
2016-10-27 02:03:47李建平喻擎苍季明东朱松明
农业机械学报 2016年9期

王 萌 李建平 喻擎苍 季明东 朱松明

(1.浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院, 杭州 310058; 2.浙江理工大学信息学院, 杭州 310018)



(1.浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院, 杭州 310058; 2.浙江理工大学信息学院, 杭州 310018)


樱桃小番茄; 腋芽; 去除点定位; 蓝光染色; 角点检测


樱桃小番茄具有较高的经济价值,温室内种植时,需要每隔20 d左右摘除从主茎与侧枝基部之间长出的腋芽,以减少新生腋芽的营养消耗。




1 试验材料与图像采集系统

试验材料使用荷兰金满园樱桃小番茄植株,试验时植株生长天数为60 d,腋芽长度为3~10 cm。

图像采集系统如图1所示,选用MVC3000B型彩色数字工业摄像头(北京微图图像公司)采集图像;选用1个波长为430 nm的蓝光LED灯为光源,功率为3 W;选用1个光照传感器(广州龙戈电子科技公司),最大量程65 536 lx,测量精度为1%;选用1个KS109型超声波测距传感器,量程为3~10 m,精度为2 mm;软件应用NI公司的LabVIEW 2009、Vision Assistant 1.0和OpenCV 2.4。

图1 图像采集系统示意图Fig.1 Sketch map of image acquisition system1.光照传感器 2.蓝色LED光源 3.工业摄像头 4.樱桃小番茄植株 5.超声波测距传感器 6.气动剪 7.六自由度机械臂

图1中,l是摄像头镜头与樱桃小番茄主茎的距离,当l=13 cm时,无叶片遮挡且获得的图像完整。

2 图像采集与处理



图2 蓝色光源照射采集的图像Fig.2 Image of blue light source illumination













图3 图像低通滤波效果Fig.3 Results in low-pass filter





图4 角点检测结果Fig.4 Corner detection results


根据主茎和腋芽的直径,设定Δxmin=1.3 mm、Δxmax=2 mm、Δymax=2 mm。

为了判别特征点,将检测出的角点存入数组A[P1(x1,y1),P2(x2,y2), …,Pn-1(xn-1,yn-1),Pn(xn,yn)]。若数组中只有1个点,可判定无腋芽;如果输出2个或2个以上角点,则将所有角点两两成对根据判定条件分别进行判别:若无成对符合条件的特征点,说明不存在腋芽;若有一对符合条件的特征点,说明存在唯一腋芽;若有多对符合条件的特征点,说明存在多个腋芽。






去除腋芽前需将图像坐标转换为世界坐标,因此,需对摄像头进行标定。标定结果:焦距为(455.848 89,456.544 61);主点为(113.877 53,120.542 51);像素点倾斜度为零;镜头畸变系数矩阵为[-0.175 27-0.195 28-0.002 11-0.003 840.000 0]。


图5 坐标与尺寸关系Fig.5 Relationship between coordinates and dimensions

3 试验与分析



将机器视觉自动定位确定的腋芽去除点与人眼观察得到的腋芽生长点进行对比后发现,两点坐标平均距离为9.37 mm(最大值为16.98 mm,最小值为3.2 mm),原因是经过膨胀运算后,虽然突出了特征点,却使目标图像发生形变,令腋芽去除点的位置相对于生长点向外延伸(图6a),图6c为摘除腋芽后的留茬长度。按照农艺要求,腋芽留茬在1 cm左右,符合要求。

图6 试验结果Fig.6 Experimental results



4 结论





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Positioning Method of Axillary Bud Removal Point for Cherry Tomato

Wang Meng1Li Jianping1Yu Qingcang2Ji Mingdong1Zhu Songming1


The existence of axillary buds of cherry tomato growing between stem and branches will waste nutrients, resulting in a decrease in production. So they should be removed regularly. At present, they are removed manually, which increases the cost of production greatly. Using robots instead of by hands can reduce the costs. The key issue was the position of cherry tomato buds growing point detected by machine vision. An image processing method based on blue light staining was proposed. A monocular camera assisted with ultrasonic displacement sensor was used for capturing images and getting the 3D coordinate of axillary bud growing point. It was difficult to segment image, because the color of the axillary buds, branches and stems of cherry tomato was same to those of background. A blue LED light source was used to irradiate the axillary buds in order to dye the buds blue. The background was the other tomato plants whose color was green, so it was easy to extract the object from image. The image collected was complete, when the distance between the LED light source and the plant was 13 cm.Bcomponent image in RGB spatial domain was a gray image and its histogram was bimodal. The gray value was selected as a threshold, and then the image was segmented, the outline of the object could be gotten clearly. However, there were burrs on the edge of the outline, so the gray image should be translated into frequency-domain diagram by fast Fourier transform (FFT). A low pass filter was used to filter out the burrs at high frequency, and the outline at low frequency was retained. The cutoff frequency was set to 2.8% of the maximum frequency of the image. After the inverse transformation, the burrs could be removed completely. Deformation would occur at the edge of the contour, but it did not affect the subsequent processing. The corner points at both ends of the axillary bud were key feature points. In order to highlight the characteristics of the key feature points, the morphological dilation of image was processed by the 7×7 cross structure element. Then all the corners on the image were found out by using the Shi-Tomasi corner detection algorithm. A discriminant condition was set after analyzing the growth characteristics of cherry tomato axillary buds. Then all the corners were iterated over, if there were two corners in accordance with the discriminant requirement, then the two points were the key feature points, and the mid-point of the two points was the axillary bud growth point. If there was not a couple of corners meet the requirement, then there was no axillary bud growth. If there were two couples corner points meet the discriminant requirement, it showed that there were two buds. There were errors between the axillary bud growth points located by the images and actual points. The error could be accepted since it was within 1 cm. 90 images of cherry tomato plants with axillary buds growing were identified, 82 images could be detected the axillary bud successfully, the correct recognition rate was 93.94%. After the removal of axillary buds, stubble length less than 1 cm accounted for 88.9%.

cherry tomato; axillary bud; location of removal point; blue-light coloration; corner detection





王萌(1982—),男,博士生,主要从事农业机器人研究,E-mail: 10913005@zju.edu.cn

李建平(1962—),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业机械与自动化研究,E-mail: jpli@zju.edu.cn




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