Understanding China Through Keywords
Learning keywords is one of the best ways to keep abreast of the latest developments in a country. The China Academy of Translation, a research institute affiliated with the China International Publishing Group, the country's leading international publisher, regularly analyzes prevailing Chinese terms in various sectors and translates them into a number of foreign languages ranging from English to Arabic. In each issue, Beijing Review presents a selection of these keywords to help readers know more about China.
This strategy is seen as a major step toward strengthened coordination between economic development and the efforts to build a strong military.
The key to effectively implementing the strategy is a high level of integration of economic and national defense priorities to create synergy so that efforts on both fronts become complementary to each other and mutually reinforcing. During the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), planning at the top level will be intensifed to incorporate national defense and military needs into an overall economic and social development framework. At the same time, related regulatory policies and legal mechanisms will be fine-tuned. It is also necessary to introduce competition into the defense industry by breaking the monopoly of defense enterprises and to improve market access for civilian businesses, while guaranteeing security,confdentiality, quality and cost-effectiveness.
The “1992 Consensus” was an oral agreement reached between the mainland-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation as a result of their talks held from late October to early December of 1992. The two non-governmental organizations agreed that “both sides of the Taiwan Straits will follow the one-China principle,” which subsequently became the political foundation for cross-Straits consultations.
The kernel of the “1992 Consensus” is the “one-China principle.” The “1992 Consensus” defines cross-Straits relations as neither state-to-state nor as “one China,one Taiwan,” but confrms the fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China.
The “1992 Consensus” is the foundation on which cross-Straits relations can progress in peace and stability and with positive interactions. It was on this basis that the historical discussions of the leaders of the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang were conducted in Beijing in April 2005, and the historical meeting between the leaders from both sides of the Taiwan Straits was held in Singapore in November 2015.
In a circular of August 13, 1951, the Government Administration Council of the Central People's Government declared September 3 as China's Victory Day. This designation was reaffrmed by the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress in a legislative decision adopted at its seventh session on February 27, 2014. Top Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang,attended a commemorative ceremony at the Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression on September 3, 2014. A grand celebration, including a military parade, was held on September 3, 2015 to mark the 70th anniversary of victory of the Chinese people's resistance against Japanese aggression and the world anti-fascist war. Heads of state as well as government and representatives from 49 countries attended the military pageantry and other commemorative activities.
By designating, through a legislative act, a day for commemorating China's victory, China has shown to the world that the Chinese people are determined to stand frm against any war of aggression and in defense of human dignity and world peace.
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