
2016-10-13 04:17杨经文
建筑技艺 2016年7期


主持T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd.事务所,是建筑师,也是生态学家,以独特的生态建筑闻名,且为全球绿色建筑设计权威。他曾求学于英国AA建筑学院,取得剑桥大学博士学位。他拥有美国伊利诺大学杰出普立姆教授资格,撰写超过12本有关绿色建筑的书籍;并屡获奖项,如阿卡汗奖、马来西亚建筑师协会金牌及马来西亚官方默迪卡奖;曾获英国《卫报》“拯救地球的五十能人之一”。


Solaris由两栋塔楼组成,中间是一个可自然通风的巨大中庭,办公楼层通过中庭上方一系列空中连桥连接。与当地的其他项目相比,这座建筑的整体能耗降低了33%,目标是超过新加坡绿色建筑认证标准白金级,这是新加坡可持续建筑的最高认证标准(就像LEED、绿建、BREEAM等)。Solaris 拥有超过8 000m2的景观绿化,其植被面积甚至超出了建筑原有场地的面积。项目建成后,在2009年9月被评为新加坡绿色建筑认证标准白金级。


















Solaris is located in the research and business park in central Singapores one-north community. The building is proving to be the flagship on this locality. Fusionopolis is an R&D; hub for Info-communication Technology, Media, Physical Sciences & Engineering sectors which is intended to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship in these fields. The masterplan for the visionary mixed-use development was prepared by Zaha Hadid Architects.

Solaris comprises two tower blocks separated by a grand naturally-ventilated central atrium. Office floors are linked by a series of sky bridges which span the atrium at upper floors. The buildings overall energy consumption will represent a reduction of over 33% compared to local precedents and the project is on target to exceed BCAs GreenMark Platinum rating, the highest possible certification granted by Singapores sustainable building benchmark (eg. LEED, GreenStar, BREEAM, etc.). With over 8000 sq.m. landscaping, Solaris introduces vegetation which exceeds the area of the buildings original site.

In September 2009, Solaris was awarded a Green Mark Platinum rating, the highest level of certification granted by BCAs Green Mark.

Solaris stands as a dramatic demonstration of the possibilities inherent in an ecological approach to building design. The building will become a vibrant focal point for the one-north community through the introduction of open interactive spaces, creative use of skylights and courtyards for natural light and ventilation and a continuous spiral landscaped ramp, an extension of one-north Park across the street, which forms an ecological nexus tying together an escalating sequence roof gardens with sky terraces that interpenetrate the buildings facade. With its extensive eco-infrastructure, sustainable design features and innovative vertical green concept, Solaris strives to enhance its sites existing ecosystems, rather than replace them.

Continuous Perimeter Landscaped Ramp

An uninterrupted 1.5 km long ecological armature connects the adjacent one-north Park at ground level and the basement Eco-cell with the cascading sequence of roof-gardens at the buildings highest levels. The ramp has a minimum width of 3m. Maintenance of the spiral landscaped ramp is achieved via a parallel pathway which allows for servicing of the continuous planters without requiring access from internal tenanted spaces. The pathway also serves as a linear park that stretches all the way from the ground plane to the uppermost roof areas. The continuity of the landscaping is a key component of the projects ecological design concept as it allows for fluid movement of organisms and plant species between all vegetated areas within the building, enhancing biodiversity and contributing to the overall health of these ecosystems. The ramp, with its deep overhangs and large concentrations of shade plants, is also one element in a comprehensive strategy for the ambient cooling of the building facade. This eco-infrastructure provides social, interactive and creative environments for the occupants of the buildings upper floors while balancing the inherent inorganicness of the built-form with a more organic mass.

Solar Shaft

A diagonal shaft cut through the upper floors of Tower A allows day-light to penetrate deep into the buildings interior. Internal lighting operates on a system of sensors which reduces energy use by automatically turning-off lights when adequate day-lighting is available. Landscaped planter boxes within the solar shaft bring added quality to adjacent spaces and enhance views up into the building from the street below.


Located at the buildings north-east corner where the spiral ramp meets the ground, the Eco-cell allows vegetation, daylight and natural ventilation to extend into the car-park levels below. The lowest level of the Eco-cell contains the storage tank and pump room of the rainwater recycling system.

Naturally Ventilated and Day Lit Grand Atrium

A public plaza between the two tower blocks provides a space for communal activities and creative performances. This naturally-ventilated ground floor operates as a mixed-mode (non-air conditioned) zone with an operable glass-louvered roof over the atrium providing protection from the elements while enabling full ventilation when needed. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) simulations were used to analyse thermal conditions and wind-speed within the atrium. The results of these studies were used to optimize the atrium facade design to improve air flow and enhance comfort levels.

Pocket Park / Plaza

Ground level landscaping, linking to one-north Park across the street, allows for cross ventilation of the ground-floor plaza and provides a venue for social/interactive events.

Extensive Sun-Shading Louvers

The projects climate-responsive fa?ade design originated with analysis of the local sun-path. Singapore is on the equator and the sun-path is almost exactly east-west. Facade studies analyzing the solar-path determined the shape and depth of the sunshade louvers, which also double as light-shelves. This solar shading strategy further reduces heat transfer across the buildings low-e double-glazed perimeter facade, contributing to an extremely low External Thermal Transfer Value (ETTV) of 39 watts/m.sq. In conjunction with the spiral landscaped ramp, sky gardens, and deep overhangs, the sunshade louvers also assist in establishing comfortable micro-climates in habitable spaces along the buildings exterior. The combined linear length of the buildings sun-shade louvers exceeds 10km.

Roof Gardens and Corner Sky Terraces

Vertical landscaping acts as a thermal buffer and creates areas for relaxation and event spaces. These extensive gardens allow for interaction between the buildings occupants and nature offering opportunities to experience the external environment and enjoy views of the treetops of one-north Park. As it reaches each corner of the building the spiral ramp expands into generous double-volume sky terraces. Upon completion, the sum of the projects vegetated areas will exceed the footprint of the site on which the building sits.

Rainwater Harvesting/Recycling

The buildings extensive landscaped areas are irrigated via a large-scale rainwater recycling system. Rainwater is collected from the drainage downpipes of the perimeter landscaped ramp and from the roof of tower B via Siphonic drainage. It is stored in rooftop tanks and at the lowest basement level, beneath the Eco-cell. A storage capacity of over 700 cubic meters allows for over five days of irrigation via recycled water between rainfalls.





设计团队:杨经文(首席),Mitchell Gelber(项目负责人),Esther Klausen,

Faizah Rahmat,David Loh Ing Hui

总建筑面积:50 271m2

用地面积:7 734m2

总景观面积:8 363m2(其中首层景观487m2,屋顶花园2 987m2,中庭花架304m2,

生态细胞83m2,绿色斜坡4 115m2,阳光竖井223m2,绿墙164m2)




资料提供:?T. R. Hamzah & Yeang Sdn. Bhd.
