
2016-10-25 02:37安娜编辑胡是非摄影白舒元设计孙星
留学 2016年14期

特约撰稿人_安娜 编辑_胡是非 摄影_白舒元 设计_孙星


特约撰稿人_安娜 编辑_胡是非 摄影_白舒元 设计_孙星



他们的思维和技术成形于欧洲,走出欧洲是为了扩大市场。提到市场,就没有谁不对中国朝思暮想。虽然民众熟知的外国品牌大都是巨型的全球化企业,但多年来,不计其数的中小企业都带着他们的产品和技术来到中国寻找机会,但有一部分因为水土不服无奈打道回府。2010年,一个专门为了帮助他们了解中国市场,应对市场挑战的机构成立了—欧盟中小企业中心(即EU SME Centre,下文简称“中心”)。







接下来就是寻找客户或合作伙伴,例如产品进口经销商、投资方等,外来企业在寻找有关中国市场的可靠信息时往往面临困难,这也成为中心的核心服务之一。对于技术合作的需求,中心会借助欧洲企业网数据库 (Enterprise Europe Network)为欧洲研究所和企业与中国市场进行匹配与对接,促进中欧技术交流与合作。另外,中心与各国使馆和商会也积极促成各种商展和对接活动,甚至不乏国家层面的商展,由各国驻华大使和我国商务部官员亲自站台。“和铺天盖地的商贸展不同,”张建华表示:“欧盟中小企业中心创造的是更为精准的洽谈机会,很多会谈都是小型的,但达成合作的成功率也更高。”




如今中国的海归人才逐年激增,他们职业规划已经不再钉死在北上广,那么外来企业对于地域的选择是否有同样的趋势?张建华解释:“很多欧盟的中小企业并不了解中国,所以他们对于地域的选择通常有两个方向,第一就是选择自己知道的城市,比如北上广深;第二就是紧跟同行业巨头的脚步,比如汽车产业的中小企业会首选武 汉。”




另外,面对中国的电商气候,欧盟中小企业中心也在做下一步的布局,如何通过电商为更多的欧盟企业带来机会?欧盟的中小企业是自建平台还是与各大平台合作?都是需要进一步规划 的。


Q=Studying Abroad

A=Chris Cheung

Q: Why did the EU initiates the EU SME Centre? Would you please give us a quick view of the centre’s history?

A: The EU SME Centre was set up 6 years ago,in 2010. Its main aim is to help European small and medium-sized businesses get ready for the Chinese market. The EU pays great attention to its SMEs and wants to boost their competitiveness in doing business overseas.

Small businesses are very important for the European Union, they make up 99.7% of all businesses in the EU,that means 22 million small businesses in the European Union’s 28 states.

SMEs are acknowledged as a key source of growth,entrepreneurship, innovation, competitiveness and employment. At the same time, SMEs are typically less resourced than larger firms to address the complexities and risks of entering global markets.

The EU SME Centre helps facilitate market access for European SMEs. Specifically, the Centre assists SMEs to establish, develop and maintain commercial activities in the Chinese market ‡ through export and investment - particularly at the crucial early stages of their market penetration strategy.

Q: You just mentioned your aim, then how does the EU SME Centre fulfill that?

A: Our team of experts provides advice and support in four areas ‡ business development, law, standards and conformity and human resources. Collaborating with external experts worldwide, the Centre converts valuable knowledge and experience into practical business tools and services easily accessible online. From first-line advice to in-depth business solutions, we offer servicesthroughout:

Knowledge Centre - Containing over 100 comprehensive market reports, guidelines and case studies available to download from our website.

Advice Centre - Saving the SMEs’ time,money and providing reassurance that they have the right information to support their business decisions.

Training Centre - Offering training programmes both face-to-face and online to plug the knowledge and skills gaps of SMEs entering the China market.

SME Advocacy Platform - Providing a coherent, consistent and consolidated voice for European small businesses.

Hot-Desks & Meeting Rooms - Readyto-go workspace available for SMEs in central Beijing.

Q: What is the biggest challenge when SMEs start their businesses in China?

A: One of the biggest challenges here is dealing with regulations and bureaucracy. It is tough, especially for small businesses as they do not have many resources here. The regulations and bureaucracy always take time.

In the UK, for example, you can set up a company in a week or two. In China, it is much longer, you have to go to different departments and organisations, engage different banks, and go through many steps. Small businesses cannot afford that long,they don’t have that much time and money. They need to go to the market much more quickly. That is where we help, we can give them advice and point them in the right direction.

Q: What is the future trend for the EU SME Centre and the SMEs In China?

A: The world is changing very quickly. The 13th Five Year Plan indicates that China will be putting more emphasis on consumption to drive its economy. It will also be motivating its industries to innovate and move their manufacturing processes up the value chain. At the same time more and more Chinese companies will also be looking to invest in the EU. In this exciting new world, EU SMEs will have more and more opportunities to support and be part of China's transformation and, of course, the EU SME Centre will be there to help them with their journey.

Q: What is your advice to Chinese Overseas Students?

A: Make the most of it. Your experience abroad; studying and working alongside your colleagues will be invaluable. With the language and cultural skills that you will pick up there's no doubt that you will be the rising stars of the future.
