(1湖南科技大学土木工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411201;2中国矿业大学(北京),深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室,北京 100083;2中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083)
引 言
1 降温系统管道结垢化学及数学模型建立
在张双楼煤矿-500 m水平集水池、东/西翼-750 m制冷硐室的降温管道中采集水样进行水质全分析测试,其中成垢性离子成分、含量及pH如表1所示。
表1 降温系统管道水的离子成分及含量
Note: 1—water in collecting basin at-500 m; 2—water for dust-proof in east cooling chamber at-750 m; 3—water in pipelines in east cooling chamber at-750 m; 4—water for dust-proof in west cooling chamber at-750 m; 5—water in pipelines in west cooling chamber at-750 m.
1.1 化学反应模型建立
1.2 结垢数学模型建立
根据1.1节可知,降温系统管道结垢应归结于反应(2)(1)、(4)(2)和(6)(3)沉积速率的 总和。
其中,ai为活化能,J·mol-1,对于某一给定反应,该值为定值;A为指前因子,与温度、浓度无关;是通用气体常数,取8.314 J·mol-1·K-1;为温度,K。
2 深井降温系统管道结垢微观机理研究
2.1 模型及计算方法
第一性原理计算采用基于密度泛函理论的软件包VASP,计算过程中采用投影缀加波赝势(PAW)[20]来模拟电子-离子相互作用,而电子-电子之间的交换关联势则采用PW91形式的广义梯度近似(GGA)[21]。计算采用的平面波基组的截断能取为400 eV。根据上述参数计算得到的金属Fe的晶格常数为2.867 Å(1 Å0.1 nm,后同)与实验值2.87 Å[22]符合得很好,功函数为4.48 eV。根据计算得到的Fe晶格常数,构造Fe(001)表面,方法是采用周期性重复的薄层(slab),其由一定层数的原子组成,在垂直于表面方向,加上一定厚度的真空层。文中Fe(001)表面由6层Fe原子构成,并于表面垂直方向上加14 Å的真空层。计算均采用p(3×3)的超原胞,每一层均含9个Fe原子,有3个高对称位,分别为hollow(H)、bridge(B)和top(T)位,如图1(a)所示。为简化计算且更准确地模拟,底部3层Fe原子位置固定,其他Fe原子和被吸附的离子自由弛豫,直到作用在每个自由原子上的力都小于0.02 eV·Å-1。布里渊区积分策略采用Monkhorst-Pack方案,计算中采用的K点积分网格为5×5×1。
图1 /Fe(001)共吸附体系最稳定吸附位形的顶视图和侧视图
为验证以上结论,将共吸附体系的结构参数及吸附能进行了进一步的整理与分析,如表2所示。当和在Fe(001)面共吸附时,体系存在最稳定的吸附位置,即与均移动到H位,其吸附能为-10.3 eV。弛豫后,与Fe(001)面距离减小,且的CO键长()、键角()、与Fe(001)面的夹角()均发生了变化,如表3所示。
表2 计算得到的共吸附体系的结构参数及吸附能
Note:ad—adsorption energy, eV;R2+—distance between Ca2+(or Mg2+) and the first layer of iron atoms, Å;1,2—distance between the first and the second layer of iron atoms, Å;2,3—distance between the second and the third layer of iron atoms, Å; 1 Å0.1 nm.
表3 弛豫前后离子的结构参数
Table 3 Structural parameters for and
表3 弛豫前后离子的结构参数
Itemd/Åf/(°)Ψ/(°) Ca2+Mg2+Ca2+Ca2+Mg2+Ca2+Ca2+ free1.361.44120109.44109.5 the most stable1.311.331.43121.93119.36110.02114.04 1.311.291.59116.06119.07105.27114.08 1.291.321.48121.94120.08105.35107.27 ——1.48————
Note:—bond distance of CO in, bond distance of SO in; 1 Å0.1 nm.
图2 /Fe(001)共吸附体系中弛豫前后Fe原子及、的PDOS图
图3 /Fe(001)共吸附体系最稳定吸附姿态的顶视图和侧视图
图4 /Fe(001)共吸附体系中弛豫前后Fe原子及、的PDOS图
图5 /Fe(001)共吸附体系最稳定吸附位形的顶视图和侧视图
图6 清洁Fe原子、自由、以及弛豫后最稳定状态的Fe原子及、的PDOS图
3 结果及分析
4 结 论
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Micro-mechanism of scaling in a cooling system under deep mine
HAN Qiaoyun1, YANG Xiaojie2,3, ZOU Shenghua1
(1School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, Hunan, China;2School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China;3State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, Beijing 100083, China)
The micro-mechanism of the scaling of pipelines in the cooling system under deep mine was studied. Firstly, the composition and content of the ions in the mining water were determined by the full analysis of water quality, and then the chemical model and mathematical model were built, finally, the adsorption of scaling ions on iron surface was calculated by using the VASP software based on density functional theory ( DFT ). The result shows that, ① the scaling of the cooling system includes the combination ofandand the transform of MgCO3, CaSO4to CaCO3; ② the scaling ions (,,and) are the main factors leading to the scaling of the cooling system pipelines under deep coal mine andandcould restrain thescaling. The research is of great importance to the understanding of the scaling of the cooling under deep coal mine, pretreatment, and descaling, in order to guarantee the cooling effect and production safety for the geothermal engineering.
scaling; surface; adsorption; numerical analysis; density functional theory
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51274098, 51134005), the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (20130023110021) and the Education Fund of Hunan Province (15C0552).
date: 2015-12-24.
HAN Qiaoyun, lyxc43@163.com
TD 72.7