The building is located on the Bund of Shanghai, adjacent to other historical buildings. In 2004, the architects won a national competition. Since then, the building has taken 9 years before completion. The six-story building occupies a land of 2118m2in reinforced concrete structure.□
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 郑时龄,王伟强/ZHENG Shiling, WANG Weiqiang
建筑面积/Floor Area: 11, 368m2
The Bund Public Service Center, Shanghai, 2013
Architect: ZHENG Shiling
1 总平面/Site plan
2 街景/View from the street
3 剖面/Section
4 北立面/North elevation
5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan1-消防控制中心2-地下车库3-车道4-VIP电梯入口5-公共服务大厅6-兼做无障碍入口7-内广场8-电梯厅9-主入口开放式前廊
6 二层平面/Floor 1 Plan1-管理用房2-办公3-展示空间4-电梯厅
7 四层平面/Floor 3 plan1-管理用房2-办公3-签展示空间4-电梯厅
8 六层平面/Floor 5 plan1-VIP通道2-服务空间3-签到平台
9 外景/Exterior view