Editor’s note: ln this column we present to you the phrases daily used in the media and by Chinese government, so providing a succinct overview of China’s political thinking, its policies and ongoing reforms and transitions.
Community of shared future
Building a community of shared future is one of the key ideas proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. By the end of May 2015, Xi had spoken on this topic on more than 60 occasions. It was during an address at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in March 2013 that he first raised this idea. He said, “In today’s world, countries are connected to and dependent on one another to a degree never seen before. We all live in the same global village, in a space where the past and the present meet, and in a community of shared future in which everyone has a little bit of others in him- or herself.”
In his keynote speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference in March 2015, President Xi set forth the principles for building a community of shared future, namely the need for all countries to respect one another and treat each other as equals, cooperate in search of win-win solutions and common development, achieve common, comprehensive, collaborative, and sustainable security, and maintain mutually enriching and beneficial interactions among civilizations in a spirit of inclusiveness. Earlier in March 2013 during his visit to Tanzania, Xi said history shows that China and Africa have always found themselves facing similar odds. Similar historical experience, common development tasks and shared strategic interests have bound us together.
Maintaining and developing an open world economy
China is committed to maintaining and developing an open world economy. It encourages all countries to open their doors wider, stand firm against all forms of protectionism and work in concert to promote the growth of the world economy. To this end, they should work towards a free, open and nondiscriminatory multilateral trading system, and resist any standards, rules or policies that condone or encourage exclusionary trade practices. Efforts are called for to avoid undue fragmentation of the global market and trading system. All avenues should be explored to improve global investment rules, and ensure rational flows and more effective allocation of global development resources.
Improving global economic governance
The goal of improving global economic governance is, in our view, to transform economic globalization into a balanced,win-win process that brings benefits to all. The process has to be balanced so as to accommodate the needs of both developed and developing countries, and address their concerns. It should ensure that real results and benefits will accrue to all countries and their people. It should be a win-win game in which the interests and development needs of individual countries are interlocked and coordinated. Global economic governance requires the participation of all countries, and in particular enhanced representation of and a bigger say for emerging-market and developing countries.
Selected from Keywords to Understanding China published by China Academy of Translation and China International Publishing Group.