电站的安全的。


内陆厂址与沿海厂址相比,液态流出物中要考虑放射性物质到达人体的途径及饮用水和灌溉等途径。目前,我国江河、湖泊污染事件屡有发生,国家主管部门和公众对于河流的排放控制均持高度关注和审慎的态度。核电厂环境辐射防护规定液态流出物排放的放射性总量每年≤200 GBq(不包括氚),URD文件中对先进压水堆核电站规定每年≤1.85 GBq(不包括氚),EUR文件中对先进压水堆核电站规定每年≤10 GBq(不包括氟)。从秦山二期2002—2006年统计的数据,年液态流出物排放的放射性总量为2~5 GBq。因此,目前设计的液态流出物处理系统完全能满足国标要求,而实际运行水平远低于国标要求,并与先进压水堆核电站的要求相当。


我国的《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB57492006)中规定总β放射性小于1 Bq/L。《核动力厂环境辐射防护规定》(GB6249)提出核动力厂排放口下游1 km处受纳水体中总月放射性浓度不得超过1 Bq/L,这就是要求在排放口下1 km处满足生活饮用水标准。GB-14587—修订版的征求意见稿,提出了100 Bq/L的排放罐出口浓度控制值。因此,经过适当的稀释,核电厂液态放射性流出物排放浓度就可达到天然放射性本底水平。

内陆核电站由于采用冷却塔闭式循环带走余热,没有循环冷却水对放射性废液的稀释。滨海压水堆核电站液态流出物排放的内部实际控制值为≤1000~2000 Bq/L(不包括氚),经循环冷却水对放射性废液的稀释 1000倍后,其浓度己相当低,一般≤1 Bq/L。俄罗斯滨河核电站要求液态流出物排放的浓度控制值为≤18 Bq/L(不包括氚)。所以,改进目前沿海核电站的液态放射性废物的处理技术,是完全能满足内陆核电站对液态放射性废物处理和排放的要求的。


俄罗斯核电站放射性废液处理采用了双蒸发器处理系统,处理后的液体再经二级离子交换处理,净化系数从10E3提高到10E5。美国采用反渗透废液处理技术,实现废水回用,以满足“零液体排放”要求,并可针对某些元素进行高纯度净化或去除。美国 Comanch Peak核电站用于去除放射性,特别是Co胶体,CS和I到监测不到水平,净化系数达 5.7×104。美国德赖斯登核电站用超级过滤+反渗透+去离子技术处理废液。内陆核电站的含氟废水,在废水处理后,排入冷却塔循环冷却水中,通过蒸发向大气排放。



1979年美国发生的三里岛核电站事故和1986年前苏联发生的切尔诺贝利核电站事故,使公众要求进一步提高核电的安全性。1990年EPRI根据主要电力公司意见出版了“电力公司要求文件(URD)”共 3卷。1994年欧洲联盟出版了“欧洲电力公司要求(EUR)”共 4卷。这些文件对未来压水堆和沸水堆核电站提出了电力公司明确和完整的要求,更高的安全要求和经济要求,涉及各个技术和经济领域。

第三代核电机组要有更高安全目标。即堆芯热工安全裕量>15%,堆芯损坏概率<10-5/堆年,大量放射性外泄<10-6/堆年。第三代核电机组要有更好的经济性,具体表现在机组额定功率为1000~1500 MWe,可利用因子>87%,换料周期18~24月,电站寿命60 a,建设周期48~52月,电价要能与联合循环的天然气电厂相竞争。因此,第三代核电机组在技术上更先进。


AP1000核电站采用非能动安全系统。具体表现在采用非能动安注、多级非能动自动卸压系统、非能动余热排放系统和非能动安全壳冷却系统。AP1000核电站引入了严重事故预防和缓解措施,如堆腔淹没技术、安全壳内氢点火和氢复合系统、堆芯熔融物反应堆压力容器内保持。同时,AP1000采用双层安全壳和全数字化仪控系统。采用模块化施工使建设工期缩短到 48个月。


AP1000核电站的非能动堆芯冷却系统,不依赖外部电源,采用非能动余热导出、非能动安全注入以及非能动安全壳冷却可以保证长时间的安全停堆,还可以保证大于72 h不用操作员干预。


EPR核电站的主要特点有以下几个。EPR核电站功率高,达到1500~1700 MWe。采用4通道安全系统和双层安全壳。引入了严重事故预防及缓解措施,如稳压器卸压、堆芯扑集器和非能动氢复合器。同时EPR核电站也采用全数字化仪控和模块化施工。





AP1000核电站也存在一定的经济风险。最近西屋公司与美国几个电力公司签订在美国新建AP1000的总承包协议,比投资是我国自主建设核电的 2~3倍,也是招标引进时申报的2~3倍。



从长期来看,到 2030—2050年我国的人口将达到顶峰16亿,按平均每人消耗电力1.56 kW来计(相当于发达国家的中等水平),就需要25亿kW的电力供应,其中16%为核电(相当于目前世界核电的平均份额),即4亿kW的核电。到2050年我国对于天然铀资源需求相当大,如果核电的比例比16%还要大,则对天然铀资源的需求将更大。



快中子增殖反应堆的主要特点在于它能增殖核燃料,即它每燃耗一个燃料原子,就可以生产出多于一个燃料原子,这样一来,在理论上说,它可以将全部铀资源都转化为可燃烧的燃料并加以利用。采用适当增殖比的快中子堆,可以将铀资源的利用率由普通的热堆的不足 1%,提高到 60%~70%,从而有效防止铀资源枯竭的威胁。

快中子增殖反应堆中等规模的电功率为 150~500 MWe,一般采用热冶金金属燃料后处理循环。大型规模的电功率为500~1500 MWe,一般采用先进水法氧化燃料后处理循环。堆出口温度可达 550℃。快中子增殖反应堆用钠作为冷却剂,主要分为池式或环路式2种。


我国己在“十一五”期间建成实验快中子堆。计划2020年前后将建成原型快中子堆核电站,通过引进技术建设第一个快中子堆示范工程。2035年前后完成商用快中子堆核电站及核燃料循环系统的建设。此时,不仅可利用0.7% U—235,通过快中子堆增殖,还可利用大量的U—238(经快中子反应堆转换的Pu)。



近期目标主要是实现 2025年开式循环向闭式循环转变,减缓天然铀资源的消耗,并为快中子堆提供核燃料,在 2020年前后建成大型商用后处理厂是关键核心环节。建成年处理800 t重金属乏燃料规模是适当的,但与2020年7000万kW核电装机规模相比还稍小。远期目标主要是在2035年前后实现快堆核能系统的商化,快堆燃料制备和快堆乏燃料后处理的研究开发应与快堆同步进行。







大型集成多功能中子学计算与分析系统Visual BUS的研究与发展


中子学计算与分析是反应堆物理与辐射防护设计、燃料循环管理优化和核安全分析的基础。在广泛深入调研国内外中子学程序发展现状和趋势的基础上,采用国际上先进的中子学模拟计算技术和现代计算机软件技术,设计和研发了基于网络的大型集成多功能中子学计算与分析软件系统Visual BUS,可用于裂变、聚变和各类混合次临界反应堆系统以及加速器等辐射装置的计算与分析。一系列国际基准校验计算和实际应用表明了该系统的正确性和有效性。本文重点介绍该系统的研发概况、技术特点和测试与应用情况。

中子学;计算;建模;可视化;Visual BUS

来源出版物:核科学与工程, 2007, 27(4): 365-373






来源出版物:核动力工程, 1995, 16(5): 443-446




摘要:核能的发展面临经济竞争力、核安全、核废物的最终处置及防止核武器材料扩散的挑战。为改善公众的可接受性,核电厂的安全性进一步改进。电力市场体制的非管制化改革加剧了电力技术的竞争。环境保护意识增强使核废物的处置倍受关注。80年代中期以来发展的先进轻水堆核电厂如ABWR,System 80+,EPR,AP600等是今后一段时期内商用核电的主力堆型。进入2000年之际,美国能源部正在规划发展第四代先进核能系统,目标是在2020年或之前,向市场提供经过验证的成熟的第四代核电厂技术,以替代美国退役的核电容量。球床高温气冷堆被认为是第四代先进核能系统的优选技术。南非ESKOM电力公司选择了球床高温气冷堆作为今后核电发展的堆型。清华大学承担设计和建设的10 MW高温气冷实验堆计划在2000年内临界。通过10 MW高温气冷堆的建造,我国已形成了高温气冷堆技术的自主知识产权,初步具备了自主设计、制造和建造的能力。


来源出版物:核科学与工程, 2000, 20(3): 211-231






来源出版物:核动力工程, 1992, 13(5): 27-30






来源出版物:辐射防护, 1994, 14(5): 321-335




摘要:论述了核电站管理中安全文化的概念及安全文化的发展阶段。重点分析了大亚湾核安全文化形成的背景及过程,阐述了大亚湾核安全文化的核心理念,提出了核电站安全文化指标,总结了大亚湾核电站实施核安全文化的主要措施 ;描述了透明度的普及,并对大亚湾核电站核安全文化实施的效果进行了系统分析。


来源出版物:核科学与工程, 2004, 24(3): 205-210




摘要:介绍国内外核电发展的最新情况,并就与核电有关的若干问题进行讨论。中国是世界主要的核大国,但核电对我国的电力贡献还很少,仅占全国发电量的1.43%。国家主管部门将于近期批准新的核电项目,并有可能就 2020年前的核电发展做出规划,中国的核电发展即将步入快速、稳定的发展之路。


来源出版物:中国电力, 2003, 36(9): 27-33




摘要:为了加强核电安全文化建设,本文提出了一种对核电安全文化进行科学、全面评价的方法。并根据核电安全文化的特点,以SMART准则为依据,从安全意识、安全价值观、安全行为、安全现状等方面确立了24项安全文化评价指标,提出了安全文化星级划分标准,并在Visual Basic 6.0平台上建立了基于BP神经网络的安全文化星级评价体系。通过泛化能力测试,该体系能准确地评价出核电安全文化发展到了什么阶段,具有良好的可行性和有效性,操作简便,易于推广。


来源出版物:核动力工程, 2007, 28(1): 105-114






来源出版物:南京航空航天大学学报, 2012, 44(5): 597-602






来源出版物:核化学与放射化学, 2012, 34(1): 8-13


ENDF/B-VII.0: Next generation evaluated nuclear data library for nuclear science and technology

Chadwick, M. B.; Oblozinsky, P; Herman, M; et al.

Abstract: We describe the next generation general purpose Evaluated Nuclear Data File, ENDF/B-VIL.0, of recommended nuclear data for advanced nuclear science and technology applications. The library, released by the U.S. Cross Section Evaluation Working Group(CSEWG)in December 2006, contains data primarily for reactions with incident neutrons, protons, and photons on almost 400 isotopes, based on experimental data and theory predictions. The principal advances over the previous ENDF/B-VI library are the following:(1) New cross sections for U, Pu, Th; Np and Am actinide isotopes, with improved performance in integral validation criticality and neutron transmission benchmark tests;(2) More precise standard cross sections for neutron reactions on H,6Li,10B, An and for235,238U fission, developed by a collaboration with the IAEA and the OECD/NEA Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation(WPEC):(3) Improved thermal neutron scattering:(4) An extensive set of neutron cross sections on fission products developed through a WPEG collaboration;(5) A large suite of photonuclear reactions;(6) Extension of many neutron-and protoninduced evaluations up to 150 MeV:(7) Many new light nucleus neutron and proton reactions;(8) Post-fission beta-delayed photon decay spectra:(9) New radioactive decay data:(10) New methods for uncertainties and covariances, together with covariance evaluations for some sample cases; and(11) New actinide fission energy deposition. The paper provides an overview of this library;consisting of 14 sublibraries in the same ENDF-6 format as the earlier ENDF/B-VI library. We describe each of the 14 sublibraries, focusing on neutron reactions. Extensive validation, using radiation transport codes to simulate measured critical assemblies, show major improvements:(a) The Ion-standing underprediction of low enriched uranium thermal assemblies is removed;(b) The238U and208Pb and9Be reflector biases in fast systems are largely removed;(c) ENDF/B-VI.8 good agreement for simulations of thermal high-enriched uranium assemblies is preserved;(d) The underprediction of fast criticality of235,238U and239Pu assemblies is removed; and(e) The intermediate spectrum critical assemblies are predicted more accurately. We anticipate that the new library will play an importanrole in nuclear technology applications, including transport simulations supporting national security, nonproliferation, advanced reactor and fuel cycle concepts, criticality safety, fusion, medicine, space applications, nuclear astrophysics, and nuclear physics facility design. The ENDF/B-VII.0 library is archived at the National Nuclear Data Center, BNL, and can be retrieved from www.nndc.bnl.gov.

来源出版物:Nuclear Data Sheets, 2006, 107(12): 2931-3059


Materials challenges in nuclear energy

Zinkle, S.J; Was, GS

Abstract: Nuclear power currently provides about 13% of electrical power worldwide, and has emerged as a reliable baseload source of electricity. A number of materials challenges must be successfully resolved for nuclear energy to continue to make further improvements in reliability, safety and economics. The operating environment for materials in current and proposed future nuclear energy systems is summarized, along with a description of materials used for the main operating components. Materials challenges associated with power uprates and extensions of the operating lifetimes of reactors are described. The three major materials challenges for the current and next generation of water-cooled fission reactors are centered on two structural materials aging degradation issues(corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of structural materials and neutron-induced embrittlement of reactor pressure vessels), along with improved fuel system reliability and accident tolerance issues. The major corrosion and stress corrosion cracking degradation mechanisms for light-water reactors are reviewed. The materials degradation issues for the Zr alloy-clad UO2 fuel system currently utilized in the majority of commercial nuclear power plants are discussed for normal and off-normal operating conditions. Looking to proposed future(Generation IV) fission and fusion energy systems,there are five key bulk radiation degradation effects(low temperature radiation hardening and embrittlement;radiation-induced and -modified solute segregation and phase stability; irradiation creep; void swelling; and high-temperature helium embrittlement) and a multitude of corrosion and stress corrosion cracking effects(including irradiation-assisted phenomena) that can have a major impact on the performance of structural materials.

Keywords: nuclear materials; radiation effects; stress corrosion cracking; structural alloys(steels and nickelbase); nuclear fuels

来源出版物:ACTA Materialia, 2013, 61(3): 735-758


On the relative importance of input factors in mathematical models: Safety assessment for nuclear waste disposal

Saltelli, A; Tarantola, S

Abstract: This article deals with global quantitative sensitivity analysis of the Level E model, a computer code used in safety assessment for nuclear waste disposal. The Level E code has been the Subject of two international benchmarks of risk assessment codes and Monte Carlo methods and is well known in the literature. We discuss the Level E model with reference to two different settings. In the first setting, the objective is to find the input factor that drives most of the output variance. In the second setting,we strive to achieve a preestablished reduction in the variance of the model output by fixing the smallest number of factors. The emphasis of this work is on how to define the concept of importance in an unambiguous way and how to assess it in the simultaneous occurrence of correlated input factors and non-additive models.

Keywords: analysis of variance; correlated input;nonadditive model; sensitivity analysis

来源出版物:Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2002, 97(459): 702-709


Assessing safety culture in nuclear power stations

Lee, T; Harrison, K

Abstract: Definitions of safety culture abound, but they variously refer to the safety-related values, attitudes,beliefs, risk perceptions and behaviours of all employees. This assembly may seem too inclusive to be meaningful,but each represents a different level of processing and the choice for measurement(or intervention) is more pragmatic than theoretical. The present study addresses mainly attitudes, but also reported behaviours. This is done using a 120-item questionnaire covering eight domains of safety in three nuclear power stations. Principal components analysis yields 28 factors - all but four of which are correlated with one or more of nine criteria of accident history. Differences by gender, age, shifts/days and work areas are revealed, but these are confounded by type of job and ANOVAS are applied to clarify the main sources of variation. The effects on safety culture of a number of organisational components are also explored. For example the role of safety in team briefings,management style, work pressure versus safety, etc. It is concluded that personnel safety surveys can usefully be applied to deliver a multi-perspective. comprehensive and economical assessment of the current state of a safety culture and also to explore the: dynamic inter-relationships of its working parts.

Keywords: safety culture; nuclear accidents; nuclear employees; nuclear power stations; safety attitudes

来源出版物:Safety Science, 2000, 34(1-3): 61-97


Optimization of standby safety system maintenance schedules in nuclear power plants

Harunuzzaman, M; Aldemir, T

Abstract: A methodology and a computational scheme are developed based on dynamic programming(DP) to find the minimum cost maintenance schedule for nuclear power plant standby safety systems. Surveillance and testing are assumed to return the component to as-good-as-new condition whether accompanied by restorative maintenance only or full repair or replacement. The methodology defines component state as the number of unsurveilled and untested maintenance intervals or stages, and the optimization process is decomposed into(a) feasibility screening and(b) DP search. This approach achieves a significant reduction in the state space over which the DP search is to be performed. The application of the scheme is demonstrated on the ten-component high-pressure injection system of a pressurized water reactor. This demonstration indicates that the scheme is viable and efficient and particularly suited to exploit any economies of scale and scope that may be present.

Keywords:dynamicprogramming;maintenance optimization; reliability-centered maintenance

来源出版物:Nuclear Technology, 1996, 113(3): 354-367


Deliberately small reactors and the second nuclear era

Ingersoll, D. T.

Abstract: Smaller sized nuclear reactors were instrumental during the pioneering days of commercial nuclear power to facilitate the development and demonstration of early reactor technologies and to establish operational experience for the fledgling nuclear power industry. As the U.S.embarks on its “second nuclear era,” the question becomes: Will smaller sized plants have a significant role in meeting the nation’s needs for electricity and other energy demands? A brief review of our nuclear history is presented relative to plant size considerations, followed by a review of several commonly cited benefits of small reactors. Several “deliberately small” designs currently being developed in the U.S. are briefly described, as well as some of the technical and institutional challenges faced by these designs. Deliberately small reactors offer substantial benefits in safety. security, operational flexibilities and economics, and they are well positioned to figure prominently in the second nuclear era.

Keywords: small medium reactors; deliberately small reactors; second nuclear era; nuclear renaissance; new reactor designs

来源出版物:Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2009, 51(4-5): 589-603


Assessment of safety-critical software in nuclear-power-plants

Parnas, DL; Asmis, GJK; Madey, J

Abstract: This article outlines an approach to the design,documentation, and evaluation of computer systems. We believe that this approach allows the use of software in many safety-critical applications because it enables the systematic comparison of the program behavior with the engineering specifications of the computer system. Many of the ideas in this article have been used by the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada(AECB) in its safety assessment of the software for the shutdown systems of the Darlington Nuclear Power Generating Station. The four main elements of this approach follow:(1) Formal Documentation of Software Requirements: Most of the details of a complex environment can be ignored by system implementers and reviewers if they are given a complete and precise statement of the behavioral requirements for the computer system. We describe five mathematical relations that specify the requirements for the software in a computerized control system.(2) Design and Documentation of the Module Structure: Complexity caused by interactions between separately written components can be reduced by applying “Information Hiding”(also known as Data Abstraction, Abstract Data Types, and Object-Oriented Programming) if the interfaces are precisely and completely documented.(3) Program Function Documentation: Software executions are lengthy sequences of state changes described by complex algorithms. The effects of these execution sequences can be precisely specified and documented with tabular representations of the program functions discussed by Mills and others. Also,large programs can be decomposed and presented as a collection of well- documented smaller programs.(4)“Tripod Approach” to Assessment: There are three basic approaches to the assessment of complex software products:(i) testing,(ii) systematic inspection, and(iii) certification of people and processes. Assessment of a complex system cannot depend on any one of these alone. The approach used on the Darlington shutdown software, which included systematic inspection as well as both planned and statistically designed random testing, is outlined. Certification of software engineers remains a difficult issue.

来源出版物:Nuclear Safety, 1991, 32(3): 189-198


Nanofluids for enhanced economics and safety of nuclear reactors: An evaluation of the potential features, issues, and research gaps

Buongiorno, Jacopo; Hu, Lin-Wen; Kim, Sung Joong

Abstract: Nanofluids are engineered colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles in water and exhibit a very significant enhancement(up to 200%) of the boiling critical heat flux(CHF) at modest nanoparticle concentrations(<= 0.1% by volume). Since CHF is the upper limit of nucleate boiling,such enhancement offers the potential for major performance improvement in many practical applications that use nucleate boiling as their prevalent heat transfer mode. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is exploring the nuclear applications of nanofluids, specifically the following three: 1. main reactor coolant for pressurized water reactors(PWRs). 2. coolant for the emergency core cooling system(ECCS) of both PWRs and boiling water reactors. 3. coolant for in-vessel retention of the molten core during severe accidents in high-power-density light water reactors. The main features and potential issues of these applications are discussed. The first application could enable significant power uprates in current and future PWRs, thus enhancing their economic performance. Specifically, the use of nanofluids with at least 32% higher CHF could enable a 20% power density uprate in current plants without changing the fuel assembly design and without reducing the margin to CHF The nanoparticles would not alter the neutronic performance of the systemsignificantly. A RELAP5 analysis of the large-break loss-of-coolant accident in PWRs has shown that the use of a nanofluid in the ECCS accumulators and safety injection can increase the peak-cladding-temperature margins(in the nominal-power core) or maintain them in uprated cores if the nanofluid has a higher post-CHF heat transfer rate. The third application can increase the margin to vessel breach by 40% during severe accidents in high-power density systems such as Westing house AP1000 and the Korean APR1400. In summary, the use of nanofluids in nuclear systems seems promising; however, several significant gaps are evident, including, most notably, demonstration of thenanofluidthermal-hydraulicperformanceat prototypical reactor conditions and the compatibility of the nanofluid chemistry with the reactor materials. These gaps must be closed before any of the aforementioned applications can be implemented in a nuclear power plant.

Keywords: nanofluids; reactor coolant; critical heat flux

来源出版物:Nuclear Technology, 2008, 162(1): 80-91


Evaluation of nuclear safety from the outputs of computer codes in the presence of uncertainties

Nutt, WT; Wallis, GB

Abstract: We apply methods from order statistics to the problem of satisfying regulations that specify individual criteria to be met by each of a number of outputs, k, from a computer code simulating nuclear accidents. The regulations are assumed to apply to an ‘extent’, gamma(k),(such as 95%) of the cumulative probability distribution of each output, k, that is obtained by randomly varying the inputs to the code over their ranges of uncertainty. We use a 'bracketing' approach to obtain expressions for the confidence, 6, or probability that these desired extents will be covered in N runs of the code. Detailed results are obtained for k = 1, 2, 3, with equal extents, gamma, and are shown to depend on the degree of correlation of the outputs. They reduce to the proper expressions in limiting cases. These limiting cases are also analyzed for an arbitrary number of outputs, k. The bracketing methodology is contrasted with the traditional ‘coverage’approach in which the objective is to obtain a range of outputs that enclose a total fraction, gamma, of all possible outputs, without regard to the extent of individual outputs. For the case of two outputs we develop an alternate formulation and show that the confidence, 6, depends on the degree of correlation between outputs. The alternate formulation reduces to the single output case when the outputs are so well correlated that the coverage criterion is always met in a single run of the code if either output lies beyond an extent gamma, it reduces to Wilks’ expression for un-correlated variables when the outputs are independent, and it reduces to Wald’s result when the outputs are so negatively correlated that the coverage criterion could never be met by the two outputs of a single run of the code. The predictions of both formulations are validated by comparison with Monte Carlo simulations.

Keywords: nuclear safety; outputs of codes; regulations;non-parametric methods; bracketing; coverage; confidence来源出版物:Reliability Engineering & System Safety,

2004, 83(1): 57-77


Scale 6: Comprehensive nuclear safety analysis code system

Bowman, SM

Abstract: Version 6 of the Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation(SCALE) computer software system developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, released in February 2009, contains significant new capabilities and data for nuclear safety analysis and marks an important update for this software package, which is used worldwide. This paper highlights the capabilities of the SCALE system, including continuous-energy flux calculations for processing multigroup problem-dependent cross sections,ENDF/B-VII continuous-energy and multigroup nuclear cross-section data, continuous-energy Monte Carlo criticality safety calculations, Monte Carlo radiation shielding analyses with automated three-dimensional variance reduction techniques, one- and three-dimensional sensitivity and uncertainty analyses for criticality safety evaluations, twoand three-dimensional lattice physics depletion analyses,fast and accurate source terms and decay heat calculations,automated burnup credit analyses with loading curve search, and integrated three-dimensional criticality accident alarm system analyses using coupled Monte Carlo criticality and shielding calculations.

Keywords: reactor physics; sensitivity; uncertainty;criticality safety

来源出版物:Nuclear Technology, 2011, 174(2): 126-148






来源出版物:中国工程科学, 2013, 15(4): 62-74





来源出版物:原子能科学技术, 2014, 48(3): 486-491





来源出版物:环境保护, 2014, 42(1): 10-14





来源出版物:化学通报, 2014, 77(7): 660-669





来源出版物:环境保护, 2015, 43(6): 12-15





来源出版物:科技导报, 2015, 33(4): 37-43





来源出版物:水文, 2015, 35(3): 69-73



摘要:采用核电厂安全审查大纲技术的分支NUREG-0800 BTP7-14分别建立基于贝叶斯(Bayes)网络的阶段评估模型以及综合评估模型。在阶段评估模型中,确立8个阶段,通过13个一级指标、74个二级指标、326个三级指标来完成对软件阶段性的实时评估。选用Hugin贝叶斯网络分析工具,针对测试对象展开预测推理及敏感性分析。经过测试后得到该软件在生命周期不同阶段对标准的符合程度,经综合评估模型推理,可得该软件在标准层面的可靠性指标是98.84%。经敏感性分析,可以定性地发现软件在生存周期中存在的薄弱环节,为评估核安全级数字化仪控系统的可靠性和安全性奠定基础。


来源出版物:核动力工程, 2016, 37(1): 143-147



摘要:目的:探讨核技术利用加速器项目辐射安全评价应关注的问题,并提出对策。方法:查阅 2014年度国家核安全局监督管理单位相关加速器辐射安全评价申报材料审查记录,按照相关法规标准要求,对常见加速器项目申报材料中存在的问题进行整理与分析。结果:2014年度国家核安全局完成27个加速器相关项目辐射安全评价审查,约有9个项目存在执行限值模糊,12个项目存在屏蔽估算过程不完善,8个项目存在安全联锁措施描述遗漏、阐述不清晰或设置不当,5个项目存在放射性产物相关环节描述不充分等问题。结论:建议依据常见加速器项目应用类型不同采取可接受的执行限值、多方面完善屏蔽估算、全面合理评价安全联锁措施以及优化放射性产物的评价与管理,明确产物去向。


来源出版物:中国职业医学, 2016, 43(3): 361-364

A combined deterministic and probabilistic procedure for safety assessment of beyond design basis accidents in nuclear power plant: Application to ECCS performance assessment for design basis LOCA redefinition Kang, Dong Gu; Ahn, Seung-Hoon;

Chang, Soon Heung; et al.

Abstract: The concept and assessment approach of nuclear safety in nuclear power plants(NPPs) have been evolved with the technological progress and the lessons learned from the major events. Recently, studies on the integrated approach of deterministic and probabilistic method have been done. In this study, a combined deterministic and probabilistic procedure(CDPP) is proposed for safety assessment of the beyond design basis accidents(BDBAs). In the CDPP, the conditional exceedance probability obtained by the best estimate plus uncertainty method acts as go-between deterministic and probabilistic safety assessments, resulting in more reliable values of core damage frequency and conditional core damage probability. To verify applicability of the methodology,performance of the APR-1400 emergency core cooling system is assessed against large break loss of coolant accident(LOCA), under the premise that LOCAs for any breaks larger than transition break size would be regarded as BDBA. In addition, discussions are made for analysis results for allowable NPP changes of emergency diesel generator start time extension and power uprating. It is concluded that the proposed CDPP is applicable to safety assessment of BDBAs in NPPs without significant erosionof the safety margin.

来源出版物:Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 260: 165-174

A survey of dynamic methodologies for probabilistic safety assessment of nuclear power plants

Aldemir, Tunc

Abstract: Dynamic methodologies for probabilistic safety assessment(PSA) are defined as those which use a time-dependent phenomenological model of system evolution along with its stochastic behavior to account for possible dependencies between failure events. Over the past 30 years, numerous concerns have been raised in the literature regarding the capability of the traditional static modeling approaches such as the event-tree/fault-tree methodology to adequately account for the impact of process/hardware/software/firmware/human interactions on the stochastic system behavior. A survey of the types of dynamic PSA methodologies proposed to date is presented,as well as a brief summary of an example application for the PSA modeling of a digital feedwater control system of an operating pressurized water reactor. The use of dynamic methodologies for PSA modeling of passive components and phenomenological uncertainties are also discussed.

Keywords: probabilistic safety assessment; probabilistic risk assessment; epistemic uncertainties

来源出版物:Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2013, 52(S1): 113-124

Extension of station blackout coping capability and implications on nuclear safety

Volkanovski, Andrija; Prosek, Andrej; et al.

Abstract: The safety of the nuclear power plant depends on the availability of the continuous and reliable sources of electrical energy during all modes of operation of the plant. The station blackout corresponds to a total loss of all alternate current(AC) power as a result of complete failure of both offsite and on-site AC power sources. The electricity for the essential systems during station blackout is provided from the batteries installed in the nuclear power plant. The results of the probabilistic safety assessment show that station blackout is one of the main and frequently the dominant contributor to the core damage frequency. The accident in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants demonstrates the vulnerability of the currently operating nuclear power plants during the extended station blackout events. The objective of this paper is, considering the identified importance of the station blackout initiating event, to assess the implications of the strengthening of the SBO mitigation capability on safety of the NPP. The assessment is done with state-of-art deterministic and probabilistic methods and tolls with application on reference models of nuclear power plants. The U.S. NRC Station Blackout Rule describes procedure for the assessment of the size and capacity of the batteries in the nuclear power plant. The description of the procedure with the application on the reference plant and identified deficiencies in the procedure is presented. The safety analysis is done on reference model of the nuclear power plant. Obtained results show large decrease of the core damage frequency with strengthening of the station blackout mitigation capability. The time extension of blackout coping capability results in the delay of the core heat up for at least the extension time interval. Availability and operation of the steam driven auxiliary feedwater system maintains core integrity up to 72 h after the successful shutdown, even in the presence of the reactor coolant pumps seal leakage. The largest weighted decrease of the core damage frequency considering the costs for the modification is obtained for the modification resulting in extension of the station blackout coping capability. The importance of the common cause failures of the emergency diesel generators for the obtained decrease of the core damage frequency and overall safety of the plant is identified in the obtained results. The results of the analysis support the latest recommendations and expected revisions to the corresponding regulatory requirement by the U.S. Regulatory Commission considering the station blackout mitigation capability.

来源出版物:Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 255: 16-27

Design of integrated passive safety system(IPSS)for ultimate passive safety of nuclear power plants

Chang, Soon Heung; Kim, Sang Ho; Choi, Jae Young

Abstract: The design concept of integrated passive safety system(IPSS) which can perform various passive safety functions is proposed in this paper. It has the various functions of passive decay heat removal system, passive safety injection system, passive containment cooling system, passive in-vessel retention and cavity flooding system, and filtered venting system with containmentpressure control. The objectives of this paper are to propose the conceptual design of an IPSS and to estimate the design characters of the IPSS with accident simulations using MARS code. Some functions of the IPSS are newly proposed and the other functions are reviewed with the integration of the functions. Consequently, all of the functions are modified and integrated for simplicity of the design in preparation for beyond design based accidents(BDBAs) focused on a station black out(SBO). The simulation results with the IPSS show that the decay heat can be sufficiently removed in accidents that occur with a SBO. Also, the molten core can be retained in a vessel via the passive in-vessel retention strategy of the IPSS. The actual application potential of the IPSS is high, as numerous strong design characters are evaluated. The installation of the IPSS into the original design of a nuclear power plant requires minimal design change using the current penetrations of the containment. The functions are integrated in one or two large tanks outside the containment. Furthermore, the operation time of the IPSS can be increased by refilling coolant from the containment outside into integrated passive safety tanks(IPSTs). The coolant in the IPSTs is used for various functions in accident scenarios. Also, potential problems for the realistic installation of the IPSS are proposed and the solutions to these problems are schematically described. IPSS is the design for the passive safety enhancement in preparation for a loss of AC power. Consequently, it is designed for the supplementation and enhancement of current nuclear power plants, not as a replacement. The specific optimization design for each current or future reactor will be studied as further works.

来源出版物:Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 260: 104-120

Theory and implementation of nuclear safety system codes - Part I: Conservation equations,flow regimes, numerics and significant assumptions

Roth, Glenn A.; Aydogan, Fatih

Abstract: The design and analysis of the thermal/hydraulic systems of nuclear power plants necessitates system codes that can be used in the analysis of steady-state and transient conditions. Due to the dispersed development of system codes over many laboratories and universities, there are several system codes available for use. Many of the available codes have multiple similar versions developed for specific user needs. The code comparisons provided in the two parts of this article series allow users to select the appropriate system code for their specific problems. In this comparison, the governing equations for mass, momentum and energy conservation are evaluated. It will be shown that the governing equations do riot vary substantially between the codes considered. Most of them utilize a lumped approach with only two fields to represent two phase flow. Two-phase flows are divided into flow regimes based on their appearance and the flow structure. The regimes are used to select appropriate closure relationships to model heat transfer, interfacial drag, and other flow conditions. In addition, major assumptions about the governing and closure equations in these codes are compared and discussed. The most significant of the assumptions is that the governing equations can be discretized in time. The numerical approach of the codes is compared to one another since the numerical approach not only affects the speed of the system codes but also the accuracy of the results. In the second part of this article, the closure relations, their major assumptions, experimental verification and validation are discussed. The results of these articles also guide the development of these system codes, the underlying thermal/hydraulic models, and indicate areas where models must be improved to adequately address issues with new reactor design and development activities.

Keywords: system code comparison; nuclear plant analysis; relap; trace; cathare; athlet

来源出版物:Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 76: 160-182:

Theory and implementation of nuclear safety system codes - Part II: System code closure relations, validation, and limitations

Roth, Glenn A.; Aydogan, Fatih

Abstract: This is Part II of two articles describing the details of thermal-hydraulic system codes. In this second part of the article series, the system code closure relationships(used to model thermal and mechanical non-equilibrium and the coupling of the phases) for the governing equations are discussed and evaluated. These include several thermal and hydraulic models, such as heat transfer coefficients for various flow regimes, two phase pressure correlations, two phase friction correlations, drag coefficients and interfacial models between the fields.These models are often developed from experimental data. The experiment conditions should be understood to evaluate the efficacy of the closure models. Code verification and validation, including Separate Effects Tests(SETs) and Integral effects tests(IETs) is also assessed. It can be shown from the assessments that the test cases cover a significant section of the system code capabilities, but some of the more advanced reactor designs will push the limits of validation for the codes. Lastly, the limitations of the codes are discussed by considering next generation power plants, such as Small Modular Reactors(SMRs), analyzing not only existing nuclear power plants,but also next generation nuclear power plants. The nuclear industry is developing new, innovative reactor designs,such as Small Modular Reactors(SMRs), High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors(HTGRs) and others. Sub-types of these reactor designs utilize pebbles,prismatic graphite moderators, helical steam generators,innovative fuel types, liquid metal coolants, and many other design features that may not be fully analyzed by current system codes. This second part completes the series on the comparison and evaluation of the selected reactor system codes by discussing the closure relations, validation and limitations. These two articles indicate areas where the models can be improved to adequately address issues with new reactor design and development.

Keywords: system code comparison; nuclear plant analysis; relap; trace; cathare; athlet

来源出版物:Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014, 76: 55-72

Accurate fission data for nuclear safety

Solders, A; Gorelov, D; Jokinen, A; et al.

Abstract: The accurate fission data for nuclear safety(AIFONS) project aims at high precision measurements of fission yields, using the renewed IGISOL mass separator facility in combination with a new high current light ion cyclotron at the University of Jyvaskyla. The 30 MeV proton beam will be used to create fast and thermal neutron spectra for the study of neutron induced fission yields. Thanks to a series of mass separating elements,culminating with the JYFLTRAP Penning trap, it is possible to achieve a mass resolving power in the order of a few hundred thousands. In this paper we present the experimental setup and the design of a neutron converter target for IGISOL. The goal is to have a flexible design. For studies of exotic nuclei far from stability a high neutron flux(1012) neutrons/s) at energies 1-30 MeV is desired while for reactor applications neutron spectra that resembles those of thermal and fast nuclear reactors are preferred. It is also desirable to be able to produce(semi-)monoenergetic neutrons for benchmarking and to study the energy dependence of fission yields. The scientific program is extensive and is planed to start in 2013 with a measurement of isomeric yield ratios of proton induced fission in uranium. This will be followed by studies of independent yields of thermal and fast neutron induced fission of various actinides.

来源出版物:Nuclear Data Sheets, 2014, 119: 338-341

China’s approach to nuclear safety: From the perspective of policy and institutional system

Mu, Ruimin; Zuo, Jian; Yuan, Xueliang

Abstract: Nuclear energy plays an important role in the energy sector in the world. It has achieved a rapid development during the past six decades and contributes to over 11% of the world’s electricity supply. On the other side, nuclear accidents have triggered substantial debates with a growing public concern on nuclear facilities. Followed by the Fukushima nuclear accident, some developed countries decided to shut down the existing nuclear power plants or to abandon plans to build new ones. Given this background, accelerating the development of nuclear power on the basis of safety in China will make it a bellwether for other countries. China assigns the top priority to the nuclear safety in nuclear energy development and has maintained a good record in this field. The policy and institutional system provide the necessary guarantee for the nuclear energy development and safety management. Furthermore, China’s approach to nuclear safety provides a benchmark for the safe development and utilization of nuclear power. This research draws an overall picture of the nuclear energy development and nuclear safety in China from the policy and institutional perspective.

Keywords: nuclear energy; safety; policy; institution;China

来源出版物:Energy Policy, 2015, 76: 161-172

Coupling a CFD code with neutron kinetics and pin thermal models for nuclear reactor safety analyses

Chen, Zhao; Chen, Xue-Nong; Rineiski, Andrei; et al.

Abstract: Most system codes are based on the onedimensional lumped-parameter method, which is unsuitabletosimulatemulti-dimensionalthermal-hydraulics problems. CFD method is a good tool to simulate multidimensional thermal-hydraulics phenomena in the nuclear reactor, which can increase the accuracy of analysis results. However, since there is no neutron kinetics model and pin thermal model in current CFD codes, the application of the CFD method in the area of nuclear reactor safety analyses is still limited. Coupling a CFD code with the neutron kinetics model(PKM) and the pin thermal model(PTM) is a good way to use CFD code to simulate multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulics problems of nuclear reactors. The motivation for this work is to develop a CFD/neutron kinetics coupled code named FLUENT/PK for nuclear reactor safety analyses by coupling the commercial CFD code named FLUENT with the point kinetics model(PKM) and the pin thermal model(PTM). The mathematical models and the coupling method are described and the unprotected transient overpower(UTOP)accident of a liquid metal cooled fast reactor(LMFR) is chosen as an application case. As a general validation, the calculated results are used to compare with that of another multi-physics coupled code named SIMMER-Ill and good agreements are achieved for various characteristic parameters.

Keywords: CFD; neutron kinetics; pin thermal model;safety analysis

来源出版物:Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015, 83: 41-49

Exploring the relationship between safety culture and safety performance in US nuclear power operations

Morrow, Stephanie L; Koves, G. Kenneth;Barnes, Valerie E

Abstract: How do nuclear power plant workers, within a single national culture, perceive safety culture within their organizations? What is the relationship between safety culture and other indicators of safety? Is the construct of safety culture useful for predicting future plant performance? These questions were addressed in the current study using a survey administered to a sample of personnel at 97% of the nuclear power plants in the United States, resulting in 2876 responses from 63 nuclear power plant sites. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed a multi-factor structure to the safety culture survey. For each nuclear power plant, the mean score for the total survey results and the factor means were correlated with organization-level performance indicators both concurrently and one year following the survey administration.Correlationssuggestedmeaningful,statistically significant relationships between safety culture, as measured by the survey, and multiple nuclear power plant performance indicators. This study presents a unique look at safety culture across the United States nuclear power industry and takes a critical step toward establishing that safety culture is empirically related to safety performance.

Keywords: safety culture; nuclear power; safety performance;humanandorganizationalfactors;organizational culture; safety climate

来源出版物:Safety Science, 2014, 69(S1): 37-47

A strategy for the qualification of multi-fluid approaches for nuclear reactor safety

Lucas, D; Rzehak, R; Krepper, E; et al.

Abstract: CFD-simulations for two-phase flows applying the multi -fluid approach are not yet qualified to provide reliable predictions for unknown flows. Among others, one important reason is the missing agreement within the community on closure models to be used. Considering specific phenomena or not, using different models and adjustable constants, most papers presenting a model validation end up with a good agreement with experimental data. However a case by case selection of models and constants does not help to improve the predictive capabilities of such models. For this reason the definition of baseline models considering all known phenomena that could be important is proposed. In such baseline models all parameter have to be defined, i.e., there are no tuning parameters by definition. Therefore these baseline models have to be applied to many experiments with different complexity. Shortcomings of the models and our physical understanding of the complex flow phenomena have to be identified by detailed analyses on the deviations between experimental data and simulation results. A modification of the baseline model will only be done if it bases on physical considerations and improves the overall performance of the model. This requires a huge effort, but seems to be the only way to improve the situation. In particular more complete experimental data are required. Joint activities on the development of such baseline models are desirable. The paper illustrates this strategy by a baseline model for polydisperse bubbly flows which is presently developed at HZDR.

来源出版物:Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016, 266: 2-11

Contributing to the nuclear 3S’s via a methodology aiming at enhancing the synergies between nuclear security and safety

Cipollaro, Antonio; Lomonaco, Guglielmo

Abstract: Nuclear safety, nuclear security and nuclear safeguards regimes have not historically developed at the same pace and surely have not reached the same level of maturity. Nevertheless, these aspects are of special relevance in the current global nuclear energy context when considering the numerous countries that have and will have the legitimate ambition to start a nuclear energy production programme without any or scarce previous nuclear safety, security and safeguards cultures. The future development of nuclear energy exploitation will depend more and more on the convergence of decisions from governments, from the nuclear industry, from utilities, from private and institutional investors as well as from the level of acceptance by the public opinion. Following an in-depth state-of-the-artanalysisandliteraturesearch,a methodological approach focussed on the safety and security connections is presented, as it seems a field where more commonalities and operational aspects could be possibly found and exploited.

Keywords: nuclear security; nuclear safety; 3S;vulnerability; terrorism and sabotage; critical infrastructures

来源出版物:Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2016, 86: 31-39

Molecular data of mixed metal oxides with importance in nuclear safety

Kovacs, Attila; Konings, Rudy J. M

Abstract: The gas-phase structural and spectroscopic properties of selected mixed metal oxides(Cs2CrO4, Cs2MnO4, Cs2MoO4, Cs2RuO4, BaMoO4, BaMoO3) have been calculated using Density Functional Theory(DFT). The possible structural isomers have been analyzed and for the found global minima the vibrational(IR, Raman)spectra have been predicted taking into account also anharmonic corrections. The bonding properties have been characterized by means of the Natural Bond Orbital analysis model while the low-lying excited electronic states have been calculated using time-dependent DFT. In order to assess the stability of the target species the dissociation enthalpies have been evaluated.

来源出版物:Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2016, 477: 134-138

Progress of experimental research on nuclear safety in NPIC

Gong, H; Zan, Y; Peng, C; et al.

Abstract: Two kinds of Generation III commercial nuclear power plants have been developed in CNNC(China National Nuclear Corporation), one is a small modular reactor ACP100 having an equivalent electric power 100 MW, and the other is HPR1000(once named ACP1000)having an equivalent electric power1000 MW. Both NPPs widely adopted the design philosophy of advanced passive safety systems and considered the lessons from Fukushima Daichi nuclear accident. As the backbone of the R&D of ACP100 and HPR1000, NPIC(nuclear power Institute of China) has finished the engineering verification test of main safety systems, including passive residual heat removal experiments, reactor cavity injection experiments,hydrogencombustionexperiments,andpassive autocatalytic recombiner experiments. Above experimental work conducted in NPIC and further research plan of nuclear safety are introduced in this paper.

来源出版物:Kerntechnik, 2016, 81(2): 125-133


Evaluation of nuclear safety from the outputs of computer codes in the presence of uncertainties

Nutt, WT; Wallis, GB

We apply methods from order statistics to the problem of satisfying regulations that specify individual criteria to be met by each of a number of outputs, k, from a computer code simulating nuclear accidents. The regulations are assumed to apply to an ‘extent’, gamma(k),(such as 95%) of the cumulative probability distribution of each output, k, that is obtained by randomly varying the inputs to the code over their ranges of uncertainty. We use a ‘bracketing’ approach to obtain expressions for the confidence, 6, or probability that these desired extents will be covered in N runs of the code. Detailed results are obtained for k = 1, 2, 3, with equal extents, gamma, and are shown to depend on the degree of correlation of the outputs. They reduce to the proper expressions in limiting cases. These limiting cases are also analyzed for an arbitrary number of outputs, k. The bracketing methodology is contrasted with the traditional ‘coverage’approach in which the objective is to obtain a range of outputs that enclose a total fraction, gamma, of all possible outputs, without regard to the extent of individual outputs. For the case of two outputs we develop an alternate formulation and show that the confidence, 6, depends on the degree of correlation between outputs. The alternate formulation reduces to the single output case when the outputs are so well correlated that the coverage criterion is always met in a single run of the code if either output lies beyond an extent gamma, it reduces to Wilks’ expression for un-correlated variables when the outputs are independent, and it reduces to Wald’s result when the outputs are so negatively correlated that the coverage criterion could never be met by the two outputs of a single run of the code. The predictions of both formulations are validated by comparison with Monte Carlo simulations.

nuclear safety; outputs of codes; regulations;non-parametric methods; bracketing; coverage; confidence
