
2016-10-13 15:59郑月龙张卫国
管理工程学报 2016年4期







0 引言

演化博弈理论在研究各种规模合作的出现及演化方面扮演着核心角色,并得到学者们越来越多的关注[1~3]。传统上,学者们将人们之间的交互行为从一次的、对称的二人合作困境视角进行了建模,如囚徒困境、雪堆博弈及猎鹿博弈[4]。然而,现实世界中更经常涉及多于两人的集体决策问题。这类合作行为最好放在多人博弈的框架内进行研究[5~7],典型代表是公共物品博弈(PGG)。在当前有关雪堆模型和PGG研究的启发下,首先通过分析现有的雪堆博弈及多人雪堆博弈(NSG,N-person Snowdrift Game)[8~10],指出现有模型的不足;在此基础上通过引入时间成本因素构造出一个考虑时间成本的多人雪堆博弈(DCNSG,Delay cost NSG),并对其进行求解;最后通过数值模拟比较性地研究了两种多人演化博弈模型。

1 雪堆博弈模型及其不足




2 考虑时间成本的雪堆博弈模型



3 模型求解





将(3)和(4)式代入(6)和 (7)并结合(10)式得:








4 结果与分析

图1 w=0时,稳定态x的数值模拟结果



5 结论与启示


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Cooperation Dynamic underN-person Snowdrift Games

ZHENG Yue-long1, ZHANG Wei-guo1,2

(1.School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China;2.College of Economics and Management, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Evolutionary game theory plays a central role in the study of the emergence and evolution of cooperation at all scales. Traditionally, interactions have been modeled by scholars in terms of one-shot, symmetric two-person dilemmas of cooperation, such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma, the Snowdrift Game and the Stag-Hunt Game. However, such situations are often met by us in the real word. For instance, accomplishing a task often needs several group members to corporate. They bear all the related costs, while others who don’t corporate only share the benefits after achieving the task. Therefore, the collective decision, derived from the groups which have more than two people, is involved. This kind of cooperative issues is best studied in the framework of N-person games, such as the typical public goods game (PGG).

Motivated by the recent works on PGG and N-person Snowdrift Games (NSG), we found the following drawbacksfrom the analysis of the existing snowdrift game model. Firstly, the non-cooperation strategy may ensure that the payment is not less than the other participants’. Non-cooperation is the optimal strategy in NSG, which constitutes endogenous drawbacks of the model. Then, the existing model shows that agents obtain zero payment if all participants don’t cooperate, which implies that it is of little significance for agents to delay time and the things done at the destination. Obviously, it is not in conformity with reality and common sense for the reason that human beings mainly engage in activities with purpose and consciousness. If they all refuse to shovel snow, agents will suffer spiritual and material losses such as anxiety and penalty resulting from delays. Thus, their payment should be negative rather than zero. Finally, even if some or all agents shovel snow, snowdrift is also unlikely to be shoveled out in one step. Before the snow is thoroughly shoveled out, the losses resulting from the importance of doing things at the destination and their psychological condition must be undertaken by both the cooperator and the refusal one. This surely affects the agent’s strategic choices, but ignored by the existing model.

To further study agent’s cooperation dynamic under well-mixed population and based on the defects of the going snowdrift game, we build a Delay Cost N-person Snowdrift Games (DCNSG) by incorporating delay cost into the existing model, and analyze these two models from a comparative perspective based on numerical methods using MATLAB. The study reveals that DCNSG is somewhat effective for overcoming the shortcomings of the existing model.The implanted delay cost makes the system cooperation possible and plays the role in the same direction with the benefit-cost ratio. These roles can be interchangeable and constitute the important decision variables for agents.However, the group size restrains the emergence of cooperation obviously. Cooperation behavior can appear via weighing positive and negative aspects.

Our findings have important implications for solving PPG cooperation problems, such as public engineering construction, public environmental maintenance, etc. Specifically, agents should be examined and evaluated in terms of benefit-cost ratio and the importance of doing things to their destination. In addition, the time cost of agent should be measured in order to reveal their cooperation intention. Simultaneously, their cooperation willingness and efficiency should be improved by positively communicating, cooperating and establishing trust.

snowdrift game; N-person evolutionary game; cooperation dynamic

中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen








