
2016-09-12 08:37:07任广磊杨文娟于耀南
石油与天然气地质 2016年2期

陈 奎,任广磊,杨文娟,于耀南

(中国石化 华北油气分公司 勘探开发研究院,河南 郑州 450006)



(中国石化 华北油气分公司 勘探开发研究院,河南 郑州 450006)




1 应力敏感实验


实验参照SY/T 6385—1999设计,以氮气为气体介质,根据大牛地气田储层分类评价标准[18-19],选取了分别代表了盒1段Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类储层的13块岩心进行应力敏感性实验。结果表明盒1段岩心普遍存在应力敏感。典型实验结果如图1和图2所示,在净应力增加过程中,渗透率随净应力的增加而减小,初期下降很快,当达到一定值后,下降幅度逐渐减小,趋于变缓。净应力降低过程中,渗透率逐渐恢复,但是并不能恢复到原来的大小,且净应力增加过程中的渗透率都大于对应的净应力降低过程中的渗透率值,这是渗透率滞后现象。渗透率滞后现象说明随净应力的增加,岩样发生了塑性变形。

图1 大牛地气田盒1段Ⅰ类岩样D28-6渗透率与 净应力关系Fig.1 Permeability vs. net stress of Type Ⅰ core sample(D28-6) of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field

图2 大牛地气田盒1段Ⅲ类岩样D41-37渗透率与净应力关系Fig.2 Permeability vs. net stress of type III core sample(D41-37) of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field












表1 大牛地气田盒1段岩样内应力敏感指数Table 1 Internal stress sensitivity index of core samples of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field

2 应力敏感对水平井开发的影响


根据储层分类,建立不同类型储层的典型数值模拟模型,将表2数据加入模型,进行应力敏感数值模拟动态预测并对比分析,储层参数取值见表3。水平井及分段压裂参数为:水平段长度为1 100 m,采用局部加密网格模拟压裂缝,压裂段数11段,压裂有效半缝长25 m,裂缝导流能力30×10-3μm2·m。

表2 大牛地气田盒1段不同类型储层无因次 渗透率随地层压力变化关系Table 2 Dimensionless permeability vs. formation pressure of different reservoir types of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field

表3 大牛地气田盒1段水平井单井数值模拟储层参数Table 3 Reservoir parameters for horizontal well numerical simulation of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field


表4 大牛地气田盒1段应力敏感对不同类型储层影响Table 4 Influences of stress sensitivity on different reservoir types of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field

图3 大牛地气田盒1段应力敏感对Ⅰ类储层影响Fig.3 Influences of stress sensitivity on type Ⅰ reservoirs of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field

图4 大牛地气田盒1段应力敏感对Ⅱ类储层影响Fig.4 Influences of stress sensitivity on type Ⅱ reservoirs of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field

图5 大牛地气田盒1段应力敏感对Ⅲ类储层影响Fig.5 Influences of stress sensitivity on type Ⅲ reservoirs of the 1st Member of Xiashihezi Formation in Daniudi gas field

3 结论

1) 实验结果表明盒1段岩心普遍存在应力敏感。物性较好的Ⅰ类储层,应力敏感性为弱,Ⅱ类储层应力敏感性为中等偏弱,物性差的Ⅲ类储层应力敏感性大部分为中等。

2) 考虑了应力敏感的水平井开发数值模拟结果表明,Ⅰ类储层应力敏感对稳产期等指标的影响很小,Ⅱ类储层影响较小,Ⅲ类储层影响较大。

3) 盒1段Ⅲ类储层气井配产不宜过高,避免因应力敏感效应,对气井稳产期及累产气量产生较大影响。


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Stress sensitivity of the 1stMember of Xiashihezi Formation and its influences on horizontal well development of Daniudi gas field,Ordos Basin

Chen Kui,Ren Guanglei,Yang Wenjuan,Yu Yaonan


The 1stMember of Xiashihezi Formation(H1)of Daniudi gas field is a typical low permeability reservoir in Ordos Basin.In order to clearly understand the stress sensitivity of H1,13 core samples of different types were chosen for stress sensitivity tests.The experimental results show that the core samples from H1 commonly show stress sensitivity and permeability hysteresis,indicating that the cores experience plastic deformation with the increasing of net stress.Analysis of the experimental data with internal stress sensitivity index method shows that the type Ⅰ reservoirs with better physical properties has a relatively low stress sensitivity,while the type Ⅱ and Ⅲ reservoirs have low to moderate stress sensitivity.The averaged internal stress sensitivity index of these 13 core samples is 0.086,indicating that the overall stress sensitivity is low.We built numerical simulation models of multi-stage fracturing of horizontal wells for Ⅰ-Ⅲ type reservoirs,into which the relationship between dimensionless permeability and the formation pressure was incorporated.Under a constant gas production rate scheme in the numerical model,the effects of stress sensitivity on horizontal well performance were investigated.The numerical simulation results show that the stress sensitivity has very little effect on gas rate during stable production period for type Ⅰ reservoir,which only decreased by 1.6% in comparison with that without stress sensitivity case.For type Ⅱ and Ⅲ reservoirs,the gas rate during stable production period decreased by 11.2% and 23.6%,respectively.Therefore,production allocation and management should be strengthened for type Ⅱ and Ⅲ reservoirs to guarantee well performance.

stress sensitivity,low permeability,horizontal well,gas field development,Daniudi gas field,Ordos Basin









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