In recognition of the increasing impact television has on decision-making by bringing world attention to conflicts1 and threats to peace and security and its potential role in sharpening the focus on other major issues, including economic and social issues, the United Nations General Assembly2 proclaimed3 November 21 as World Television Day on December 17, 1996.
The world today is controlled by advancements4 in technology. We live in a society that depends on information technology and communications to perform its daily activities, including work, entertainment, education, health care, personal relationships, travel, and many other pursuits.
Everything we experience through television shapes and influences our lives. Television educates, informs, entertains, instructs and influences us in so many ways. The youth are greatly influenced by images and we can expect new value systems to emerge5 among them.
World Television Day is not so much a celebration of a tool, but rather the philosophy which it represents. Television represents a symbol for communication and globalization in the modern world. Television was thus acknowledged as a major tool in informing, channeling and affecting public opinion. Its impact and presence and its influence on world politics could not be denied.
The global exchanges of television programmes focusing on peace, security, economic and social development and the enhancement of cultural exchange show the growing significance of television in today’s changing world. The information sharing through television improves social and cultural communication and encourages cooperation and partnerships in the world.